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We're trying to take them to task Cause I don't want to wear a mask Or take them back to that community they designed They got no science to give them that The fact I craft them All they do is be this lie of the lie
Good afternoon. Welcome to the Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast. It is my pleasure to welcome Dr. Chris Shoemaker and Dr. William Mackus with us. And I really appreciate you guys coming on. I had a little break. I had last week off and I did have another podcast earlier in the week and it got canceled.
So I'm rusty. So I know you guys will help me along here. How are you guys doing today?
INTERVIEW - Dr.Chris Shoemaker and Dr.William Makis - Alberta is lost and Premier Danielle Smith has missed an opportunity of a lifetime (Aug.2024)
Aug 26, 2024
There was very recently a young woman of 21 who drove into the grass median off hwy 412 in Whitby Ontario, rolled her car and died. No explanation was given as to why she did that. She was alone in her car.
I have noticed the increase in car accidents too. Makes me wonder if the car insurance companies will publish the escalating numbers or hide it like the facts of the car fires of EV's escalating.
This is interesting : NICOTINE DESTROY INJECTABLE NANOTECHNOLOGY - La Quinta Columna 3:49 min
I think Nicotine has many benefits and the studies out there are amazing, but we have been brainwashed into believing this is a most harmful drug when it is found in many of the nightshade plants (which we now are told are bad). Why? Treatments and Cures for medical issues have been hidden for over a century, campaigns against various treatments (e.g., Ivermectin/ HCQ/Vit D/ Vit C....... ) are not new. There are numerous cases in the cancer industry where treatments were suppressed and those advocating them harmed - Amygdalin B17 being one. So perhaps it would be beneficial to take a look at nicotine.
Dr. Ardis advocates for a reevaluation of public health policies and encourages listeners to question mainstream narratives about nicotine.
I am still on the fence about the nanotechnology - the idea fits with military occult banking system (MOBS) as Crawford describes it- and the reports on this strange phenomena sounds credible. It's not so easy to dismiss when you realize how much has been kept from the general population and how sinister the controllers and those that willingly do their bidding are and the amount of money thrown behind such secret technologies. We tend to use what we are taught to interpret something so that it fits in the known and comfortable sphere and reject methods and means which we know little about. To make matters worse the various freemason branches/Rothschilds/Rockefeller/ militaries are behind much of the New Age religions as they were involved in the creation of divisions in various religions. So people need to question everything presented to us. That would include population statistics - there are many reasons why these might be inflated.
I just found out that a neighbour we have known for years, a healthy, fit, athletic firefighter who retired a few months ago at age 60, died suddenly of a heart attack while on a bicycle ride.
Pretty sure jabs are why a strong, healthy teenager in our family drowned recently 💔
It seems to me that Dr. Shoemaker at the end of the podcast had a good point that he wants to practice in a jurisdiction that supports clinical work. Dr. Makis seemed to politely agree. While the raw milk comment was a little out of context for the average person, I would have preferred to hear a bit more on the safety of consulting doctors about doses for Med/Fen vs IVM. Furthermore, I would have liked to have heard more on outpatient care and how the restrictions on outpatient care as a result of IVM demonization are good for the bottom line vs care.
Dr. Makis is so right. Something is up their sleeves.
The "Deep State" Preps for the NEXT Plandemic.
Alex Newman - August 20, 2024
Alex Newman plays a clip from the Rio de Janeiro 2024 Summit.
Dr. Rick Price is seen at the 2:39 mark.
You remember Dr. Rick Bright. Don't you?
Dr. Zelenko exposed Dr. Rick Bright's Trick:
Alex Newman speaks of Dr. Rick Bright towards the end of the video. Alex also mentions the International Bird Flu Summit 2024 in Washington, D. C.
Alex Newman - VCT - August 8, 2024 - Podcast
I don't mind discussing each thing individually. Unfortunately, your post comes accross as spam/info dumping.
I also prefer to avoid the conspiracy topics, even valid ones, when discussing medical concerns.
It is all connected especially if you listen to Dr. David Martin, who actually has the solution to stop all of this if we would come together on point of fraud from bottom to top participant in the jab propaganda.
That was not my intention. I'm sorry that you feel that way. Thank you for the feedback. Take care.
Thank you for the links Mary. This was helpful.
Thank you to all of you..!! For your courage and honesty!.. and tenacioys efforts..
The wilful blindness is absolutely still off the charts!!
Nicotine, Edta, and (apple pecton or NAC) are having massive effects on reversing vax negative symptoms and diseases even statin drug adverse effects aswell. Visit he offers all resoursces to proove efficacy and offers recommended doses also documented.
It was so obvious early on these horrific shots were killing people but what made my blood boil was the government doubled down and mandated them for kids after they saw them dropping dead in droves.
Pure evil depopulation. Eugenics, and uninformed euthanasia enthusiasts. Evil to their core.
EU and is von der Leyen Comission is creating a new Green Passport of Vacination, they call that a pilot project, or experimental, to control "de novo" the people, one of the proponents was the formerPM of Portugal, António Costa, Socialist, and withe no mandate from the portuguese people. This is another menace for the people of EU.
The EU is chock full of Luciferians, and has always been.
Research the Deagle company that gathers the future population data for the pentagon, and the military .
Perhaps if more people research the data, and the projected population numbers coming up in the near future they will start to understand what is happening. It’s all planned !
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy" - James Madison
Neither James nor anyone else could have guessed that the supposed foreign enemy would be something that we can't even see, in the form of a virus/germ/pathogen.
Many Trojan Horses we do not see yet but soon the Lithium Battery and L.E.D. lights (cause blindness in all ages and messes with your depth perceptions and emotional status and more). Still not up to date on Smart meters yet?? See what I mean?
Us tax paying citizens need to figure out a way to support all of you ethical doctors. The corrupt health organizations need to be held accountable. I share these with my friends and family to educate but the fact your licenses are stripped so you can't treat people is wrong!!!
The attack on Ivermectin is simply a way by Big pHARMA to get governments to highly restrict Ivermectin because it is CHEAP, SAFE & EFFECTIVE. Unable therefore for Big pHARMA to make BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from keeping people sick & customers for life.
Thank you!
It's difficult to find hope in these dark and unsettling times.
Too bad Rappoport’s podcast is paid content. Would’ve liked to have listened and shared.
But we get the idea.
I have said repeatedly that premier Smith must choose between being a paid off politician and a Canadian patriot but she cannot be both‼ Sadly it seems she has chosen to be a do nothing COWARD‼😐
When you are looking at alternative cancer treatments look at 3BP which is thought to destroy about 80% of solid cancers in 2 weeks. There have been about 8000 studies in vitro and in vivo but no human trials. Also as a delivery mechanism try DMSO transdermally ,which is known to carry any small molecule directly to neoplasms.
its the year of the dragon
Who is singing "I will not comply" at the end of this video.
While on the subject of brainwash and hidden information, I have an update of who is who in the world Agenda of the Elites. Brace yourselves, but here is really why the Amish were forbidden to partake in the vaccine. It has everything to do with their leaders secretly in on the Agenda because they believe their breeding IS the pure Ayrian Race. As they were locked into the Hitler program and more. (When you follow the money you find a lot of truths.) They were the third hidden member of secret within secret hidden Eugenics programs of the Elites. The Mormons have been exposed, now it is the Amish being exposed within the last few weeks. Genetic ideology, long term big money, connections to the Elites that we know along with all the signs and symbols of the Francs of Germany all within the realms of the Amish. Only the elders would know this and ruled with a heavy hand on their "turf". Their "Profit" was sent to start the Mormons. Fascinating history so be glad you are in the revealing times to know exactly who and what is the driving force of these ancient families still driving it today behind the scenes. I have been at this for over forty years and nothing surprises me now! But every time I say that, a new one does crop up and I have to search it out until the evidence wins yea or nay. The Amish wins the yea in my research. Their way of life to keep their people ignorant makes 100% sense now. Full control with no outside influence or contact... wow!! And it is not for God's Sake but for World control as was promised to them by the Dark Side of this spiritual war.
hmmm, where to start...
Wonderful interview!
Thank you for the hopeful updates.
It’s great there are those like you guys who are speeding up dispute what’s going on. It needs to be shared. Thank you!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nicotine, Edta, and (apple pecton or NAC) are having massive
effects on reversing vax negative symptoms and diseases even statin drug adverse effects aswell. Visit he offers all resoursces to proove efficacy and offers recommended doses also documented.