It was Thanksgiving weekend, 2021. My husband, Robert had been down visiting Teresa the prior week. He had taken our camper down and he was helping her build a deck. And I was to meet him down at her house for Thanksgiving day. So he was in excellent health up until he got COVID. We had beautiful Thanksgiving dinner.
By the evening of Thanksgiving, Teresa had noticed she was just not feeling right. And she didn't know what was wrong when she just, something was wrong. By Friday morning, she woke up, she was pretty sick and she wanted us to go home. She didn't want us to stay in the house.
She was afraid that it might be COVID. So we needed to come home anyway. We needed to bring our camper and we had a window of time to get home with the weather. So we headed north Friday. Friday evening when I talked to Teresa, she was really sick.

VIDEO - CHD (Unvaccinated husband Robert killed by hospital protocols) May 2024

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Discussion about this video

It is vital for everyone to keep sharing their stories. Thank you Dr. Makis, your message is so important. What has taken place is unlawful, unjust and what continues, everything is punishable under the criminal code of Canada, section 220 ‘ Criminal Negligence causing death and the punishment is life in prison.

This applies in Canada and all other countries, we must wake up the masses. This is a global problem and it needs to be addressed immediately. ⚖️🪶

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I cannot understand why peopple are still doing these nasty tests. Such behaviour is just appearing to increase again.

For what? What would be the reasonable, evidence-based therapuetic consequence?

Stay home!

Particularly if you are unvaxxed!

I know several cases of known vax-critics from Germany who died when they went to hoispital. Unfortunately, I do not know details. Because relatives tend to remain quiet.

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Hope with all these testimonials that someone is building a massive case that will dismantle and charge the medical boards, charge all administrators and their staff for willful ignorance and force every hospital to pay the victims families the exact amount they charged them to kill them plus interest. The penalty must be harsh or this will continue.

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Maybe the charges should be for murder.

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My deepest sympathy to Joanne and Teresa

They were awake and knew the hospital policies were bad which makes it even harder for them.

We are just going round in circles listening to the lies and getting some comfort from videos like this (sorry i mean comfort that maybe the world is waking up) but the depop continues. I am a coward because i am waiting for someone to kill gates, fauchi, soros, schwab etc which is the only way this ends.

For those of you who have woken up you must inform others.

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I have no trust left in the medical establishment.

It is assumptive, arrogant and abusive, filled with devotees of the AMA pushing the directives of pharma, so they can keep taking the money.

One size fits all to comply with the demands of insurance indemnification, it's not medicine.

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As a retired Hospice Nurse let me make clear that morphine is NOT a killer drug as a certain school teacher has been writing all over about.

What kills is the dosage of the morphine given in the hands of an uneducated person for the wrong purposes. I have seen hospital "hospice" nurses make mistakes. I do not know if they have the same training or access to the same Hospice Pharmacia Clinical Pharmacists to guide them or the extensive training that Agency Hospice Teams get.

Morphine in the opium form was even used in Biblical times to assist people struggling during the active dying process that occurs close to cessation of life and with intractable pain due to catastrophic injuries and diseases.

During Cheyne Stokes breathing as the respiratory tract fills with mucous , some people become agitated and anxious. An appropriate dose of morphine relaxes the trachea and helps alleviate the excess secretions. The goal to to keep the dying person awake alert and calm so they may communicate with loved ones and their spiritual advisor if they so desire.

Hospice Pharmacia's Clinical Pharmacists even compound a cream that can be rubbed on hands and arms that relaxes and calms suffering clients.

Remdesivir , on the other hand kills, as it has terrible side effects for the kidneys and kidney failure always precedes death when the body is shutting down. tested on Ebola patients in Africa, 56 out of a hundred that got Remdesivir died in comparison to those who did not.

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Well, morphine killed my father in a hospice. He was far from dying.

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Morphine administered by ignorant uneducated nurses is akin to administering fentanyl in the hospital setting and it is used ALL THE TIME. In fact, it is 100 times stronger than morphine.

"Fentanyl is a strong medicine made from opioids (chemicals used to treat sudden and ongoing pain). It's up to 100 times stronger than other opioids like morphine, heroin, or oxycodone. Drug dealers often sell fentanyl as fake oxycodon "

God help you if you if you ever experience the intractable pain of certain cancers. i have no doubt even Dr Makis has used morphine as an oncologist.

Opium which is where morphine derives, from was used in biblical times and before ,to help the dying and those suffering in serious and real pain.

"The earliest reference to opium (the “natural” source of opiates) dates back to 3400 B.C., Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” acknowledged opium's usefulness as a narcotic."

The opium poppy is the key source for many narcotics, including morphine, codeine, and heroin.

A controlled dosage guided by a Clinical Hospice Pharmacist and Physician is safe and necessary for comfort in the active dying process.

It is a sign of IGNORANCE to blame the drug and not the administration as the source of any persons demise.

Beck in the late seventies we used something called Brompton's Mixture in the hospitals to

assist the dying to stay awake and comfortable during the ACTIVE phase of dying which I am sure you also have no idea about.

Remember any medications can be used to euthanize by either the administrator or the patient.

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You have a sad case of know-it-all-ism when the fact is you know nothing of value. Giving people cocktails from pharma killers so they may be "awake" and "comfortable" is just the kind of reasoning I would expect from someone in the death cult industry. Imagine calling all others of your kind ignorant! 😂. And anyone who doesn't buy your pharma marketing "knowledge."

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Your stupidity speaks for itself.

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right back atcha mrs. know-it-all drug pusher

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Jul 3Edited

I didn't realize Pfizer was around during biblical times. CBD and THC are healing ways to comfort people - no need for opioids. IMO there is no such thing as an appropriate amount of morphine. Once you're indoctrinated into the killing machine, you think you know things that are healthful but you don't. The system only knows how to bring a shotgun to kill a mosquito and work against the body's own knowledge because they have ZERO idea how to heal and allow a person to heal.

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Zoe , what an ignorant reply.

Do some real research will you !

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I do nothing BUT research - I know more than the white coat assassins - which is why I avoid them and their handmaids like a real plague. I would say YOU are the ignorant one. Everything you know is how to harm and kill people and that you don't know that is why we are here in the first place. Stop telling other people they are ignorant until you do your own research about what exactly you are involved with.

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This is SO disgusting that they would let her come & bring her whole family when they think he is about to die, but for all that time before she wasn't allowed "anywhere near the hospital".

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That is so tragic.. I feel so sorry for them. It's like the killing fields in hospitals. It appears that advocacy for patients, by nurses no longer exists. We are living in surreal times. Bless This Family and may he Robert RIP

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Those who died because of such vile circumstances, because they were true to their principles and rejected the lie, are all martyrs of the truth. They will receive a great reward for their faithfulness from our Creator. But, those who dared to participate in such disgraceful murders in any form, the lake of fire awaits them. Every life they stole from people will literally be theirs. They will be able to live as many minutes and years as they arbitrarily took from the innocent. The only problem will be that they will all have to spend these stolen years in the lake of fire. There they will burn alive for as many minutes as they arbitrarily, cunningly, and vilely took from the innocent. No imagination can approximate the righteous judgment that awaits the inhabitants of our planet. They will have no mercy, no extenuating circumstances. I can't wait for this day, which is getting closer every day.

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Just ridiculous. Another statistic and reimbursement to them. When you go in the hospital, they take your rights away. They are owned by Big Pharma and don' t care about your welfare.

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Thank you for sharing this awful situation. Its not isolated. I pray for all the victims of this world wide crime.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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This breaks my heart. If more people knew that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin would help them it would have prevented some of the hospital admissions.

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Our sympathies to Joanne and Teresa and family.

I agree this nightmare should've never happen.

Thank you for your bravery and keep sharing.

One day your message will wake up the unaware people.

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Horrifying. These hospitals are a stain on humanity. And so many stories like this. Could barely get through this video, anticipating the tragic outcome. How terribly difficult it must have been dealing with these lethal hospital protocols when both wife and daughter were also ill.

No way a traditional hospital had or would administer Ivermectin during the peak of COVID. Both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were forbidden in the traditional medical setting. And, unfortunately, that insanity continues to this day.

While Florida's Surgeon General has called for an end to the mRNA vaccines, Ivermectin is still not readily available from our local pharmacies, probably due to bureaucratic overreach from the controlling monsters at the FDA and AMA.

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AS a victim of Lupus , I am on hydroxychloroquine for life in order to protect

my organs ,heart, brains kidneys etc. and exist wiithout horrific neuropathic pains in my arms and hands.

As I recall, the 'Lancet' was forced to retract their condemnation of the drug as dangerous which included false studies. i am sure every ethical Physician including Rheumatologists were up in arms since it has been a first drug of choice for Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis since 1955.

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This is eerily similar to what happened to my mom with a simple hip fracture (x1 pin)... Giving her ??drugs without our consent: saying she fell out of bed (in the night times) when mom said she did not;: after two weeks of improvement and doing physio they suddenly strapped her to a catheter. They stopped her physio (i.e. phony excuse saying she fell out of bed in the night); not giving her showers (i.e. saying lack of staff) and not letting me bath or take her to the washroom myself. They said she had a little cough in the night when mom had no congestion and told me that was hog wash. She never coughed once in the two months she was under my care or prior. With no abnormal heart condition in her/our history, they snuck in some Ramipril with Calcium! during the night (nurse said). Ramipril plus Calcium=40% increase in elderly mortality! *see Cleveland/Ohio University Research/study). This was after they made the Hospital Pharmacist her attending physician! Is that even legal?? When I brought the Ramipril and calcium combo to the hospital Pharmacist's attention she said "pretend I never did that, I'll discontinue it", then I got reamed out and lectured by the Hosp. Social Worker.

Her vitals were always within acceptable range when I was there. All these symptoms only occurred when I wasn't there (I was with her 8-10 hours per day).

Her condition visibly worsened with the drugs they gave her despite our objection.

They wouldn't let her sign the personal directive because she didn't know what day it was (and neither did I !!).... I could go on and on about their lies... the most horrific and shocking experience of my life, I don't believe I will ever overcome.

The final blow, it took less than 45 hours to finish her off .. despite my objection, they were about to administer a new plethora of drugs . They had now assigned her a 'student doctor' I was told. He said there was a team of cardiologists recommending theses drugs. We never met these cardiologists. The drugs were TORTURE for mom, she knew they were killing her, she did NOT want to die. She was healing well until they filled her full of the garbage that killed her. She fought every inch of the way (we both did). She had been on these drugs for less than 40 hours and was gone less than two hours after I left her sleeping. I have before and after pictures.

I have never allowed myself to 'hate' but this is something I must deal with every day now. It felt like these doctors were mocking us both, I knew they were hurting her, they were killing her and there was nothing I could do. I sought legal council after hospital protocols stopped make sense. Professional and reliable advice told me that a case would be very expensive and we would lose and be no further ahead. There is much more to this than I can describe here.

I don't know what these hospital missions are on about but they ARE MURDERING PEOPLE and there is NO doubt in my mind about it. These hospitals today are death camps for the vulnerable, the elderly and the unprotected. It is pure evil! BE AWARE.

There must be accountability!! "We pay" for a health care system that will murder us given the chance to do so. It is as if hospitals are given monetary incentive to kill, is disgusting beyond words.

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We live in a death cult. It is all by design and it is sickening to say the least. I am so sorry about your Mom. I don't know what I would have done if that was my mother.

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There was nothing I could do, I was kicked to the curb. It has been nearly a year now, I think 'woulda coulda shoulda' every day. I should have tracked down a Journalist as soon as they started drugging her against her will, I can't think of anything else I could have done to stop the killing.

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I am a midazolam cocktail survivor. I was admitted to hospital with blood oxygen at 55%-yes practically dead! I fought them every step of the way, no intubation, no coma, refusing to die. Called them out giving me midazolam and made it stop. I went to hell and back in that hospital for almost 7 weeks. My story my truth, is shocking. What I endured, what I saw. I will never trust them again.

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I told me family, get home care nurses for us if and when we need it. NO LTC or Rehab facilities if at all possible and no hospital based hospice care.

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I hope the family sued the hospital for everything they did that violated their husband/father’s right to informed consent to treatments. An automatic DNR for refusing a protocol? This sounds like a deliberate murder with Remdesivir, Morphine, and DNR. Sickening. I will never ever trust anyone in a hospital with any loved one. If they attempt to exclude me from visiting or demanding a particular medication, I would remove my loved one from the hospital...which we all have a right to invoke ‘AMA’ against medical advice. None of us knew how evil the people in hospitals are willing to be in the name of money until the CV19 crises removed the curtain and revealed the truth.

They gaslit the family for their intelligent and correct questions,ignored a valid treatment, and pursued the significant extra money from the government for Remdesivir and Covid deaths, which the DNR guaranteed.

Why is Remdesivir even a licensed medicine? ...it failed its Ebola trials under the evil Dr Fauci because 50% of patients treated with it died of Kidney Failure, higher than the general Ebola death rate! More people died if treated with Remdesivir than with no treatment; so why is this deadly poison even licensed for ANY disease in the USA? Informed consent must include risks as well as benefits and I doubt this was ever given on Remdesivir for any patient.

Again...Fauci got the NIH/CDC to add it to the CV-19 treatment protocol, probably due to NIH patents and/or royalties. Follow the MONEY because this is not about healing, it is about enrichment of the hospitals, doctors, administrators, Federal agencies and their employees, at the expense of patient lives.

No one should go to any Western [US/UK/Canada/Australia/New Zealand] hospital except for trauma, or an extreme event like heart attack or stroke. I will self treat at home for any virus, or go to urgent care for a URI, bronchitis, etc.

I would also never let anyone stick a giant swab up into my brain pan, or inject me with anything without showing me the label for it and the published medication package insert.

I will refuse any and all vaccines period as they are all contaminated with human and animal DNA and contain toxic ingredients and if they are mRNA are also genetic engineering jabs.... I will never take a fraudulent PCR test.

Lastly, do not sign any thing on an electronic signature in a hospital. Demand a printout of every single page you are signing for, sit there and read it, cross out everything you disagree with and initial where you cross out.

Add language at the bottom, above your signature that:

1. I absolutely reject any DNR for any reason.

2. All medications and tests or test procedures must be supplied with fully informed consent (risks and benefits, absolute risk reduction number) and can be refused at the choice of the patient (or designated family member). Also, existing medications for my known medical conditions must be supplied to me in a timely manner on my normal time schedule while in this hospital/facility.

3. I assert my legal right to transfer to a different hospital, or to return home, or go to any facility of my choice.

4. All providers must be in-Network with my insurance plan.

If these conditions, which are fully within my rights to request as a patient are violated, I will pursue all legal remedies.

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