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Do you know who John Strand is, and why not?
We have been lied to. We are being lied to. Have you had enough yet, or are you going to remain in denial?
Imagine. Imagine something that is unthinkable. Imagine that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC NYT, NPR and PBS all have an agenda. Imagine that it is the SAME agenda. Unthinkable. Couldn’t be. How sure are you? To what extent have you dug into the dirt to find out for yourself?
Now, imagine that the agenda is to see to it that the democratic party has as much control of everything as possible. Imagine that ethics and integrity mean nothing to them. Or, at the very least, their perverted view of things is that lying and manipulating is justifiable because the stakes are so high. Imagine that these clowns actually believe their own bullshit; that Trump and his supporters are attempting an overthrow of ‘democracy.’ Imagine that these morons believe that the solution to Trump overthrowing ‘democracy’ is for them to overthrow it first.
How much imagining did you have to do? Not very much. Essentially no one trusts media anymore, and for good reason. The two political parties have sunk to new lows, and were never as accepted as they would have us believe. Why do we pretend anymore? Why do we desperately try to maintain a pretense that somewhere in Washington there is good, cable leadership? There may be good people in DC, but the leadership is corrupt. Totally corrupt. And you know it, even if you don’t want to have to acknowledge it.
Well, acknowledge it. Your children’s future depends on it.
Who is John Strand? He was a participant in the J6 insurrection in which no one was ever charged with insurrection. He was a participant in the J6 coup attempt in which no one was charged with a coup attempt. Confused? You must believe the crap they tell you at the MSM. You must believe that crap that Nancy Pelosi tells you. You must believe the crap that Joe Biden tells you. I was never confused. I watched that riot develop in real time, as it happened. I didn’t get my ‘news’ from lying, double-talking ‘journalists’. I saw it for myself.
There was a riot. It was tame as riots go. It didn’t come even close to the riots that raged all the previous summer in Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis. In those riots, over twenty people were killed. Innocent people were dragged out of their cars and beaten. Government buildings were set afire, WITH PEOPLE IN THEM. Nancy Pelosi called it ‘mostly peaceful protests’. That’s the same Nancy Pelosi that lied outright, saying that the rioters on J6 killed people. They killed no one. They were unarmed. Even the most violent among them did nothing more than push and shove, and one sprayed mace at a cop. The vast majority made no violent act nor threatened anyone. But Nancy, vicious totalitarian that she is, called the J6 riot an insurrection, and MSM fanned the flames.
John Strand was one of those ‘insurrectionists. Below is a link to a one hour interview with him by Steve Baker, who was also there, and has faced charges, but never actually charged. Just once, get you information from direct sources, instead of people who you know are playing you for a fool. Take this one hour in your life, and maybe it will undo four straight years of being systematically misled. Let’s hope so, for your sake, and for your children’s sake.
And remember, this is just the tip of the totalitarian iceberg.
Steve Baker interviews John Strand
If a person pleads guilty, well, that PROVES it, right? He must be guilty. Don’t be ridiculous. A prosecutor, in league with a judge, can get just about anyone convicted of just about anything. By my count, that’s TWO people. Two people can decide how much, or how little, justice you will get. But, that’s not how it plays in the movies, where the dedicated defense attorney saves the day for the poor innocent defendant. No, that’s not how it plays in Hollywood. It’s how it plays in real life.
Here’s a rerun of a previous post of mine:
Interesting how perceptions are manipulated