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NEW PODCAST: This Week's Biggest Stories
The JOY of Dems not picking Gov. Josh Shapiro; Plus, Rwandans Blending in the UK
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By Ann Coulter
Politics, Media, Crime - the full Ann News Network (A.N.N.)
Ann, this is so wonderful!
Sad news of course, but your organization of the content and your delivery is wonderful.
Your podcasts with guests are fantastic and are always essential, but you're truly at your best when you're writing or when you just talk to us, uninterrupted by rude TV program hosts or the clock.
As to our country being taken away from us, you're absolutely on target. These days the goal of thoughtfully-aware young people is to get into a career that will allow them to make enough money to either escape this forced 'diversity' that's being inflicted upon us or to insulate themselves from it enough so they can get on with their lives in a halfway enjoyable, safe and productive fashion...I was recently able to escape Seattle after a lifetime of watching it needlessly collapse into a gritty, crime-laden mess. Untold millions throughout all of the 'blue' Democrat cities are doing the same.
If this rampant, unwanted invasion isn't stopped and reversed VERY soon, in a few generations there will be no place to escape to within the USA and Americans will have no other recourse than to try to create our own segregated enclaves, like Orania in South Africa. Our culture and our history is important and is worth preserving and protecting. It is utterly heartbreaking that such sentiments as these are now regarded as 'racist' and 'extreme'.
I simply view a nation where everyone is pulling together for the same shared goals as being the normal way any nation ought to be. Silly me. "sigh"
Hey Ann! Do you think you would ever do a live q and a on substack? I’d pay extra of course.