HUGE: Italy BANS solar panels on farm land
Italy is prioritizing the food supply before Net Zero agenda
Fantastic news coming out of Italy as they once again goes against the Klaus Scwhab agenda.
In order to protect farming, the right-wing government in Italy has now banned the installation of ground mounted solar panels in agricultural areas.
Prime Minister Georgia Meloni has said that the rollout of solar panels on farmland is a ”threat to our food sovereignty”.
Climate fanatics are not happy with this move, as they complaining that this will undermine the green goals and that Italy won’t be able to fulfill its green goals by 2030.
However, they will still allow agri-voltaic solar panels that are placed 2.1 metres above fields in a way that will allow crops to grow underneath the panels.
Georgia Meloni says that this new decree corrects ”the ideological eco-follies of which Italy and its farmers have been victims”.
This is good news, as otherwise special Italian products that is loved all around the world might have been under threat.
Now we are seeing a continued attack on farmers under the guise of climate change. In reality what we are seeing is Climate Communism.
This isn’t the first time that the right-wing government in Italy has gone against the WEF agenda.
HUGE: Italy to BAN fake lab grown meat
Last year they became the first country in the world to ban fake lab grown meat.
They have also banned the use of insects in their pasta and pizza.
When you think about it, the thought that you would build ugly solar panels on perfectly fine farm land is absolutely unbelievable.
This move by Italy is just normal common sense. It is time to stop being ruled by far-left climate fanatics that are trying to take us back to the middle ages.
Because in reality, what is happening is that climate change is being used as an excuse to take away our freedom and sovereignty. The Communists called farmers “enemies of the people” and seized their land.
Be more like Italy!
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I LOVE this decision. Hope more governments start doing the same.
the movement against climate fanaticism continues to grow stronger every day. reality is a hard master and the climate communists, as you describe them so accurately, are finding out that most people live in the real world, not in their imagined one