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hear I hear you have how many well how many children do you have I have six
children six children and were they vaccinated no I did not vaccinate any of my children when I was about eight years old polio vaccine was big in the United States and my mother was not vaccinating us because she had a doctor who was was serious about intact immune systems and didn't feel like vaccinations helped
So my mother told me the polio vaccine was ground up pregnant monkey kidneys. And as a sensitive child, that just so hurt my heart. And that might be the beginning of why I didn't vaccinate my own children. But while I was an unvaccinated child in the 50s,
VIDEO - CHD - Raised 6 children with no vaccines (May 2024)
Jul 25, 2024
What a wonderful lady & interview! Would you care to try for husband #3? I'm serious! Dan Allison, Kingsville Ontario Canada
I have 6 children too, all are now adults, they never had any vaccines and all are very healthy.
What an absolute shame.
Imagine - thanks to your wonderfully-protective warrior mama - being one of the rare human beings on the face of this earth, who had never been vaccinated, then completely desecrating that holy temple by taking the Covid shot.
The folly, and ignorance, of such a decision is shocking.
This woman is 100% correct, with the 'made in Gods image'; Our IMMUNE SYSTEM is second to NONE!! ( MUST treat your body as a Temple and EAT REAL FOODS to MAINTAIN that Immune System!)
All of these Vaxx Zealots who scream, 'SCIENCE!!', and have every twisted 'reason' why one SHOULD get they still scream about their FAKE science, fail to look at ONE group that PROVES THEM WRONG.
And these are.......THE AMISH!!!! Literally 100's of years living in this country (USA), and ever since the govt started injecting people, the Amish have NOT gotten any. Now, THERE is ones 'CASE STUDY'.....Amish kids RARELY GET SICK; whereas vaxx'd kids are NOTHING BUT SICK! And the Amish AGE HEALTHY; whereas everyone else are on a shit-load of Big Pharma for their illnesses. We can go into detail about the Amish vs 'the rest of us', but it's crystal clear, to anyone with a functioning brain.
Excellent points made !!!
Now I REALLY understanding why my Grandfather used to say.
Common sense isn’t common.
No, it isn't. lol
Fantastic woman. Great no-nonsense approach to life.
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
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Inspiring video for the brainwashed mom's today to watch. Same as the Amish children who get few if any jabs. I likely had the shots back when I was a child 70 plus years ago but had natural immunity to polio because my mom had that disease as a child. But I still probably had a polio jab too. No one was thinking back then.
Here’s the thing that folks forget… strengthen the immune system and the rest will follow. Pax
Very interesting. My MD father was of the same school in the 1950's when I grew up. He did not believe vaccines were a sensible approach, and apart from a scratch for measles, which I had taken at school, he wrote us excemptions after that. Being on his prescription paper, that really impressed them, and I never had any trouble after that.
What is the hold harmless agreement??
Thank you Suisa for sharing your strong convictions. I wish all our kids would listen and go back to the old ways. Just do what your mom and grandma did and not be fear mongered by the propaganda. I too had to stop going to church during Covid because we would not go along with the masks and vaccines they promoted. We just follow the Bible. Jesus is all sufficient.
Thank you Dr Makis. These posts are true testimonies and an encouragement to stand firm when they hit us with the next one.
This lady is right on. I wish more people were like her. She has a brain and she has used it well. And as well has been able to see through the lies.
She is so normal and compassionate.
I hope that in future more scientists will study Marc Girardot's hypothesis, that ALL vaccines cause a certain amount of damage in those not so rare cases where the injected vaccine goes more or less directly into the blood.