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Who's that little baby there?
That is our grandson, Liam, and he is now 11 years old.
Oh, God bless. Okay. So tell me, did Lynn take the COVID-19 shot?
VIDEO - CHD (Unvaccinated wife of Jim Lugowski died from Hospital protocols) July 2024
Aug 20, 2024
Treating an asthma patient with the C0V1D-Remdesivir-Vent protocol is alarming; moreover, is classified pre-meditated murder as to, in the name of funding, hospital geno¢ide. Despicable
They purposely killed this woman to “make” their point…Anyone who has half a brain knows their “point” is a lie…
Remdecivir, now remarketed as Veklury, is snake venom. See Dr. Brian Ardis.
All the nurses I know call remdesiver “run-death-is-near”.
And they still give it, though, right?
They should be judicially executed for crimes against Humanity
They're killing people following government protocols.🤬🤬
They are saying they are doctors and nurses but they don't know what they are doing. They decided arbitrarily to give her Remdesivir for five days. Who told them to do that? They did not know to watch for the results every day, or that they could decide to stop? That they had options? No. It has to be five days. Why five? Why not give one dose first? Then you would need to use skill, and to really care. Give me a break. They didn't give a shit. Heart doctor, lung doctor, brain doctor, kidney doctor, all agreed on one thing. But he ended up getting a vitamin drip and monoclonal anti-bodies. So he got a totally different regime, not the regime favored by the doctors in charge. "Evil people in the world." That's it. The worst people on top The worst people are supposed to be on the bottom. But we have that backwards.
It seems that many medics DIiD know what they were doing eg whistleblowers
- murdering millions of people for money or to keep their jobs.
They don't know jack shit. They are mindless imbeciles.
Ever sad - he watched them kill his wife and did nothing to stop it and still trusts doctors. A lot of cognitive dissonance here. The ones who killed her were "Just Following Orders/Protocols" he said without a jot of irony. Mistakes were made he thinks so he can continue to depend on these same creeps for his own health instead of taking charge. But he's gonna sue!? Ok? And the interviewer commends him for not calling the murderers murderers! What's up with that?
It is wrong to blame this man for the death of his wife - we have all been brought up to see dictirs as God's almost & most of them are very arrogant and seem to become almost psychopathic at med school - ie people are just a number & worse now, depopulation is an agenda of many globalist givernments. It is tragic that he still trusts the dictors but ost people still have to ho to doctors for their medical needs.
( 'doctors' it was meant to say but the typo I used is a combination word of 'dictators' &....)
Western doctors sure proved themselves to be the loyal Mengele-style servants to the dictator like politicians who forced these toxic vaccines as well as other sick medical procedures like transgender surgery for children.
A huge number of these degenerate “doctors” need to be sentenced to death in order for trust to once again be restored to Western Medicine.
You had it right the first time, just missing the 'k'.
FFS, I'm not blaming him for the death of his wife - learn how to read. NOBODY needs doctors IMO, so that's why I'm stumped as to why he's still trusting them. Have you ever heard of cognitive dissonance?
Morons and their lives are soon parted.
That is, unfortunately not the case, as we see everyday .....
Look at the Covid mRNA vaccine casualties. They’re rising by the day. The individuals who took the vaccines were a combination of morons and cowards, and now they are paying the price. That’s how Nature’s Laws work. We were given brains for a purpose, but we were also given free will to choose for ourselves. Those who are cowards and morons CHOSE that option. They chose weakness, and to appease and please evil.
I agree with you Sean but not 100% - my only brother was murdered with the CONvid shots and he was the furthest thing from cowardly or stupid - stubborn and indoctrinated into the medical mafia cult, he refused to listen to what I had to say. I know a lot of people who took the shots, even after I begged them not to but they're all awake now! IMO the people who are still getting the shots are beyond hope but I still feel sorry for them and especially the children and grandchildren who do not have a choice. I understand where you're coming from though and remember being hysterical with grief and rage as I could see very clearly what was going on. My perception is that the casualties are waning though. Friends of my deceased brother are on shots #7 and 8 and eagerly awaiting the next one and also getting all the other deadly shots the system has to offer - and they seem to be doing fine in their bubbles of ignorance, which makes me really worried that there will be a day when others like them are just going to keel over all at once.
I too have many family members who fell for the lies hook, line and sinker and it’s beyond depressing to see people that you grew up with and you thought that they were good, moral people, but then when this PLANdemic test came it exposed so many people who we previously believed we could trust and it showed them to be people who, for some mind boggling reason, were eager to side with fully exposed evil.
It’s one thing when evil disguises itself as benevolent outwardly but performs it’s wicked deeds in secret, out of sight, but the people pushing the experimental vaccines had already been OPENLY bragging about mutilating children with transgender surgery and exposing kids in elementary schools to adult male drag queens….and THAT by itself should have both enraged and disgusted any basically decent human being, and then when the PLANdemic began and they spoke of putting the unvaccinated into detention camps and denying them medical care….this is inexcusable EVIL on the level of Stalin’s massacre of Chechens and Ukrainians in the 1930s and Hitler’s massacre of Jews and Slavs in the ‘40s. This is pure, unadulterated wickedness that only a subhuman can go along with. And YES, when a formerly close family member is revealed to be this type of person, it brings about a huge, overwhelming gamut of feelings that range from crushing sadness to depression all the way to rage.
Thank you for sharing that Sean and my empathy is with you because I understand exactly what you're going through. Some people have clear seeing but most need to stay in their bubble of ignorance because their minds and hearts cannot handle the truth. The people who want to see us in concentration camps, forced jabbed and being brutalized are very deeply damaged people but they're no worse than the people who build the facilities, who are poisoning our skies, who have been damaging children with needles for as long as I've been alive (a long time!) and preying on innocence while the ones who are afraid to be cast out from the group for not going along with evil facilitate their desires. It's a bloody mess Sean, I'll give you that and it's really hard to watch too. I agree with your assessment that it was the exact same 'obedience and submission' that fuelled Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, etc... I tell myself we're all here to learn things - we all have different roles to play to expand human consciousness and in calm moments I can be in peace about the fact I can only try to be the best I can be and root out the problems I have because one thing is for sure, I can't change anyone's mind or even open their eyes. Also, I don't want to be angry about it every day because it robs me of my learning, understanding, love and trust and I know those are all valuable things and take discipline and effort to achieve - never fully achieved either. Don't get me wrong, I have my days and I was in rage mode for most of 2020/2021 and even into 2022. Thank you for engaging and thank you for being a warrior for truth Sean. Are you Canadian?
Sadly depopulation is working. 🙏💜
The goal, some of the billionaire psychopaths openly say ( eg WEF people such as Schwab, is death of billions of 'Useless Eaters' with a few left who have been genetically modified to have no free will or spiritual dimension.. The killers must be stopped orctge human race is over.
It is not simple depopulation, it is a military attack by deeply infiltrated hostile foreign power military occupation governments throughout the world.
Those revolting Clinicians must have been gleefully astounded that they could just boss people around and people would swallow it. Not being allowed to be with someone when they died? It sounds as preposterous now as it did then. I am horrified at what cruelty was dealt out to trusting people.
Run death is near
So sad! Thousands of people died because of Remdesivir shutting down the kidneys and then your lungs fill up with fluid. If that isn’t bad enough, the Federal Government paid hospitals for each death.
The Docs and nurses know Remdesivir damages the kidneys. It is a miracle anyone ‘survives’ this treatment. It failed its clinical trials for Ebola as more patients died on the drug than without it. How is this evil drug ‘licensed’ by FDA for any treatments for anything?
We know hospitals were incentivized to use it for CV19, to gain extra bonus payments from the Federal government! It does not mean they should do so and poison and potentially kill patients; any doctors who prescribed it and knew the truth are shameful.
If the hospitals demanded the protocol Doctors and Nurses should have had the guts to stand together and to say NO we will not KILL our patients with a deadly protocol.
We have to view all hospitals and doctors through the lens of the murderous practices they implemented for MONEY.
Demand all hospital documents be printed out and cross out and initial what you do not agree to.
Consider Writing on it, some or all of the following:
-No Ventilators, no Remdesivir [or brand name VEKLURY], no vaccines.
-All medications to be advised to [family member] for review, with product NAME supplied to enable obtaining the package insert.
-Absolutely NO DNR is allowed, without consultation with [family member] and their permission obtained in writing.
-Normal daily Hydration and nutrition must be maintained and is not to be withdrawn without family written permission.
-We reserve the right to remove the patient from this hospital.
If you are told you have CV 19 and have severe upper respiratory symptoms, demand that you be tested for bacterial pneumonia. If they will not do it, leave. Go to Urgent Care and ask for this test...many people who died of CV19 actually died of pneumonia.
You need to know the medications to look for drug interactions, black box warnings, recommended uses and doses.
Go to
I looked up today, at 8/24/2024, VEKLURY (Remdesivir) and it is operating under an EUA license by FDA -Emergency Use Authorization. This means it was waived out of proper clinical trials. It is only authorized for SARS Cov 2/ Covid 19 and specifically states no efficacy or safety has been established!
So, they do not know if it is safe. They do not know if it works.
Anyone put on this drug is a test subject in an experiment WITHOUT fully informed consent and without knowing the consequences.
It does state the drug has not been evaluated for patients with renal (kidney) or hepatic (liver) impairments.
It states VEKLURY should not be used with Hydroxychloroquine due to drug interactions:
both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are known treatments for CV19, with very low chances of severe adverse reactions.
I only know about the kidney killing aspects of Remdesivir from reading about Anthony Fauci’s involvement with this drug during its original Ebola clinical trials.
If you wade through the drug package information it does not mention that it causes renal damage, but warns against use for patients with renal (kidney) or hepatic (liver) impairment. If your kidney function decreases during use of the drug, at what point are you impaired enough to stop the treatment?
I do not trust any drug or vaccine operating under any EUA as it means the testing was trivial compared to standard clinical trials.
I do not trust the FDA approvals, as FDA is motivated by money.
I will not take any vaccine, regular or mRNA, unless or until true inert placebo-based full clinical trials prove safety and efficacy.
I am sorry this is so long. If it helps even one person in the future, I will be happy.
I so dodged a bullet back in Feb 2021 when my appendix ruptured……7 days post op after being released I was re-admitted with a blockage, peritonitis, sepsis and aspiration pneumonia………as rough as shape as I was in I was never put on a ventilator…thank God. A NG suction tube for 4 days but no vent…….whew.
Still haven’t knowingly had COVID unless it was COVID that caused my appendix to rupture🤷🏽♂️
so many deaths because of thoughtless or malicious medical treatments. That man is very kind and controlled.
What year did this occur? Not that it makes any difference. I didn't notice it mentioned anywhere.
Heartbreaking. 💔
That is unbelievebal ! Dr MAKIS ! YOU ARE AMAZING ! ONE Question .Can you send ,Over TELEGRAMM your GIFTSUBCRIBCHEN ?NOT everybody goes with FACE BOOK ? Thanks AGAIN !
Genocide & all those who took part deserve prison for life at the very least - most of the murderers are still working as medics etc it seems
Remember the western government's repeated messaging was "the deaths are mainly of the unvaccinated". Which was a complete lie, because the unexpected deaths were, and still are, of the vaccinated. But to make the deaths of the unvaccinated real, and in larger numbers best they can, they implemented the preplanned hospital protocols to kill the unvaccinated. A Demicide is when the government/establishment commits premeditated mass murder on it's population.
It's in their paperwork. They are guilty as charged.
Is emasculation and weakness now so prevalent in Western society that something as horrific as GENOCIDE only gets a life sentence in prison instead of an automatic DEATH SENTENCE, which is precisely the ONLY punishment that someone who commits genocide should get?
No wonder evil has absolutely NO FEAR of punishment nowadays.
Only trouble is it costs about a thousand quid a week to keep someone in prison, and spending that much money on imprisoning someone who has knowingly turned a blind eye while being engaged in this mass murder program will only result in genuine medical services being further deprived and many more deaths occurring as a direct consequence.
The death penalty after trial if people are determined to have been complicit in mass murder by a court of law would be far more compassionate to society in general and more appropriate in every way, then the perps can experience a share of the surprise of the great beyond along with their victims, fair is fair, true equality afforded by the great equalizer.
Up till just a few years ago, the BBC declared that the UK was the second biggest arms manufacturer and dealer in the entire world, with the US being the biggest in both respects, now the 'official' UK figures have surely been deliberately falsified as the UK seems to be hardly making and selling arms at all all of a sudden, the result of face-saving propaganda lies no doubt.
The rich pigs at the top in the UK and US have for years relied on dealing death to keep themselves living in the standards of luxury that they are accustomed to, there is more accounting to do than just over COVID for all kinds of anti-human crimes committed by anti-humans now usurping this planet.
The continuing deliberate suppression of the original and valid workable Raymond Royal Rife cure for cancer that has been suppressed since 1939 is one example. Later, in 1969, the Rockefellers stated that they were holding the cures for 'most cancers' but that they did not know if they would ever release them.
Think how many billions will be condemned to die by that one act alone started by the corrupt anti-human AMA head Morris Fishbein.
Meanwhile, almost every year for decades now, I have read Big Brother reports in the mainstream media of new cures for cancer always promised to be being made available within the next year to three years, and not a single one of them has ever genuinely been released, it is all a game of constant lies to pacify peoples with false assurances of security while we are steadily being murdered to shift the geo-political balance.
The WEF is just a plastic new face created lest people revolt against those who are truly in power who always have been in power for centuries who do not like to be openly recognized for who and what they really are.