This is a guest post from the JPF family by Jeffrey Kass, author of Black Batwoman v. White Jesus: and other essays from the anti-racism collection.
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Shapeshifting Jew Haters
So you hate today’s Jews because, according to you, other Jews killed Jesus 2,000 years ago in Israel. Damn Jews pushing those Romans around!
“Jews are the Christ killers!”
And yet in the same breath, you hate today’s Jews because you accuse them of not being real Jews from 2,000 years ago.
I’m so confused. If we’re not the real Jews, then why are you blaming us for killing Jesus 2,000 years ago?
Shouldn’t you blame the so-called real Jews? Or here’s an idea: how about not engaging in group blame and invalidation at all?
You publish cartoons and make fun of Jews for having big noses and nappy hair.
“Hook-nose Jews!”
And in the same breath, you tell us we’re just regular ol’ white Europeans and don’t have our ethnicity.
Which is it? Do or don’t we “look Jewish?”
You accuse us of being money-hungry and responsible for all the world’s ills, and yet in the same breath you tell us we’re just white Europeans.
Are we a separate group or not?
The Iraqis, Syrians, Yemenites, Algerians, Libyans, and Spanish who shit on their Jews for centuries didn’t have the “You’re just Europeans” excuse since those Jews never lived in Germany, Russia, or Poland.
Or were these Jews of color, who comprise over 60% of Jews in Israel, not real Jews either?
You tell us we colonized Israel.
But for some reason, you still can’t identify the empire we came from. Is it Poland? Is it Germany? Iraq? Iran? Syria?
Weird that they speak Portuguese in Angola, but they don’t speak German or Polish in Israel.
Funny how you’re not against Arabia colonizing Israel and North Africa.
Before 1948, countless Jew haters told us to go back to where we came from — Israel. And now that we’ve gone back, today we’re hated for having a country of our own.
So we’re told to go back to Israel when we were kicked out of Israel and then told to go back to Europe after we go back to Israel. So confusing.
You tell us our origin story in the Hebrew Bible is pure made-up fantasy, and that’s not a legitimate reason to claim Israel as our ancestral homeland.
Yet in the same breath, you say the same Israel is central to Islam. Islam, by the way, recognizes the Jewish Moses as a prophet.
Wait. I thought you said religion was fantasy. Or is it only the Hebrew Bible that’s made up? Other religious claims are real, but Jewish ones are not. Got it.
You stereotype us as bankers, accountants, doctors, and the like.
“Jews are natural lawyers,” you stereotype us.
Yet you tell us that we’re less than human. A lower human species.
Are we super high or super low? I can’t keep it straight.
Your protests against a 20-year-old Israeli Eurovision contestant who sings about togetherness are so vicious she needs security fit for a head of state, claiming it’s because you want a ceasefire.
But why no peace signs at your protests? Or are you only against violence when it pertains to some people?
You say you don’t hate Jews — you just hate Israel because of its inhumane policies.
But oddly not a peep from you about Sudan, China, Iran, North Korea, and other countries that have caused far more destruction than Israel could, even if it wanted to.
If you’re against violence and oppression because you’re peace-loving, why didn’t you tear down U.S. flags after America gave hundreds of millions in military support to Pakistan as that country forcibly displaced over one million Afghans?
The Nazis killed Jews because Jews aren’t white. They called Jews the equivalent of the N-word.
American country clubs, fraternities and colleges used to exclude us because we weren’t white enough. Some still do.
And yet today, the far left labels Jews white supremacists.
The far left hates us because they say we’re in charge of capitalism. The far right hates us because they say we’re all socialists and communists.
The left hates us because they say we’re exclusive and isolationist. The far right accuses us of being globalists.
Some hate us because they say Jews are the weakest of humans. Sub-human if you read far-right literature. And others hate us because they say Jews are too strong and powerful.
Many people today are calling for boycotts and harassment of Jewish businesses.
And yet they promote that hate on the Jewish-created Facebook and Google, spread it on their Jewish-created cell phones and text their friends the vitriol on Jewish-created text messaging.
I bet some people even attended a Jewish hate rally and used Jewish-created Waze to get there.
Oy. My head is spinning.
Make up your mind already.
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All Christians are not as you describe. If one reads the Scripture texts carefully and thoughtfully, it becomes clear that the Gentiles were just as deeply involved as any Jews. There can be no excuse or blame shifting.
I stand in complete solidarity with you, all Jews and Israel. I shed tears over the Holocaust. I stood before the U.S. Holocaust Museum's three-story wall listing all the villages and towns Jews were deported from. And just stood there a cried over the enormity of it all. The thought of it still staggers me.
Sadly, there are Christians who are so in name only. As is probably the same for any religion. I am not one of them.
Fantastic article about the contradictions inherent in antisemitism...