Link to Monday’s Podcast on Ricochet
Four Things you need to know for this week:
Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech was excellent – unless you know anything.
Interesting historical facts about this election
How can any white man vote for the Democrats? (Answer: Low Testosterone)
Chinese-style brainwashing works!
Last Friday’s podcast: Big Stories You Might Have Missed Last Week
Michelle Obama has “hope” that the hell of having a white male president (Democrat) could finally be over.
The HEROISM of being a “public servant” (aka, sponging off the taxpayers)
Millennial Voters surveyed by the New York Times are mostly worried about inflation.
Trump Commutation Gone Bad (Thanks, Jared!)
Wild Murder case in Florida
Even though Kamala is now pretending to be as black as Malcolm X, she is still a part of this recent trend that all the White nations must elect Indian leaders, or PM's, or make them CEO's... There is some bizarre racial dynamic going on, whereby the new "POC's" are "Indians Preferred, all others need not apply".
They're not blacks, they're not Hispanics, they're not Africans or Middle Eastern Muslims; They're Indians, and somehow, they are in the modern racial POC Olympics, and came out on top?
It's pretty bizarre if you ask me.
Maybe it's because they aren't descendants of former slaves, they aren't 80 IQ criminals, they aren't trying to retake America with La Raza, they aren't former Commies (generally speaking). They're just "POC enough", but not too much?
Maybe because they photo as POC's, but speak like whites, mostly?
It's a definite trend, but I've never seen anyone explain it to any degree of making real sense.
As a 5th Generation San Franciscan (and someone who has actually met Kamala Harris) I learned a long time ago that Democrats don't like Americans. Oh they like Black people and they are definitely Americans but they like immigrants, not Americans. And the absolutely LOVE illegal immigrants who are the future of their party. Hopefully Americans will figure this out.