A cityscape in July 2024, characterized by widespread chaos and destruction. Buildings are burning, and the sky is darkened by smoke. Crowds of people, desperate and confused, run through the streets, looting stores and clashing with heavily armed military personnel. The overall atmosphere is one of complete societal breakdown and panic, representing the DOOM of the month.
Prolegomena: In the busiest Month to date for the DOOM Furnace, Yours Truly smelted many DOOM wares (big & small) for my Dear Subscribers’ Displeasures! 😉
‘When East Meets West’ saw several important episodes & guests touch upon several key issues. Sir
& myself Thank all said Good Sirs for their invaluable contribution to the podcast & to the wider overall SubStack discourse!Sir
kicked us off at the beginning of the month with his excellent analyses & breakdown of America’s past, present & future.Special emphasis was placed on America, Americana & the current place America occupies in the world, & what it ought to aspire to do post-Empire & Hegemony.
joined us for his debut experience to speak about the current state of the Dissident Right in Europe ( & the wider West), its past iteration as the Alternative Right, & what it could become in the near future.Sirs
& engaged in a spirited debate & discussion regarding US-Canadian relations (past, present & future) & how a United North American Continent may look like in the coming years, given Global & Domestic trends.Yours Truly & Sir
had to do an Emergency Episode / Sitdown to speak at length about the Trump Assassination attempt, the Civil Strife & Turmoil plaguing the wider United States & the coming Political, Social & Economic Pandemonium.A blockbuster 4-hour Episode / Sitdown with the wonderful Sirs Cleveland (
) & was done specifically to talk about How ‘Fucked the Western World presently is’ & why everyone in the Optimist crowd is wrong:Be it Liberals, Conservatives, Communists, Vitalists, Marxists, Pirates, Technophiles, etc., we go over each of them & note that the DOOM cometh for us all…!
then graced us with his presence (Thank You Pater! 😍😉😘❤️) to speak about the collapsing Petrodollar, the sundry incoming Preference Cascades & other Woeful trendlines which all indicate a most DOOM-ful future.The wonderful Sir
joined us to speak about preparedness, suvivalism & what ‘the kids’ are up to nowadays. Special thanks to the Good Sir for detailing out to us what the current Zeitgeist is amongst American youth & their prevailing worldviews!Finally, in our Blockbuster Monthly finale, the trio of Good Sirs
, & joined us on a special Panel to speak about the American, Canadian & European Souls of Western Man:Special emphasis was placed on the diverse ways in which Western man’s Faustianness expresses itself, in tandem with the key differences among said varying expressions in the American, Canadian & European contexts.
Once again, I am Deeply Honoured to have had the privilege of sitting down with said Good Sirs to contemplate the DOOM, gloom & despair of our times!
Below are all the Stacks & Links for the Eminent Sirs mentioned earlier, which you should check out, Dear Readers & Listeners! If you still need to do so, subscribe to them! The material they publish is of top-tier quality!
Sir Kenaz’s Excellent Stack-Duo:
Sir Constanin’s Lovely Stack:
The Brilliant Arktos Journal:
Sir Daniel’s Wonderful Stack:
Sir Tom’s Eminent Stack:
Sir Fortissax’s Exceptional Stack:
Sir Uncouth’s Lovely Stack Duo:
Pater’s Magnificient Stack-Duo:
Sir Phisto’s Exceptional Stack:
Sir Cleveland’s Epic Stack:
July was a month in which a lot of important writing ( & dictating! 😉) was done by Yours Truly, given the rapid pace at which World Events are proceeding:
The month began with a Dictation of Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad’s exquisite essay ‘On Migrating to Lands of Melancholy’ in ‘Eurabian Revival: An Ishmaelite Odyssey.’
It is perhaps one of the Shaykh’s most beautiful essays, which takes a critical look at the Migration issue & expounds upon all the ways in which Muslims, writ large, can be expected to play a much larger role in European religious & civic life in the future.
Afterward, Yours Truly was a guest at Sir
’s Eurosiberia podcast, where Your Friendly, Neighbourhood DOOM Merchant detailed out the ways in which Project Eurabia is proceeding in Europe & the wider West! 😉Sir
wrote a very interesting piece titled ‘Our Man Ahnaf’ in which he makes a plea (time & again) to Christians to take the current predicament they are in seriously, whereby Muslims ( & others! ) are fast gaining power & influence:Particularly, he notes that with the coming World War, turmoil & civil strife, etc., Islam can be expected to play a larger role in Western affairs & ought to thus (correctly) be viewed by members of Christendom as a worthy competitor.
In ‘The Eurabian Polity: Beyond Nationalism,’ Yours Truly dictates an all-time classic from several years ago. Penned by the Eminent Imam Zaid Shakir, ‘Where Islam & Nationalism Collide,’ we examine the clash between Nationaliam & the Khilafa model:
Particularly, Imam Zaid emphasizes that while Muslims accept that nations of people exist, it rejects the fear, anger & victimization necessary to pursue nationhood. Instead, the Justice & Order of the Khilafa is what is presented as an alternative.
Namely, as the ‘World System’ (one could even dub it a Civilization-State a la Professor
& others’ notion of the subject) that is willing, ready & able to cater to the dreams, aspirations, wants & needs of sundry nations & peoples simultaneously.In ‘Future Armies of The Barbarian Dark Age,’ Yours Truly dictates Grandmaster of DOOM
’s excellent essay ‘The Future is Barbarian: The world’s armies will adapt to the new Dark Age.’ It is an amazing ‘look ahead’ to the world, post-DOOM:Namely, a world where Men fight one another to the death on the Nuclear Hellscape, desolated by constant fighting, resource depletion & related catastrophes.
Finally, in ‘Escalation & Prelude to Total War,’ Yours Truly summarizes (in brief) what has happened in West Asia thus far over the past several months or so, & then collates all the relevant info to render a very obvious verdict for the near future:
War is imminent & War is coming. & this so-called ‘Regional War’ will swiftly take on a Global character & it will inevitably cross the Nuclear Threshold when it does so.
Attached below, per usual, are all said toils for the month, Dear Readers & Listeners!
May You all have a most displeasing, DOOM-full Read (& Listen)! 😉
July 3
July 4
July 6
July 7
July 8
July 11
July 13
July 14
July 18
July 20
July 22
July 25
July 26
July 27
July 31 → Monthly DOOM-Review!
July was EXHAUSTING. 😆
That said, Yours Truly will be very busy in August as well. Sir
and myself are both trying to get some ‘Big Names’ on the show soon, so stay tuned! 😉Moving forward, Dictations / Voiceovers of Past essays will become a Staple of the DOOM Furnace, given growing interest among My Dear Readers ( & Listeners! ) to hear from voices who can better capture the DOOM, gloom & despair of our times!
While Yours Truly am somewhat OK in smelting my own DOOM wares, the truth is that the old adage of ‘If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it!’ applies over here.
So long as a relevant essay exists out there that better captures certain salient features of the DOOM that cometh… Yours Truly will happily dictate it on the Furnace! 😉
As for my own writing, expect something Big to drop in the next week or two! 😉
Yours Truly has been busy with ‘Something Big’ over the past few weeks or so. Those of my more ardent Dear Readers ( & Listeners! ) probably know what it is I am talking about ( courtesy of SubStack Notes 😁), but let’s keep things tight-lipped for now!
Goodbye for Now, & Remember:
The DOOM Cometh…!
Your Support is vital for Smelting the DOOM & keeping it HOT & FRESH off the Furnace!
If you enjoyed the read, I would greatly appreciate it if you Subscribed to a Monthly or Yearly pledge to support my work so that I may continue Smelting DOOM for your displeasure!
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Thank You, Dear Readers, for all your Support!
Thanks Ahnaf and Kenaz for inviting me to join such a distinguished roster of guests on your podcast!