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Something Different from ¡El Playlist!
Deviating from our normal schedule with some announcements, free podcasting conference tickets, and a playlist to upgrade your inner dialogue
These days when all we want are some normal, precedented times, things are getting screwy. Including the regular newsletter you’re used to seeing on Fridays.
Which didn’t happen last Friday. And won’t happen either next Friday. Which is why you’re receiving this today!
And instead of giving you podcasts to listen to, I’m serving up an actual music playlist.
Because last week I had my first post-Covid IRL public speaking event. It was for a group of women entrepreneurs and playmakers, and during that workshop we added to this Hype Squad Playlist that is 100% community created.
It’s a collection of songs that hype you up, boost your confidence, and help you overcome anxiety or even your own inner criticism.
Because if communication skills are the cornerstone of success, then the way we speak to ourselves is of the utmost importance.
Sometimes that inner dialogue isn’t so great. Sometimes we need help to quiet the inner critic.
So here is an entire playlist to help drown it out completely.
Want to add your own songs to the list? Comment the title and artist’s name and I’ll add it to the list at my earliest convenience.
A version of this workshop will be available to the paid tier of this here Substack in late August/early September. So if you would like access to that, upgrade today!
Behind the LVMC Scenes
Two VERY BIG THINGS are coming this week! Plus a third that’s still a secret!
The first is that La Vida Más Chévere de Childfree Latinas is up for an award! It’s structured as a popularity contest against 12 other damn good lifestyle podcasts, which means every vote counts!
Voting begins on Thursday, August 1, so I’ll send another missive that day to ask for your votes. It will require creating a profile on a new site, which I know we all hate to do, but it would be nice to win! And as far as I can tell, I’m the only Latina nominated in this category.
Voting is open for 2 months, meaning you can expect periodic reminders so that we can bring home the win!
The second VERY BIG THING is that August 1 is also coincidentally International Childfree Day! And given that all the childless cat ladies are currently (forever) under attack (ignoring for the moment the nuance between childfree and childless), let’s remember who the real problem is:
It’s not the childfree, the childless, the immigrants, the illegals, the stepmothers, the cat mothers, the uppity minorities who refuse to know their place. None of these people nor any other boogeyman that’s dangled out there by the people trying to strip your rights away are the problem.
The 1% funding the people trying to strip away your rights are the problem. And they’re very good at distracting us from the real issues, so we’ll fight each other instead of them.
Divide and conquer: it works in war, on the pickleball court, and in politics.
Stay tuned for the next episode to hear more about that. Because we all have a stake in this future, regardless of what some Yalie cosplaying as a hillbilly says about it.
Latinas in Podcasting
Last thing, if you’ve ever wanted to start your own podcast, now is the time! The free Latinas in Podcasting virtual summit is coming at the end of October.
For newbies and early career podcasters who don’t know their USB from their XLR, it’ll be 2 days of unraveling all the secrets to creating, launching, and succeeding at podcasting. All from the comfort of your own desk.
For more info, get on the waitlist. It’s FREE!