I am 24 years old. I have had three heart attacks, a mini stroke, and I am now getting a pacemaker. What's to blame? The COVID vaccine. And that's when everything flipped upside down for me.
So is this Army memo an acknowledgement that your heart condition is the result of the COVID vaccine? It 100% is. Were you left behind by the Army and the National Guard?
I was left behind and trampled.

Cost of Following Orders - 24 year old soldier left disabled by COVID-19 Vaccines

BREAKING: Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

New military records confirm the soldier's heart injury was "In Line of Duty,” and details her account of "complications since receiving the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine."

Moderna did not respond to our questions.

Army Specialist Karoline Stancik now faces over $70,000 in medical debt. EPISODE ONE: “The Cost of Following Orders”

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Discussion about this video

The government ( pick one - any one ) must be so proud of itself - causing so much damage while at the same time avoiding any accountability whatsoever.

"Safe and effective"....because we say so.

"Benefits outweigh the risks"....because we say so.

"Damage caused by the 'medicine' ??? ..... of course not." - - - " BECAUSE WE SAY SO ( and you can't prove it ! ) "

1st class sh*t- show.

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Very well stated and every word is staggeringly true.

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....a damn shame.

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... a sad and mind-numbing state of affairs.

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It was the new false religion - promising health and an end to restrictions. It was so sick and evil, yet only a minority can see that. 😮‍💨 I meet injured/health compromised people every day. Our future isn’t so bright - for the general population. 🇨🇦

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: one day, we, as a society, are going to have to ask ourselves, "What kind of society poisons its youth?"

Even animals don't poison their youth (with the exception of extreme circumstances where, for example, there's a lack of resources or one of their offspring isn't going to make it).

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In early 2021, a UK nurse whistleblower asked her superiors how they could accept taking part in what to her amounted to genocide, because they saw what happened to the elderly people being injected. The agitated reply that I will never forget was:

'We all have a job to do, and a part to play, and we need to just put up, shut up and get it done!'


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Yes, it's just disgusting, deplorable, sheer evil. I'm in the UK, and recall seeing that reply by someone in the NHS here, at the time.

As Cathy Mcgoey has said in a post currently above yours, here, when will the public at large (ie, the oblivious masses...) be made aware of the crimes committed against them?!!??

They, the oblivious masses, are all so naive, so gullible, brainwashed. I'm more than aware of that on a personal level, for my own relatives, and all bar two of my already awake friends, form part of the naive, 'asleep' general public. I've been 'awake' for 40-45 years (am 65), and throughout the decades have tried my hardest to wake up my family members and friends. But unfortunately to no avail. For they adamantly refuse to be woken up... how pathetic of them is that, huh?? They choose to continue to blindly believe in the BS which they hear on their so beloved TVs...

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Terribly sad, isn’t it? It’s everywhere that media-brainwashed people exist.

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Thank you for your many years of 'service' ❤️ Unfortunately I can relate, worst of all reg. my son's (now 22) father and his 'new' wife. But I'm certain we will both have made a difference, if 'only' planting seeds. I also believe we are now - finally - in the middle of a great awakening. I hope it is inevitable, with the cosmic Sophia-Christ plasma energies reigniting the earth's ley lines, and through that us all. It is said that by winter solstice, 21 Dec, the ley lines will be fully ignited permanently, helping the veils to be lifted. And we all know what happens to vampires in full Sun light, right! Anyway, that is what I think may have some truth to it, but that it is going to be rough. 🐉

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This is exactly what their intentions were and are—to discard and kill us ALL because to them we are deemed “non essential”. If anyone believes otherwise, man the naivety is running amok in your cells

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So now pharmaceuticals are used to treat pharmaceutical poisoning. Oh wait - that's been the criminal business model all along.

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Absolutely criminal ... when will the Public at large be made aware of the Crimes committed against them !!! God please help This young lady and shame on the army

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This is a good reason for young people to not enlist in the military

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“Vaccine injured is a non-specific term and cannot be medically diagnosed “ Did you catch that at the very end from the Army?? 1. It is not a vaccine. It is a poison.

2. Does that mean any substance that is injected or ingested into the body is “non-specific”?? And any harm done cannot be diagnosed, or treated?

3. The Army (and government) knows they are in the wrong. But they simply don’t care. To them our great soldiers are expendable. What matters is payouts. What matters is the up and coming, “One World Government”.

4. Now imagine what the world will be like if the democrats and their globalist surrogates pull off another stolen election….

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I am so Damn Tired of listening to these numbskulls saying it's a vaccine. This is purely a biological weapon, would I? Urge anyone to do is to go on a Brownstone's researcher Debbie Lerman's substack, and she was interviewed.I would say more than a year ago, maybe almost two years ago, by Epoch Times. She lays it out so clearly. This has absolutely nothing to do in helping the citizens. Go on her substack, research it and read it. This is a national security council initiated weapon. It is absolutely preposterous what they have done on a global scale, and if anyone else thinks that it's just here in this country, they are absolutely naive and blind to everything that's going around them. Think about it in March April May 2020 all the global economies within 48 hours shut down. How is that even remotely possible? They would all have to be synchronized and humming to The same tune in achieving their agenda: And that agenda decimate the population.

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Utterly Deplorable, Disgusting AND Criminal. They are such Hypocrites

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The "strongest, bravest leaders" who are supposed to defend our country are in fact the world's biggest cowards, and weak-minded boot lickers even in their own ranks? This is our front line of defense? Truth is better than illusion. God Bless you, Karoline. Thank you for speaking up. You are the brave one.

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Aug 13Edited

Why are vaccine policies political? Everybody should ask themselves this question. Because US public health policy is depopulation and they admitted this in Brook Jackson suit: It is not in US public health policy to find out what has happened in Pfizer clinical trials because they don't want you to know that they are killing you on purpose.

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As the father of an anthrax vaccine injured daughter who was just following orders during the Gulf War, this young woman’s story brought tears to my eyes. Our military used to care about their injured members but, today, they have abandoned that responsibility at all costs.

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Summary of dead athletes/cardiac arrests post covid injections....https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

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I have always seen Catherine Herridge as an exception to the rule: an MSM reporter with humanity and integrity. It's a boon to have people like her and Sharyl Attkisson fighting the good fight.

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The demons had to cripple the military so when they finished bringing in illegals and AI to run things the military was too crippled to fight back. This is so sad, she's just a baby, 23 years old is so young. I knew right away the jabs were deadly but we were all censored and couldn't get the news out.

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How awful!!!! They knew with the trials that this stuff was dangerous. I don’t think you can sue the military/government or can you

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Crimes against humanity.🙏❤️

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I'd really like to have a link to this video. I'm curious who is putting this out - it's obviously a staged event by the controllers. They have a reason for putting out this crap. Anyone over 50 years old know that this is just pap for people - nothing will EVER happen to the DOD because they were injuring and killing soldiers for a reason. They've always done it and they always abandoned the soldiers who are broken by their abuse. I'm really sick of hearing all this shit that is really just another form of manipulation.

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Stop referring to the shot as a 'vaccine' when in fact it was a bioweapon induced injection with poison. I am sure that those who produced also have the antidote for it.

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Beyond disgraceful what the woke, corrupt DOD is capable of.

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Another dear trusting soul. Such a disgrace this DOD. Prayers for Caroline.

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people may not believe this but with suicide; you go straight to hell there is an after life; you must be born again and get saved by Jesus; He is the only way to heaven; repent and ask Jesus to save your soul; you do not have to go to church just pray and read the M E V bible

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Excellent interview. These stories matter!!

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Catherine Herridge is the BEST!!!

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So the Covid crisis has elements of genocide, show trials, hysteria, mass suicide, and cults. But it’s also stranger than that and more than the sum of its psychotic parts.

I’m struck by the ways that The System is now devouring its most devout adherents:

Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube with a net worth of $800 million, censored the scientific information that could have saved her life (deleting over one million Covid-related videos). Last week she died of turbo cancer (a known Covid vaccine side effect) at 56 years old.

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