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The Basics of Orthodoxy Explained to Evangelicals
On a recent podcast, I explain Orthodox Christianity to a largely evangelical Christian audience
I was recently asked to come on the Raised and Redeemed podcast to share the basics of Orthodox Christianity and my testimony to the faith. I talk a bit about being born into a Mormon family, growing up evangelical Protestant, and how my journey in search of the truth, led me through Presbyterian and Anglican churches before finally embracing the Orthodox Church as the true Church.
We discussed any hangups I had in coming to the faith, and touch on the resolutions I found about icons, saints, the Theotokos (Saint Mary, the Mother of God), sola scriptura, salvation, predestination, the difference between Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity, and more.
She pulled several sections of our conversation for shorter, more shareable videos on particular topics. In this 14:06 clip, I answer the question, "Do Orthodox Christians Worship Saints, Icons, & Mother Mary?":
Similarly, she pulled a clip where we discuss sola scriptura. (She says “solo scriptura,” and got racked over the coals for that, and we have a laugh over it in a later episode.) Naturally, I cite “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle” (2 Thessalonians 2:15) and other scriptures.
So, here's why Orthodox Christians don't believe in Sola Scriptura, but instead believe in both Holy Tradition—which includes Holy Scripture. This video is only seven minutes long:
Finally, in the next clip I explain in about 7 minutes a few of the differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism:
Thanks to these videos, as well as clips shared as Instagram Reels, we got a ton of feedback from people, which inspired a second episode. I’ll share those videos next week.
For those of you wondering about “Bad” Books of the Bible—we’ll be back soon with three brand new episodes and two stellar guests.