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After fighting to see an oncologist for almost three months, an Edmonton man died of cancer without ever getting an appointment. One Alberta doctor says it was a situation years in the making. Shailene Skolsky reports.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'm okay. A question from Cece Nguyen's 10-year-old son that is difficult to answer after her family's life was forever changed.
I will never forget it for the rest of my life that day. It's like if you could explain to somebody that their life has imploded.
NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 025: Cancer patients are being murdered in Alberta, Canada under Premier Danielle Smith
Aug 19, 2024
I sent an email to Danielle Smith. Will you do the same?
Also another email to the party address
Title: Cancer patients are being murdered in Alberta, Canada under Premier Danielle Smith
Danielle Smith, Honourable AB Premier,
Please listen to what Dr. William Makis is saying. He mentions your name many times. Special instructions to stop the corruption start at 17:20 minutes.
Hoping you stop the corruption now
Louise Maccabee
She is listening and acting on this.
I have been wondering if she is waiting for the report from Dr. Gary Davidson and his team. The report is long overdue but if he has done his job it should give her something to work with. Perhaps the Provincial Auditor should do a thorough review of all the dollars that they have received over the last five years. If it is as bad as doctor Makis alleges Ms. Smith will have all she needs to house clean.
Holy crap !! Wow !
Vengeance is mine says the Lord!
Be strong and keep on Dr Makis ! ❤️🙏❤️
God took vengeance on his son to redeem mankind. This is our fight.
Bless you Dr. Makis. If this kind of thing is happening in Alberta you can bet it is likely happening across the board.
Trudeau will be shown to be the WEF UN puppet that started this, but Alberta, under Danielle Smith, will be the Province to stop it.
As an American citizen watching the exposure of all this total corruption in Canadian government healthcare, I am contemplating how thrilling it will be to honest-hearted citizens throughout North America if Dr. Makis actually succeeds in compelling Canadian media to report on the scamming of Canadian taxpayers, and bring about taxpayer revolt, if nothing else.
We Albertans, and in fact ALL Canadians need to be seen, heard, and respected in our rejection of the Left, otherwise ALL our freedoms are gone.
This is the case in the USA also.
Is it possible that Danielle Smith is in a den of vipers and has realized that if she doesn't tread carefully, will end up poisoned? I sincerely hope she is working on fixing these problems.
She is working on this. Positive Changes are coming.
I expected as much.
Looks like the den of vipers has been stirred.
Wow Dr Makis!
Thank you for demonstrating backbone driven by pair of brass balls against AHS corruption. I pray that your revelations and disclosures are heeded by others with likewise fortitude and convictions
State Mandated Murder seems to be quite fashionable these days... :/
Deaths MAID to order?
I urge everyone to realize Danielle Smith is on the side of freedom, and she is struggling against the old guard conservatives in our Alberta government. If Premier Smith loses her leadership at the November 2024 Annual General Meeting of the United Conservative Party WE ARE SUNK! The NDP will win the election in 2025 and the province of Alberta will be in the hands of totalitarians.
It took many years for Alberta Health Services to manoeuvre into operating as a law unto itself, and it may very well take years to dismantle.
Please Dr Makis, use your expanding influence to help strengthen Premier Smith’s leadership.
We should inundate every member of the Alberta government with letters of support for Premier Smith and encouragement for ending the tyranny of AHS.
We know that the Left and MSM lie and twist and project everything. I support the #SmithUCP. We ALL must! United we win, Divided we die.
That is a credible concern. It's important to realize that the NDP is far from defeat in Alberta. If you don't believe that, look up the voting records from the last provincial election. Rural Alberta is just as likely to bring back an NDP government as to support any conservative leadership. Danielle Smith isn't the only person involved and undoubtedly has to pick her battles just like every other politician. Get involved locally in your political scene.
Actually Rural Alberta is Conservative Blue, not Socialist Orange. It is Calgary and Edmonton that need to firmly reject the Left.
Billions are being wasted and used against us. Wouldn’t the solution be STOP THE FUNDING? No money it would end?
Socialized medicine!!!!
Write to the premier people. Get this money back into care. Hold government accountable
I hate most doctors. They’re out to kill us… only a few good ones like Dr. Makis!
This is absolutely shocking!! Does anybody really think that voting conservatives in is going to make any difference?
Better than NDP
Could you meet with the Premiere? Would she listen to what you have to say?
In spite of being aware of the atrocities and corruption within the medical and pharmaceutical fields, revelations like this one, are always shocking and chilling. How can these people sleep at night? They definitely lack basic human qualities. I won't even mention the word virtues.
Danielle Smith aims to double Alberta’s population through aggressive immigration, all while remaining silent on the nearly 12,000 preborn babies murdered by abortion each year in Alberta, all fully funded by Alberta taxpayers. This includes late-term failed abortions - babies fully born are left to die. This is pure evil. "Sticking up for Albertans" indeed. Meanwhile, Smith pretends that abortion is a "federal issue", the common lie told in Canada, when the issue of abortion falls squarely in provincial jurisdiction.
"Also, in Alberta, a minor can “have an abortion without her parents being notified” while “Dangerous chemical abortion pills are prescribed over the phone or online, putting the woman’s (as well as her baby’s) life at risk.”
Thanks to a previous NDP government, providing life-saving information to abortion-seeking women outside an abortion facility is ILLEGAL in Alberta because of unconstitutional “bubble-zone” laws- which Danielle Smith also remains silent about.
Thank God the NDP were thrown in the dumpster!
Even if it is secondary manslaughter, when you multiply this all across the Country. The double jabbed are the victims, and the perps are still covering their tracks. The government is not unaware. I wrote letters even before the CV , about the illegal use of budget cuts in the Diagnostic Imaging Edmonton, used to get more money. Every year like a campaign. They cut the zones booked appts. So everything backs up for diagnosing treating cancer. In 2019 they cut our site to less than half, fully staffed, standing around. With Covid we had at least 10 new billing codes for CV, the day after they announced their CV19 5g cloud AI agenda for Globalism,$$ it is why they won’t let it go. That and they have had a lot of mRNA tech put in their veins. Israel University called the Quantum Nano Dot in 2014, ” a billion computers in a syringe.”
It worked against Budweiser. No sales they changed.
Couldn’t P Smith stop the funding?
The Agenda is Big, but Reality is Bigger!
I am just a fly on the wall, but I just landed on her wall and tried to get her connected with you.
If the Left win again in Canada, we now that the #Left must have cheated again in #canada.
I like and appreciate #DanielleSmith, the AHS was corrupted under the Notley Left Liberal NDP, Danielle is straightening things up, big changes are coming! The Top will be gutted and Sanity restored. Have Faith.
yer a brave guy
What you do not realize is that Premier Smith is doing her job as an Honourable to allow all this to continue. She will NEVER do anything to interfere with the pedophile networks operating in her government and agencies because the world government she swore a lifetime oath to in order to get the Honourable title, run the networks as a trillion-dollar source of funding and bribery/blackmail operation.
If you knew exactly what the title "Honourable' and "Right Honourable' actually means, you would see that she never swore allegiance to Albertans, but instead to the British Parliament who awards those titles upon being provided with a lifetime allegiance. She works for the WEF, not anything Canadian, as the British Royals and Parliament have been world government operations for over a century.
The Alberta Sovereignty Act is such a farce, because Smith knows full well that every province was soverign since 1931, but her job for the WEF/UN world government is to keep beleiving that Canada was confederated, had and has a Constitution, blah, blah.
Her job was to act like one of the common people, working to save Albertans, while keeping up what she knows was a charade.
I learned alot from a group called People-United who offer their research content from 22 years of deep dives into what the heck is really going on in Canada. email and ask how to access the Series of 10 releases.
I think you are confusing #DanielleSmith with #RachelNotley or, #JustinTrudeau? They are the evil in all this.
The truth is so refreshing. Doesn't require any window dressing when served.