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Rise up from the ashes. Rise up from the flames. Say through the lies that feed the fires that we create. Come out from the shadows. Come out in plain sight.
Nothing to lose. It's time to move into the light. Denying or fighting, no more hiding anymore Our story,
rewriting or losing, we can't keep quiet anymore Cause together we will rise up Together we will rise up Together we will rise up Can't wait any longer It's our time, yeah, cause it's our time Together we will rise Together we will rise Together we will
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Steve Kirsch VSRF and Dr.William Makis (June 20, 2024)
Jul 13, 2024
Great interview.
The army of immoral apologists trying to bury this from Public view would do far better if they didn't silo the obvious.
And if they at least *feigned* a sham investigation.
Who knows (present company excluded) - excess deaths could be caused by environmental factors; a contaminated water supply, a contaminated food supply, a contaminated air supply? Not investigating any of those things tells me they know what ISN’T responsible, which infers they know what IS.
Similarly turbo cancers. Instead of throwing out a confetti of causes (“just not that one”) their reasoning would've seemed far more plausible, had they also included the shot. Its absence by omission, just illuminates it with Streisand Effect.
As any criminal knows, the best way to hide something is in plain sight (not in that massive safe in the corner of the study).
In their efforts to protect the vaccine industry, using the 3-Monkeys or Ostrich strategy, all it does is make them look derelict in their duty, reinforce there is a coverup, and paradoxically completely undermines Public trust in vaccines.
These are not smart people.
wonderful presentation. thank you so much for sharing and God bless you!
Thank you Dr Makis.
Great Insight and critical thinking!
Wanted for murder, abuse, and treason. 2800 signatures, hold Trudeau accountable for treason, demand his arrest
Joe Tippens website, for complete story and protocol
Joe was sent home to die in 2016, he is alive an well in 2024, his oncologist was appointed to the FDA.
The way our government shut you down is DISGUSTING! My family history is Native Indian and my Cree grandmother was taken from her family at age 8. She and many family members were abused in these residential schools. We know how corrupt the governmemt is! Therefore, I believe your story of experiencing their corruption way before covid! Keep fighting. We are with you! More are waking up. God bless you and your family. 🙏
As far as Im studies or long term studies have ever been done on the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children. Bear in Ontario...the push for vaccinations is related to "school children!" That is why informed parents home school their children.
That "Mandatory for school" belief is not true. I've been an Ontario elementary teacher for 23 years and have taught several 'unvaccinated' children. They can't 'refuse' children in a public school system but they will ask the child to be kept home whenever a contagious disease is found in the school - such as chickenpox. Most people think it is the 'law' but it is only recommended, not actually mandatory.
Thanks for your input. As an elementary teacher, have you seen a concerning rise in autism and other neurological disorders over the years/decades? I have... The health stats are clearly indicating an increase that seems to run in a parallel line with an increase in the number of childhood vaccines on the Canadian vaccine schedule. In recent years there seems to be a "jump" unless 5:17 is considered the "new normal", I thought it was 1:35? I am very concerned for infants/children that were given an additional set of covid injections - aka "experimental gene therapy" Pfizers’ own wording. Lord help us!
ABSOLUTELY A HUGE JUMP IN AUTISM over my career (23 yrs)! The first 5 years from 2001-2006 out of approx. 100 students/year (as I am a French teacher going to x4 classes) = I had ZERO ASD students. In the last 5 years I have approx. 1-3 autistic students PER CLASS!! Almost every classroom has at least one diagnosed as mildly autistic but among the school population (300-400 students) we would generally have at least 3-4 SEVERE (non-verbal with severe behaviours) autistic students per year. Nobody will convince me now that autism is not linked to vaccines; I realize that there are a lot of contributing variables that occurred over that same time period (chemicals, wifi, fireproofing, etc) but if you follow CHD and Covid Intels, there is no doubt!
thank you for your more extensive comment....yes Im aware that vaccination is not mandatory in schools and in Canada as a whole .....for would be great if the studies were done and we could help parents make the proper informed decision
so would be great if parents understood what "natural herd immunity meant"...
i.e. you have to be exposed to microbials in order to obtain natural life long protective immunity in populations.
Thank you and I agree 100%! Why not do extensive research on all ages of vaxx vs non-vaxx?? Especially since 2021?? I immunized my children in the early '90's without hesitation nor questions! Now, I'm terrified for all the babes & students around me. Some solid data would be informative and valuable!!
I only posted that comment on "mandatory vaccination for school" because so many people believe that it is the law - as I've heard that stated so many times - and your comment gave me a chance to inform others. { you said that is the case ...for now...}
Thank you from Australia ~ Together we will Rise.
I'm Canadian living in the government town of Ottawa and was not able to get my hands on any Ivermectin during Covid and still don't believe I could get it without a prescription. It looked like I could attempt to order it online from India but I wasn't sure about the quality or whether it was a scam. Dr. Makis -- How do Canadians get Ivermectin or any of the other detox treatments. I like that I could 'fast' for 48-72 hours = that's doable but the other suggestions, not sure how I would proceed.
Sadly, most of it comes from India or China...same with vitamins.
What you are eating is huge in proceeding. Processed foods..out, sugar...out, the list goes on.
Excellent info! The questions posed to Dr. Makis in the 2nd half and answered by Dr. Makis were especially informative.
Thanks for the great infor! Mr. Kirsch, next time you might want to consider leaving your phone and the pings on mute during an interview.
Im glad that you found my comment worthy. Just wanted to say along with that the Public Health recommendations with regard to childhood vaccinations in Ontario has grown exponentially over the years. Why is that? It is a trillion dollar industry for big pharma that has had legal immunity from the harms and deaths that still occur today.
I’m praying this information spreads everywhere and people wake up!!! Thanks so much for your bravery!!!🙏🏽