Link to the Friday Podcast on Ricochet: Big Stories of the Week
The Democratic National Convention wrapped up in Chicago last night and they sure can’t say #DNCSoWhite, anymore!
Michelle Obama has “hope” that the hell of having a white male president (Democrat) could finally be over.
The HEROISM of being a “public servant” (aka, sponging off the taxpayers)
Millennial Voters surveyed by the New York Times are mostly worried about inflation.
Trump Commutation Gone Bad (Thanks, Jared!)
Wild Murder case in Florida
And we end with a classic speech from the DNC-2024: Actresses Sheryl Lee Ralph! (Full speech here, at 1:05)
Monday’s Podcast from Ricochet: 5 Things you need to know this week (See how right I was.)
No mention of the reverend Al and the millionaire Central Park Five hoodlum speaking against the Donald?
Disgusting to see
I noticed the moniker Ann uses for her podcasts is UNSAFE. Ann's voice between now and Election Day will only become more important because she speaks truth to power. I hope she has her body guard with her when she goes out.