For the past 35 years, I've been a science writer, working specifically in the oncology community. Over that time, I've published probably 500 or 600 bylined articles in major cancer journals. I've also interviewed 500 or 600 of the leading cancer experts in the world, including five Nobel Prize winners. In 2014,
I co-authored a book called The Great Prostate Hoax, How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster. My co-author was Dr. Richard Ablin, one of the primary scientists behind the discovery of PSA. I say that not to brag about my credentials, but just to let the audience know who I am,
because what I'm about to talk about later on in the story challenges a $200 billion per year cancer industry. And anytime you challenge that type of power structure, there's blowback. They will try to discredit me, but they can't because I'm an insider. I'm one of them. My road to science writing was unconventional.

VIDEO - Greed and the Pharmaceutical Industry (Ron Piana, by Soft White Underbelly)

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Discussion about this video

To think a Malibu house overlooking the ocean and a kid at Stanford is enough to trade for men's souls is definitely beyond the pale.

Humans killing other humans for filthy lucre.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose its own soul.

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It is happening in the Abortion Industry! Killing babies for profit! Selling Body Parts! watch James O’Keefe Documentaries! He was onto them and was railroaded out of his own company!

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Preach it brother. Money - the only thing Jesus told us not to get addicted to.

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Wow! Very powerful and palpable testimony!

Thank you Dr Makis

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Often times God uses the most unlikely people to bring this present darkness into the light. This is one of those times. We would be wise to pray for truth and accountability as well as conviction for those bad actors who cause great suffering by their reckless and reprobate behavior and corruption. Speaking truth to power has risks so we should also pray for A hedge of protection for truth tellers!

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Our politicians need to be arrested and charged for treason. This absolutely needs to happen in Canada. www.TrudeauForTreason.com

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Wonderful presentation Dr Makis !

Thank you so much !!!!

I recall some decades back wondering to myself after reading it. How is it that a lawyer for a big Pharma giant became the President of the FDA? I wondered if it wasn't a conflict of interest.

Shortly after the turn of the millennium, after my husband's electronic hardware engineering jobs dried up in the US and all went to Communist China, I went back to Nursing and was offered a six week course to learn how to run Clinical Trials . The pay was really good.

I did my due diligence first though and read all I could by nurses who did do these trials.

Two nurses out of TX conducted surveys and wrote a very informative research paper after wondering why hardly any of these people stayed in these positions over a year .

The most common responses were that they were pressured by the Pharma companies to skew the results in favor of the drugs in the trials and play down the untoward side effects.

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Thanks for this testimony about the running of Pharma drug trials.

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This guy is amazing. He is a captivating storyteller. You would think the lengthy background is irrelevant and the narrative seems to be disconnected, but some how he effectively links everything together in a compelling way.

Haven't actually made it to the Pharma part.

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Dr. Jane Ruby just introduced a new study that followed C-19 shots incubated for up to 2 years!!!!! "Incubated" as well as a Catherine Watt presentation various legal ramifications of the "military killbox". Re: C-19 shots!

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Dr Ana Mihalcea, MD and scientist posted the study on her substack yesterday .


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Dr Piana talks a Greta deal but doesn't get to the real issues. He talks about things most people know. If you want to know how corrupt oncology is, watch the documentary www.anewstandardofcare.com. What other doctors are using for cancer but mostly outside the control of medical boards (USA) in other countries:

Vitamin C IV high dose. Dr Levy

Vitamin C and K3 IV DR Lodi and Dr Iacoboni

Sodium bicarbonate Dr Simoncini Italy

H202 IV

Gc protein Macrophage Activating Factor injections banned in USA available in Europe


Antineoplastins (peptides) Dr Burzynski Houston clinic, resolves some brain cancers.

O3 IR blood therapy

Gerson Therapy and coffee enemas.

D3/iodine for immune system

Antiparasitics, parasites and cancer has been known since 1891.

Enzymatic substrates Citozeatecsrl.ch has been curing various cancers and other diseases.

714X injections by Dr Gaston Naessens

Chlorine dioxide (theuniversalantidote.com)

Cancer and vaccines are the largest money maker for pharma.

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Looks like a very good link to this documentary, thanks. It is several hours long so it will take some time to watch. I also saw the documentary series from "The Truth about Cancer" by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. They made it onto the "disinformation dozen" list, something I consider a great honor and means I should listen carefully what they say.

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Yes Ty’s documentary was very good and I have his book. The documentary I mention came out last year. It follows patients and their MD’s. It also interviews government officials. If someone watched it they would never trust MD’s. Another cancer doc that came out this year www.cancerseries.org by Jonathan Otto. 12 episodes about an hour each.

The chlorine dioxide documentary www.theuniversalantidote.com is excellent also.

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Mr. Ron Piana, is NOT a doctor, in fact he has NO OFFICIAL education record, prior to becoming the science writer, which actually implies the worthlessness of the official super expensive system, which produces the officially accepted great MD's, sorry to say, morons.

Mr. Piana has a LONG WAY TO GO, to get to all these 'unapproved', or better, intentionally erased cancer treatments methods. One more to add to your list: ENZYME therapies, by the dentist William D. Kelley, who healed himself and thousands more by using pancreatic enzymes;)

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Thank you. I guess I was duped. An amazing scientist developed enzymatic substrates to heal DNA at the mitochondrial level. Citozeatecsrl.ch It is non pharma. Amazing results for cancer and other diseases. Similar to peptides or antineoplastins

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Ron Piana is great soul of a gentleman, whose testimony is hard-hitting and profound in its power to show the evil underpinning our medical system. However I do not share his optimism that imperfect men will be able to reform it.....the God of the Bible doesn't plan to reform Satan the Devil's systems of medicine, religion, or anything else: Revelation 11:18 tells us He will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth" in a battle to remove evil mentioned only once in the Bible: Armageddon; Rev.16:14,16.

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Excellent and fascinating interview. He doesn’t make a key point: Oncologists bill separately for chemo and other injectables they administer and make a significant margin. Is it any wonder they invariably recommend chemo?

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I wonder if it is ok to ask if Doctor Makis if there is a contact method like an email or a different platform for private consultations?

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Dr Makis has given his email to us:


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The right cancer treatment is to go back to Nature and the way She evolved us. Man and his foods and doings are deadly, killing the body, the mind. Just look around you individualists who question all including yourself and the unknown , called a God. This specie is getting nuts, sicker and sicker, hospitals drugstores growing like mushrooms millions of "health experts" making this specie sicker sicker. One of the remedy Dr Makis suggest is fasting, perhaps it helps but it do not fix the root of the problem. When I left communists Czechoslovakia I landed in Vancouver Canada a year later. Robert Kennedy father was shot dead 3 month later and one month later I met a German lady Hilda, she introduced me in to vegetarianism. I thought about it and ever since I avoid to eat anything that moves, swim or fly. No, that is not how human evolved, but who cares I gradually evolved on my own ideas. here and there I eat a few eggs from my own chickens but like Mike Adams the founder of the Natural News eat eggs but do not eat the chickens. I like cheese but do not overdo it, make my own pizza, my own whole wheat bread eat with raw salads, each morning I make fruits blends with a few dates and figs and handful of nuts, on this do not need to eat the whole day and listen to my body what it tells me to eat, based on plant foods. My first wife from France become a vegetarian shortly in Canada and become anti vaxxer after reading some book, our 2 kids one born on our farm and the other in Washington state by a home midwife, boy never vaccinated, except the older boy who married a Californian , got brainwashed by the communist system there and his 2 children will get 72 vaccine doses by the age of 18. My younger Nevada son is an anti vaxxer a right wing gun caring conservative and never seen a doctor just as me. Doctors can and often kill. I got a new wife and we have a 10 year old son (want more but she do not wish to) I made at the age of many are dead. I still wear the same size of clothes as I was 16 can run and jump as my 10 year old. When I was a child in the communist school our teacher,( pan Kohleman,) told us how some 900 years ago when Czech or Bohemia as a state was formed , how the rich ate rich foods , meat, died young at 40, while the poor lived much longer..... this perhaps influenced the way I eat today and think. But it was Nietzsche who really made me think about the insanity of the human tribes and the value being self.

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How absolutely refreshing, sad but refreshing to hear this man speak the way he has spoken here…..thank you Dr. Makis, will share this wide and far…

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We need separation of medicine and state. For anyone who cannot see that now, I have a safe and effective shot to cure the common cold.

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Ideally we would institute a free-market Christian-worldview-based theocracy - AKA theonomy, British North America is probably the best example of such.

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An amazing story that describes the utter corruption of the pharma/medical system. Astoundingly, they have the audacity to call it a healthcare system. We need to

become aware, informed and demand change.

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Thank you for your courage Dr.Markis. more people need to hear this. More power to you! 🙏

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Its a good thing we have Fenbendazole and Ivermectin so we never have to use their useless drugs.

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“By 15 I'd established myself as a man. I was self-sufficient”.

We didn't pussyfoot around back then.

This was an exceptional and devastating interview (as Mark Laita’s work often is).

I know his passion is the homeless, but I would love to see him branch out in the direction of credible industry insiders (of any stripe).

We're at peak corporate corruption. It is unsustainable when almost every industry is tainted at this point.

My first introduction to Soft White Underbelly was one of the most harrowing interviews I've ever heard by a man named Clark Fredericks, and it detailed the resulting decades-long destruction of a life when a child is targeted by a predator.

(And the violent retribution the victim eventually meted out to his abuser).

The Goliath in this case was prolific, in law enforcement, in a position of power, and untouchable. In the end, even the Judge, other Police (the perp’s own colleagues) and Prison staff were glad he finally got what was coming.


The last 4 years may have been extreme. But the one redeeming factor is that this period unmasked a scale of corruption we would never have been aware of otherwise.

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If you are ever feeling sorry for yourself and engaged in a pity party, just watch some of the interviews on Soft White. Some of these people will change you forever.

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Might you share a link please? For fear of watching the wrong thing 🙏

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The only word that comes to mine is criminal corruption of the whole system. Break up the system, don’t allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise and do not allow them to give incentives to the medical doctors and the hospital systems and the percentage of what they can make per pill or per treatment based on what it cost them to produce it.very much a criminal cartel. This guy needs to be speaking at every medical school in the country because the students are being brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies.

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This report from an articulate, wise and faithful lady who was sent home to die by her oncology team seems appropriate at this point... https://x.com/thekeksociety/status/1763482557402710192?s=10

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Thanks for sharing this. This will be how we will turn this around.

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Thanks Doc...yet one more testimony to the truth. Every grain of truth helps to tip the scale in the right direction. Persistence is necessary. Judgement is coming for the liars, the cheats, the greedy, the malicious and genocidal...Kudos to Ron Piana for stepping up and taking a stand. He is indeed a credible witness with an amazing story...and no reason to lie. His candor would easily tip the scales in any civil proceeding against any one of the well known drug pushers we have learned to recognize this last four years. No need, sadly to name their names even, any more, just look a the rosters of any College of Physicians and Surgeons, or the attendance record of any politicians in government, or any list of CEO's of corporations, and just about any bureaucrat. So many war criminals and so little time.

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Thank you so much for publishing this.

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Thank you so much.

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Wow! This is very powerful !!

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Wow! Fantastic interview! Many of our eyes were opened with the Covid vaccines and this takes us to a new dimension. PS. I’m vax injured with vascular brain inflammation. Than you Dr. Makis!

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Thank you for sharing this important information.

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This is not new, it has been going on for 100+ years

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P. S: Thanks to Dr. Maki's for bringing this to his audience !

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Namaste: In my view, the capstone of the presentation was at about 22:01 that a drug worked if the healer (really the killer) could send a child to Stanford and acquire a waterfront home in Malibu.

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Namaste: In my view, the capstone of the presentation was at about 22:01 that a drug worked if the healer (really the killer) could send a child to Stanford and acquire a waterfront home in Malibu.

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Thank you, Dr. Makis, for bringing a guest whose household never even discussed college.

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Dr. Makis, sadly the details and stories that Mr. Piana describes come as no surprise to me. It really resonates with me now more than ever as I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer on June 4th. I have now had consultations with a surgeon along with radiation and chemotherapy oncologists, who are are following and recommending the "Standard Care" treatment plan. When I questioned the surgeon about not taking the other two treatments he told me that without them, surgery would not be effective. When I questioned the radiologist about not taking chemotherapy she told me that the radiation would not be as effective without it. When I asked her about the recent advances in proton beam therapy, she said there are no "clinical trials" that show that it would be any better than traditional radiation, and that there are currently no PB facilities in Canada. In my final meeting the chemotherapy oncologist, she advised me that "mini-doses" of paclitaxel and carboplatin would be given to me via IV once a week along with my 23-28 radiation fractions 5 days a week. Not being a medical expert, the idea of exposing myself to harmful radiation and toxic chemicals just does not make sense to me.

Based on watching your 15-minute medical podcasts I learned about the positive results of using IVM, FBZ and MBZ and have been following the Joe T. treatment plan since July 1st using MBZ (3-days on-4-days off) and since July 18th have added VIT-C (50g) and Hexilor (2ml) weekly IV's. A VIT-D test showed that my levels were low so I am also receiving 100,000 units injections as well. In addition, I started off with a 3-day fast and switched immediately to a 100% Keto diet. So far I have manage to gain 9 lbs. to offset the weight I have lost over the past months.

The CT scan I had done shows "a significant mass-like thickening of the distal esophagus approximately 9.5 cm craniocaudally". The PET scan shows no signs that the tumor has spread elsewhere so far.

With the dark future being presented to me by the "experts", I am wondering if I should continue on my journey here as I am concerned that because of the size of the tumor that it may be too late to turn things around now. Though I can swallow food OK, in the past couple of weeks I have started to have some slight discomfort in the breast-bone area after I eat.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated by this overwhelmed Canadian right now.

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The Great Prostate Hoax book is a must read for the boys......

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Listen to 20:00 to 23:00 to see the truth in the phrase: "Follow the money!" corruption.

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I have listened several times. Did he make a mistake at 34:27 with "The data was very clear. It was safe and effective" or am I just tired?

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A man with a heart to do good. Thank you Dr. Makis. Good against evil.

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Men are rarely if this caliber today. Great to see a fearless man with a story of import in the present environment we're experiencing.

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A Big Thank U for being who you are and sharing your journey to get where u are so we all can learn from u. Thank u again. His bless u!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I love this guy!!!!💕💕

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why is truth & the main reason for cancer in the first place is because mankind kills animals & eats their flesh when our creator made us to only eat fruits, veggies & herbs; so as long as this fact is ignored & meat eating is advertized as healthy mankind will be kept in the dark & decimated for its ignorance...

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Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. Genesis 9:3

This is God speaking

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That is not biblical

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Loaves and fishes???

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Smart dude.

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What a naughty surgeon!!!

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