Everything you thought you knew about cancer treatment is a lie.
For 50 years, we’ve been sold the myth of a “War on Cancer”—but it’s all smoke and mirrors.
The truth is that billions of dollars have been funneled into a conflict designed to fail.
What's heartbreaking is that the cancer death toll keeps rising, with millions losing their lives to a “fight” that was never meant to be won.
Think chemotherapy is cutting-edge medicine? Think again. Its origins lie in the horrors of mustard gas used in world wars, and oncologists are pocketing kickbacks for every dose they prescribe.
The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you healthy; it wants you sick and dependent.
My friends at
have created a groundbreaking docuseries featuring 131 doctors, scientists, and survivors on a mission to end cancer.Sign up for free and discover the best ways to prevent and beat this disease in ways you’ve never been told.
So gratifying to see people finally speaking out about the cancer scam. It’s about damn time.
Bet they are now sorry they rolled out the jab. See that? Now we question EVERYTHING!
I don’t like providing my personal phone number because I can’t see any reason why they need it and I can come up with a multitude of reasons why I keep it private. So, unfortunately I’ll have to pass on watching this video. It looked very interesting.
You don’t have to share your phone number.
When I tried to bypass it by not putting in my number it returned to the prompt that it was required. Then it wouldn’t let me go further. How about I put in your number? 🤣
I was able to register and watch without inputting my number.
I don’t know what to say, I couldn’t.
Did you try 713-555-1212 or whatever they used to use in movies and TV shows?
Or 867-530h nine?
That's Jenny!!! She's always wondered why she has so many wrong numbers....
These people are great have followed them for years. I also like Jonathan Otto docu series. https://cancerdecodedseries.com/antidote-cs/?uid=343&oid=23&affid=1
That looks suspiciously like some kind of malware. If not it's mind pollution anyway. The narrative of gibberish not connected to reality. Even coincidentally.
Me too! To both
You never once mention chlorine dioxide, which I have first hand knowledge of it working, on guardia (instantly) and on squamous skin cancer, took 1 day to fall off. So, just little ole me knowing this makes me wonder why you guys don't know it and are you just out to make money as well....
This series is also about the causes of cancer. Also, it is only episode 1….
Do you have more information on how and how much to take?
I took the original class on it in Puerto Vallarta, and have been experimenting since then. Basically people are insecure about it, but I drink 3 drops when needed - must mix with distilled water, never regular water as minerals bind to it and render it useless. Which tells me that in your drinking water - the chlorine is already useless, the water is already treated, so it's clean, now you mix your dosage and you need the chlorine active, so don't mix it with regular water, you don't want the minerals.
You really need to be taught, simple things like don't mix the two ingredients in metal, plastic or silver, they will melt, you have to use ceramic or glass, never let it touch metal (like a lid).
None of that has any scientific relativity.
Please see my comment below
Do you know what happens after a case of cancer is cured by CDS?
Nothing. Exactly the same as when a case of cancer is cured by any treatment, approved or not. Our current medical system has no test for cancer cured outside of a clinical study. Most clinical studies of cancer treatments have no test for cancer cured. There is no independent test for any case of cancer cured. This is very important to understand, because it is essential to the "treatment" paradigm. If an independent test of cancer cured exists - then claims of cases cured by CDS, or any other successful treatment, could be validated or disproven. This would lead to the downfall of the entire current cancer treatment industry. That cannot be allowed to happen. So, CDS cures cannot be proven and cannot be disproven, just like any other alternative treatments, or even any conventionally recognized cancer treatment. When a case of cancer is cured, the word CURED is not used. Nothing happens except whispers of "we think we got it.." or "it looks like it's cured..." Followed by, "but we need to monitor it, in case it comes back." Cured is a forbidden word. Doctors who write books about curing diseases begin with a standard disclaimer, "this has not been tested by the FDA and the authors do not claim it can be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, if you have a disease, - talk to your doctor.
We have no statistics of cured, in modern medicine, for any disease, not by any doctor , not by any clinic, any hospital, nor any medical system. No insurance company will pay for a cure - insurance pays for approved treatments. We can't even document a case of common cold, influenza, measles, or COVID as "cured." Modern medicine has no tests for cured outside of climical studies. If there were, the entire medical paradigm could be challenged and might collapse. Cured patients simply disappear - even those who go back to living full happy lives. Cancers are incurable. If a case appears to be cured - maybe it wasn't a real cancer? Maybe it will come back. Maybe it wasn't a real cure?
To your health, Tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure
Is chlorine dioxide used in city treated water?
yes, it's the law, it's in all water even tiny towns
What should we sterilize the water with? Ammonia? I would venture that fluoride is far more harmful.
The thing you''re missing is they DO know, but there's no money in cures! Only in "treatments" that are on going!
Best source of info on chlorine dioxide that we use daily would be the books by Jim Humble and Andreas Kalker. Loads of studies and protocols!
Same question. Sent you a message regarding ClO2
Ditto please see my comment below
I appreciate the info they give. I consider it nit picking to demand nothing but be left out
Why would anybody think that cancer treatments are any different to vaccines and drugs peddled by the pharmaceutical companies and trotted out by medical practitioners…..all designed to keep you sick. People need to take responsibility for their own health and understand that God created us to heal, you just have to provide the right environment.
The cure to cancer is to clean up the toxic soup that we live in. But that would dry up the revenue stream. Lots of revenue streams....
And also produce food without toxins and including natural levels of nutrients that are missing from our destroyed big Ag soil.
All cancer cases are not toxin-induced.
The vast majority of them.
I think 90x% of food in a spermarket os pro-inflamatory thus leasing to auto immune deseases... Not talking of fructose/glucide modern breakfast for Kids....
Sticks to the outside aisle. If it comes in a bag or a box, it's toxic, realistically, if it's not certified organic it's toxic.
And I look up.....👀🙈
I can't find it now but someone mentioned autoimmune "disease."
I'm pretty sure that's not the right word when your body attacks itself.
here https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq/episode-1/
I tried to sign up for the series but I was able to listen to your link and I hope I will access part 2 tonight.
Dr. Pierre Kory is doing a series of Substacks about cancer care truth and treatment. You also can visit FLCCC.net for cancer care information from Dr. Paul Marik. These brilliant, brave doctors Kory and Marik are co-founders of FLCCC and have worked together on cancer issues.
Links below are searches, so new material should appear when available.
* Dr. Kory on Cancer: https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/archive?sort=search&search=cancer
* FLCCC Cancer Care: https://covid19criticalcare.com/?s=cancer+care&id=6377
Paul Stamets, founder and CEO of Fungi Perfecti, he's having great results using a turkey tail mushroom extraction on breast cancer. I don't know the methods I just know that's what he's doing. He has reportedly changed his mother's diagnosis from Stage 4 to tumor free.
I'm convinced there are concoctions in the fungi world that could keep us healthy regardless of what we encounter in our environment. There are species which metabolize and wringer such things as heavy metals, radioactive materials, fossil fuel derivatives like plastic and used oil into harmless basic elements.
That from me approximately 800 of the 40,000 mushroom species we have analyzed thoroughly.
There are 1500 more to which we have assigned a name.....;)
I don't think giving access to a mass spectrometer to any and all mycologist would be a bad idea.
I have known this for 30 years and looking forward to viewing. One of the first to tell us, and we did nothing because of a corrupt Congress, was Dr Ralph Moss in 1980 when he wrote book The Cancer Syndrome. Lather, rinse and repeat - for an industry that will not allow itself to shrink. We have been cutting, poisoning and radiating ourselves with minimal effects except for someone's bank account.
"We the people" are the government. We are the ones who suck here. Get a grip.
"A World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffen. First half covers cancer and how to treat it successfully. Second half is the history of the biomedical big pharma mafia, starting in Germany with IG Farben.
I was reading this book when the COVID psyop started. It was my decoder ring to see through the initial fog of war (with Kennedy's book on Fauci and finding the Spin article on Fauci AIDS playbook with AZT vs immuno boosting protocols).
It's a racket. Once you see it, you can never unsee it again.
You do realize they're the entity that manufactured the product which change from a solid to a gaseous constituent that kill the Jews for Hitler, right? Also they became Bayer.... who absorbed the ridiculous nomenclature change only, former Monsanto.
So, the company that manufactures the gas to kill the Jews for Hitler, now controls 70 to 80% of our food supply.
Just spit balling here. I personally, don't think that's a good idea ....
That was funny. And sad.
Yup. I conveyed my intent. A rare thing. Of course it would be a deadly serious topic.
You think the facilitation of killing a few million Jews it somehow nefarious?
That's been going on more than 50 yrs, that I personally know! I encountered it head on before I graduated from HS, and that occurred 60 yrs ago. I suspect it was even when my Mom was a student RN, in the '30s. I know she was opposed to their funds when I was a kid, and that was the only ones she didn't support!
One just has to see the “quality” of those “studies” to support the COVID vac scam and the propaganda from the FDA and big pharma and their controlled politicians…likely paid-off types…to control the narrative about cancer research and treatments. Not only has the COVID vac turbo effect been generated but the FDA acceptance standards for the new expensive anti- cancer drugs are likely no different. Add to the profits for big pharma and their supporters but the tax payer funded “research grants” governed by NIH all are so corrupted. The gold mine of vac created cancers is upon us and as usual our hope of a good outcome is not their driving influence. I do not trust their new science of coverups and desire to keep data hidden for 75 yrs…just shows the quality and lack of ethics present in this medicine-industrial complex…we suffer and they get rich.
Covid was not a scam. There are many scams out there like opiates, SSRIs, off label uses to lose weight that damage your kidneys beyond repair and Rob diabetics of there prescriptions. Covid in the vaccines are not one of them. It did not escape from a lab and the mRNA technology came along just in time. Without it we would've lost between 20 and 200 million more people worldwide. Is it perfect? No of course not. You know the first polio vaccine killed 400,000 people?
Shoveling agitprop bullshit about public health is the bottom of the morally bankrupt barrel. Your mother is highly disappointed in you.
This is also worth looking into. Depressing to think how far we have allowed things to go.
Um....no. It's nothing anywhere near that complicated. The same people that are major stakeholders in the industries that disseminate carcinogens in our soil water air and food are the major stakeholders in the healthcare insurance and provider industry. There's no fucking conspiracy here. Just stupidity, on the part of We the People.
This shit we consent to !!!!
I gave done a lot of research into health, but most people dont get any real info. We are censored thru the commercialism that defines us.
In the United States, the majority of people possessing an MD degree don't have one single hour of nutritional studies post primary school. There's a dominant paradigm I'm absolutely positive we should burn to the ground. No tweaking, no revamping or adjusting. To the ground! The Phoenix, if left his own devices, cannot be any worse.
Allopathic Meficine is a theory but treated as if it is God's word and it's basphemy to question.
It's out there. But it is extremely hard to find I agree. rodaleinstitute.org ATTRA.org NCAT.org
Anything written by Michael Pollan, Joel Salatin, Sally O'Fallon. Off the top of my head
Yes. All good. Rodale has been around about as long as I have.
Ran across this today on Truth. Check it out.
We just watched this 1st amazing ep again too, ..thank you God that this kind of information is available! Thankyou Ty and Charlene - very grateful that we get to understand more & get healthier by this info .
Re "For 50 years, we’ve been sold the myth of a “War on Cancer”—but it’s all smoke and mirrors"
Most people would be much smarter and better informed if they had awareness of what the "war on cancer" movement (and the "Breast Cancer Awareness" movement, etc) does NOT raise awareness about.
The official mainstream "war on cancer" has been an unofficial "war" on the unsuspecting public: to keep them misinformed and misguided about the real truth of this "war." The latest program/"promise" is an extension or reincarnation of the enduring deep racket.
This PHONY official "war" was never meant to be won but to be CONTINUED (preferably endlessly, at least for decades) so that the criminal BIG allopathic medical business (the medical mafia) built around it makes insane profits and defrauds the general naive/foolish public, which they've been doing successfully ... so "THEY ARE winning THEIR war against the general forever-naive/forever-foolish public"..
The orthodox cancer establishment has been saying a cure for cancer "is just around the corner" and "we're winning the war on cancer" for decades. It's almost all hype and lies (read Dr. Guy Faguet's 'War on cancer," Dr. Sam Epstein's work, or Clifton Leaf's book, or Dr. Siefried's work on this bogus 'war', etc). The criminal medical establishment deliberate and falsely self-servingly claims and distorts a 'win' in the bogus 'war on cancer' when the only truly notably win is a reduction in lung cancer mortality due to a huge reduction in smoking (eg ca. 40% reduction of the overall cancer death rate in men between 1990-2006 was because of a large reduction in cigarette smoking [https://tinyurl.com/ypk4ccyj]), which has NOTHING to do with their cancer treatments. Lying is their mode of operation.
Since the war on cancer began orthodox medicine hasn't progressed in their basic highly profitable therapies: it still uses primarily and almost exclusively highly toxic, deadly things like radiation, chemo, surgery, and drugs that have killed millions of people instead of the disease.
As long as the official "war on cancer" is a HUGE BUSINESS based on expensive TREATMENTS (INTERVENTIONS) of a disease instead of its PREVENTION, logically, they will never find a cure for cancer. The moonshot-war on cancer inventions, too, includes industry-profitable gene therapies of cancer treatment that are right in line with the erroneous working model of mechanistic reductionism of allopathic medicine.
The lucrative game of the medical business is to endlessly "look for" a cure but not "find" a cure. Practically all resources in the phony 'war on cancer' are poured into TREATMENT of cancer but almost none in the PREVENTION of the disease. Eg, Heidi Williams, the director of science policy at the Institute for Progress, explained that from the time the "War on Cancer" was announced, in 1971, until 2015, only six drugs were approved to prevent any cancer. From 1973 to 2011, nearly 30,000 trials were run for drugs that treated recurrent or metastatic cancer, compared with fewer than 600 for cancer prevention.
It's IRREFUTABLE PROOF POSITIVE that BIG MONEY and a TOTAL LACK OF ETHICS rule the official medical establishment.
It's just like with any bogus official "war" ('war on drugs', 'war on terrorism', 'war on covid' etc) --- it's not about winning these wars but to primarily prolong them because behind any of these fraudulent "war" rackets of the criminal establishment is a Big Business, such as the massive cancer industry. The very profitable TREATMENT focus of conventional medicine, instead of a PREVENTION focus which these official medical quacks (or rather crooks) can hardly make any money off, is a major reason why today 1 of 2 men and 1 in 3 women can expect a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lifetimes (https://tinyurl.com/ypk4ccyj) yet that rate was multiple times lower 5 decades ago when the phony 'war on cancer' began (1 in about 16) and the current much higher rate cannot at all be attributed solely to an aging population. And 5 decades ago when this bogus war began cancer was the second leading cause of death and 50 years later it is STILL the second leading cause of death in the country this "war" was declared in (https://tinyurl.com/ypk4ccyj). These facts alone prove we are NOT winning the war on cancer.
At the same time, this same orthodox cancer cartel has been suppressing and squashing a number of very effective and beneficial alternative cancer approaches. You probably guessed why: effective, safe, inexpensive cancer therapies are cutting into the astronomical profits of the medical mafia's lucrative treatments. That longstanding decadent activity is part of the fraud of the war on cancer.
If the public were to scrutinize what the medical industry and its government pawns are telling them about the 'war on cancer' instead of blindly believing what they're saying, they'd find that the cancer industry and the cancer charities have been dismissing, ignoring, and obfuscating the true causes of cancer while mostly putting the blame for cancer on the individual, denying or dismissing the serious harms from orthodox cancer treatments and chemical toxicants, and resorting to deceptive cancer statistics to "educate" (think: mislead) the public that their way of treatment is actually successful --- read this well referenced scholarly article's ("A Mammogram Letter The British Medical Journal Censored") afterword on the war on cancer at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/mammogram.html (scroll down to the afterword that addresses the fraudulent 'war on cancer').
What the medical establishment "informs" the public about is about as truthful as what the political establishment keeps telling them. Not to forget, the corporate media (the mainstream fake news media) is a willing tool to spread these distortions, lies, and the scam of the war on cancer.
Does anyone really think it's a coincidence that double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling called the 'war on cancer' a fraud? If you look closer you'll come to the same conclusion. But...politics and self-serving interests of the conventional medical cartel, and their allied corporate media, keep the real truth far away from the public at large. Or people's own denial of, or indifference to, the real truth.
Thank you for putting this out there. You are helping people. God Bless!
Always end with 555-1212
It’s an excellent series. I would add www.anewstandardofcare.com, www.cancerseries.org by Jonathan Otto and www.theuniversalantidote.com.
While you're focusing on the notsees, read about the The Bad War, by Mike King.
This couple has done more for health than anyone I know. Tonight, the first segment of their lastest production will be great to watch, I bet.
I never received an email when I signed up actually I couldn’t sign up. I was told it was an invalid email address. Can anybody tell me how I can sign up? Thank you.
https://fenbendazole.substack.com Detailed case reports and supporting science (most of the preclinical work from Johns Hopkins) demonstrating how safe, inexpensive, OTC fenbendazole eradicates most cancers.
Thank you for sharing this information!!
Laetrile. Synthetic vitamin B17. FDA used a small angle study in 50s from one of the "smoking is harmless" research doctors to ban any research on it. Used worldwide, but not in U.S.
Griffin's research found that cancer is a deficiency disease caused mostly by degradation of nutrition in our food supply.
Selling Cancer as the cure... oldest Jewish trick in the world.
What about faster than light travel?
Theoretical infinite speed?
Energy from water?
With energy from water there is no cancer.
And faster than light speed can be achieved with energy from water.
Bruh, given you have not establish credibility and real world sense, citing your own article has no credibility. Zero. NONE.
I am Gobsmacked. I really had to explain that to a supposed adult.....