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Hi everyone, welcome to another episode of 15 Minutes with Dr. Makis, my new hard-hitting medical podcast. You may remember the Canadian Medical Association. This is the association that has been covering up the sudden deaths of COVID-vaccinated Canadian doctors, to the point where they deleted over a thousand Canadian doctor deaths from their own website, an in-memoriam page where
They normally recognized the contribution of these doctors. They deleted them from their website so that they could keep running Pfizer ads in their Canadian Medical Association journal. Well, about a week ago, at the end of May, the Canadian Medical Association appointed a new president, Dr. Joss Reimer. Dr. Joss Reimer is a very interesting character.
She's a young doctor. She led the vaccine rollout in the province of Manitoba. She was extremely aggressive with COVID-19 vaccines. She pushed it on children. And what's fascinating is that she has said some absolutely atrocious, horrible things during that vaccine rollout. She was lying about vaccine safety, vaccine efficacy. In fact,
NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 017: COVID-19 Vaccine Injured people don't exist (according to top Canadian doctor)
Jun 08, 2024
Who is this woman? Is she brain-dead? How many vax did she have to get such a severe brain injury that she can lie with a straight face and apparently believe herself? What's even scarier: who elected or appointed her to be the head of the CMA? THAT is really frightening.
She is reading one of Sock boys scripps. No way would he put someone in there that was smarter than him, this proves it. She is not stating any scientific proof to back her statements, the woman is a complete idiot doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about, and is full of lies, because there are millions of deaths and injuries from this poisonous Bioweapon. I have 3 family members and many friends that have died from this weapon, including my husband recently from multiple strokes, due to being shed on from his friend that died in his sleep. A young niece and nephew that are both battling cancer right now. I do not know of anyone that died from covid. We are in world war 3 with major deaths and injuries and not one bullet was fired, but many shots. Keep standing, don’t fall for more fear and love one another. Thank you Dr. Makis for continuing to fight for your family and ours.
So well said..and many condolences for your multiple losses!..
I'm sorry for all your losses Ellie. Do you really think your husband was so badly affected by shedding? That's terrifying 😧 Haven't heard of such a bad case.
A great evil has taken over this society.
You know, the frustration and rage is real….how does our personality, rein in bad manners? but we’re so polite from youth, “elbow off the table,” “ chew with your mouth closed,” “inside voice” !! We are having a hard time with our anger…my impulse is basic ….as we do with a pet who has pooped, thrown up on the carpet….stick their nose in it……somehow there must be something so unpleasant they will never forget, and that’s just a start….!! …I am so sickened, by this wickedness, and more looms ahead, I fear…..Ay-men and ay-men…..
When principled people leave or are terminated for their principled stand, we're left with the unprincipled remnant. Promoting the wicked, punishing the virtuous. That is the modern State. Democide.
So true…the principled ones are culled out via imaginary medical righteousness, so they are not around to challenge or keep secret reports.. sickening!! It would take a strong constitution and conscience to continue in such a climate in order to eventually share it all with the world
Spot on!
This so-called "doctor" is scum of the earth.
Probably well-paid by Pharma… but what an evil person!
We need a PM who will take Canada OUT of the World Health Organization. This is the globalist group which is orchestrating the "Great Reset" ideals, along with the World Economic Forum, which is also on the side of the Uber-rich, not of the ordinary citizens of the world, whom they want to victimize. Yes, the WHO wants another pandemic, to control the world. America's Frontline Doctors, a group of USA doctors formed to stand against the covid-19 deceitfulness, just recently stated that the World Health Organization (WHO) has dropped its Pandemic Treaty (another way to control all future planned pandemics) but it has simply shelved it temporarily, with a sure plan to bring it back. Beware of the 'Alphabet Groups', Canadians -- they are NOT on our side!
Read my post above...Trudeau already sold out Canada to those organizations years ago. I have official government documents, if you need proof; and that's only the tip of the iceberg! Trudy is the epitome of evil!
I’m guessing she was at the bottom of her class in University, and now they put her in an authoritative position! They like to scrape from the bottom of the barrel so they know they can be manipulated easily!
Go and read the comments on her Twitter account
I can't, she blocked me.
haha! congrats
"Who appointed her"? Trudeau! The same scumbag who gets paid for every Pfizer and Moderna injection that is plunged into people's arms - because Canada owns the patent on the LNP. Trudy is a member in good standing of the WHO, WEF and UN...not that hard to figure out. Unless Trudope is taken out; there will be no more "Canada". He's on a mission to totally destroy this country and has already signed our sovereignty over to the WHO's Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and the UN's Agenda 2030!
Yes, and he has done so without even a hint of a referendum vote or plebiscite (which would be needed to authorize any expenses incurred). I would think Canadians should have the right to decide whether or not we want our personal health and medical records to be given over to the WHO, but it would seem no consenting adults were contacted about the plan, never mind what the non-consenting citizens would have replied! One vote on Election Day per citizen does not give the PM carte blanche, especially for decisions involving international strategies which could likely prove to be detrimental to our lives. SHAME! We must do our best to vote him out. If we can do that, there is a far greater chance that the new PM will pull us out of the WHO, as soon as our mandatory two-year membership is up.
Perhaps this person is demon possessed.
Murder, crimes against humanity.
Oh my, this Reimer is quite a Milgram Experiment. These "dirty dozen" anti-vax dissemblers have all gotten very rich! All the poor, poverty stricken doctors who gave the vaccines for the Greater Good! Did the studies?! Oh my, needed to bring in the Vets, Massagers to deliver the jabs so expertly, trained them so well, wonderful!
Well done, William, this is what these Obedient to Authority, Status Quo, go along to get along, immoral, "normal" monsters look like.
Disgusting and of course she is the head of the Medical Mafia there.
William, thanks for your consistent courage to expose the lies.
Sex workers/"Massage Therapists" - often one and the same.
I'd be interested to see how thoroughly or critically the Massage Therapists were professionally vetted.
Oh ick, Yuk, that too
She does not speak like she is medically trained. She speaks propaganda and politics.
Agree. Spouting propaganda right out of the gate.
She did make me laugh though when she was talking about training the massage therapists and the dental hygienists on storage and handling of the Magic Serum that was so delicate they "couldn't transport it over bumpy roads".
I literally laughed out loud. 🤣
The gullibility and cluelessness of these muppets is nothing if not entertaining.
I could not listen to her lies, and I had to force myself to stay on the clip. I wonder how she reconciles her conscience and morals to her lies. So outrageous.
Yes, I wanted to puke but finally Dr. Makis came back on!
I've just thought of an answer: we will make Mr. Guilbeault (the Environment Minister) very happy by keeping all of our roads extremely "bumpy". That way, we will deter both him and the pandemic pushers by keeping them and their kill-shots far away from us. And, there should be a very secure, special place in which to house these muppets, obviously chosen for their inimitable ignorance. "Are there no prisons? Are their no workhouses?" Charles Dickens
😂😂😂 ya I got a chuckle there too. I’m mean really, this child is competent for this job???
Sadly, too "competent" in the wrong ways!
Maybe she’s one of the Vets, lol! Certainly doesn’t sound like a studied Dr!
I just wonder, how did she got the job? Cronynism?
Maybe she 'likes' children, if you know what I mean, so is in THAT special group?
I think she believes everything she is saying. The woman is a lunatic and close to being feeble-minded. Astonishing.
She gets a “pay” out of “believing” too….always follow the money too!
But this is dangerous lunacy. She holds these beliefs in the same way the Nazis believed in the master race.
The scariest part is that our governments are putting people like these between themselves and the rest of us! Do we have any recourse against all of this corruption? No wonder that our democracy and its values are in tatters! Rights and freedoms, eh?? No wonder that the government doesn't want us to have guns. I fear for the lives of the children and grandchildren coming after us, and what sort of world we are leaving them. Astonishing, indeed.
Myocarditis quite mild?! She is a liar.
Exactly..tell that to elite athletes young, older, amatuer and pro alike who NO longer can play their sport!!
OMG. I will bet that those feeling it don’t believe it was mild
I think to hear anybody, especially a so called Doctor talk with such certainty and confidence is extremely scary …then to invent facts and figures to suit the obviously fake “safety” mantra, which by their own data and admissions, has killed/murdered people is criminal…. And Julia Assange is in prison? All these covid liers must be firstly taken into custody and then prosecuted in my view. Great work William.
ModRNA Made in a laboratory and Patented by US Law 2013 not "Natural mRNA" which by US Law 2013 cannot be patented: mRNA means injected humans are now genetically modified to produce "protein" toxins that their own body tries to destroy
Ever heard the term auto-immune disorder? If not, you will very soon, and quite often. It starts with even the healthiest people, who got brainwashed by the Pharma cartel into getting the toxic "forever" jab, where human cells are tricked into producing virus-mimicking "protein" prions, that are produced indefinitely (counter to medical narratives) and spread throughout the body. This signals the human immune system that every organ is under attack by foreign invaders, and the immune system is taxed, hyper-activated constantly, and the heart and CNS start breaking down too.
Just like GM corn and GM soy, the Covid-jab-injected human's DNA system is now a toxic protein creating factory, but instead of killing insects and worms, the human body is destroying itself. In other words, the "pest" is itself, and the immune system identifies it this way. Still wondering why the Covid-vaxxed masses keep dropping like flies, from unexplainable heart attacks, spontaneous abortions and stroke-inducing fibrous vascular clots?
These mRNA-injected humans are now walking bio-weapons factories, and their doctors are never allowed to discuss it. The medical industry has every employee parroting and regurgitating all the false-narratives (disinformation) about how the mRNA remains at the site of injection, and how it only produces spike proteins for a few months. Lies. Does the genetically modified corn and soy only produce worm-exterminating proteins for a few weeks? This deserves careful consideration.
Do not ever let Big Pharma genetically modify you. There are more mRNA jabs being developed right now, being created to control the populace, eliminate the undesirables (everyone but the elitists and their slaves), and turn the Republic into a third-world hell-hole.
More mRNA coming to further infect 270 million Americans with "protein" toxins that invade every organ, including the heart and brain
S.D. Wells
Update June 7 2024
COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine, “safe and effective for what?”
Legal Precedent - 9th Circuit Court Rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legally Vaccines
"The right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions and the case merits are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right."
Karen Kingston
Jun 8
June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled in favor of protecting individual human rights and bodily sovereignty of teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles School Unified District’s (LAUSD), reversing a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County’s School District vaccine mandate for employees.
Announcing this huge win on behalf of their clients, Health Freedom Defense Fund issued a press release, stating that the case was won;
“On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.
The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.
The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”
The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”
When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”
Legal Precedent for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment
Per the HFDF press release, “Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”
The Kingston Report
A Legal Precedent is a LEGAL "Rule Of Law from God". It cannot be bought or suppressed.
A vaccine which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (1995) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?
Time to get The "Devil's Tools" out and start "roasting the buggers", on this side, for the deaths and injuries, they have forced done, from May 2020 to June 2023 with the now "illegal Disinformation Laws" - and for the future - into many of "us" for a medical treatment, not a vaccine, but “safe and effective" for what? - which suggests all vaccines are medical treatments and not to be trusted, either, by Legal Precedent from June 7, 2024 .
Don’t call it “Pharma cartel” I think it is pos more like a crime syndicate. Could it be like mafias with a “protection racket” with “paid off” “authorities”?
The scariest part of this evil insanity is; the people who took the shot, have been injected with, nanobots/nanoparticles and basically - Patented Technology, which means that just as Monsatan OWNS the seed and plants they create, through Intellectual Property Rights of the patented process - The people who own the patents of the ConVid injections (and every other mRNA shot in the future) now OWN the people who have these patented materials in their bodies! Could this have anything to do with Klaus Schwab's transhumanism (Human 2.0) agenda?
My carpet fitter is a top jabber in his home town, proud of it, truly believes he's helping people. And his supervisor nurse keeps praising him, calls him in on extra shifts....yes, his main job is a carpet fitter. No idea how many he's given or taken. He's very overweight, complains of heartburn constantly, dodgy knees, knackered wrist.... please don't collapse in my house is my only remaining thought 😔
If he does just roll him out into the street and cover him with a piece of carpet...
Save 2 trips - just roll him up in the carpet first. 🤭
Of course, and he'll be much easier to roll that way - have you done this before?
Sadly my multi stabbed decorator dropped dead in April just after finishing my work. Took paint back for a assistant's husband did the same last year. 😭
If they die they die ... I'll keep some spare carpet to hand 🥴
Lol glad he finished the work first! It's terrible that we're laughing but then some of these people wanted to put us in jail didn't they? Funnily enough I met a decorator (young guy) earlier this year who collapsed four times after the jab and now has a pacemaker fitted, and his wife still calls him a conspiracy theorist - just a coincidence she tells him.
Every cloud has a silver lining though - there must be lots of vacancies opening up in the trades at the moment...
It's the comedy at the end of the tragedy. Yes he got it finished first, very considerate! He always updated me on how many funerals he'd been to - average one week cos he was an ex footballer so knew loads of guys. Said it was a regular free lunch 🤠 luckily I was in his Little Black Book so his daughter contacted me, otherwise I'd never have known 😔
Wow so in the end he became someone else's free lunch, funny how things work out isn't it:)
Don't think I'd be able to stay with someone who still calls me a conspiracy theorist after that!
Me neither! I actually said to him I thought even worse than having the damaged heart
Has anybody checked out the divorce statistics recently? Hm...
Ironically I fit wood flooring!
I plead the 5th.
Yes I live on a hill, and yes my hall carpet does end rather abruptly, but correlation is not causation Rob.
She makes reverse peristalsis set in just watching her LIE with a straight face. Ever since the Covid con, plandemic , scamdemic I have lost complete and total faith and confidence in the medical community. I say that as a retired registered nurse with 30 years experience in an acute care hospital.
We must never forget what they did and continue to do. Do Not Comply!
Polished, well-paid liar. I struggle with the realization that so many people on this planet sell their souls for Pharma dollars.
There are quite a few stores in Alberta that are asking you for donations to hospitals. And my reply is always the same: I lost my trust in the medical system. All our family donations will go from now on to brave doctors who were not afraid to tell the truth like Dr. Makis.
Good one ! And be precise in your phrasing every time, to all those standing outside the library, trying to get signatures……
She is right about the fact that people were volunteering to give the shots, my brother (a fireman) was one, he got his friends in first, now he is dealing with the fact that mom got turbo cancer incredibly painful and then she died, my sister's mom died, then my sister died, his daughter went into labor at 7 months and the kid is brain damaged.... he doesn't talk to me (I tried desperately to warn him), so I wonder how many of his friends have died.
Donna, heartsick for you and all around you….🥹
Myocardidtis is "MILD" ???
Where the hell did she go to Med school?
Seems like she got her brains from a Cracker Jack box. It is despicable that true minds are often silenced to allow other more gullible, voluble liars to speak for them. Through this false crisis, I have lost much trust in government policies and mandates, as well as from many other so-called authorities. We must strive to regain our once-prized democracy. Thank-you, Dr. Makis, for your dedication and timely work.
Gooooood one!
I suppose that brain tumors are also mild! Was this evil minion fired from McBarf's?
The NEW Canadian female Fauci!! Another “legal” drug pusher. Must get nice paycheck!! BTW...She was reading from a script. So shocking how she lies. Push, push, push!! Got to get them to conform! What did Fauci say in US Congressional hearing...force people to give up their “Ideological BS.” Beware the monsters among us in “appointed” positions.
Our Dental Hygienist told us that both she and her Dentist could tell who got the jabs because their clots were different during extractions. "Long stringy and fibrous" .
This woman is delusional.
I was also told by friends who worked in Hospitals that they NEVER heard as many Codes as they did when their facility ran "vaccine clinics".
Yes indeed the clots are long and stringy….many embalmers have proof of that over past two years, and that is well documented by the doctors doing medical exam, preparation for burial etc. Horrifying! And before that procedure is approved, plenty of family and the family doctor don’t want those concerns to be exposed….so just bury, or cremate already!!
Proud to be inaccessible‼️
That was hard to watch. I cannot comprehend the level of lying that occurs now. When you hear someone minimize the effects of myocarditis, remember young men like Ernesto Ramirez, Jr. and Sean Hartman, who died.
Strangely, I dreamed last night that I was at a dinner with other women and the woman sitting across from me said that "they" say that the vaccines don't harm people. I angrily told her that is not true and began to explain.
Years ago my pastor asked me. What is God telling you. One word came out of my mouth, not planned just came out. That word was DECEPTION, the world has been living in deception for a long time. A new word had now replaced deception and that word is TRUTH!!! Keep telling the truth, sooner then later they will start seeing in. Believing is seeing.
Truly disgusting disinformation from this young doctor. Shame on the criminal Canadian Medical Association. The utter incompetence of the sketchy CMA is outlined in Dr. R.N. Watteel's, "Fisman's Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science, 2023"
This "doctor" is a psychopath, which means a person who is completely unmoved by the pain and suffering of others and who lies with abandon without a rise in blood pressure or any normal physical manifestations of unethical and immoral behavior. How many people will be deceived by her?
Appears that Psychopathy is quite contagious in healthcare, politics and the educational system . It seems to increase with financial incentives and power .
It creates delusions like teaching children they can be the opposite sex on a whim. The newest fad delusion is that children believe they can be an animal of their choice.
These purveyors of false ideology actually believe they are smarter than everyone else. does come before the fall.
She is an adroit LIAR !
She does not want to trick your immune system, she wants to trick you.
I wonder how much SHE is getting paid?
Yes, I agree. She is likely being paid an immense amount, as are the other veterans of this corruption, like Dr. Bonnie Henry (BC), Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus (Worldwide) and Dr. Theresa Tam (Ontario & Federal) all still "working" and being paid. In my view, all should be put in prison for life, to account for the many people whose lives have been made to suffer or to die in indescribable pain and inhumane surroundings.
The organized medical profession has bet their entire credibility on the jabs, so they recognize the need to recruit automaton doctors like this to maintain denial to the end.
Do the members of the medical profession have a vote on who is going to become their new head of the Canadian Medical Association? Was this dreamy horror person put in place for such a despicable purpose? Ches, your explanation is the only likely answer, yet there is absolutely no integrity in the profession anymore if that proves true.
When did doctors get THIS dumb?? (present company excluded).
Combine Affluent/White/Female/Liberal, aka AWFL, with a shady position in a Government known worldwide for its extreme corruption, and you truly have a marriage birthed in the sulphurous pits of hell.
Add in gross ignorance of the facts and the studies being generated all over the world - and doormat subservience to rich handlers/benefactors - and we get another reviled Gates/WHO stooge willing to tell the most outrageous lies and to sell her soul.
They forget the internet - their main propaganda tool, is a double-edged sword.
Her target audience now has 4 years of righteous anger, personal direct experience, and endless research worthy of a medical degree themselves, under their belts.
This time round is going to be a much MUCH harder sell.
one death from AZ in Canada she says? wow, two in NB alone that were announced in msm around March 2021. And what about the mother I sat with whose adult son got jabbed, was immediately hospitalized and was there until his death sox weeks later AND the grandmother whose granddaughter died of heart disease at age 1. The mother was given the vac while pregnant. I am not getting rich as she says from my experience but my list of #diedsuddenly in my personal circle is over 20. My best friend from childhood died within weeks of booster with sudden onset turbo cancer. I could go on and on. And I haven’t even mentioned two best friends who are vaccine injured and 4 young men I know with cardiac issues immediately after their jabs … they were all athletes … Thank you Dr. Makis for al you are exposing. So much grief!
I am so so sorry….lots of tears for you…..population control indeed….folks those criminals will never meet …. No words
Same. My log of people I know DIRECTLY who were harmed or died is at 26 now.
I can assure this fool, they're all real flesh-and-blood human beings.
These "top doctors" throughout Canada can just flock off. Just go away you miserable lying miscreants.
Wow, Canada's own Dr. "Mengele" as head of the CMA:-0
P.S. She was right in One thing she said inadvertently in her ass-covering.. 'We may find over the long term AZ is safer than the others'.
A huge nugget of truth wrapped in Freudian slip.
As with JT, I can only listen to the BS for so long and I have to stop. This liar claims the "disinfo dozen" are there to make money - while she's part of the racket of medical fraudsters making bank from big pHARMa payouts in this covid cult. She got her promotion for spewing her lies on "safe & effective". She's got to accuse others of "causing harm" because she's got to obscure the crimes against humanity her "health" racket is guilty of. Any doc or bureaucrat who denies the excess deaths are happening in sync with the mrna shot rollout - and obviously amongst doctors- should be on trial. We don't need your "protection", we don't need your "safe & effective" mrna poison, we are tired of your lies.
The "disinfo dozen" has to be one of the silliest things I've ever heard.
Anti-vax sentiment is running high across the globe (anywhere from 40-70% depending on the source).
MILLIONS of people have become rabid anti-vaxxers at this point. So to say it's just 12 is ridiculous.
It's their smooth-brained attempt to try to minimise and hide the fact that tyranny and mandates have consequences (turns out people don't appreciate being threatened).
Saying just 12 people are responsible for the bulk of anti-vax rhetoric, is as dumb as saying (in relation to American slavery) that the Republicans and Democrats "swapped parties" so it was really the evil Republicans who were behind it.
We just need people like JT and many others to fly to the moon on a one-way ticket... or maybe the fancy jet they fly in will succumb to its mechanical problems somewhere near or over the Andes... but, oh dear... that would leave us in the even more delightfully creative leadership of the infamous CF. Please let's never see that happen.
Public Health draws power hungry, authoritarian wanna-be rulers who will unquestioningly push pharma, and are paid enormous salaries to act out their fear mongering control freak tendencies from a place of dire ignorance and zero compassion. Independent thought and critical thinking threaten their elite status as "experts."
Here is some compassionate advice to health care professionals who administered injection(s) without informed consent (that's all of you, by the way): blow your whistles loud and clear. Why? Because it's the right thing to do.
Besides, each injection you gave was a criminal medical assault.
Are you feeling it yet?
Government-funded (Prussian) education is a hell of a thing - godless. Copy, repeat, network, & brownnose. Got to end it.
This person drones on and on. No inflection in the voice. Just lecturing about how stupid everyone who doesn’t trust the death shots are. I think she needs to find a nice restaurant and have a good wholesome meal and a few drinks, and learn how to get real.
Her counterpart is the US at least smiles a little, although she has a funny look in her eyes that reminds me of people who take happy pills.
What is going on?! Suddenly spacey, scrawny zealots of the fair sex are the high powered salesmen?
Very generous of you to allow her such mercy... but for her sort of person, her learning to get real is likely to take a very long time... and the rest of us have no time to lose.
Actually, I think the issue goes much deeper than simply getting real.
Someone like her is way beyond that point. Understatement of the month for me.
Dr. Joss Reimer seems deluded to me. Vaccine injuries are real, as are the people who have experienced them...does she refer to the dead from the vaccine injections as 'non-existent' possibly? Is that the photo of the President of the Canadian Medical Association? Good grief! She looks to be in some kind of distress. Someone should call a doctor. Not a credible witness in my opinion. Maybe another example of the destructive dangers of ESG and DEI mandates by the WEF minions in power. Does she get paid to lie?
As I listened to her outright lies, as my anger arose to an extremely elevated level, all I could see was a picture of a tree with a rope…many ropes and many trees HMMMMMMM! I have no idea what that could mean…….perhaps it was reminiscent of a Nuremberg Trial #1 and a desperate wishful thinking and need for a Trial#2…..if only my wishes for that would come true…but in this ‘new normal’ crazy upside down world, I just don’t see that happening, BUT judgement is coming upon ALL of them and more than likely much sooner than later….God knows and sees everything…when it is the Appointed time HE will act…
You can not comment on any of this womens posts on instagram. That says alot.
The lies that so EASILY slipped from her mouth is chilling. SHE is our dystopian future.
I’m proud to be a hard head!👍
So they had nobody to counter the two "experts" who subjected the students to a steady stream of fiction. The administrations of the various schools who were linked to this are complicit in the crime.
If you look at the content of their studies, doctors in public health and epidemiology are close to administrative officials. They learn about the application of infectious disease laws, how to collect statistics, how to allocate medical resources, etc. In 2021, a famous Japanese critic said, "They are poor students in medical school," and I agree. They went into the medical department, which is closer to administration, because they lack the thinking ability to conduct basic medical research. From my research, I can infer that they have low thinking ability when looking at the unique high school backgrounds in Japan and the difficulty of the medical school entrance exams.
However, they can hold organizational power in the country even without thinking ability.
If the vaccines are so safe, why are people being compensated for their injuries.
The injured are being compensated because the culprits (government, Big Pharma, and the numerous provincial and territorial health "experts") are desperately trying to keep the din and disaster of their criminal culpability at bay. Of course, in so doing, they are admitting their guilt, which in a proper democracy, would mean that they would be tried, found guilty, and put into prison, but it will be a long wait for that. The fact that this whole, diabolical scheme has been planned and distributed worldwide is despicable. To fight it will require education, firm faith and resolve, a strong democracy, and a legal system primed and ready to sort out the truth. That's all. In the meantime, we can be sure in the knowledge that our PM is using our good, hard-worked-for tax dollars to pay the recompense. We cannot afford (in more ways than one) to allow this to happen again.
She even looks brain-dead. Have the Dr.'s in this country learnt nothing in 4 years. Dumb does not even cover this ---------- up. Sorry.
She needs to be ARESSTED!!
With the rest of the JAB pushers.
So, this bitch isn't just a NAZI, she is a SUPER NAZI!!
interesting article and one you probably don't want to hear:
Our bodies mature with age but, (and remember there is always a ‘but’ or an ‘if’), our minds don’t “grow up”;
(grow up defined:
to gradually become an adult
(adult defined:
a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength:)
AND, as you can see, neither word/definition has to do with the mind, and if you say, “Well, that is understood,” you’re wrong simply because that does not define what the mind does, or in this case, doesn’t do and if you still believe that you will have to try and defined why it’s ‘understood’.
Be my guest, enlighten me.
Experience is a teaching process, not a mentally maturing process.
Experience simply teaches us what and how we can “get away with stuff”, and that’s all - and if that is not so, you have learned nothing.
And not knowing that, how mentally mature is that?
If physical maturing was also mentally maturing we would have benevolent rich people and we would not have to be “baby sat” therefor, no governing organizations.
There would be no police or armed forces (“peace keepers” is a fancy title for one country to direct and control another country) or hunger or wars and way less crime and drug/alcohol abuse and way less abuse of any kind – think about it...but our minds don’t grow up, we just get new and bigger toys with the same irresponsibility of a 4 year old– that’s it, that’s all-period.
All we do is get better at hiding behind labels and using them as excuses and alibis and until we learn the difference we will remain irresponsible.
Also see "trigger warnings" and what's with this new proposed Canadian law call "Online Harms Act"?
Online?? You got to be kidding!!
Just further proof of our mental stability and do people really believing this crap OR is this just another way for governments to control us?
How mentally mature is that?
(today is April 2024 - The Online Harms Act, introduced formally as Bill C-63, will result in the most significant expansion of Canada's hate speech laws and create one of North America's most rigid regulatory environments for media and social media companies.)
Bottom line:
Humankind does not "grow up" emotionally.
We'll leave morality alone because that is tied to religious/superstitious and area customs; way too many deviations.
Just another area where we “grow up” physically not mentally.
Any ideas out there?
Outside of a cattle prod, frankly, I have none.
Bottom line, we lack self discipline and as long as we have greed and ego we will never grow up.
re: and we hire people and expect different actions from politicians and are surprised when they behave like the "common" person...
(Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do - PERIOD - rely on ONLY yourself!
Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline with the right goals in mine.)
I like your approach...I most appreciate being able to opine as an individual. Letting us listen to their words in their settings.
This approach must frustrate political types requiring their opinion from us. Even independent media anticipated they are the drivers.
As intelligent individual Canadians we will not be fooled twice. Not by medicine. Not by politics. Not by any media
Not getting fooled is of course the way to be. The way TPTB will try to get past the citizen’s resolve and understanding of what’s really going on ( with rigged elections, rigged diseases, and carefully spread epidemics ) will be by force.
Those in charge of the health agencies will simply note that they are growing impatient with the citizens, and declare a state of emergency again.
George Orwell once said: “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force”.
Enter new Bills to strangle free speech, and if that fails, more in-home detention.
Both only work if we submit and comply.
Do not comply.
Layers of lies! Just disgusting!
Looks like this doctor is either in great denial or has been paid to say something else than the truth. But when someone in her family or among her friends will start getting severly ill, maybe she will come out of her denial.
No, she will never make the connection. She is deeply indoctrinated.
Jeezus Dr. Makis...
A trigger warning woulda been in order. I just had breakfast! On AztraZeneca, that was the episode where JT begged Biden for AZ doses and he said to the effect of 'Piss Off!'. Then Europe found the blood clots and he rang up, 'Justin, Bud.. here ya go!' And Trudeau proceeded to first poison all then dialed back to older Canadians.
Agreed ! Reverse peristalsis set in when she started regurgitating all those lies.
I always wonder how much these people get paid to pass on this drivel. So many lies and she is ready most of what she says. She knows she’s lying
Watch her eyes when she reads off and utter the scripted lies and abominations.
Woah, this lady is a quack.
Isn’t there a carnival in Canada in need of a Barker? Seems she would be more suited to that occupation. Or, perhaps she could do a duet with Tom Waites of Step Right Up?
O wouldn’t let Reiner treat my horse!
This Doctor “IS INSANE” - get her “outta-here”!!!
I am afraid that you answered your own question.
Excellent report - I hope that pathological liar gets outed by not just you before they try instituting the war measures act again.
Off with her head!!!
What a slimy Talmudic, Babylonian Whore! Bring back good ol' public execution, Now!!!
This woman is not "brain dead" She knows exactly what she is doing... She is a purely EVIL PERSON and is working hand in hand with BIG PHARMA and the ELITE OCULTIST to continue facilitation of the Depopulation Agenda... Let's not give these people easy outs, but instead know that they are doing these things intentionally and must be held accountable for these evil acts... I pray that she REPENTS of her evil ways and turn toward helping all of the people she has HARMED and DECEIVED...
The US Army paid for, received and distributed the vaccines and accroding to US Law 2013, once their bodies have been injected with the modRNA DNA which changes their universal natural mRNA DNA = Keys to Heaven, into the ModRNA DNA synthetic, made in a laboratory. they cease to be Human and they are now Trans Human with zero Rights by Law at all and it's anyones guess what ModRNA DNA Heaven would look like = Hell?, but once vaccinated, they will find out when they die, that is now an inescapable fact, however their bodies now belong to the US Army, the owners of the vaccines, like any other GMO Product. Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract
You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down
This "person" is a very poor excuse for a human being! I can only listen to so much of these Liars and Deceivers - and that's not very much!
The evil minions who are accusing us of mis/disinformation, are in fact the ones who are guilty of it! BOUGHT AND PAID FOR...every one of them!
P.S. I've noticed lately that "sign-ins", likes, responses, etc. to my posts, are going into the spam folder! "They" are so afraid of the TRUTH!
I pray to God this madness of lies and deceit stops, her incompetence is truly breathtaking and evil, how can this monster sleep at night knowing she is coercing people in to taking this bioweapon of mass destruction on humanity. A great compilation Dr Makis, Thankyou
Wow! Someone else that needs a jail cell
She is an embarassment to the medical profession, lying and deceiving people will totally trash what is left of any trust in medicine
Her mouth is just one turd fest after the next. But S**T raises to the top. I bet she is making lots of money. How much is that watch worth that she is wearing? Rare side effects, they can be managed - how do you manage death? Oh by covering it up! How did she get her MD?
The dam is breaking.
I believe the 99.99 % of citizens believed that there was an authentic concern about SARS C0v 2 manifesting COVID 19.
I, admittedly, was one of the 99.99 %; for a very, very short period.
Now, however, would you agree that there is more than 20% of the population that will know and understand that the H5N1 Bird Flu is a hoax?
Collective Consciousness is very powerful.
Push back my friends.
Thank you, Dr Makis, for continuing to expose the details and progression of this HOAX.
What a horrible woman.
Yup. I can attest that most Canadian doctors think like her and are completely cultish about all vaccines. Ask Shawn Muldoon of Langley how the AstraZeneca was safe and effective. Extreme case of VITT and lifelong illness.
hang the cunt
I want to throw up….fingerprints! Awful!! reality should hit soon
Sadly, your turn might come next, as this is a worldwide scourge. Be vigilant. Who knows? She might decide to drift south to her next big promotion.