Anthrax Vaccine: A Broken Operation
“The military knew the vaccine did not work. There were … significant quality control deviations.
It was a broken operation, total malfunction.” — Tom Rempfer, retired Air Force colonel + author of “Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates”
Thanks we need front line warriors to help educate...i was guinea pigged and forced to take bromide tablets, anthrax, exposed to Sarin gas, depleted uranium, oil fires, and walked the fields of glowing fire right at our contaminated backyard at the NTS and now i meander this life in internal and external disfunction everyday
I'm so sorry, Todd. I have always respected our military and it is so terribly wrong for you and so many others to have been so mistreated.
Thank you Anne...sadly I feel even more for the poor Vietnam vets who came home to an unthankful country from an absolutely horrible situation. And got no help. God bless
Wow - yes sadly I have seen how they used the last centuries of wars and funding both sides...wars are great for their pockets...terrible for human God-fearing hearts. I wrote a workbook and I have this about Waterloo which I visited - Prophetic Check Points (PCP)
PCP29: Battle of Waterloo – 18 Jun 1815 – Privateering of the World’s Wealth:
Q: What does Napoleon & this battle have to do w/prophetic Biblical history?
R: Banking & the resultant grip the Rothchild family was able to monopolize the world’s wealth. The wealth needed to slowly commandeer all other facets of life (media, education, textbooks, government, etc).
Thank you for posting, Dr. Makis!
Tom Rempfer
Colonel, USAF, retired
Thank you for your voice! 🙏💜
Yes, that’s excellent and I would also suggest an old documentary called THE HIDDEN ENEMY
It’s on YouTube type in the hidden enemy full documentary don’t be confused with another one that has nothing to do with medication in the military.
My husband was also in the military during the Vietnam War & we all know now about Agent Orange ... it's so disappointing to learn of all the deceit & lies that have been told in regards to these vaccines. Thank you to all who have served & God Bless you Tom Rempfer ...I hope your book does well.
Vietnam unfortunately was an illegal unconstitutional undeclared war. There hasn't been a legal war since the 1950's.
I've received quite the education from these CHD videos. It's horrific what this "vaccine industry" has done and it's horrific that most don't know about it and blindly follow the government and " Health Canada".
You mean death canada?
A good man with a god heart. Thankyou.
Done. The book is scheduled to arrive at my door 31 JUL 2024. Thank you Colonel Rempfer for your service, AND for standing up for the truth. God bless you.
WOW! This testimony by Col. Tom Rempfer dovetails perfectly with the astoundingly accurate information provided by Sasha Latypova regarding the misdeeds, unlawful conduct, and brutal application of far-reaching power by the U.S. Department of Defense. I intend to order Colonel Rempfer's book "UNYIELDING: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates", to use as a reference. Thank you Doc for providing this piece of testimony.
My niece also produced a short documentary about the book...
Also posted at...
just want to add one thing, which always was the no 1 concern for me, genetically modified organisms. Years back when glyphosate resistant plants became 'tolerant' to spreading weeds, the community of eugenic geneticists came out with Triple lethal concoction, plants that can resist 2,4D, agent orange imn addition to glyphosate and yet another toxin, and still survive, with the chemical bound to certain protein inside of the PATENTED new hybrid plant!!!
It was clear for from very begin, when Trump introduced the plan for the lethal covid injections, that giving them to the entire military is basically the highest level of treason. It was SO OBVIOUS, and yet, nothing happened to ever disclose all of it. The only Senator who reacted to some extend against the covid crimes was Sen Johnson, who should be at least the new VP... But No, instead a young global leader gets the position, the same who owns multiple companies performing all sorts of GENE THERAPIES on human beings. It is disgusting on the highest level, to me....
Application of GENE THERAPY on a human being without his/her consent, is illegal, thus criminal. And it is connected with own believes system, true Christians would never ever allowed that! There is a VERY good overview of what is going on in the United States of Israel...:
My son’s father died from Agent Orange had cancer but as far as this? You think they didn’t know you think they didn’t test it. A freedom of information act came out about the VA and Covid and they are giving it to people knowing it caused heart attacks and strokes and many other issues. So I, as a veteran would just shake my head every time they tried to talk me into it. I kept my mouth shut otherwise they would put down. I’m crazy in my chart. I know exactly what they’re doing. Don’t think for one minute that the military isn’t doing the same thing, the government is doing by depopulating through injection and air, food and water. Why do you think Michael Aquino to be so high up and stay there. Satan’s been in the military long time. Don’t let them use your child for their monetary wars. They don’t care about you.
Excellent information, thank you Dr. M
This vid was difficult to watch because of all the camera "jitters"
Is anyone surprised at what he says? I am not.
This video was so informative. Thank you for including it! I think a mixture of videos and text is not only appropriate, but necessary. Also, what about people with vision problems? Lobster schmobster!!!!
Dr. Makis....I have to say that I tend to skip over the stacks which are all video. I miss your personal analysis and commentary, which comes from your unique brain and writing ability. Videos are lazy man's lobster; youtube fodder. I've never had a television, and will choose the book over the movie every time. I get it; you're busy.
The videos are from Children's Health Defense and Dr. Markis provides the ones that are most pertinent; although there are many others.
Watch/read the content you prefer. We would not be in the mess if people were exposed to all the various interviews done by independent media and podcasters. Dr. John Campbell has exposed much of the deception that has and is taking place with covid vaccines on his YouTube channel. Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough and others on his podcast, which gets relayed to his viewers via video. I do not feel you should dismiss video content as fodder just because you are adverse to watching it. They are not the lazy alternative if the content is accurate and informative, which seems to be the case with the those chosen for this Substack. I happen to read a lot of information, but can appreciate other formats as well.
It appears our US Government follows the same vaccine playbook over and over again. It's hard to believe we're led by psychopaths who really don't care about the welfare of those they are responsible for. Now it's extended to the World.