All of Dave's old meds. As soon as he said he was suicidal, we took him to the hospital and put them all in there. So I didn't know what else to do. I mean, if you really wanted to commit suicide, there's nothing I could do about it, but I wasn't going to make it easy.
I think that I swallowed that shit for, you know, years and years.
Any questions or comments from the committee? This time we'd like to call David Cope.

Medicating Normal

This full-length, award-winning documentary unearths the shattering truth that millions of people worldwide are injured by prescribed psychiatric medications. Interweaving stories of harm with expert testimony, the film reveals how a profit-driven industry hides the risks of long-term use.

This untold story is a compelling call to examine the consequences of medicating normal human suffering.

Featuring Experts:

-Anna Lembke, MD, Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University Medical School, Author, "Dopamine Nation"

-Peter Gøtzsche, Danish physician and medical researcher, Co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, Director, Institute for Scientific Freedom

-David Cohen, PhD., researcher, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Development at Luskin School of Social Work, University of California Los Angeles, Co-author, "Your Drug May Be Your Problem"

-Robert Whitaker, Science Journalist, Author, "Mad in America" and "Anatomy of an Epidemic."

-Allen Frances M.D., Psychiatrist, Professor and Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine, co-chair of DSM-IV Task Force, Author, "Saving Normal"

-Mary Vieten, PhD., Psychologist, Executive Director of Warfighter ADVANCE, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry, ISEPP

-Ellen Vora, M.D., psychiatrist and author, "The Anatomy of Anxiety" For more information, visit


Subscribe to Medicating Normal's YouTube channel: https://buff.ly/39Tupxr

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Discussion about this video

It is thought by some that SSRIs contributed to mass shootings in the US, but the only action considered is to further restrict gun use. We must not allow our tyrannical government to disarm us.

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A Midwestern Doctor (substack author) did an entire article about mass shooters & that they were all on SSRIs when they committed their heinous acts. You can find his article in the archive section. It from about 1-yr. ago.

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Thank you for this info!

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This is the article to which I was referring. There is also another one dated 11/26/2023.....https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-decades-of-evidence-that-antidepressants

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Thanks again!

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Oh yes, I had forgotten about that. I remember reading it at the time.

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I've a friend in hospital right now with severe anxiety. Main aim is to stabilize her using drugs. A new one introduced, giving her terrible side effects, physical as well as psyco. Doc's answer - double up her dose! She's wondering if she'll ever get out alive. Watching this brought me to tears, all these people, especially the young ones, who's lives messed up because of unecessary drugs, is heartbreaking.

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Yes, it did me too. So very tragic - how can we help but pray and shout from the housetops that this has to stop. That helps in preventing but to get help for those stuck in the system is another issue

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Excellent movie

Thank you very much for posting it! I was lucky because I was aware of the dangers so I was able to resist a doctor whom I consulted for a straightforward medical problem shortly after my husband died. This utterly charming young doctor put considerable pressure on me to accept a prescription for an anti depressant. Even after I told her that I had professional knowledge about the risks attached to taking antidepressants and that regardless of these risks people should never take them when in acute mourning as that can lead to chronic grief she kept insisting. In the end she said “ but at least I would feel that I had done something for you”. I thought that was very telling.

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My Irish beauty of almost 40 years jumped in front of a train in Brixton UK. Years later one of my boys told me that mum was on “such and such” pills that she started several months before. He told me one of the side effects was suicide. For the last 10 years or so I always think of that …........ As usual …. thank you the wonderful Dr Makis.

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This movie brought back me remembering the years of anti anxiety drugs I was on. When I was just 18 after having my daughter my heart was skipping beats and when I gave birth my heart had stopped, I was in the hospital for 10 days, anyways the doctor put me on a drug to stop my heart acting weird, by the time I was 24 I had tried to kill myself multiple times by taking those same drugs. I finally got off them only to be prescribed Serax for sleep, I was on that for over 10 years, I stopped w/o side effects by taking another drug for sleep which counteracted the withdrawals I would have had from Serax. I now take 50 mg of Trazodone for sleep, it isn't addictive and it's an anti depressant but at very low dosages it helps you sleep. So I could relate to this movie and the memories of my journey came flooding back. I wish them all peace and love. One more thing, sometimes changing what you eat can stop the effects of ADHD, Ive seen studies where people have found relief thru stopping carbs, sugars and processed foods rather than getting hooked on a drug or many drugs. Thank you Dr Makis, this was a great movie, I pray it helps someone in need.

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What’s ironic is that it could be that the childhood vaccines caused the psychiatric harms as a side effect of revving up the immune system. That harm done at an early age, creates an “ need” for another harm to be administered to force the overactive nervous system to be quiet again.

Actually some simple vitamins can help anxious people way more than psych meds. The users of vitamins don’t have a psych diagnosis following them around in their insurance files, don’t have the gruesome side effects, and are in control of their own treatment.

For the overly sensitive, artistic types of people, who lack seasonal allergies, folate, and niacinamide are claimed to be critical, hriptc.org

This organization has much information. Another thing to help some people is probiotics and omega 3.

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Thank you Dr Makis - that was excellent!

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Excellent and long overdue documentary. I lived this scenario - took multiple psychiatric drugs for 20 years and was more suicidal than i wasn't. Never had suicidal ideation prior to the drugs. The remedy was always increase the dosage or add or replace with another drug. I was told i was one of the rare patients who was "resistant" to the treatments. After fighting through a severe bout of depression and suicidal thoughts - i asked my world renowned Johns Hopkins psychiatrist if i could get off the meds. He replied - "sure - just cut the dose in half for a week - then discontinue completely. There are no withdrawal symptoms - if you experience any problems - that just means you need to be on the medications." Needless to say - i ended up in the ER and by the grace of God - i realized i was on my own and developed my own taper which took 1 1/2 years. And it was still tortuous. My best friend has been on Zoloft for 40 years - her husband died and she became grief stricken and suicidal - they increased her dosage to the maximum and she took 100 units of insulin to kill herself. She miraculously lived but has brain damage - poor memory, flat affect, suffered a small cerebellar stroke and has balance issues. They put her on Effexor and i begged her to discontinue it. One of the hardest to get off of. She tapered over a few months but became severely depressed and anxious and the psychiatrist put her back on Zoloft. She is content with that since the withdrawal symptoms went away. Big Pharma and the psychiatric community are beyond evil. Thank goodness the truth is being exposed. I will share this video far and wide and i suggest everyone does the same.

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I agree dr’s just don’t have a clue or know and spinelessly choose to do nothing just like 4 years ago

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We all know at least one family destroyed by these horrific, greedy, and corrupt medical systems, doctors, AGENCIES THAT PRETEND THEY ARE PROTECTING US. The damage is incalculable but calculate we must. As the world was catching onto all of their agendas and crimes the criminals had to start bringing on the jackboots, censorship and worse. They are going to lose this war and the people will win because the human spirit cannot be defeated. Incredible documentary. My gratitude for these heroes, producers and you.

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Very representative documentary of what Rx drugs are doing to people in this society and how it affects their lives negatively. And these doctors are indoctrinated, not educated, and given licenses to dispense dangerous drugs that they call "medications." To top it off, these people are "licensed." Essentially licensed to kill and destroy the lives of people. First, do no harm, does not apply here. This whole licensing thing needs to be re-thought because it is only about hoop jumping and paying money to the govt. in order to work. There is really something wrong with this structure. There should be criteria, however, ethics should prevail and that is "Are you doing harm to the patient?"

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You are so right this labeling and diagnosing with a LCSW and a psych consult is not very well medically planned!!!!

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I lost a brother for this thing… world needs God, needs Jesus Christ.

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That was a great documentary. We all need to get educated about what's really behind the pushing of these medications and be fully informed about the risks of these products. Clearly they are changing our brains in scary ways. Thank you!

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Thank you! I have had prozac problems. The truth and mention that grief is so ignored and how our normal is medicine is sad. The most important thing in life is living for God and faith was not given enough credit for help in depression🙏🏼

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Horrible that doctors prescribe a cocktail of mood altering drugs. People suffer yet no recourse for doctors-on and on it will go. Greater awareness will hopefully reduce the number of people from starting these drugs.

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Thank you Dr Makis…this was so excellent…..and so needed..prayerfully this gets a lot of shares. God Bless You, God Bless You and God Bless you Dr Makis…..

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This is just TERRIBLE to watch! Was not aware of this kind of torture the pharma drug cartels are practicing in addition to everything else....

What is so crazy is that benzodiazepines in wastewaters are being treated for example with:

"Degradation of 17 Benzodiazepines by the UV/H2O2 Treatment" (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2021.764841/full) and people are being left ALONE with the consequences!!!!

And that while all sorts of psychological issues can easy be 'treated' with essential oils, sound therapies, diet changes, simple HUMAN DIALOG!!! People need to grasp, majority of MD's are servants to pharmaceutical cartel!!!

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Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021"

The Defense Production Act has played a role in the U.S. government’s response to COVID-19 (from about November 1st 2019 US virus release date ) pandemic.

President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

Trump has made the vaccinated all part of a "US Army experiment" and when you re-elect him, he will finish the job on behalf of his masters, whoever they are, but let us presuppose they are those I have identified in the final paragraph and others.

The vaccinated are countermeasure prototypes, for the US Army, to see the objective of a Covid-19 (vaccines) countermeasure, in the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus" (vaccine) based on the measurable effects of their (the vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccine) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons" and the vaccinated are part of the US Army experiment to see the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines weapon, as explained below:

The injection of these "countermeasure prototype vaccines" which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, "resulting in their (vaccines) operational effectiveness based on the measurable effects of their (vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of (vaccines) terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccines) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons".

The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.

Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.

The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.

Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under Operation Warp Speed by the US Army "as countermeasure prototypes", by 2024 at least 8 billion people out of 8.5 billion people have been vaccinated with these bioweapons.

By the US military's own definition, The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon provides "the objective of a countermeasure which is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,as a weapon,is proven,but for the vaccinated, they are the vaccine experiment then.

Trump followed on by Biden. Excuse me for saying so, but after the world populations have been decimated down to 250 million, more or less by 2025/26, by this US Army bioweapon, who will be left to use it on?

Refer back to the beginning of my above article and read it again, if you missed something, from my "Update 2".

I can't help wondering if the Elite, comprising Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and other world leaders and the unseen billionaires, the WHO, WEF, etc, are in this together, but playing their parts to make we, the "Human Rubbish" of their societies, think there are warlike political divisions between us, when those divisions are for "your" show, just to fool you, while your extermination continues unregulated.

It is what I've been saying in my substack these past 4 years, I just never had the facts to prove my theories, now I do.

Whoever you are, wherever you work, vaccinate the Elite in your sphere of influence and make your vaccinated problems theirs too but leave their Human Rubbish, who we are, alone.

The full version is in my post before this one on my free substack - read it through and confirm if my assumptions are correct, to your satisfaction

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Very moving and powerful. Well done - thanks for sharing. So very important for our culture to see and realize how the evil of Big Pharma has pervaded way to many unsuspecting people.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr Makis, for your tireless work in bringing to light the widespread medical fraud that did not only start with Covid

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Thank you Dr. Makis!

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Angie the ex soldier was given maybe 6 vaccines at one time before she was deployed. The food she was fed there wasn’t the best, and she is probably deficient in magnesium and other minerals due to big ag growing our food.

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“Sick Brains & Teen Violence” - Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.

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It was a very moving story and reminds me to help others not rely on such a devious industry as Big Pharma

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Pill, ill, shill, kill. They all rhyme.

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