VIDEO - BREAKING NEWS: Who is trying to CANCEL the historic UCP Event on June 17, 2024 regarding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on Alberta's Childhood Vaccine Schedule?
Massive efforts underway to CANCEL a Historic Event examining COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on Alberta's Childhood Vaccine Schedule.
Who are the psychopaths trying to SILENCE parents of vaccine injured children?
so depressing. Canada is shithole..that's what Chris Sky's message was tonight. But sadly I don't have the means to escape. I'm a single woman - over 65 with only a pensions to live on. I moved from a place where I had a mortgage and really downsized and got a place that I could pay for outright with the money left over on my old place. Now the Canadian government is taxing my rural 200 year old house and falling down barn through the roof - in one year my taxes have now reached $4000 - just to live here and they will stop paying my pension until the taxes are paid. I know another pensioner they did that to. Justin Trudeau's brother, Kyle Kemper said his brother and the government in Canada is taxing Canadians to death...the whole fight against the so called anti vaxx conference ' Injection of Truth ' - the whole fight against it - is being funded by tax dolllars. This is a hard time on planet earth. A genocide going on in front of our eyes and no one stops it ? Children being killed by injections and no one stops it. Old people being starved by forced taxation .
This country has become disgusting for many reasons, all of which start with the LIEberals and the king Turd, itself 💩.
Sorry for the situation you are facing... We just started discussing tax increases in Edmonton this evening. Another place being ruined by a LIEberal , corruption and a filthy Mayor...
Have you seen Mocha Bezirgan? Wow does he have a lot of truth about the disgusting mayor of Edmonton, if people knew…
yes, he's wonderful. I actually didn't get around to watching that video on the Edmonton mayor...I'll look it up.
I think the new word is Democide. According to the WEF, we are members of the useless class so yes, they want you and as many people as possible dead in order to save the planet. Net Zero is not simply about reducing CO2 (plant food). It is against carbon based life forms who emit CO2 and methane.
The United Nations/Gates/Govts/Pharma/et al.....Their DEPOPULATION AGENDA!!!
Consider yourself luckier than I. The CRA garnisheed my union pension leaving me below the poverty line in Alberta. I have to choose between dry or canned dog food. CPP+OAS barely covers rent. What about gasoline (vehicle to get to the Dr. and groceries) Insurance, registration and car payment. Groceries have gone up what 14%? How can one afford to even give a birthday card to all the kids, in-laws and grandkids? In the words of Kevin 'Bloody' Wilson Ho Ho Ho
I thought if you’re over 65 you can defer your property taxes? Is this not available to you?
no that is not available in Nova Scotia - the authorities that I phoned had never even heard of it. The people here are great but they generally are very obedient to the government. There are a few tax abates I think they're called but it disappears so fast. Heating rebates, that's what its called. its really appalling how much I spend on heating - its more than $600 a month and the governemtn gives you $600 a year. I'm going to have to sell the wild land that I bought with this house - about 9 acres - its worth about $1000 an acre I was told by a neighbour...but there's alot of logging and I can sell it to another neighbour so he can log it I guess, and then pay my taxes...its insane. We don't need govermemtn. Government is a burden on citizens - we could figure all of our societal responsibilitites without the politicians. They are a thieving class.
What a terrible position to be in 🙏🏻
yeah - and the shared well with my next door neighbour just ran dry. so I'll use some of that money to get my own well too.
No they don’t do anything for seniors that I know of in 🇨🇦? Do you? ❤️
I know a senior in West Vancouver and they defer their property taxes. Maybe you can inquire.
not in NS
I will check it out, thanks for the info!
Maybe your province offers property tax deferral, Ann. That might help. Keep up your courage, as we must stay strong against these stressful evils. That tiny word, "NO" will need to be spoken often by more and more of us, because en masse we must go against the WHO, the WEF and several other globalist groups trying to make us surrender to their intolerable plans. We need to vote this government out asap, as well. Defeat at the polls for them will help to bring a breath of change for us and our crumbled democracy.
Thank you … so true … somehow we all need to be arm in arm supporting one another . I am 65 too … Asking Yahway for daily wisdom !
Call me...Dan Allison...519-563-8087
It is a truly bizarre time we're living in, where gullible people who only read propaganda are convinced no one ever died from a brand new, untried, untested technology, while the people reading actual studies and following actual data, know a genocide has just taken place that no one wants to talk about.
The lunatics really ARE running the asylum (and I would add the Public don't mind at all being lunatic or asylum-adjacent if it provides false comfort and an excuse to not look critically at reality).
I'm not going to pay my taxes. They don't want us to know about the money ? That government works for us. I'm not paying my taxes because they're not representing us. They work for the WEF.
they'll come after you. I had a senior friend who didn't pay $16K in income tax and they took his pension away from him...he had no other savings. He had to work as a logger and scrounge and it was a small community and people knew him so they gave him work. He shuffled - he didn't walk because of a really hard life as a logger and the government cut him off.
My friend isn't paying taxes for well on 11 years. That scenario sounds like someone who was assessed and didn't pay his taxes . I'm not going to file.
are you talking about property tax or income tax ? You mean not file this year ?
or you've never filed ? If you don't ever file I think they don't know about you unless you work for a company that ( income tax I mean ) files for you. In Canadai
Income tax. I not going to file this year. I have always filed. Not this year. I don't want to give money to a tax heist.
I honestly and sincerely hope you succeed my dear. My income tax is okay - I file ( I pay an account as I'm hopeless with finance ) and there is in Canada - a pensioner's income tax, where I don't pay anything and I don't get anything back. Its great. Its the property tax that is doubled since I moved here. And they want our property. That's their goal...I'm just listening to this fabulous interview -
Thanks for the link.
Oh Ann, I'm SO SORRY. I wish there was something I could do to help you. I'm in rural Ontario, don't know where you are. I'm HEARTBROKEN for you BUT we do have a MIGHTY Creator and HELP will COME!!!
if I pay $300 a month it will reduce it. they pay me $1800 and then take back $300.
It is a truly bizarre time we're living in, where gullible people who only read propaganda are convinced no one ever died from a brand new, untried, untested technology, while the people reading actual studies and following actual data, know a genocide has just taken place that no one wants to talk about.
The lunatics really ARE running the asylum (and I would add the Public don't mind at all being lunatic or asylum-adjacent if it provides false comfort and an excuse to not look critically at reality).
Just goes to show you how evil these people are…and how ‘OVER THE TARGET’ this UCP Event actually is…..Will be praying for all your Safety…..we will not stoop to their level, we will rise above and continue to speak Truth…..God Bless you Dr Makis..
Don't let them get away with it!!
I had a feeling, in fact was positive, the event would be on the PTB's hit list. We must all refuse, en masse, the next round of "vaccines" that are also designed to destroy our bodies one way or another. Dr. Makis will go down in the annals of history as a hero.
THAT! And personally I would not trust any govt. in power be it whatever party!
I don't trust government anymore, especially after the covid-19 debacle. I just know we must get JT out of there, and as far away from us all as possible. We need a different government for sure -- and trust needs to be earned.
NO POLITICIAN will save us! They’re ALL compromised IMO not one of those scum in the HOC stood up for us! Except one MP in Saskatchewan or Manitoba she was on the National Citizens Inquiry go listen to what she has to say about our politicians she is AMAZING! Also did you know about the case J. WILTON LITTLECHILD, M.P. v. Citizens of Canada Case? Check it out! NO POLITICIANS in Canada can be charged for ANY crime if said or done in the HOC, nice to be able to write your own rules, vacations, salary, etc. etc. etc. this was done in 1990 in the County of Wetaskiwin unbelievable look at the freedom of information on this case you will just love it! Docket number 9012000725.
I am hoping that he does not go down at all. Warriors of truth are in short supply.
What is the UCP?
It is fun never knowing where people are from. But I think covid-19 has more people looking at Canadian politics then ever before.
True, and I began paying a lot of attention to Canadian politics during the Trucker's Strike.
God bless the Canadian Truckers. I think they finally put an end to this madness, worldwide... at least for a time.
Kind of true but some places will not let you work with out submitting to the mRNA marketing plan. And people still have COVID-19 fines to pay. And places are still recommending jabs.
But they sure broke the back of tyranny.
Tell me about it. From November 2021 till July 2022 I was barred from working. Think the government will ever reimburse me $30,000 for lost wages? Fat f***ing chance!
Evil times. And no they will not, you have better odds with the 649.
Not to mention the theft of my house because I was stupid enough to buy property on "First Nations" land... (
They tried...and got a lot of public notice and support. Yet, the Coutts Four "defendants" who had up to now been incarcerated with real criminals while waiting for their trial, were still indicted for "mischief". I thought their actions were strongly patriotic, but it would seem that the courts didn't. Somehow, we must pull together and get the crooked governments out. And, we must resist any further pandemic treaty mandates thrown our way in future; let's make "NO" a very firm response.
Yes, I'm in Australia and Canada certainly takes the lead in all things tyrannical and illegal with no thanks to JT and Co...
Idk, I would have thought we were neck and neck with Australia. LOL.
Dan Andrew's Scott Morrison?
Sadly, from Canada's side of the world, it seems like Australia really came down hard on its citizens during covid-19, with THEIR mandates. Now that the patterns are set, and the WHO's lovely pandemic treaty requirements still going ahead (in spite of that brief moment in time when we thought it had been stymied by good sense). Grim as things are in Canada, it is my birthplace and home, so I am going nowhere else. We need to stay strong and united against all globalist tyranny. And, JT must go... preferably on a leaky, slow boat to China, and hopefully with much of his cohort with him. Did we really elect JT to join us into the Pandemic Treaty?? Is there any further proof that our democracy is in ruins? Are there no referenda? Are there no plebiscites through which we could have given our consent first?
I"m American but I think this is the UCP:
Thank you.
Another example of acronyms do not tell the story. Please use the full name . New people coming to see these wonderful substacks every day.
Yes, and when I first read the headline, I thought he was referring to the W.H.O., not asking who is doing this. I could believe that it is the W.H.O. doing it.
You may well be right, Dave. The W.H.O. does seem to have mighty long arms, and they don't hesitate to let those wandering arms dangle in Canada's affairs and stir them up. We must stop them, along with the federal government (whose members have pledged their support) because the globalist agenda is bathed in pure evil, clearly aimed at ruining Canada and jeopardizing Canadian lives and lifestyles. We cannot afford to allow the W.E.F.'s diabolical agenda to go forward successfully, either. Say "NO!"
United Conservative Party of Alberta
It is The United Conservative Party
What a couple of complete morons on that podcast!! Wow. They will look back on this in a few years if they are still on this earth , and regret all that they said. Their legacy will be shameful arrogance and regret.
Imagine if they have children and vaccinated them? May god have mercy on their souls, imagine saying the jabs are safe! I pray people find out who is spreading THIS garbage the vaccine IS poison while I write this my sister is dying of terminal cancer from that! I will NEVER stop telling people our own government poisoned you how can you EVER trust those terrible terrible murderers!!
Barbara, is your sister using ivermectin and Fenbendazole or is she using allopathic life-ending treatment? 🙏🏻
She won’t try anything else, I suggested ivermectin, vitamin c, anything but she listens to the doctors sadly they told her she needs chemo, radiation, etc. she was feeling ok before all that now she is very tired 🥲
I’m sorry to hear that. There is a good documentary called Dying to Have Known. It’s about the Gerson Therapy. Perhaps you could watch it with her, maybe just to open her eyes a bit. 🙏🏻
Thank you ❤️
So sad. I'm truly sorry for all the people/families who have been harmed or grieved by this bioweapon. Blessings to all of you. We need a world prayer day.
If vaxxed, will they still be here in two years?
Depends who you're getting your information from. Theresa Tam MD, Deena Hinshaw MD and "Butcher Bonnie" Henry MD undoubtedly are still saying "100% safe and effective." Charles Hoff MD here in British Columbia is saying "2-3 years". Delores Cahill PhD in Ireland is saying "3-5 years, 10 on the outside." Tiffany Dover on the other hand died within 20 minutes, right in front of the television... 😱
... oh, wait... my bad: The FDA or the CDC says you're not "fully vaccinated" until 2 weeks after injection. So Tiffany's abrupt departure is just one of those very occasional coincidences.. move along folks. Nothing to see here.
Have you looked into @itsdeanblundell and @lochlincross yet, Capt?
I'm about to.
Those sort of look like the tail-end of email addresses Donna.. I'm afraid my computer literacy is falling off a bit.. where do I find them please?
They're on 'X' (Twitter) at those addresses.
I'm trying not to use twitter... 🤔
I found a picture of them, but this platform has no feature to share it. I'll see if they're on this platform.
No problem...
They're not. Sorry.
Thanks.. Guess I'll have to break down and re-open my account I'm trying to delete... posted too many indelicate things on it, doncha know..
Or maybe they won’t. Honestly, they look like a bunch of paedophiles to me
Paid $380,000 to lie.
Excuse me?!?!?! Not real doctors? He's an idiot! 🤨
Autism is now 1 in 36 from 1 in 10,000, thanks to childhood vaccines.
Anyone who cannot see the connection is a fool, deluded, corrupt, and /or evil.
Everyone who is speaking other then Dr. Makis is a corrupt criminal POS paid by the corrupt Pharmacutical companies or the corrupt government. We are trying as hard as we can in the USA to get these Biological weapons stopped and the whole VAX industry shut down as they have been injuring and killing people for years! Keep fighting for the truth and never give up
Any product labeled as “Liability Exempt,” has already revealed it leaves a trail of death and disability, without accountability…Soon all homes will be disability retreats, caring for an injured child, without awareness 💸☠️
When you realise that these people simply use 'ad hominem' attacks on the characters of those who oppose their views, it all becomes patently obvious. They can't debate the truth, facts, or the growing mountain of evidence , so they just denigrate the person who dissents from what they believe. Such character assassinations are a strong sign that you - and others - are actually winning the debate - so take heart Dr, Makis. We will win!
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus; False in one, False in all.
Alberta Health Services MURDERED my 88 yo mother-in-law with WHO protocols.
Morphine, Medazolam, NPO and ventiation after the injection of a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
If they murdered her what woud stop them from murdering anyone else even YOUR KIDS?
God will get them for that.
Romans 12:19
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord
But we can STOP them and let it be known what they are doing.
Their karma is GREAT!
Matthew 18:6 KJV
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Psychopaths they are! We all have to stay the course and support all the brave individuals that have platforms to expose the truth. Our numbers are growing. Put pressure on elected officials and confront medical professionals when the occasion arises. It will make a difference eventually. May God keep Dr. Makis and others safe.
My, the spirit of scientific rigor and investigation; the free and open dialogue; the freedom from dogma and political propaganda is stunning amongst these folks! Thought-leaders each and every one of them! Clearly, if another "lock down" scenario should arise, they would be quick and eager to persecute, incarcerate and force "treatment" on all those they don't agree with! My heart sinks realizing that there are still those among us who haven't gained a glimmer of insight, perspective or compassion after all that we've been through.
Thank-you to everybody who is presenting at this Event and to all those who are sharing their stories. I wish I lived closer and could attend.
You can get tickets to live stream it.
I sense the odor of people who've sold themselves. The willful blindness, even ad hominems, smack of desperation. As outrageous and infuriating as this is, I remind myself that it's much better to be on our side of the issue than on theirs. With time comes truth. Tick tock.
Dear Dr. Makis and everyone else:
Courtesy of The Lethal Injections I'm personally aware of 7 deaths and 34 permanent, debilitating injuries. Thus as I've said before: At some point the reality of The Lethal Injections will be simply undeniable and when that happens the law, the police, even security systems and body guards will be of no avail to these creatures. People, singly or in groups, will search for them, and they will search for them until they find them. There will be nowhere they can hide, and when they're found... ?
Let's just say it will not go so well for them.
Capt. Roy Harkness
Blundell and Cross are parasites who latch onto the low hanging fruit of this tree of destruction. (No insult meant to trees.)
Sorry Donna... I've no idea who "Blundell" and "Cross" are.. could you please enlighten me?
It should be no wonder to us why our PM so clearly wants to rid us of all guns! Well, at least we will likely still have access to sticks and stones. Capt. Roy, I don't yet share your optimism that the villains of the "pandemic" will get their punishment. Didn't we think the Nazis were killed or conquered? ... until they resurfaced in South America.
They came to America also. Our own government as well as South America has rogue elements floating amount us thanks to the secret societies that harbored them as well as our own government gave them jobs at NASA. I don’t doubt for one second many of the real culprits got away with it. Or so they think. Anyone that knows God and the scriptures knows nothing will be hidden. Every deed food or bad has been recorded. The day will come for each of our life’s review. Every minute detail for all to see. It is then we all will know where evil dwells. They rest God will sort out. “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.”
I actually have no such optimism Barbara; likely it would take human bodies stacked like cordwood before the Morons begin to wake up. Vigilante justice is however, likely to be the only justice these monumental bastards will ever receive.
PS It's obvious why Justin wants to ban guns: Like Lyin' Brian before him, he's terrified he may get his ass short off.. You can rest easy Justin, because given a choice? I'd use a chainsaw.
Those that hold different opinions are welcome to attend and should come and listen to the evidence. If they don't agree, they leave with the same position, or maybe they learn something that gives them a new perspective, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Dean Blundell and Lochlin Cross are the real-life Beavis and Butt-head
You will be on the right side of history Dr Makis. Keep up the good work exposing this outrage.
I hope Blundell has taken his booster shots!
So depressing to hear these comments being made. What has become of the country I grew up in. No matter what your viewpoint all information should be presented. It sounds like these people are afraid of the truth.
I can see a “died suddenly “ happening to one of those loud mouths trying to shut you down. They follow the father of lies and unfortunately it takes loss and death to wake people up
That is the word .
This Injection of Truth must be just that…., an injection of truth. Nothing these people of evil intent hate more than the truth. God bless, Dr Makis. Keep going & bringing the truth!
I do not care what supposed medical professions, say about this event. They are running scared because of the truth being spoken will be in direct opposition to the lying they have been doing. They can all go to hell, we know who the real doctors are and they are not sitting in AHS's offices. They do not want their lies exposed! Why will they not bring their information, their phantom experts and present it?????? I am grateful to you all and already bought my ticket. Who is the dufus doing the interview, has to legacy media.
Today people are not ANTI-vaxxers; they are NOT ANYMORE-vaxxers! Love how these evil brain dead people try to belittle the real thinkers into submission. The collective sheep are just mad and jealous that they can’t be independent educated thinkers!
The doctors speaking out ARE the REAL DOCTORS who actually care about the oath they took. Keep up the fight. It's going to be a long battle for truth but the truth will reign. God bless Dr. Makis, Dr. Trozzi and all the others who actually care about children and humanity. Great respect to all of you.
These dead heads have literally drank the kool aid. It is willful blindness. If they even took the time to look up these speakers (doctors, scientists, etc) they would see their accomplishments but no, it is much easier to call them anti-science (what a joke of a term) and de-licensed (yes, I wonder why?) and anti-vax (can't argue with the results of these jabs). Thank you Dr. Makis for being the kind of doctor who truly cares for people.
We need accountability Nuremberg 2.0 trials!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk about totally brainwashed assholes who lack a modicum of critical thinking or scientific rigor; These people especially need that injection of truth.
Yes, you called it correctly… Psychopaths
Another example of acronyms do not tell the story. Please use the full name . New people coming to see these wonderful substacks every day.
Very difficult to listen to these leftist morons trying to discredit and stop truth from being presented.
Buckle up good people. The smell of their desperation intensifies along with their level of psychosis and dedication to their material spoils for colluding with evil. Stark reveal that is undeniably at biblical levels. God help them.
Love all the carefully crafted misleading hit-pieces by the likes of ctv and other media. They do things like call these scientists and dr's quacks... and then quote a professor of LAW as proof??!
Thank you Dr. Makis. Daily I am horrified by the evil of these people.
SCIENTIFIC PROCESS (What humanity & Natural Science is based in). Thank you Dr. Makis, once again.
All science is interdisciplinary, holistic & responsible to people as individuals & whole populations. During all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') period & for 1st Nations here on Turtle-Island, the right to raise issues, by which one is affected, into COUNCIL PROCESS requires all people requested to respond in Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogue aka 'Debate' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight').
This indigenous foundation called Socrates to found Academia in the Athens Garden of Academus, on the right & responsibility of Students, Professors, Townspeople to debate as the main stay of 'education' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within').
Mohandas Gandhi following India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') movement Council Process implemented 'Satyagraha' (H. 'Truth-search'), which united India's diversity into creating understanding, working-agreement, contracts & collaboration.
a) This now documented illegal Gain-of-Function COVID-19 Virus developed in Fort-Deitrick Maryland, University of North Carolina shipped to avert US Law to Wuhan, China breaks all human laws & should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of all national & international law as illegal Biological Warfare.
b) As a purported & yet to be charted Virus, one doesn’t treat so-called viruses or any microscopic pathological agent alone, but must always treat all illnesses based on the TERRAIN or whole body & systems health processes. i.e. One doesn’t mRNA manipulate artificial production of Spike Proteins to supposedly 'fight' infectious agents, but 1st enhance the body's natural defenses through natural treatments like: Natto-kinase, Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Vit C. Hydroxychloroquine & such as the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko or Dr Peter McCullough Protocols.
VIOLATION #1 Invalid Experimental Authorization for mRNA
a) In Medicine, one does NOT experiment on Human Beings with Complex Synthetic Petro-derived chemical or complex untested (no-double-blind-testing) Gene 70% mRNA & 30% DNA injections.
b) Experiments can only be carried out in the rarest of medical cases & in no circumstances upon whole populations of whole continents worldwide.
c) If a patient presents with significant life threatening symptoms the 1st treatment recourse is Natural, fully tested (eg. Plant, Fungi, Mushroom, positive bacteria or Animal derived substances) based.
VIOLATION #2 Improper Emergency Use Authorization from invalid data gathering on COVID-19 infection rates & severity. Because of false reliance on PCR testing over 20 cycles, its inventor Kary Mullis protested PCR testing for COVID as invalid.
VIOLATION #3 False manipulated data was coordinated by captured Health Agencies, Media, Government & Big Pharma to orchestrated to panic an unknowing public, captured MD, PhD, Nurses & legislators.
VIOLATION #4 Lack of Intimate Record Keeping: Once launched it was/is the responsibility of government & pharma in Experimental Medicine on a limited Emergency Use Authorization (still today) to gather precise intimate followup records of Adverse Events & Deaths for all individuals who’ve been inoculated on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, over decades & intergenerationally (25 years X 3).
VIOLATION #5 Lack of followup medical treatment & insurance support for those who’ve been inoculated. Government (Captured or not) can’t under Common Law excuse Profit Making Companies from Liability nor excuse itself from its responsibility.
VIOLATION # 6 Impeding PEER REVIEW & EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REPORTING Under these false & manipulated illegal violations of Medical experimental conditions, the best MD, PhD & Nurses, all tried to report to insufficiently designed VAERS, Euro-Vigilance & other reporting systems as well as to making these findings public through media, which is one of the subjects of this Legal Injunction against Social-Media & MSM Censorship. Censorship against Election Campaigns only compounds. Censorship is at the tail end of dozens of serious law violations.
As a US citizen I am concerned about Canada, the UK, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. All of them English speaking countries that globalist psychopaths in Big medicine and Big government are using to implement their deliberate depopulation and control agendas. (They are going for the smaller Anglo-sphere countries FIRST. The US is the Big Kahuna as the final take down target. ) I wish honest Canadian parents the best to keep this conference event alive. The crazy statements of those in this video attacking Dr Makis and the parents is shameless gaslighting. God bless truth tellers!
One thing that blows my mind quite a bit is about all those counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists who doesn't come forward and tell it all about those Narcissists, psychopaths sick in the head leaders who are acting like JUSTIN.COMPETENT TROU D'EAU.
There are tons of evidences and red flags and yet nothing is happening from these peoples who are suppose to know about the sick in the head people.
Despite all the evidence, many other professionals (who could have, and should have, come forward to defame the "vaccines" and keep to proven scientific facts) were muffled and bought off by governments worldwide, because governments have now become the servants of global organizers. Disgusting. We need more doctors like Dr. Makis to help follow and restore the truth. And down with the WHO's Pandemic Treaty -- that's disgusting and unnecessary, too! We must stand up for restoring our democracy.
NWO operatives. i.e. the gay mafia. The same ilk as Cecil Rhoades and Lord Maynard Keynes.
We MUST abolish fake money/central banks and go back to a gold coin standard. Only then will there be justice.
Wow, just Wow.. Canada is surely the leading nefarious-led country in modern times, although it does have competition from Germany, NZ, France and Aust. These people in gov/media etc are genuinely truly evil and some stupidly ignorant.. Their comments are, among other things, profoundly disrespectful of the myriad people who have suffered effects from the GMO jabs, and in time, we will see a wider truth prevail!
H ga ha, it would be hillarious is it had any truth to it, guilt anf punishment will follow shortly, the sooner the better.
Those guys are infuriating 🤬.
SADS in 3..2..1.. ?
#justintrudeauTraitor #chrystiafreelandTraitor
This is shocking news! We need to organize a protest or sign a petition to give a strong message to those who try to cancel the event: that we won't let them do it. People need to rise up and make their voices heard. It's time for the truth to come out. You can't suppress truth forever. That's what those behind this historic event they try to cancel need to know. We the people need to make sure they get the message: that we won't give up.
Get some people, they’ll get some people? Petitions are no good.
Where is this meeting and confirm time please
The meeting is in Calgary, but you can also attend it online.
Oh that’s wonderful, I will watch online. Thanks for the information.
You have to purchase access, so allow extra time to organize.
Do you have a link to how to watch it online? Thanks!
Look up UCP injection of truth. You will find it.
It seems that you have to live in Alberta to join online. At least it would not accept my out of province postal code.
Sad so many evil or ignorant people trying to force injections still on us
WHO is the the same old swindlers, killers, liers, cheats that have been a cancer on the earth for thousands of years. Humans have empathy; they have none. In fact they live off negative energy, chaos, murder and mayhem. If this planet could shake off these vile thugs there would be no more wars, poverty, central banking with compound interest and other forms of slavery. We could enjoy the fruits of N. Tesla's work and have free energy which is all around us. Read the last harvest by Lucien Mars to learn about the origins of this human/reptilian hybrid society and their plans for earth.
It is apparent that these supporters of the government sponsored GENOCIDE are having rectal spasms caused by fear of being discovered Doc. You have them experiencing "the vapours" and it serves them right. Make sure we keep a record of their slanders for use on judgement day. Well done Doc. God bless you. I have been abused from 2010 when I was Vaxx injured Bob Martin
What is the punishment for Treason and Crimes Against Humanity?
On a completely unrelated note, I just finished watching Clint Eastwood's movie Hang 'Em High.
Well said! However high " 'em" are hung, it won't be high enough! I vote for the other direction, the low, dug down option, the one with the blistering heat...I think we call it Hell.
The same ridiculous counter-narrative is being trotted out foe one more run: "Discredited MAGA doctors are Anti-vaxxers. Vaccines have saved millions of children. So these people are child-killers." No one eve bothers to notice that the event is calling simply for suspension of COVID vaccines in children 6-mos to 15 years. That's all.
"…discredited and unlicensed doctors …" Convenient
I bet they cancel the event due to the bullshit water breakage! Mother frs, !
Interesting that you should mention the Great Calgary Waterburst Event, since the Mayor might already have thought of that idea. I should hope that this vital presentation goes ahead, because it is very important for citizens to get some facts at long last.
Is the Covid shots already been added in the childhood immunisation register? Any other countries done the same? How is the people not enraged? This is sick.
It’s been added in the USA kid’s schedule. Canada usually follows the USA, however I don’t believe it is mandatory in Canada.
The libtards were so sure of themselves they tried forcing the jab down everyone else’s throat. It didn’t matter to them of it was harmful to them or others. So they forced millions against their will to get the jab. I guess we all know where the psychopaths come from.
I'm really impressed by this guy. I'd buy his books if I could afford them. Taxes prevent that...
Can't SAVE or HELP the masses....we ALL have consciousness and if this is their TRUTH, let it be. For those who truly are CONSCIOUS they'll take heed and LISTEN and LIVE. Let them talk....we SEE the evidence all around us about these types of people. They think they're above the frey of EUGENICS but as we clearly see everyday, they're all dropping like flies!!! Dr. M, U D MAAN!!! Keep going and the fact that you're HATERS are HATIN' means you're DOIN' the RIGHT THING!!! Our Mighty Creator BLESS, PROTECT, KEEP, GUIDE, GUARD, PROVIDE & STRENGTHEN you, your Family, Colleagues & Supporters!!!
They are scared! The truth is surfacing. (They sound like idiots. )
Wow !!! That’s all I can say.. Why are people so loud and obnoxious .On the other side.
Wonder if "Mr. Blunder" has any children, and how much he has got paid??
My son died 3 days after getting jabbed as a baby, so F. you Blundell
Single man, 70, good health, looking for female partner... Kingsville Ontario Canada Dan Allison...519-563-8087
Truth will always triumph in the end. Liars have no foundation to stand on
Anyone who says this wasn't a "PLANDEMIC".
Ryan just take more booster.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Canadian doctors or scientists exposing the lies gets killed by big pharma. The " pharma industrial complex " has to silence the whistleblowers and the local small time who have zero questioning skills. Seeing the brainwahsed in action is scary.
Big pharma schills and those paid out.
It's not the Who, my good sheeples, it's the Talmudic Luciferian jews!!!
I have been trying for weeks to find out where the venue is for this. May have to content myself with the online link since it is sold out. But would still love to know where it is here in Calgary.
Thank you....where is it in Calgary to attend?
The darkness is being revealed more and more every day. Thank you Dr. Makis for lifting the veil on the dark energies that have been controlling our world. We will continue to plant the seed to help awaken those who are not fully aware of what is going on in the world.
SO....Socialized medicine = more government control?
Looks less and less attractive.
Prayers for the Bravehearts that are small in number and power, will be mighty indeed.
Dr. Makis, wear their accusations as a badge of honor. This indicates how close you and others are to revealing the truth and upsetting their apple cart!
See ex-Australian Health Minister reverse step on GMO Jabs
That guy made me so sick , 🤮anti vax Dr William Makis who happens to be working to save humanity🤺
OMG this Dean Bkundell guy
Democracy Study Guide - - a place to start. We live under a series of lies, we need to understand the lies before we dethrone the liars - get a new plan, stan ...
I stopped believing "the truth always comes out" a long time ago. Do we know the truth about JFK? No, you gotta fight like your life depends on it, to get the truth. It does NOT "defend itself" unless we first free it.
Lincoln assassinstion and conspiracy to kidnap records were sealed for 125 years, numerous requests have been made, it is now 150 years and still no document release.