And it's really hot in here. It's like 100 degrees outside and no amount of turning up the air conditioning is working. I am going over my TED Talk over and over, trying to like make tiny little incremental tweaks to improve, practicing. It just looks like this TED Talk is forever.
I just finished doing an interview with Maria Shriver, and I'm gonna practice a couple more times here before I'm ready to head out. I have two outfits ready. I have this dress on, and I have a pink suit ready. I'm gonna bring the pink suit so me sitting around in it does not get it wrinkled,
because I am not speaking until later in the day. So we'll see what I ultimately end up wearing. Did it. And stop. Only like 12 more hours till we get home. Only 12 more.

I was recently asked to give a TED Talk about democracy. The TED organization picked a handful of sites around the world to take part in a special series of lectures on this theme, and one of the selected sites was in Billings, Montana.

My talk was called Hope for Democracy, and I was the last presenter of the day. The audience and staff were attentive and kind, and when I arrived at the airport to leave, employees of two different airlines came up to me to say they had really enjoyed my talk.

I can’t share the speech with you yet, but the full video will be out in September, and I will be sure to let you know when it’s available. In the meantime, here’s a tiny peek behind the scenes.

What questions do you have about TED talks? I’ll do my best to answer in the comments!

And don’t forget: you can now get tickets to my book tour!

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