Something terrible has happened 😔. I decided to do a little self care yesterday and I started with my hair. I left home really early (I consider 11am to be early cos I’m not a morning person at all😑) for my hair appointment which took surprisingly short time. Since I still had time, I thought, why not spend my last kobo on mani and pedi so I walked into a nail studio and they were busy but gave me an appointment for the next hour. I did not want to wait around so I decided to get a quick quick snack (Hot Amala and ewedu🤭).
Now, my social battery is not that great so I get tired of being outside quickly but I was in a good mood because I just got my results for the last exam I sat for and I aced it as usual so I did not mind. As I was washing my hands after the meal, the finest man I’ve seen walked in🫠. Perfect jawline, perfect body (slim as I like ‘em) and the most beautiful face ever😪, it’s safe to say I melted instantly and since I’m back on the streets, so I say to myself, says I Shewa, this is a perfect day for a do (Derry girls reference😂).
Keep in mind, I’m a very shy person so I just walked past him 😪 and went back to the nail studio. I kept thinking about him and even had to tell the nice girl that was attending to me. At a point I let it go, after all you win some, you lose some and I’ve had my fair share of beautiful men.
Got to my house junction contemplating whether to ‘leg it’ or take a bike because I don spend all my money😔 and lo and behold, it’s the beautiful man!!! The organs in my body (especially a particular one 🌚) did a little joyous dance. Before I could muster courage to approach him, he entered his car and drove off😪. I counted my loss and since I was too sad to walk, I took a bike. Only for me to realize that we were going the same way and I said if this is not destiny, I don’t know what it is. He turned towards my street and I was so happy that I did not notice that the stupid Aboki that carried me was struggling with the bike 😭. Before I could say Jack Robinson, I was thrown violently off the bike and in an effort to balance myself, I struck my toe against a rock. I screamed o because what kind of life is this???
Luckily for me (the luck did not last), the mishap alerted my man, yes my man😑 and he stopped. At this point, I felt like I was in an Indian movie and he is about to lift me up and carry me to his vehicle so he can drop me off at home and check on me the next day and then he will tell me it’s love at first sight and ask me to marry him. I was going to get my happy ending after all.
He started walking towards me and I just laid there, sprawled on the ground 😪. He offered his hand so I can get up when I noticed a shiny object on his finger. I jolted back to reality so fast, “what is this? What is this nonsense on your finger???” 😭. I screamed again, not because of physical pain this time around but because I felt my heart break into a million pieces.
I managed to compose myself and told him I was okay. Stood up and did a walk of shame towards our house. As I entered the apartment, I realized there is no light and I just burst into tears😭.
No love, no light.
P.S: My chalk-white painted toenails were ruined😪 and it’s not as pretty as it was and my Jean tore up my bum😔.
Super P. S : I had catfish peppersoup later in the night and my sister massaged my toe with hot water and aboniki so I am better now (physically and emotionally).
What an experience 😂😂😂
My man😂😂