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Link to Ricochet.com What You Need to Know - Week of July 22, 2024
Joe Biden calling it quits would normally lead the way but that’s only one of Ann’s five things for the week.
House hearing on: Girl Power at the Secret Service!
Joe Biden HEROICALLY accedes to the NYT’s demand that he withdraw
The Dem’s Gerontocracy and the last of the Normal Democrats
The Smart Dems vs. The Female/Minority Party they have created
Trumpism Without Trump – JD Vance and the future of a populist GOP
Last Week’s Episode: Trump dodged more than one bullet last week.
Thank you Ann. We need your common sense voice and intelligence and sane voice for our Republic. I support Donald Trump, not merely because he took a bullet, and much more, for our democracy, but because he loves his country, the country that taught him how business is done. Mr. Trump and his intelligence is a person who shares and is willing to share all that is best. For the US. In addition he humbly is willing to show the world how to share—All that is good.
It will be funny to watch the white Dems realize that their Diversity officials are not yet ready for prime time.
I have to chide you for your insensitivity, Ann. The Dems are not just the party of women and minorities, they are also the party of homosexuals. Please try to be more inclusive.