A friend I had in undergraduate ran around everywhere telling everyone that he didn't care what other people thought of him. I'm like, okay, you want them to think of you as someone who doesn't care what other people think
of them. Consumerism is definitely driven by a need for recognition. Think about how devastating it is when the person you love passionately doesn't return your love. Rousseau was driven from France. His books were burned. He was desecrated publicly. He had to search for a place in Europe where he could live.
Maintaining self-esteem in the absence of all external valuation is an impossibility. Why is that? As an undergraduate, I was obsessed with what people thought of me, I was obsessed with chasing the next shiny thing, and that was not a fulfilling life. Fortunately, I was a student of Friedrich Neuhauser's,
That was a nice question about the contributions of certain personalities high in Amor Prop in the current moment (Bezos/Musk) vs what they may have done in a previous pre-modern world...
Maintaining self-esteem in the absence of all external valuation is an impossibility. Why is that? As an undergraduate, I was obsessed with what people thought of me, I was obsessed with chasing the next shiny thing, and that was not a fulfilling life. Fortunately, I was a student of Friedrich Neuhauser's,
That was a nice question about the contributions of certain personalities high in Amor Prop in the current moment (Bezos/Musk) vs what they may have done in a previous pre-modern world...