your parents yes okay tell us the story I'm just emotional I'll just talk thinking about it but um yeah my parents are 82 so um but they died within a month of each other um they had gotten the vaccine both all of them Well, I don't know.
My mother had gotten the first two, and she wasn't on any medication. She was really healthy. No medication for an 80-year-old. That was just amazing. And then you could just see her, well, she got shingles after the second. And then she got the booster in the fall and had anaphylactic reaction and ended up in the hospital.
And she was actually diagnosed, actually gave her, the allergist gave her the diagnosis, one of them, but anaphylactic reaction to the COVID vaccine. And she was on a ventilator for a week because she couldn't swallow. But miraculously survived that and came home, but just wasn't the same. And so she knew not to get any more COVID vaccines,

VIDEO (CHD - both parents died from COVID-19 Vaccines) May 2024

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Discussion about this video

These evil people. We can not let them get away with this. We have law that allows the police or the parliament to arrest Trudeau. But we need to show them we give contest and support. We sent 640 faxes to all police two days ago. We sent 333 faxes to MPs on the Hill. We Canadians are thoroughly disgusted with these evil people. They committed treason amongst many other crimes. It is time to demand their arrest. . Please support it and drive the numbers up. We given consent to arrest! https://b.link/wegiveconsent

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Time for you MILITARY and POLICE to do your FUCKING jobs!!

Total EVIL running our gub'ment.

All you MPS are COWARDS and we don't need you idiots any more.


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Sign the petition, pass it around to as many people as you can, we sent the fax to all the constituency office, now we are sending it to the churches in Canada. We sent it to the media last night. We have legal means to arrest him, it’s our last chance

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The police and military work for the govt. So getting them to rebel will be major.

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They need our consent, they need to see that we support arresting Trudeau. Remember, Trudeau tried to take our guns, but the police refused to move, did he use the Postal Service but The postal Service refused.

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We really need to stop calling these kill shots “vaccines!” The propaganda machine kicked into high gear when they renamed shots to vaccines and so many believed it and still keep regurgitating it; including well known doctors (like Cole and McCullogh), politicians and so-called conservative news outlets when speaking to the public. “Repeat a lie enough, it becomes the truth!” That is brain washing propaganda and we need to put an end to it as well as the fear mongering that comes with it!

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We should go back to the original name from Pfizer “experimental gene therapy”… wasn’t sounding like something anyone wanted so they changed the name. Arrogant, idiotic and intentional to make a profit - just plain evil - aided by govt and public health officers… TO THIS DAY!

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You are still sleeping dear one.

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SO SORRY Suni....HEARTBROKEN for you and how your parents SUFFERED unnecessarily. I'm GLAD to hear you're working with a Naturopath to get your HEALTH back. Dr. M's 3 day fasts WORK!!! I tried the 5 day and it wasn't bad at all. Makes A LOT of difference with inflammation and reboosts you're immune system. When you're up to it...give the 3 day fast a try even once a month....you'll SEE the benefits!!! Hang in there Dearheart xoxoxox

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Wicked forces running planet earth!

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Dreadful. But, people have to start taking their health and common sense into their own hands and never repeat a ‘medication’ that has just made you quite ill. There is something very, very wrong with the way people are thinking, or not thinking, at the moment. Going back for another 3 or 4 of the very type of thing that made you sick is being afraid to think for oneself. We must listen to our intuition and not go along with anything that our body is giving us warning signals about.

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So many just think their Doctors know best & are a bit afraid of them..

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Such a sad story, and more sadly its not an uncommon story.

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My condolences for your tragic loss of your parents! I do believe they are both waiting for you in your next step of spiritual journey in higher vibrational frequency energy💕🙏🧬

We, the people should raise the voice all over the world and unite ourselves in the first place in order to strengthen our inner self and personalize our mandate in this life journey! My Sacred Body and my Personal Responsibility! Nobody has Right to Demand or Demonstrate from us to inject or receive anything what we do not resonate with or feel comfortable about! WE MUST NEVER 👎 COMPLY WITH ANY OUTER RECOMMENDATIONS BY HEALTH OR ANY AUTHORITY! WE are Beautiful People who deny all Evil around us manifesting through corrupted people, corporations, organizations or any other entity that wants to destroy our planet and all humanity and biodiversity of our magnificent planet!

We have been awakening, because there is a spiritual warfare going on in our personal Consciousness Awareness, of who we are in our origin!!!

Our DNA 🧬 cells are reactivating themselves our two cells into more strands of DNA 🧬 cells which help us to identify what is good or bad for us!

We must be careful and not always vigilant about our own spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health processes which are actually going on in our body for last decades more and more!

Only higher vibrational frequencies energy will help and provide the sufficient power and growth in our lives, individually and collectively!!

God bless all viewers and readers if this podcast!!

My name is Jani Danijel and I am Guardian Angel 👼🏻 of our New Earth 🌍 embedded in this 3 Dimensional World which is a blissful life experience!

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This New Age spirituality is direct from Satan. This is the false light awakening. Repent, only Jesus saves.

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We should never generalize the phenomena of new age aka old ancient lies transmitted by the prince of Light- Lucifer and its fallen angels! We should remain vigilant with our prayers, love 💗 and compassion to ourselves and seek God within ourselves before we go to look 👀 for him externally! Definitely witnesses personal experience of Christ Consciousness within ourselves is the best way to empower others because the Kingdom of God is within us!

Should you listen and study for yourself:

Nikola Tesla: "The Spirit of God is Not What You Think" (full explanation) https://youtu.be/CZKR4WLALJw?si=dbViHRni3bvv7_-M via @YouTube

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Thanks Dave

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I know..

There are some good ones though.

I know some but they need more good ones to step up.

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Please look up Dr. Bryan Ardis. He has spoken about venoms and nicotine.

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Looks like Suni is suffering from being shedded by her own parents... In our family we had so far 3 deaths of the ~80 years old, AFTER their covid injections... The genetically modifying concoctions were supposed to protect the elderly!!! The entire COVID scam is a GIANT SUPER CRIMINAL LIE, and my only hope is, that people will start waking up more and more...

In regard Del Bigtree et al., those who DO NOT speak out the truth about GENE THERAPIES which the covid injections are, are deceiving totally the uneducated! Recently Peggy Hall came out with a new suggested Bill by BigTrees lawyer, all in regard of 'safe vaccines'!!!! This guy is from HOLLYWOOD, thus criminally involved in the EUGENICS movement, while not wanting to talk AND INFORM people about genetic aspects of covid injections!!!!! STOPPED watching his 'shows' completely, he is a SCAM.

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FenBen may still help older folks, besides younger ones, kill off cancer… I’m just so sorry… Please consider this option folks. Sometimes, (most of the time) there’s nothing to lose & has a fantastic low risk profile!


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I am a paid subscriber- why is it saying that I am a free subscriber?

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I had a tenant whose parents, no longer married where dad died of a heart attach 3 weeks after shots. 2 weeks later mom falls off ladder breaking numerous bones after mysteriously neurological episode. She had to move out and into her moms house to take care of here. Mom was 58 and dad was 60.

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So, where was the grandmothers patient advocate while all of this shot business is going on?

Everybody is affected by the covid nano because they inhaled it from the aerosol distribution by planes. You couldn't escape it, however, you can combat it with persistence with food grade peroxide (nebulizer) and nattokinase (spike protein) as well as the other standards HQ and Ivermectin.

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So so sorry for your loss dear one.

My heart is breaking.

This has to stop!

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MasterPeace and MasterRestore have gotten rid of every one of my shedding symptoms.

Suffered with: heart palpitations, tinitus, headaches, bouts of anger and mood swings, blurry vison, and the most intense sore throat for a year and a half. ALL GONE!


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