You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms When I awoke dear,
I was mistaken So I hung my head and cried You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey Please don't take my sunshine away.
Thank you.

VIDEO - SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Video

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Discussion about this video

Although I have been very aware of what is going on with the vaccine injuries this is incredibly disturbing. Shame on anyone in the healthcare system still ignoring this. It could be stopped tomorrow if all doctors and nurses just said we are not giving any more injections. They are the ones carrying out the instructions.

People get all worked up about deaths from guns but willingly accept and even offer up their children to the 'vaccine' roulette wheel.

At the very least we can share this video and keep asking people to look into it for themselves.

Thank you Dr Makis and all those who risk everything to call this out.

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Simply put! They invented SIDS as a unknown fatal disease to protect the vaccine gurus. Dis information to keep their vaccine money machine turning out profit! Criminal! They have FDA in their pocket!

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If they would have told the truth about SIDS at the time, maybe there would not have been the millions that have been injured or died!

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May are still ignoring or simply very stupid

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Nurses just wanted to dance, remember? Let’s count on the Doctors.

Pray for the ones that have not yet been de-souled. There has to be someone still out there.

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I see from my People mag email update~~~read sometimes for opposition information~~ that young Violet Affleck, daughter of Ben Affleck has pleaded with LA county supervisors not to ban the mask as she wants to save lIves…..from you know, Long Covid….

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I have just seen it on twitter!

It is mind boggling that anyone thinks that masks did any good. I think she does however make a point that UV treatment of air con and better air con would reduce risk of transmission. I would support that. About the only thing we did that helped stop spread was keeping good air flow , because it reduced the viral load in the atmosphere. I am in a small group with the view that covid is still to be avoided. There does seem to be a link between people having been Vxd and then getting covid, then suffering autoimmune and other infections/conditions. ( So not that Covid in itself is directly causing the harms but the interaction of that with Vx may be). It is still too early to confirm this or the mechanism. Others who still think covid is also an issue although with different reasons for the conclusion, include Igor Chudov (covid also makes some people ill), Dr Laderoute (autoimmune conditions linked to Herv being knocked out) and Kevin McCairn (potential for prion disease from Covid or Vx) and Geert VDB.

Still comes back to we must stop injecting people for no good reason.

Time will tell. I would very much like to be wrong.

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My granddaughter is weeks away from her 2 month ‘well baby’ checkup. Her parents won’t listen to anything I say, or review information I provide…in fact, told me to stop sending stuff as their baby will be vaccinated. I am heartbroken, crying.

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Dear dear lady, I am so so sorry….I am heartsick with you that over these past many months families have lost the connection for influence and understanding of each other.

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Thank God only a very small percentage of babies succumb to vaccine injury.

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The numbers are much higher than you think. Autism has gone from one in 10,000 to one in 32. Not to mention all the other problems - allergy, asthma, etc from the kiddie jabs. The long-term consequences from the bi0weap0n jab are far more sinister. Sixteen high school athletes dropped dead playing sports last week. Just because they didn't succumb immediately to the poisons in the needle doesn't mean the injury numbers aren't horrific and devastating.

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Exactly. This mind-control insanity of these freaks who have an aversion to truth and reality is the epidemic. When the covid jab rollout first started, there was a nurse (don't recall who she was) who was advocating against having anything to do with covid injection, warning they were deadly and harmful. At that time, she said she informed all her friends and family that if any of them takes the jab, she will not be available to them to help them in any way when they are injured. She told them flat out, "don't call me when you're injured; and if you die, that's on you". Seemed harsh at the time. But, now? Can't say I disagree with her. This insanity stops when sheople say it stops, and when they stop enabling, aiding, and abetting the devastation and destruction. Enough. You want to harm your child with any of these never tested, never proven quackcines? Go ahead. (Plenty of people seem to adore killing babies in the womb. Why not do so after as well.) These people have no business being parents. They're not equipped with critical thinking skills, and they're certainly not committed or resourceful enough to be responsible caretakers for their own welfare and decisions. They're not good stewards of the gifts from God. They're spoiled, nanny-state loving, NPCs who "go along to get along" and for that -- there will be consequences.

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Something has gone very wrong on so many fronts, it's truly sad.

One thing for sure is that you can't vote your way out of this insanity.

Tony Blair Institute "A new national purpose: Harnessing data for health"

The foreward of the paper is written by Patrick Vallance our new Science minister a coincidence I'm sure.

They have a grand plan and it has nothing to do with health.

Have you read the paper Joel? It's worth a read👍

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I just can't bring myself to read such things. Ever since Vallance got all that airtime with his woeful models. And, as for Blair... nothing needs to be said that hasn't already!

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You need a feedback loop somehow, to accurately and smoothely adjust the planned lifespan of the plebs without it causing too much of a fuss.

It gives you a good sense of how they view us as cattle.

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Incredible that SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) declined during the Plandemic because childhood vaccinations interupted.

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Likewise, no one had the flu

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People had the flu but they took the PCR test that said everyone, even well people, had Covid.

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None of us, family, friends or neighbours had the flu during that time. Including me, who typically got two bad ones a year.

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I finally had a really bad cold, some cough, and 4 rolls of TP over two weeks to blow my nose. !! LOL. but only two weeks, and had no cold or such for the past 15 yrs before that.

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No words.

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I've been pushing this for a couple of years.

It disappears sometimes, please read and share - and send it to Peter Hotez and similar.


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Just how corrupt and or stupid are PEDIATRICIANS? SIDS is murder!

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Is it too easy to put this down to evil or nefarious intentions? Is it too difficult to put it down to utter delusional understanding? I don't know. It's akin to a modern day appeasement of the gods; the sacrifice of babies and young people. Just, why?

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The majority of medical professionals are not directly on the "payroll" so to speak, so not part of the nefarious plan. However, they are of course incentivised to follow the narrative provided to them by the ignorant govt and nefarious Big Pharma. And, inevitably, there are also those in the higher echelons of govt who are part of the nefarious plan - just follow the money.

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Incentivisation must only work up to a point, surely? If one ignores for a moment that tiny minority at the very top and the puppets below them who are completely captured, then the humanity of the rest who are following the narrative must surely reach a point that overtakes the incentivised draw. Otherwise why or how are we still here with beating hearts and critical thinking?

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Nailed it! It is about child sacrifice.

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Sorry, I don't think it's that straightforward. (My question was rhetorical!)

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Must see video > Share widely

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Thank you so much. After reading Andrew Moulden’s research I can see that I was injured as a child. I can see in this video that many if not all victims have had strokes.

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YES Fast Eddy....CLEARLY a eugenics, depopulation method!!! I know a lot of people DO NOT want to go there, but it is the TRUTH - GENOCIDE of it's own poulation!!! Why would any nation KILL or INJURE it's young this way? GUARANTEED depopulation! BRAIN WASHED medical staff are automatons at this point...the Nurses PUSH these things on the new Mums!!!

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I would say population reduction

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🙏🙏🙏 no words could express the pain I feel 💔 for all these beautiful souls 🙏🙏🙏

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According to Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO), no one has been injured or has died from the Pfizer "vaccine" Just ask him.

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OMG. Wishing that we could, the same as when a family dog poops in the wrong place, push their nose into it…..

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This is what my son's father and his 'new' wife have called my 'thoughts and theories about life'. Like most people, they 'can't handle the truth', and part of me feels a huge compassion for that, because I know that one day soon, they WILL have to face reality.

Right now, I'm just absolutely heartbroken at watching this compilation that comprises only a fraction of all of us affected 😭💔

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Yes, hard to keep watching the lists and know the sorrows and realities behind them

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Just one example of an ever-expanding litany of iatrogenic death "causes".

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These same types of deaths & injuries happened during the H1N1 swine or avian flu 'SCAMdemic' in 2009????? Not to the same degree but the same causes of death, injuries, etc in young & healthy people. Lot's of articles done back then. It's just SO SAD & CONvid or whatever else they have coming at us again is not done! They are gradually & slowly REDUCING the global population and letting us 'clean-up' our dead as they always do during all the major 'plagues' they've created over the ages. The Masses who'll always RUN to their DIABOLICAL medical authorities will NEVER believe and they're paying for it. I couldn't stop crying throughout the video and I don't think I ever will....HEARTBREAKING!!!

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Beautiful music.

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Just on the first stat of 11,000 babies being 50% more than any other industrialized nation. Is this percentage calculated on per million birth/per capita basis? I ask because there were 3.6million births in the US in 2021 and 700,000 in the UK.... 11,000 fatalities from 3.6m births = roughly 0.3%. I have no idea how many infants do not survive their first day in the UK but if it is around the 2000 mark, this would roughly represent around 0.3% which would mean there is a fairly standardized baseline and metric. if however there are only 1000 in the UK, this would represent just 0.15% and that the US has a serious problem. I would like to see proportion of infants 0-3 years old whose deaths are attributed to SIDS on a per million basis and benchmarked across a vast array of nations where we're able to compare infant vaccine schedule. It'd also be helpful if the data were broken down by gender and ethnicity to see if some people are more susceptible to a poor outcome and some are resistant to heavy metal toxicity. The 20 minute cast may cover this... havent watched yet.

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Very disturbing.

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We must stop consenting to these jabs

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It is absolutely unacceptable what is taking place under the healthcare system, the pharmaceutical, government and so many other institutions. Massive unjust and crimes against humanity. Everyone do your part to wake up those around you. This is a war on the innocent and all the big players are so far removed they do-not care about anyone but themselves and their pockets.

We are going to win against them together, evil can only prevail for so long. The time is now!

AKA 'Is this Justice'

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It took the coved , "vaccines", fraud lost licenses, to make smart doctors to question all vaccines not just the deadly experimental product. Only the very dumb believe this propaganda that health can be injected, sure inject profits in to the vaccines makers .

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Dr Makis we are beyond thankful for you 🙏🏽for bringing help & honouring those who have been harmed & those who have died

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Yes. Heart-breaking. Posted on my X.

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This is eugenics, or population control; it's intentional mass murder. It's good to see that people are finally waking up en masse. God is not mocked. Tick tock.

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The United States does not have the highest infant mortality rate, but 57 countries out of 197 do better than us. The 57 countries that do better than us do not have as many "mandatory" childhood vaccines. Just saying.

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Why would the population double every year, Dr.? That makes no sense.

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You're right. The rule of 70 needs to be applied to population growth rates, so it takes quite a number of years for the population to double, even if every birth survived and lived to a normal age of death. The fastest the world's population doubled since we kept records was 37 years, from 1950 to 1987. Thanks for correcting my statement.

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Vaccines are a satanic child sacrifice, they have absolutely nothing to do with health.

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Praying With All My Heart...And My Soul...

America....Please WTFU Already!!!

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Father in Heaven...We Need You Now...Please Hear Our Prayers...Please Hear Our Babies Cries...Please Father...Please. They Are Killing Our Babies.

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So much love for them…

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They knew/know exactly the cause of SIDS. There are cases where they even jailed one of the parents!!!!

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I can't watch this. 19.5 years ago, my perfectly healthy, and unvaccinated, baby Sophia died of nothing. She was 39 days old.

The trauma never ends.

I have 9 other children, all adults who take every recommended shot, as do my 9 grandchildren.😭. 5 of my kids suffer from debilitating autoimmune diseases. They don't see the connection.

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This is nearly too disturbing and shocking to watch, but watch I must.

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Keep up the great work

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Keep up the good work. I was accused of loosing my job because of misconduct , by Mapleleaf foods here in Brandon Manitoba.The only reason I can think of is because I didn’t take the so-called vaccine to keep my job

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His bless you Dr. Makis for having this produced. I will share it wide and far!

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If there is one good thing that comes out of the Covid scam, it is people waking up to the dangers of ‘vaccination’

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Powerful and heart wrenching. I need the pipes and drums to cheer me up.

"Wi a hundred pipers"


Dr Makis I salute you.

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Not for the first time have I exclaimed - "Go Florida!!!".

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Truly awful

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Hard to compete with the Rock…..er medicine, right Doc?

Good to see/read you again. It’s been awhile, but I remember your courage from early on. Thank you for spreading it. It is pretty infectious.🤗

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