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This week’s podcast:
Alex Jones (InfoWars) and First Amendment Questions
The Justice Alito secret recordings!
Now that we can discuss immigration … there are terrorists at the border!
COULTER GETS RESULTS: Trump endorses Larry Hogan for Senate
Why have violent airline passenger incidents declined by 2/3rds?
Hey I like the "5 things" updates! Great idea! 👍
But, "Terrorists at the border?" Haven't you heard? They're at the 7-Eleven down the street! 🙂
Entertaining, except that the Alex Jones coverage was shallow, as Ann more or less confessed. First, Jones was among many who saw apparent anomalies in the Sandy Hook shooting. One example of out of dozens: helicopter footage showed a man running into the woods behind the school, pursued by police and then detained, an hour or two after the shooting. It took forever, but all the authorities would ever say, weeks later, was that, yes, it was an unnamed armed officer from another jurisdiction, but he had nothing to do with the shooting. Why was he there? Why did he run? No answer.
Second, I've never seen any evidence that anyone harassed the parents. The "harassment" of FBI Agent William Aldenburg, the "Sloppy Sniper," was, according to his own testimony, that someone called his office to ask if he was really an FBI agent. Jones had shown footage of the strange way he carried his rifle, but never mentioned his name, and there's no known relation between Jones' coverage and the phone call. According to Jones, it was Aldenburg who organized some of the parents to sue, and Aldenburg himself was awarded an insane $90 million by the jury.
Third, Jones was defaulted in both the Connecticut and Texas cases. He turned over an enormous volume of material, including all his cell phones (later leaked by the prosecutors), but not the "marketing plan for exploiting Sandy Hook" which the prosecution said he must have had. He's denied having such a plan, and I haven't heard of any evidence that it existed. But having been defaulted, he was declared guilty by the judges in both cases, prior to any trial, and told neither he or his lawyers could argue his innocence during the penalty "trials," where the juries would determine not guilt or innocence, but only the size of the settlements.
In short, this was the same kind of lawfare we just saw in the Trump "hush money" case, except that the Jones cases were even more egregious, in that he was denied a jury trial on guilt or innocence, and his only underlying "crime" was having, as a talk show host, unauthorized though reasonable questions about some of the very strange characters and events surrounding the shootings.