Philippines' House of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Correlated with Experimental Vaccines
....there are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH(Department of Health) has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people.
...there does not seem to be any sympathy for the people who have died, for the people who are now physically disabled because of these vaccines.
...And that's the reason why the chair believes that there is really a correlation between these two....
...those pharmaceutical companies provided us the vaccines before the vaccination rollout. There's really an agreement that indicates that they cannot be sued.
... Why would a pharmaceutical company insist on not being sued if there will be injuries or fatalities that may come after as a result of that?
...We've been a part of that mistake because we approved the law that mandate the pharmaceutical to be responsible. And now we learn from that mistake. And there's a reason why we are so serious about finding out those amendments. Because we've already learned. That's what we should do from that mistake. Moving forward, we will correct the mistakes.
Source: (Aussie17)
Stop calling them vaccines. They are Biological Weapons.
Keep in mind the Philippines was extreme in its Covid policies, you could not buy groceries without the shot, the compliance was very high
Total Insanity. Wonder what %ge of population got them. Unreal how they fucked people’s lives
Well take this statement to the Bank a very famous(US/LRRP/ Army vet lives I believe in the Philippines. He praised the Philippinos and all South Asians because unlike Americans were respectful of authority and not selfish individuals. He praised the " high compliance"
He like many, bought the lie and " drank the Koolaid"
just hang the culprits - otherwise they'll do it again - and again
I don't care what is done with them, just get them out of the hospitals and behind bars where they can do no more harm!
Oy vey, Schmuck! Just try to prosecute me!
Who are you referring to as Schmuck? And what do you actually mean by this statement? Care to elaborate?
I think it's a yiddish word from the Dictionary of an ancient Tribe from the synagogue of Satan! Look it up, yourself! It seems to me to represent who the guilty ones are. To the best of my knowledge and understanding! I think it describes all those pesky little critters who own ALL of our "jewnited Snakes Of Israel" government: big Pharma, the Rockefeller Medical Association, and all Hospitols, quite well. They are performing their sorcery and witchcraft on all of us Goyim, aren't they?
This seems to be to my mind because they just want all of us dead! It is written in their talmuds sacred Noahide Laws, right?🤔😎😉
I should have made myself more clear when I said who are you referring to with that statement? It wasn’t the term I was asking about. It seems as though he’s calling the person above a schmuck.
No, that was just from a jew point of view. What they would say to the person above that wants to persecute and punish them(the talmudic jew)! Ya get my drift, it was supossed to be plural! Not for one of the "Chosen ones' that got the saline!😎🤔😉 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱!
That Israel is the Synagogue of Satan. Israel did 9/11.
It's the jews ✡️ or the jewsuits? 🤣 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱😎💩
It’s also a German word. Some Yiddish words are same in German.
Oy vej is not German.
I was commenting on Schmuck.
Sure Schmuck is jewelry in german.
I know what the term means or what the word means. I’m just trying to find out whether this person is trying to insight provocations and who is he referring to with that statement?
Citizen Arrest Bill Gates. Lock him up and throw away the key. You'll be the hero. I can't believe he hasn't been killed already.
Autoimmune diseases are exploding and the CDC and other agencies are most likely going to blame this and other bioweapon genetic manipulations from the inoculation " therapies" on the victim's own genetic anomalies . I saw on a reddit Lupus blog a post by newly diagnosed lupus patient post covid 19 jab, that she/he have been getting calls from the CDC who are monitoring their genes etc .
apparently looking for any other explanation aside from the obvious post "vaccine" cause.
As a follow-up - I will add that during the meeting where my DNA results were shared with me, I was asked if I got any of the cv shots. Of course I did not. Let me just say that I was told that if I had gotten the shots - well lets just put it this way - I wouldn't be sitting here writing this. Draw your own conclusions.
Yes - this is all horrible beyond words and the CDC is completely out of control.
Unfortunately, genetics can also play a role - the cv shots - and other "regular" vaccines - can trigger and activate mutated genes that were "quiet" before and then get tripped into expressing themselves. I know this personally from being injured by TDaP and getting autoimmune that has hugely impacted my life. Trying to fix myself I have had genetic testing done and now have additional pieces of data to understand what happened. I am a scientist and have done a lot of research because I have lost years of my life, have been gaslit by the medical community, etc, and am still recovering after 10+ years of dealing with this bs that was needlessly caused.
I am in no way saying AT ALL that the issues with the cv shots are all genetic - they're absolutely not. Nor am I condoning ANYTHING the CDC did and continues to do. Or the FDA going silent after engaging the cv shot injured, studying them, and then ghosting them.
However , even though not all issues with these shots are genetic, it seems that is where the CDC is looking to place blame on a resulting autoimmune disease after the shot .
In other words, it is your own genetic anomoly that caused your autoimmune problem and
not the covid shot.
I have had Lupus for forty years despite informing multiple GPs , Rheumatologists and Dermatologists that I was having fevers accompanied by a "Lupus like butterfly rash"on my cheeks and only one Dr gave me a blood test which came back negative.
In that case I did not see him during what they call a flare which I know now is when it would have shown up.
My current GP is treating over 3000 pats with autoimmune diseases after the cov inculations
including people whose immune systems were destroyed by these shots . in my case 39 blood tests afterwhich, Quest Labs reported three positive for Lupus.
What has happened to all of us is horrible. I empathize what you've gone through. If indeed the CDC will try to blame it on genetics, they will fail. Isn't it all their "responsibility" - FDA/CDC - to ensure "safe and effective" regradless? We all know they did not. The truth keeps trickling out more and more everyday with the flow increasing. Yes, we wait for the dam to break. It's breaking. I feel for everyone who has been impacted by this mess. Truth always wins in the end. Light always prevails over darkness. Unfortunately it takes time. Wishing you continued healing on your journey.
Also you have to consider not all shots had the same ingredients. Not all shot ingredients were mixed the same way. There were "hot lots".
I did not get any poison jabs either but the Dr repeated asked me if I did when looking at my labs. I just suffered through Lupus refusing any offers of new drugs like Humira and Enbrel because , as a nurse, I was warned of their side effects from other medical professionals who saw the side effects first hand.
If you haven't gotten tested for mycotoxins it may ve something to consider.
Smart that you refused the drugs.I really don't understand - with all the pharma ads on tv and side effects - why anyone would take a new drug. As a patient I have never been informed by any western med doc of side effects - ever.
As an aside - the shedding issue. I can no longer go to one of our "standard" grocery stores without feeling like crap after. The organic grocery store I'm fine in.
I ask a favor - if you know anyone in Ohio, can you please direct them here
Working to get this on the Nov ballot - lots of signatures needed. Thanks!
There must be court trials soon, or there will be uprisings. Dead men walking have nothing to lose. Biden wants that; he'll hand them MAGA hats and call CNN.
Since the start of this satanic, orchestrated farce it's been obvious this failed musician who thinks too much that "Covid-19" and the Lethal Injections were nothing but a fraud; nothing but a wealth and power grab on the part of our parasitic overlords who already have far too much of both. I tried to warn people. In one ear, out the other.🙄
"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."
– George Carlin
They made a mistake? The biggest mistake will be to let big pharma. CDC and FDA off the hook. They need to be criminally tried, convicted and executed for their crimes against humanity. Period!
After the executions, break up big pharma and dismantle the CDC and FDA as they are supremely corrupt.
You can't name who They(the jews)are Now, can you?
I'm getting sick of hearing people say all this shit - for 3 years now - talk is CHEAP! DO SOMETHING!
Bless you J C - you brought tears to my eyes. thank you for your kind message. xo ❤️ You're right of course.
Can the pharmaceutical companies still plead immunity and impunity when we can prove that such an agreement was based on good faith but that, actually, they lied as to their vaccines' effectiveness and safety?
Thank you Dr Makis for this….if I could I would love to be able to share this with all of these Philippine people…..on he shares what has been said especially the last one where the Club Of Rome member Dennis Meadows spoke on what their wishes for Human Population Growth are. He was the Co-Author of the Book ‘THE LIMITS TO GROWTH’ ……This has always been about a Population Control and sped up in 2020 with the deliberate release of the Genetically Engineered and Modified Coronavirus with the only purpose of getting the Bio-Weapon Counter Measure (Safe and Effective injection’s) into as many people as possible. They Lied and ‘people’ Died…..
We need data!
Two things the legislature can do in the Philippines to shock and save the world:
1st publish record-level detail featuring 5 year age range, adjusted injection dates (July 1 for every year), and adjusted death dates with the correct daily interval between deaths and the last injection.
2nd order detailed autopsies on every death 39 and younger including heart muscle slides with the proper stains to distinguish the injections from Covid-19.
Dr makis. I commend you for all you do. Your Substack is the first thing I look for in the morning. I know so many that are getting sick ( I am a HCP), but I spoke truth to them from day one so they know what is happening. I told everyone one of them in Jesus name I declare no harm comes to any one of them. Yes , many have gotten sick, not one has died, but I cannot say the same for their loved ones. All we can do is pray, trust God to get us through the storm and continue to help those that have been harmed. I tell them about you and all the wonderful people out there trying to help these people heal. It’s never an I told you so, it’s a let’s fix this and deal with the demons that deceived you . God bless. Holly A
I guess they don’t know that a shot needs to be on the “Children’s Schedule” to obtain unaccountability after approval…Since 1986 👼💸☠️🙏
You are yelling into deaf ears. They don't care. The system is stacked against you. They have been protected from the get go. Why do you think that no one has gone down yet?
This is so sad about all the excess deaths. It’s everywhere around the world and the globalist are happy I’m sure.😡 I pray for Al of them.🙏🏻
They are all jews, right? It's not some coincidinkey, sheeples, Wakey ²! Why do you call them Globalists? Why don't people see this? Better to call them jewsuits! Has any one ever been to the Phillipines? After all, the luciferian Talmudic jew Rothschilds bought the pope and, of course, the 🇻🇦 Vatican and the 'not' so 'holy see', back in 1823.
There’s nothing but bad reports coming out. Even from austere Australia. No greater scam has been committed on people across the world. No one will pay. They’re preparing next vaccine
I believe the truth is slowly spreading across the globe and is actually being investigated in some non-Western countries… hopefully the truth eventually hits North America’s shores where the establishment is fiercely attempting to do away with free speech to prevent the truth from being spread into the mainstream narrative.🙏🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇺🇸
Coming soon: "Polygraph Justice"
Two of my 40 year old neighbors just dropped dead in the last two days, no reason. And now I hear this video and it is obvious that the world will not accept any drug from our pharma industry anymore ever again. Which makes me realize that this death rate is going to go up starting now, they made these vaxes efficient, they knew they wouldn't get a second chance. 90% kill rate is what they aimed for. It'll be us and them someday....
STOP CALLING THEM VACCINES!!! Geez!!!! These are Biological Weapons!! What do you not understand?
Thank you for your excellent work, Dr.Makis! Please stay strong🙏🎯
Great the Filipinos are fighting back. Where are our politicians on this, especially the UCP and the CPC. Except for a couple of people none of them are standing up for the truth. Nothing but cowards.
”IT DOESEN’T BODER ME”. If it does not bother me it does not exist, I am not interested in it. This is how 50% of Americans feel about the 9 FRAUDS. Or,
“I DID NOT KNOW THIS”. If I did not know, it DOES NOT EXIST.
Unfortunately, this is the way our fellow humans treat COVID related death and injuries/disabilities.
George Bernard Shaw (dramatist, polemist, and political activist, received Nobel prize for literature) has a different view about the same matter:
“The worst sin against our fellow creatures is not to hate them, BUT TO BE INDIFFERENT TO THEM. THAT’S THE ESSENCE OF INHUMANITY”.
Now, this is a man who did not respect “the organized religion”.
Let me bring biblical clarity in a world in confusion and deception.
This evil in the hearts of all humans has no remedy.
This is why the Lord God Jesus died for all sinful humanity, IN OUR PLACE, to save us from the need of accountability/ retribution/death in hell, if we just believe in His sacrifice.
Then, how must BELIEVERS respond to this issue?
I believe that to be successful in delivering this message of truth re COVID frauds, the people will not like me, and, I do not need to be liked by them.
Thank you, Dr Makis, for this exceptional information.
I know what it means. I am curious whether he is the type to counter the Truthers or FreedomFighters and he is here to incite provocations.
I truly wonder how many people on these THREADS here who are criticizing the Gestapo tyrant’s now actually ridiculed people in the beginning for not getting them. And for not wearing the face muzzles
I pray that this will open up to so globally we all, can come to the truth...
Please ask your Pedofile-Homo-Pope for help, sheeple grabblers!
Beautifully said, and agree. Thank you so much for postiing.
You are so welcome. When I resonate to truth, I respond. Sending you the best.
Very well articulated
Thank you for your sincere comment. I want to lovingly point out that according to God's Word, all people are not children of God until they bow the knee to Jesus Christ as Saviour (from the wrath to come as a result of our sins - see the Ten Commandments and how each of us has broken all of them in thought, word or deed) and as Lord of our lives here and now.
This explanation may be of use:
Praying that for each person on this substack, God would open their eyes to the truth. Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but through me.
God bless you all.
I agree with B. Lucas above. We are ALL lost until Jesus sees us our and saves us.