Unlock the Secret Power of Your Belly Brain
Take 5 minutes to navigate life's challenges with gut intelligence.
Welcome 🌞 Brave Reader. To show up fully with your authentic voice, it’s vital to trust your gut. But how does that actually work? Try today’s 5-minute imagination practice to tune up your internal guidance system (jump to prompts). Plus, a freestyle song for the flow of water.
Ever torn between logic and what your gut is telling you?
We’ve all had moments when we know things without being able to explain how. Intuition is a mix of your experiences, your subconscious mind, and your body’s wisdom. Most of us weren’t taught to access this powerful brain-gut connection. Or to discern linear thinking from intuitive knowing. It’s Brave to trust your gut, especially when it’s counter to rational ‘reasons’.
Last weekend, at a dear young friend’s wedding, my gut surprised me. During the toasts, I intended to offer a simple song for all to join in. “Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Gently Down the Stream” is a sweet metaphor for marriage. At past weddings, including my own, many have told me how they’d loved singing this tune. As a vocal facilitator, I’ve seen how singing together opens hearts and creates unity.1
I waited for the right moment. But my gut never said “YES.” Was it the super warm evening? 🥵 Did people seem restless? I let my song idea go. Soon after, everyone ran to jump in the lake in their formal wear. A delightful, unique way to celebrate!
At 3:30 am, my Monkeys of Regret 🙊 woke me up to say, “Why didn’t you share your voice? Your gift of singing together? You’re not being Brave…” Later, I learned our couple had requested minimal toasts, which created more space for the lake experience.
My mind had good reasons, but my gut sensed the bigger picture. My Soul whispers, “All is well, either way. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life is But a Dream!”
Here’s why your gut feeling often knows best.
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a complex network of neurons in our gut. This ‘second brain,’ or Belly Brain, functions independently, communicates with your main brain, and plays a big part in how we feel emotionally.2
Then there’s the gut biome — trillions of bacteria that help digestion, our immune systems, and even mood. They produce serotonin, which makes us feel good. Gut health is super important. And trusting your gut feelings is rooted in serious biology.
Cultivate your powers of intuition
Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey famously relied on intuition. Trusting your gut means tapping into a lifetime of knowledge and instincts that are quick and often spot-on:
Fast: Skip the endless pros and cons and make decisions faster.
Authentic: Gut feelings typically align with your true self, so your choices are more genuine, more you.
Less Stress: Cut back on overthinking for a more relaxed, confident approach.
It’s vital to practice letting your gut lead. First, quiet the daily noise and tune into inner signals. Focus on the subtle tones and differences of your ruminating mind, your gut instincts, and fleeting impulses. Do several gut checks before making your move, then trust it. Observe outcomes. Repeat.
Try this creative practice to tap your inner guidance system. Got a niggling or confusing Q? Let’s ask your Belly Brain. See you in the comments 💗
Take 5 minutes to imagine: Your Inner Compass

May this tool strengthen your inner guidance system. This video features my ridiculous alter-ego Queen Poopicina sharing the potty-mouth, ‘Holy Sh*t’ 💩 version of the tool, and a spontaneous song. Or follow the steps below.
How do I find my way through confusion?
BREATHE deep. Let out a big sigh, “ahhh…”
CONSIDER a situation that’s confusing or uncertain, or a question you really want to know.
IMAGINE a Compass in your hand. Notice its weight, size, color, any details.
FEEL the Compass connect to your internal GPS, to your gut, your intuition, or belly (enteric) brain.
ASK the Compass to show you the way. “What’s the best... Should I...? How to...?”
WATCH the compass needle. Do you sense a direction, feel a path, or get any clues? An image, a feeling, or voice?
FEEL thankful and REFLECT: “I noticed...”
Creative prompts: Follow your inner guidance
EXPLORE: Journal or share (in the comments!) about your next move. If the message is unclear, try again.
CREATE: Stand up and enact your next steps, or draw a map of your future pathway.
MANIFEST: Do what your Guidance System showed you, even if it seems odd. Set a time for ‘Radar Practice.’ Take a walk or ride; when you reach a crossroads, ask your inner guidance system which way to go. Follow it. See what happens.
🗣️ Shout, Shout! Let it all out…
Do you trust your intuition? What happens when you override your gut? (I call that an evil experiment.) Tell us more…
Ever made a toast at a wedding? Scary? How did it go?
Try the Inner Compass? How did it guide you? How will you follow through?
Thank you for following your gut 💝 Please heart, comment, or forward to someone who’d enjoy empowering their inner guidance. Encourage more Bravery! Join us today.
Spontaneous Song to Celebrate Water #111.1
More to come,
The Science of Singing Along “Group singing can act as a tool for social bonding through a mood-boosting oxytocin response.”
The Gut-Brain Connection. “Your brain and your gut are like besties."
Love it. And I'm definitely a follower of my instincts!
Wonderful post! I am all about trusting my gut, but I don't always stop there. My "left brain" occasionally kicks in after the fact and I become curious to explore the logic of my thinking. It's not about potentially changing my mind, which I do not remember ever happening. I sometimes need to understand my thinking and why it was suggesting something else.