By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Dr. Annette Bosworth, a board certified internist and expert on the ketogenic diet appeared on our radar screen a few months ago with her online review of the review by Mead et al that concluded the COVID-19 vaccines are not safe for human use. Bosworth was shaken with her revelation that she had made a grievous error in recommending COVID-19 vaccination to her family and patients. I reached back to Dr. Boz for interview on the ketogenic diet.
What is the ketogenic diet? Here is what the Mayo Clinic website says: “Over one hundred years ago Dr. Wilder, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic, developed the ketogenic “keto” diet to treat children with severe epilepsy. Since then, the keto diet has been successfully used around the world to treat drug-resistant epilepsy. In the 1970s, the diet became popular for weight loss thanks to the Atkins diet, which catapulted keto into the weight-loss limelight. While the Atkins diet recommends slowly reintroducing carbohydrate-containing foods back into your eating plan, the keto diet strictly limits these foods at all times. The keto diet typically limits carbohydrates to less than 50 grams per day (that’s what you’ll find in just one bagel!), with the remaining calories coming mostly from fat and a moderate amount from protein. Jason Ewoldt, RDN, LD, a wellness dietitian at Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program explains, “When you switch to a high-fat, low-carb diet, your body, by necessity, shifts away from burning carbs (or glucose) for fuel and instead uses fat for energy. This process is called ketosis — hence the diet's name.” Beyond weight loss, can the ketogenic diet be used as a therapeutic strategy to treat disease?
To answer this question we have our special guest Courageous Discourse, the amazing Dr. Annette Bosworth who is a very big medical personality and is widely known as “Dr. Boz.” She is young and high-energy as a physician and social media personality. It is not surprising she has a huge following. Her story is amazing and here are some excerpts from her website: “The news hit me like a ton of bricks. “It’s time for another round of chemo.” My mother had already gone through two rounds, and I could tell by the look in her eyes she didn’t want to do it again. Selfishly, I wasn’t ready to stop fighting for her, and if you’ve read my bestselling book, Anyway You Can, you know what I am talking about. She’s off chemotherapy and in remission for over a year, which is more than I could’ve ever asked for when I “discovered” The Keto Diet. But even more than that, after selling over 70,000 copies worldwide, I’m blessed to receive messages daily from folks who started the diet after reading my book, and saw incredible results themselves: From curing diabetes, to getting off prescription meds, to removing joint pain for the first time in decades, fixing GI issues, improving brain power, and even reversing dementia. Countless studies have now proven the power of ketones, to the point you’d think every doctor in the land would be promoting their benefits!” At the bare minimum, we should consider these observations for future research.
I can say she is truly amazing in how she instituted the ketogenic diet in herself and her mother, demonstrated this difficult to achieve metabolic state with urine testing, and they drove the radically altered state in a sustained manner to achieve these health benefits. To learn more about the ketogenic diet as a therapeutic strategy for chronic disease, you have to follow Dr. Boz and check out her wide array of learning resources including her Keto Continuum Workbook.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Nature, in the form of food, has some of the best medicine. Some nutraceuticals are quite potent. People don’t realize that much of classic cancer chemotherapy was derived from plants and microorganisms, Taxol from the bark of a yew tree, doxorubicin and daunomycin antibiotics and others. These, obviously, are quite toxic. The parent form of ivermectin was discovered in the soil in Japan. Nicotine from tobacco is showing promise in the treatment of brain cancers, Parkinson’s and other diseases. Nature, indeed, is a great provider.
With the obesity crisis and big pharma recommending expensive drugs with side effects, diets like keto and DASH can offer the same effects without the negative side effects:
As a Rockefeller-Gates- Monsanto tracker since 1997 it is shocking to me how little attention is given to the negative health effects of what is called conventional food. Between the novel proteins of gmo plants and the levels of glyphosate and other herbicides & pesticide residues there is a world of difference between organic foods and what folks eat.
While the keto diet has clear benefits removing the toxins from our diets is a bigger issue that gets swept away in discussions of metabolism that ignore poisons as problematic.
Check out EWG testing of humus including organic brands.. Roundup Ready consumers.
I adhered to a keto diet for about 3-4 years. It did help me keep my weight in check and, at first, I felt great on this diet. However, gradually I felt less and less healthy. I felt fatigued, mentally and physically. And everyday around 2-3 pm I just became somewhat lethargic. I had strange heart palpitations at night. So I gradually started reintroducing carbs into my diet. I now keep my carb intake around 150g. I have energy again and feel so much better. Our bodies need fuel, including fuel in the form of carbohydrates. I don’t think my body was getting the fuel it needed and it was letting me know. While I think keto is great in the short-run. I don’t think it’s meant to be a forever lifestyle for most, unless you’re very diligent about maintaining a perfect, clean ketogenic diet to ensure you’re getting the right balance and proper nutrition, which is very difficult for the average person.
Dr. McCullough, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video! THANK YOU for shining a light on Dr. Boz and her approach to healing the body.
A friend recommended that I read up on Dr. Boz & her keto diet. So I recently ordered her books, etc & will be on my way into ketosis this weekend!
My question is what about kidney disease. I donated a kidney 8 years ago. My creatine is a little elevated, but weight, all other numbers are good. Is there any data on ketogenic diets for a low level 'CKD diagnosis'?
A friend's grandchild is diagnosed with a childhood-onset seizure disorder known as "Doose Syndrome." It is of "unclear etiology." It is also said to be "hereditary," even though in this child's case there is no such family history.
My hunch is that the child has been injured by the childhood vaccination schedule, in a manner similar to all the "unexplained" autism cases, notwithstanding the different clinical expression of the 2 disorders. The parents are not open to stopping the vaccination schedule, but at least the keto diet has resulted in a 50% reduction of episodes.
Do we know anything about the prognosis of this disorder in children on the diet who stop vaccinating, contrasted with the prognosis of those on the diet who continue the vax schedule?
I enjoyed this posting immensely, I had been practicing keto on and off for a while, but for the last seven months, I decided to make it permanent. This is how I explain it to my friends to try to get them excited about it. Once you are in it and you figure out how it works for your metabolism and lifestyle, I have found it to be very easy. Thanks for the reminder and I will look into Dr. Boz’s book because folks like her need our support.
You don't store fat, you store excess energy (not totally, but as a general rule).
Energy comes from glucose, which is created when your body processes dietary Carbs.
All carbs are turned into glucose.
Some carbs are processed faster, like sugar, or slower, like complex carbs like wheat, but they still end up as glucose.
A calorie is a unit of output.
Your metabolism or Engine, burns sugar differently than mine so counting calories, a unit of output, isn't as useful.
Excess energy is stored as fat, call it your Closet.
When you decrease your intake of energy, carbs, below the point your metabolism dictates, (50 a day for me) your engine needs and for (in most cases) 3-5 days, your caveman engine goes into starvation mode (like a bear in hibernation) and because it doesn't see energy coming in (carbs), it goes to the Closet and converts your stored energy (fat) to glucose to be absorbed and used for energy.
When your metabolism converts stored Closet energy, it enters your bloodstream very slowly and at a pace that your pancreas can produce insulin and effectively manage your blood sugar as our creator intended.
When you eat large amounts of simple carbs, like candy or soda, they enter your bloodstream much quicker, spiking your blood sugar. Your pancreas tries but can't keep up and while your sugar is naturally going down, your insulin boost is rising, like two large, out of synch waves.
If you manage your energy intake to where your body goes to the Closet, you are in Ketosis. In that state, your blood sugar and insulin levels are like small, lazy waves with no wild swings and are in closer synchronization.
When many people try to eat like this, one reason they fail is because they are addicted to the sugar rush of eating carbs and you are ruled by your Stomach. Your body is used to seeing energy coming in when you Eat, then when it needs more energy, it tells your body you are hungry, FEED ME!
Another reason people fail, is your family and friends and "science" tells you that you are Crazy! When you fail, those around you are happy. Not happy for You, but for themselves mostly, because now you are back in the fold, of those who battle with "dieting" needlessly and fruitlessly. Most people can’t afford the time and money to go to the gym, or they have physical issues keeping them from walking a lot to burn off excess energy. Mostly the willpower.
But almost all of us eat a LOT more than we need, because in most cases it tastes wonderful and the sugar rush feels good and it's nice to satisfy your Hunger Pains when your stomach turns on looking for energy. We can thank the food industry for hooking us on processed fructose making us buy the cheap to make sugary “foods”.
But if you can manage to stay in ketosis for 10-15 days, your appitite will shut down, because your body goes to the closet instead of your stomach saying Feed Me.
Within a month you lost 5-10 possibly more pounds. Your appetite is gone (!) and you almost have to Tell yourself to eat, imagine that for just a moment!
Eating is like going to the gas station, it's fuel. Not the mandatory social ritual of stuffing your face with excess energy. Now you'll be stuffing your face with real food and lots of it, just manage the carbs.
Talk to your Doctor, not necessarily for them to say No, but to explain how your individual medical conditions may react poorly. If you are struggling with high Blood Sugar, you really Must try this!
Decades ago Dr. Atkins was scorned as a heretic. But there's been many actual studies since then that show most of what he said back in the '70's was right. My doctor was skeptical. I didn't have blood sugar issues, only way overweight and had high blood pressure from being fat. 6 months later, my doctor took me off blood pressure medicine and was pleasantly surprised and said she learned a lot from watching me.
But again, your physical situation is different so talk to your doctor, but be firm. Hopefully you won't be made to feel like a fool by your medical professional. If they can't point to a physical problem you are having that specifically says a higher protein/low carb diet will make worse, go for it. You can always stop, modify and make changes to suit your needs and metabolism.
So stock up on protein, fats like nuts, cheeses, and fibrous foods, even Metamucil, every day. Take a multivitamin. Eat breakfast, even something small, protein and fiber will last most of the day and you won't be hungry. Sorry, no fruit in the beginning, it's almost all Sugar with a little fiber, you can get your vitamins elsewhere. Look at the label for vegetables, you'll be surprised.
Know that 1 Gram of Fiber subtracts a gram of Carbs, count your Total carbs by subtracting grams of fiber. Pay attention to your body and your stomach and see what your Carb Number is. Some can eat as much as 100 per day and be in Ketosis, for me it's 50, some have to decrease to 30 or less.
That's not forever either, right now you are trying to lose weight and See for yourself how this works for You. Later, you'll see you can take a day off, go out with friends and eat whatever you want. Go eat pizza, pasta, breads, alcohol, fruit, candy, chips or whatever to think you need/want. But not for more than 1 day in a row, do that and you stay in Ketosis. Your success will tell you not to cheat, not to give up.
Now, you're going to have difficulties. Money, other health issues, prescribed medications, depression eating, overbearing friends or family members. Do your best, only You can take care of You, It's no one else's responsibility but yours. If your friends keep after you to quit this crazy thing, say you’re following a new Keto diet, or take a break from them. If they are truly your friends, they will care enough to let you try and encourage you to succeed.
You lose weight, have more energy (from not carrying a 20-30 lb. backpack) and your clothes will fit so loose your going shopping!
If you give it 6 months, really do it, you won't be disappointed and you'll modify the basics to fit your preferences and lifestyle.
Good luck!