Hi, everyone. Welcome to another episode of 15 minutes with Dr. Marcus, my new hard-hitting medical podcast. This episode is about fenbendazole and cancer. I will give you the most comprehensive review of the use of fenbendazole in cancer there is. Fenbendazole is an antiparasitic. It is a dog dewormer, has been used as an antiparasitic since the 1960s.
And it has been shown to have extensive anti-cancer activity. Now, it's not FDA approved for use in humans. There is a version of it that is almost identical that is approved for use in humans by the FDA, and it's called mebendazole. I will do a separate video for mebendazole because the dosing is quite different.
Now the story of fenbendazole in cancer really starts with Joe Tippins, an Oklahoma man who was diagnosed with stage four small cell lung cancer, who was sent home to die by his oncologist with less than 1% chance of survival. And he stumbled across fenbendazole as a recommendation by a veterinary friend of his.

NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 019: FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER

Increases p53 tumor suppressor levels (damaged by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine spike protein in Turbo Cancer)

Joe Tippens Protocol, dosing & more - CONTROVERSIAL!

Big pharma will absolutely HATE this!

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These messages are so vital for humanity

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Agree. I signed up and thought I might just read maybe another article or two but he has very interesting content.

The part I don't understand is why people that try this wouldn't use what the original drug the main person used (Joe Tippen). The video says Joe used Pancur-C made by merck animal health which is simply on chewy and is in the proper dosage form already. It's exactly what he used as I read and see it. At 9:04 in the video it specifically shows Joe Tippen used pancur-c. If I was going to try it, I would be taking that, made by merck. I don't necessarily trust big pharma either, but I do with regard to the actual medicine. I don't know anything and am judging no one for what they are using or want to use. I'm just trying to understand the logic.

I didn't mean for all that I wrote to be addressed directly or to you Nancy. I was just agreeing with your main statement and posted the rest as a question to the people on here, if they have an answer. Or to the good doctor if he has an answer, although he says in the video he would probably or says he would use pancur-c. And that seems to be a brand name of merck and is exactly for worms on chewy. Therefore, again, I would say it is the best source for Fenben.

Ah, I just re-listened and he does say what he recommends. He says "I would look into the FDA approved Menbendazole" etc. But before that says 222mg and references pancur-c. Once again, this is the one made by merck animal health which to me would be safer than an unknown manufacturer company, but that's just me.

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We all have scepticism when it comes to medial and all other walks of life, so to speak. I myself personally would resort to the natural path and would encourage all others. In all my research and findings based on Big Pharma and other pharmaceutical companies they are misleading their consumers. I just have to look at the last four years to verify my stance. It’s time everyone gets to know the real truths behind the so called government science and how they manipulate everything.

It may sound a bit radical to some degree but the evidence is there. So sorry if there are any typo’s, my glasses seem off today- I do so much reading to learn and am trying to fix the unjust happening in my country of 🇨🇦, wow, lots of work!

Blessings 🕊️🪶⚖️

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My dog died of osteosarcoma in Aug of 2022, had I known this drug along with Ivermectin could have saved her, I would have given it to her. We still miss her, she was a beautiful medium coat German Shepherd that loved people and trained puppies. I know we're talking about curing humans here but its so sad I couldn't save my beautiful Emily Blu' she was only 6 1/2 years old, way too young to die.

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I gave my beautiful border collie a rabies shot and he was an emergency that night. His nose was hot and he had blood in his urine then he got a cancer in the eye. He had never been sick before that… Luckily I found out about an anti-cancer dog for drugs and he still fine, but he’s only got one eye now vaccinations for dogs are no better than they are for us. I still feel guilty. I was stupid enough to trust.the vet

Stay away.

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These people are not human, they are monsters. My friends foal got a brain tumor. They are finding clots in cattle. Once they got “approval” for self assembling quantum nano tech to deliver a genetic modification in humans, wa la it is now in most vaccines, including livestock and pets and it is being found in Hydrogels used in anesthetics and insulins. See humanity united now on Rumble. BG said this shit is 100% programmable and they have a hundred diseases to choose from. They are injuecting the bird flu into the cows. Why else would Death Canada be randomly testing cows milk.

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You can ask for a Titer test so you don't have to jab your dog.

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Hang on to your memories of your beautiful Emily - losing a much-loved pet is very painful. xx

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Oh we do, we have photos of her around the house.

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A MILLION Thank Yous Dr. Makis. You are a HERO and an ANGEL! I am certain that you are providing this information at significant risk to yourself. May God Bless and Keep you.

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Well said!

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The saddest thing about this is that people don't want to listen. I had a coworker who had a beloved Boxer that had cancer. She waved it off in disbelief. She lost her dog.

I had a good friend, whose father was in cancer remission - and it suddenly returned with a vengeance… Metastasized everywhere. I told her about this and shared all of the science that I could find with her. She showed her father.

His response? "If it was so good, it would be on TV". He chose to suffer and eventually MAID. There is some amazing stories on the fenbendazole Substack of people who were literally sent home to die, who tried the Tippins protocol as a last ditch effort to save themselves… And they survived. Not only survived… but are now thriving.

I will always wonder… Would my friends's father be alive today if he had tried this? People do not want to try this because it is "dog wormer". Just like they did with ivermectin ... "horse paste".

For anyone interested in looking into this a little deeper, Dr. Lee Merritt has a very interesting video series cancer and parasites. in that video, she mentions another video that is worth watching - I don't recall the name of it, but it was done some years ago and it is essentially scientists from Europe proving and showing electron micro graphs of parasites in cancer. They are essentially proving that at least some cancers are parasitic in nature.

I don't know if anybody else connected the dots, but I did. It seemed very odd to me that ivermectin cured Covid. The Covid vaccines (and possibly the infection itself), cause cancer.... and a deworming product(s) are curing the cancers. Some very interesting dots to connect there.

Joe Tippin's website - fenbendazole.org

Source of proven effective fenben -


Worldwide free shipping. They have a warehouse in Canada, so shipping is fast and no hassles with customs or duty.

On the checkout page at the top left-hand side, enter "FENBEN10" to get a further 10% discount. Cheaper than Amazon. No affiliation, just sharing this as a kindness.

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Yes , it is indeed very sad that so many people don't want to listen (to anything outside the CORRUPT Mainstream). I'm in the UK, and the rest of my family, and most of my friends, are totally closed-minded re. all these big truths (re. many subjects), they simply choose to be naive, brainwashed, gullible, and thus to blindly believe what the Establishment spew out. They choose to remain uninformed on truths which all intelligent people DO want to be informed on.

I've been 'awake' (re. how this world is actually run...) for 40-45 years [am 65], and have been trying to 'wake up' my family members for most of that time. With no success...

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Thank you for sharing this information.

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I went to that website for Fenbendazole. It was massively expensive ie £125 for 180 tablets of 222mg including shipping. I got my 500 tablets, 222mg, for just under £50 including shipping, from indiamart.com Yes they have plenty of sellers with different prices, which you sift through, even barter with them. But very cheap by comparison.

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Thank you Dr Makis, I have been waiting for you to do a 15 min video on this…can’t wait for the other’s to come…. My Son told me about this fellow who used Fenbendazole for his Cancer……this and have been praying you would do this…Thank you!!!! And God Bless..

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Ipso Facto:

If you were truly part of a depopulation agenda:

You would also be a part of a repopulation agenda in your likeness.

Once “practically everyone” was gone - or most people, you’d want to re-populate with your own DNA.

Jeffrey Epstein was a big banker of his sperm.

Give me a list of wealthy “insiders” that have banked significant volumes of their sperm, and I will show you the plotters.

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That’s truly bizarre to consider, but it also makes perfect sense (in the narcissistic, sinister way)… 🤔

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I got there with the following quip below . .. and then I thought, (if you follow that all the way through to its logical conclusion), you would arrive at the spank bank as a “smoking gun”.

‘Be good.

“Okay. I’ll Admit It.

Covid Was Not My Idea.

But I Have A Better One:

Everyone In The World

Should Take The Vaccine.

Except Me.

(And Miss December 2018)

As The Control Group.”

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There’s a gentleman on YouTube called Shane Clark he’s used Mebendazole for his cancer treatment , going into some detail with usage and protocols

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Both my sister and I were successfully cured of our cancers using Fenbendazole.

Mine was high grade bladder cancer...hers was triple negative breast cancer. She was stage 4 on Hospice unable to get out of bed when she finally agreed to take “the darn dog wormer”that healed me beforehand.

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This was a fantastic podcast Dr Makis!! God bless you. It seems like you never take any time for yourself. You are so appreciated!!

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Have you ever thought of being a naturopathic dr? I think we need to start a whole new holistic health care system. I’m in. I’m learning rife, MMS , ivermectin, B17, EE system ( they are scalar systems opening all over the world. ) I would join in a heart beat. Part of the RHPA

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Friend today shared that her brother-in-law has suddenly died from cancer that was very aggressive 😢. I also heard a holistic Dr saying that these turbo cancers he’s seeing in more and more people can be either from Covid-19 or the vaccine. Is there a way to know whether it’s one or the other? If people think it’s Covid spike protein - wouldn’t that have left the body as it runs its course, but vaccine being injected either intravenously by mistake or intramuscular stays in body?

Just seems these turbo cancers can be blamed on Covid when seems more likely the vaccine is cause given all other adverse reactions and deaths.

Cause so hard to establish! I’ve been reminded by the MDs around me not to confuse correlation with causation, but I’m thinking also no proof that it’s not causation - It could be!!

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Covid spike damage can be easily distinguished from jab spike damage using immunohistochemical staining of the damaged tissues. I dont know what is needed or how to do that but it is what pathologists are using after death. Obviously you dont want to wait that long. However it is very unlikely that covid itself would cause cancer because in the vast majority of cases it doesnt get past the lungs to enter the bloodstream and organs. On the other hand, if you took the spike jabs, your immune system is weakened and then the recent virus variants might get past the lungs as Geert Vanden Bossche is saying.

In addition, the virus doesnt have the DNA plasmids nor SV40 promoter contamination nor the N1-methylated-pseudouridine substitution, all of which are implicated in cancer.

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Thank you so much for this explanation Krishna - planning to save this for future conversations! Would you also happen to know about this idea that "long-term-covid" is causing the kinds of debilitating effects on a young person (relative in her 40's) who got "Covid a second time because that's what the test said" and now can no longer work due to the pain and brain fog (a lawyer) that sounds awfully similar to the tragic adverse Covid vaccine cases. Is there a way to tell whether someone's condition is from long-term Covid or the effects of Covid Vaccine? I suspect most of what is being called the former is the latter.

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You might try these pages about long Covid and long Vax and how to recover. I am not a doctor, nor had severe Covid nor got the shot so i can’t offer personal anecdotes or reviews on what works.



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Awesome. 😉👍

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great information - my horse has cushings which is a tumour on the pituatary gland - caused by gmo beet pulp fed to him for years - my other horse died of cushings as well...I thought I would try this with my darling horse. 444 mg and vit e 6 days a week I guess - until the stuff is gone...its expensive. Both of them are..for me.

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Thankyou William, great work again, I have a multi-specialist Dentist friend with about 40yrs experience who has said to me on numerous occasions over past year or so "you wouldn't believe the numbers of cancer he is seeing in his patients" since the onset of the Covid shots. I think you can be pretty sure you are right William!

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Dr Makis - you are WONDERFUL.

THANK YOU for publicizing this.

Pharma SO wants to hide this sort of information from us.

As you know, there are many anti-cancer treatments including plant medicines such as dandelion root (thank you for your recent report on that too!)

Disseminating this information will not make you into a Pharma billionaire but as you continue this work you will surely reap rewards - and you get to keep your integrity too! And to feel proud of the help you are giving to your fellow human beings.

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Joe Tippens says to watch out for fake fenben. He did a live Q&A on June 12 (will post soon to the blog): https://mycancerstory.rocks/category/qa-sessions/

At 12:42 Tippens says he has had various brands tested in a lab and none have the purity or certification for manufacturer's purity testing, except for Merck brand. He has named FenBen Lab (made in eastern Europe) as testing at some 66% fenben potency..and who knows what the other 34% is.. The Merck products test spot on. Fenben Lab "certificate" of purity does not name the lab they use, and they will not disclose that.

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Fantastic podcast in a highly informative series! I wonder: would Dr. Makis have conducted such thorough research of alternatives had he not lost his job in conventional cancer treatment? We seem to be benefitting immensely from his mistreatment by the medical profession.

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Re: lady with liver "damage."

That is bullshit. The liver NUMBERS change, but the liver is not damaged.

I take 333 mg 3x/day EVERY DAY for three weeks. Then a week off.

No problems here.


Bugs in fecal material...now gone.

Fenbenlab.com is where I source.

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what about vitamin B17

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My husband was diagnosed with CLL last year. I immediately got him on the following protocol: fenbendazole 222mg (upped to 444 mg) daily (available on Amazon) green tea extract, cell food drops, baking soda capsules, liquid tumeric and flaxseed oil. Guess what? The progression has stopped and he is stable. Cancer not progressing!! His oncologist can't believe it and was astounded. All of these available on Amazon. DO NOT take chemo it will destroy your natural immune system!!

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Pantoprazole is being given to my 55 year old nephew while he is taking Chemo !!! SDZ is the manufacturer. Take two tablets 40 mg each for two weeks following treatment with H.PYLORI, afterwards continue to take one tablet per day.

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Joe Tippens Story, his website


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Should Vit D be added to these protocols? Thank you!

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Jun 12Edited

Was that vitamin d or vitamin E that you said to combine with the fenben?

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Tippen's chart says E

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Thank you, I'm sure I heard Drr. Makis say both. Lol

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yep i heard it too but i think it is a speako (like a typo).

hope he clarifies.

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He recommended D along with the E

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Where do I buy Fenbendazole?

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Thank You!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏 An amazing resource, you work is crucial! May God Bless & protect you🙏

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If you're taking fenbendazole, anecdotal data suggests it should be taken with a fat, like yoghurt for example, to be most effective.

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I am just wondering if anyone knows how LONG it is recommended to take the Fenbendazole protocol to cure cancer. ie. 1 month or longer? And then perhaps a lesser dosage/frequency for maintenance?

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Yes Thats my question he leaves it vague at that Not sure

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find the link HERE on Tippens website home page for his full narrative of his total cure

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Fantastic podcast in a wonderful series. I wonder: would Dr, Makis have conducted such thorough research into alternative treatments had he not lost his job in conventional treatment. His mistreatment by the medical profession has benefitted us immensely.

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Great info Dr Makis . Thankyou so much !!!

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could not get the audio, darn it. Very saddened to hear this news.

My thought; this is still happening. Sadists all.

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Jun 12
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Joe Tippens just did a live Q&A session on June 12. In this session he says he's being attacked by fraudsters sending out false info and scams to people following him, and giving false advise for cancer protocols.

You'll find his Q&A Sessions on his blog:


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Thank you for informing me about this false information!

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It doesn't say in the article what he died of.

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