Hi, everyone. Welcome to another episode of 15 minutes with Dr. Marcus, my new hard hitting medical podcast. And we're going to hit it very hard today. Today, we're going to be discussing pedophiles, child sex abusers here in Canada, and the public officials and politicians who defend them. Now,
you may ask which politician would be stupid enough to publicly defend child sex abusers who had been arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the RCMP. And if you guessed that these politicians are NDP, you're absolutely correct. And that's what we're going to get into. That's what's so shocking about all of this.
On June 17th, I gave a presentation at the United Conservative Party event called An Injection of Truth. This was an event where a number of scientists and doctors got together in a town hall format, and we discussed COVID-19 vaccines and the use of children on the childhood vaccination schedule. We brought new evidence, new information.

NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 023: Alberta politicians defend Pedophiles & Child Sex Abusers! Massive SCANDAL brewing in Alberta!

NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 023: Alberta politicians defend Pedophiles & Child Sex Abusers!

Massive SCANDAL brewing in Alberta!

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Discussion about this video

You’re a rock star Dr.Makis, punching way above your weight class. I can’t thank you enough and it delights me to see the squirming and posturing. We had a watch party here in the Hat and I noticed the next day how even our alternative media couldn’t handle this hot potato. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep sharing.

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You are a very courageous man, Sir. I wish you were my doctor.

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If people think this is just happening in Canada they are mistaken. The west is littered with corrupt organisations all over. Excellent exposure here Dr. Makis. Keep it up. The billions across the planet are figuring it all out.

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Boy oh boy do the Liberals Democrats and this ucp health minister’s assistant ever have a knack for twisting a story and turning it around so as to make you the guilty party!

It’s like whatever they would do unto you they project it onto you. Good job keep going!👍🇨🇦

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and the fact that good honest doctors are losing their abillity to practice medicine - being judged and found guilty by these morons

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You are a trooper! The children of Alberta are fortunate to have you as a defender.

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you should have a lawyer write to Notley demanding a public retraction or face a defamation suit.

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Well, as usual you are right over the target Dr Makis, actually it’s a Bullseye!!! By their own reactions, it shows just how much children do not mean to them….no thought for those little one’s safety whatsoever..tells us a lot about them….thank you for shining the light in a dark, very dark place Dr Makis…..God Bless and keep you and your family safe…

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Dr. Makis is a courageous hero and a great doctor Also thanks for recommending your 72 hour fast; it really DOES boost energy and make the body work better!

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Rachel Notley, and the other Pedo-defenders, need to be bombarded, by people, with 'Community Notes'!

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Thank you so much for you analysis Dr. Makis. It is having a huge impact, of that I am certain, and the NDP are on their way to obliteration and hopefully jail time. We need their (NDP) comments so that the citizens of this province and all Canadians can wake up to the truth. Your videos are key to revealing the truth. We are very grateful!

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On behalf of all honest Canadians. Thank you Dr. Makis.

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Thank You Dr Makis. Your a God sent for All. 🙏😇

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Sad I can’t vote in Alberta so I could vote against what is the most disgraceful and disgusting support from Elected Politicians and the College of Physicians and Surgeons that defies understanding and the makes a mockery of the laws of Alberta, Canada and of humankind. Myrna Kerr

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Thank you so much for your work. We have to be all together in this to fight that system.

Thank you for your work! ❤️

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Thank you Dr Makis for this follow-up after ndp spun it. It is interesting that the media isn't touching this. If they try to defend the ndp, they'd be trapped with agreeing with ndp supporting pedophiles ... Well done! Thank you for providing news - unlike @CBC, @ctv, @global etc who can now only be trusted with sports scores.

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What they are doing is so twisted, it’s staggering. To think that there are so many people without a conscience. They have bullied their way into top positions, thinking they are above God’s moral laws. They did not bargain on someone as good as Dr. Makis and his fellow truth tellers.

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Saying this is absolutely horrific is truly an understatement. Thank you Dr. Makis for helping to expose the criminal and disgraceful people in our society. I could only hope that independent media will grab onto this story and follow up on it.

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Such desperation by these politicians to help cover up pedophilia. Judges do the same for pedophiles by only giving them slap on the wrist criminal punishments when they are caught raping children. This is quite telling - perhaps pedophilia is too prevalent among those in power in Canada and that is why those in power and those that serve them try so hard to cover it up at great risk to their own personal reputations.

Thank you Dr. Makis for your great courage in exposing this and not letting up so that all Canadians can be made aware.

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God bless you Doctor for speaking up for children. NOT shocking anymore, unfortunately. May the Lord Jesus protect your family as you speak the truth.

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So the burning question is, why hasn’t Danielle Smith publicly denounced the CPSA, demanded they be suspended immediately, with a criminal investigation for allowing pedophiles access to children???

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Either Lagrange or her minion should have been fired immediately. So far all I hear is crickets. Every minute that goes by speaks volumes about Danielle Smith's leadership and the future of the UCP party. Brewing is the right word to use, because this isn't going to just go away on its own. Dr. Makis I believe your support on this issue is massive.

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You're my favourite person. Thank you for all you do! Beat subscription I have ever paid for.

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Jun 27Edited

Demons in control! Sick! Praying for your protection.

Crimes against humanity! R. Notley is a devil! She is very aware of what you said.

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Oh my God! I just had an insight from God. You need to run for a political seat! All of you Canadian doctors and let’s clean up our country ! I’m praying and declaring this! I will vote for you!!! But you gotta move to ont! Unless you want to be our PM. I will still vote for you! 😊❤️💪

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Have these people in power gone mad or have they been paid directly by billionaire Marxists?

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kill all the pedos (hang them by their dick/balls)

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NO !

Give mothers of the child victims rusty bread knives and allow them to cut off the pedos private parts. I know the parents of the poor little tortured raped , 12 yr old murdered girl

at the hands of two illegals here in the US , would welcome that punishment.......

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There’s always the Lorena Bobbit ginsu knife thats proven to cut through anything 🤔

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Thank you for exposing all of these crimes against children and the administration and politicians who endorse it. They know exactly what they have done, are doing and saying.

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Remember what Jesus said about those predators: it would be better for them to have a millstone around their neck & then cast into the sea than to abuse a child. A millstone weighs about 2500-3000 lbs! Their day is coming!

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You are a brave man with solid principles and ethics. Thank you so very, very much. May you have your day on a dais with fireworks and awards very soon. May the children start to receive justice and assistance also very soon.

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Sue That Witch Notley Dr. Makis!

I See They Have Taken Down Her Membership In The World Economic Forum!

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NO she belongs there so everyone will know what she and the rest of them are. Birds of a feather........

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We Know She Was A Member There, Oh It Was Not On There Earlier Today But It Is Back Up But Changed!


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and the FDA and CDC in the USA need to go.

Healthcare needs to be completely overhauled and Big Pharma needs more liability and increased oversight. ALL gain of function labs need to be made illegal on an international scale.

Planned Parenthood Clinics owned by the Rockefeller Foundation ( Bill Gates father was a past President) are nothing but baby murderers for profits on the sale of organs especially little livers for their stem cells for which they get seventeen thousand each.

Nurse Anesthetists are taught that babies in utero FEEL PAIN at eight weeks .Anyone think they use anesthesia on these children prior to cutting and burning with hi saline solutions?

Where do you think they take underage kids to get their hormones like Lupron to prep for trans surgeries and birth control pills during school hours unbeknown to parents?

Ever see the pictures of these babies scalps sewn on the backs or rats in the University of Pittsburgh for another Fauci Grant experiment ? Look what he did to foster children and not just in NYC and in other states and the Domican Republic.


Yes all these horrors the public has closed their eyes to are coming back on adults . These are public norms which have resulted in very stupid amoral politicians.

Forced euthanasia anyone?

Oh wait, that has been done already all over with the hospital covid protocols.

If children are so disposable in society ,why are we surprised perverts feel they can use them for their own sick pleasures?

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Omg, that article is astonishing!! Both children and animals are tortured endlessly in the vile name of scientism and 'medical' bs, all for profit and run by total psychopaths!

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I should add I read that decades ago Bat the Holy Innocents UT now since robert Kennedy wrote about it in his book about Fauci, suddenly there are all these fake article denying and justifying the experiments. I listened to the aunt of one foster child state she retrieved her nephew at 2 years old and by stopping Fauci's poisoning and feeding the boy he returned to health. She told the people at the facility working for Fauci that he was now healthy and they grabbed the boy back into their experimental medical facility. Reporter Schiff asked her what happened to him and at the time of the interview years ago, she said he ren away and was a fifteen year old street kid who trusted no one.

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We all have ! In the early 1970s I was asked to be Maid of Honor at a neighbors civil wedding ceremony (basically just a witness) . The Best Man sat with me in the back of their car. He was in uniform and I asked him what he did. He told me he flew helicopters out of Ft Detrick ,Md. for epidemiology studies they did there. Expounding on that he said he sprayed bacteria and viruses over parts of L.I. ,N.Y.

I asked more and he said they gathered the info from clinics and offices who then reported clients who came in with the symptoms they were asked to alert them to.

More recently, a retired Prof of Bioethics from Georgetown told me as a Grad student she listened to Fauci tell the Grads and Undergrads about how they were spraying the DC subways with the same. None of the Undergrads considered that unethical and only some of the Grads did.

It only seemed reasonable to me that Fauci graduated from viruses to paying for Gain of Function global lethality and it continues in even more Labs today.

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Goes to show you that the more indoctrinated they've been, the more they accept all insanity as 'normal'. Have just about given up on the bulk of these human zombies being reform-able at this point.

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Please watch in entirety. My own GP spoke to Dr Ana recently on the phone.

Sounds crazy but absolutely true. Watch "Breaking....." 65 minutes but worth it and listen to whiite clots were studied and made in a petri dish .The same are being removed in the Living in cath labs as well as the deceased. I personally met a woman whose coronary arteries were filled with these white clots after two shots. They were removed in a cath lab and the Cardiologist told her they were from the covid shots .Now she has to go for angiograms regularly to see if anymore ,"....rubber bands are growing in my blood vessels." She was working in a store and her eyes filled with tears as she spoke to me.

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Ditto !

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All Three Letter Agencies Need Gone Indeed!

"ABC 123 Sounds Just Like A Spell To Me."

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IMF, CFR And On & On!

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It is despicable to hear this about our elected officials

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Thank you Dr. Makis for all that you do. Following g from Australia.

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Thanks again for sharing this..

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This is so disturbing. I can only hope people educate themselves

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Ah, Joe Ceci. He’s a social worker. Used to work at the city of Calgary social services office in Forest Lawn in Calgary in the 90’s. Then he moved onto municipal politics. He’s sold his Italian Catholic soul it seems. Follow the money.

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What these leaders are doing is unconscionable. The insane perverts are coming after our children. Here's another example: Richard "Rachel" Levine advocating for no age restrictions for child mutilation. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/breaking-dr-mccullough-calls-out?

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Well boss you have to admit I called it right. They were going to take your comments and say you meant it to apply to your average doc, despite its factual and specific nature. Precisely what I predicted to a T.

Still I was wrong, I think, some MSM is in fact saying 'alleged by the NDP'. So my criticism of your approach unfounded. Did the CBC say anything? Not that they have some viewership, but a window into 'the other side'.

Its an important issue, I was wrong it was not worth bringing forward. If picked up by any in the UCP and amplified by any MSM it could really gain some traction.

Good talk as always.

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THANK you Dr. M, your ROCKSTAR Wife, children, family, TEAM & Supporters! You're RIGHT, when one is GUILTY, they'll project their HATE & COWARDICE on you because they KNOW they don't have the STONES, LOVE, TRUTH, INTEGRITY, HUMANITY to STAND for truth. They've all sold their souls for filthy lucre! BUT we have a LIVING and MIGHTY Creator who SEES all....their comuppance is coming!! We all REAP what we SEW, that is the LAW of nature! THANK you for defending ALL our children and the parents who have an 'EAR' to HEAR will act accordingly....those who reject the truth, unfortunately their children will pay for their ignorance & cowardice. May our MIGHTY Lord continue to BLESS, KEEP, PROTECT, PROVIDE, GUIDE, GUARD & WATCH over you all!

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Up is down and they’re all brain dead from the shots. The truth is they are evil criminals.

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Stay tuned folks. It gets worse.

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Jun 27
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Yup ALL in lockstep shall we say….

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