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NYC's Office of 'Black Male Excellence'
This will replace the City's Office of Black Male Indifference, Incompetence, and Irresponsibility.
I just hope their budget is the same as the budget for the Office of White Male Excellence.
From the Post: NYC politicians want to create office of ‘black male excellence’:
“An office of black male excellence liaisoning [sic] with our city agencies will ensure that the intersectional needs of this group are considered in policymaking and essential program implementation,” he added.
Their first assignment: learning how to spell and use the word "liaison."
The office would provide recommendations on the education of black men; criminal justice; health; mental health; economic opportunity; employment; fatherhood; mentorship; violence; public safety; quality of life …
… and other things your Dad was supposed to teach you, Jamal.
The office would also submit a yearly report summarizing their work to the mayor and Council speaker.
The deadline for turning in the report would be somewhat flexible.
Too bad Mayor Eric Adams and D.A. Alvin Bragg will be unable to participate.
"Blackmail Excellence"! Finally, a truly inspired idea!
I hope they can find a qualified, black gay female to run it (maybe also a recent immigrant from Haiti); That would be hilarious!
This is an offshoot of the self esteem movement. You see the reason why blacks fill our jails & can’t seem to learn basic skills is that whites heap ridicule on them. They don’t have enough self esteem. All the blacks I know are boiling over with self esteem. They are so full of esteem for themselves they believe they have the right to kill anybody who looks at them the wrong way. This is often the reason given for why they killed somebody.