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Election Integrity in a Nutshell
We need to stop assuming that our election results are honest
Since a major US political convention is currently going on, lets do a bit of Critical Thinking about the issue of Election Integrity…
I got intensively involved with election integrity 4± years ago. As just one example of my involvement, see my Election-Integrity webpage, where I list the ten major election integrity reports my team of independent experts produced — for free — starting in late 2020.
BTW, as of today, not a single statement on any one of these Reports has been refuted!
One takeaway from my investigations is that I was stunned by the number of HUGE loopholes in our election system! These known defects not only allow rampant cheating but actually encourage it. It’s like leaving the bank and its vault unlocked over the weekend — does that allow thievery or encourage it?
The answer to the popular question: were the 2020 Presidential election results accurate? The FACTUAL answer is: a) we have zero real proof that the results were honest, and b) there is an enormous amount of evidence that the results are highly suspect. (See PS, below.)
The obvious conclusion of any real analysis of our election system — despite all you’ve heard from “authorities”— is that we simply do NOT have election integrity in the US!
The basic reason for this is that the two political parties have diametrically opposite objectives regarding what our underlying election philosophy should be:
Democrats: Easy to Vote.
Republicans: Easy to Vote, but Hard to Cheat.
These may sound very similar, but in reality, they are worlds apart! An instructive example of the profound differences is absentee voting.
Republicans take the traditional position: anyone who is legitimately unable to vote in person (e.g., due to an illness, being away on vote day(s), etc.) should be given an absentee ballot. That ballot requires filling out an accompanying form that includes proper identification of the citizen who is voting.
Democrats say anyone for any reason can submit an absentee ballot — and the identification of the voter is nominal, at best.
So which way encourages dishonesty?
Another BIG problem is that election laws are mostly made up by States. What sense does it make for national elections to be determined by up to fifty (50) sets of rules???
An additional major part of the challenge of fixing our election system, is that there are multiple issues that need addressing. This is very much like those good people trying to fix our failing K-12 education system: what’s the most important issue to solve?
The Fundamental Problem
Over the last four years of my immersion in the US election system, it has become crystal clear that its NUMBER ONE failing is that there are no meaningful post-election audits done within 3± weeks.
Yes, some places do things like “Risk Limiting Audits” (RLAs). However, the name is intended to fool citizens who are not paying attention. RLAs are superficial double checks, so the risk is reduced by something like 2%… A parallel would be a security guard driving by a bank and reporting that everything was OK, just because he didn’t see (from his vehicle) any evidence of thieves breaking in…
The Dems are emboldened by the fact the Republicans have not insisted on meaningful audits. In their latest ploy, the Dems in Virginia actually got legislation passed that prohibited even the lightweight RLAs! The “justification” was that such audits might “inhibit Virginia’s ability to certify its presidential outcome…”!!!
But “Certification” is supposed to be oversight of the election process by State Legislators, assuring citizens that everything is accurate and honest. So how would a quick & simple audit inhibit that? This is the mentality we are dealing with today…
Not a single State (out of 50), not a single County (out of 3150±), and not a single Precinct (out of 177,000±) mandates a meaningful post-election audit!
This is third-world country behavior that is beyond comprehensible for the United States to still be doing in 2024. [BTW, what such an audit should look like is outlined in my team’s tenth report: Post-Election Audits. We even took the trouble of making a short video about what needed to be done — watch it!]
My Conclusion…
Mandating (at least a statistical sample) immediate meaningful post-election audits should be our absolute top priority. However, since the 2020 election, despite huge amounts of time & effort spent on election integrity, this has not been done anywhere.
So far Republicans have not succeeded in fixing this significant deficiency as they are divided into two camps (United we stand, Divided we fall). One group says that the main problem we are facing is the loopholes outlined above. The other group says that the main thing we should be focusing on is to get Republicans out to vote.
Clearly, getting out the vote is a very important matter — but if the other side is allowed to rampantly cheat, that will almost certainly win the day. Further, if Republican voters are aware that unchecked dishonesty is probably going on, that will likely discourage them from casting a ballot! In other words, fixing the election system defects needs to be our primary focus — as doing that will lead to more honest citizens voting, due to their having more confidence in the system!
The short answer is that America can not survive without properly fixing this fatal flaw in its election system — yet almost no one is doing anything about it!
PS — What about assurances (e.g., from public officials) that the 2020 election was the most accurate and secure ever? Likewise, what about claims (e.g., from mainstream media) that there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election?
Both statements are 100% disingenuous, as there were zero official meaningful 2020 post-election audits. Those are necessary to substantiate their self-serving statements.
It’s as if election officials assured us that “most males wore black socks when they voted,” or mainstream media claimed that “there were no widespread voting delays in 2020.” In both cases no one is keeping accurate track of either, so any such claims are blatant attempts to deceive the public.
But don’t take my word for it, read this superior summary of the situation.
PPS — This Report (from a respected, independent international organization) states it well:
“Elections can further democracy, development, human rights, and security, or undermine them. For this reason, promoting and protecting the integrity of elections is critically important. Only when elections are credible can they legitimize governments, as well as effectively safeguard the right of citizens to exercise their political choices.”
PPPS — See Appendix A of another one of my team’s Election Integrity Reports. It lists over thirty (30) Reports by those on the Left and the Right (!), that our election system is deeply flawed. Yet the band plays on…
Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:
Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack. discusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options. covers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies. multiple major reports on the election integrity issue.
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That actually makes tons of sense. It’s a really simple fix. The proven end by far the most secure and easily verified. Election is with hand marks and counted paper ballots with a secure and transparent chain of custody. Saving billions of dollars for counties around the nation. That’s the crux of the matter. The paper companies don’t have millions upon millions to allow lobbyist in applying palm grease to members of Congress.
My little county in Missouri, less than 25,000 people has $650,000 machine. 300 grand. 110 counties in Missouri. You do that math ,then times 50. They’re making billions while stealing Senate seats with optical scanners.
John, as someone who worked with you on 2020 election issues, I am not at all sanguine about 2024 having any more safeguards to prevent Democrat cheating. Perhaps a few states like Georgia have enacted laws to make it harder to cheat. The question is whether any of the other swing states have strengthened voter integrity laws. If not, Trump will need a healthy margin of voter to overcome the expected ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, voting machine manipulation, deceased and illegals casting ballots, etc.