Recently Lizard Cheney made a video endorsing Que Mala.
When Que Mala was running in 2019, Lizard denounced her as a “radical liberal,” but politRicks make strange bedfellows when Orange Man Bad is involved, no?
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What do you think about Lizard, Que Mala, or, anything else on your mind!
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I don't know why they keep digging up the Cheneys. I guess it's because many people have very short memories and don't remember that they are war criminals and should be in Guantanamo for life....I think it's hilarious that Liz hates Trump so much, but uses the same shade of blonde hair bleach!
A wise sage said many centuries ago "You judge a nation by its' distractions, its' entertainments and its' heroes." With an American education system (read indoctrination) specifically designed to effectively destroy the intellectual and critical thinking capabilities of their young charges (see The Leipzig Connection.) America, a country totally submerged by distractions, politics. social media, 24 hour non-stop entertainment of a most base and coarse nature;; and whose heroes most normal decent people (are there any?) wouldn't give house room to, is it any wonder that politics is. as Gerald Celente so pithily points out. "Politics is showiness for ugly people!" Here you claim to be a united country (United States, Kingdom, Arab Emirates) all claim the moniker of United, but in each case what really defines them all is their disunity.All I see as I commented on Facebook over 15 years ago "America is fomented civil war at home and world war abroad" and it seems we're right on target!
My local newspaper reported that Ms Cheney's dad is also endorsing Que Mala--confirming the Dem's warmongering neocon identity. They say politics makes strange bedfellows, but not so strange when part of puppet master strategy--more like sinister bedfellows.
I just saw that after I posted. Shows the evilness of Que Mala
It's just unfortunate timing that you made this post before the other rancid shoe, or hobnailed boot, dropped: Cheney the Elder, Deadeye Dick himself, just popped out of his crypt to echo his reptilian offspring's endorsement.
The public/media reaction to this endorsement hasn't kicked in yet-- perhaps, like RFK throwing in with Trump, the Dem poobahs and their simpatico and servile mainstream mass-media chorus will discreetly downplay this development. But even if it's muted out of a vestigial self-awareness and concomitant incipient embarrassment (or horror), the spectacle of Dick Cheney being rehabilitated and welcomed by the Democrats is truly tragicomic.
It's worth mentioning that Cheney is only the latest example of Democrats rehabilitating Republican warmongers and criminals against humanity-- dead, alive, or in-between. Just off the top of my head, they did this with Richard Nixon, Bush the Elder, Dubya Bush, and John McCain.
Since the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic attenuated my contacts with relatives, I don't know how my progressive-liberal, New York Times and NPR addicted, knee-jerk "lesser evil" Democrat supporting relations will react to this. I know that they all were infected with acute TDS in 2016, and that TDS is apparently an incurable permanent affliction.
To be fair, given all of the turbulence within the Democratic Party of Judas this year, they may well have become disillusioned and even disgusted with the Democrats. Notwithstanding, I suspect that if they ruefully admit that the "evil" gap between the duopoly parties seems to have narrowed substantially, as long as they continue to rationalize that Trump and the Republicans remain the Greatest Evil, even by a hair's-breadth, they will still vote for Kamala.
Actually, it isn't too much of a strain to guess that the TDS pundits will attempt a "glass half-full" optimistic spin, e.g. hailing the Cheneys' double endorsement by pointing out that even the dubious quintessential rock-ribbed Republican Dick Cheney knows that Trump is an abomination who must be thwarted at all costs. 🤫 😠
Last night on the PBS Snooze Hour I heard David Brooks say that Cheney is an old style Republican who values "character" over party. I am not lying!
David Brooks is a disgusting tool.
Dick-Liz. Gore Vidal nailed it many years ago when he said (paraphrase) that "American has only One political party with two right wings." My guess is that "Liz-ard Cheney" fantasizes about supplanting Hillary as the "All-Time Goldwater Girl"--unless Adam Kinziger gets there first...
If ever there was one statement that totally encapsulates the totally degradation of any society, specifically referring to that country known as America, the United States it is the following:"..........maybe take the baby to the aquarium.. but we will be careful.....we know how predatory the city is!." Jeddi Krishnamurti famously said "Those who are sane in an insane society are themselves, by definition, insane." Any society that blithely, without serious thought on the consequences of those words, i.e. has conditioned itself to the notion that babies being kidnapped on the streets of an American city is somehow acceptable an indelible mark of national psychosis (a nation clinically detached from reality.) However the reality that it seems that the vast majority of humanity has bought into is that "the world is a dark and dangerous place and to make sure of our survival, it's OK for us to kill as many as we can of the other" as we deem necessary!! 1984, fiction or non-fiction?
I deleted my comment because I made it because I mistakenly thought you were interested but you really only wanted to be a jerk. Jerk away dude, now that I know that, I will be more wary of responding to you about anything.
Have a great day.
It's astonishing the the speed at which "ad hominess" rears its' ugly head. Our world views are so far apart, any conversation between us would be impossible. Your comments are offensive, not only the crass language but the sentiment also) borne of the fact that you mistakenly interpret my words via the medium of a mind (distorted I would say) that believes that predators roaming the streets of American cities is somehow OK?! Thus, just from this single facet of you character alone, I can conclude there's nowhere to go!
You don't have to be here dude.
Just go away.
I get that trolls and jerks don't like to be called out on their bullshit, but this is my newsletter
And thank you for the update ref: your day out but, with respect in what way does it address the issues I was referring to? Does visiting the city and not being the victim of some random act of a criminal nature rank as some sort of achievement? I have been fortunate to live (23 years) in a small city whereby the only questionably "anti-social" activities are the occasional street protests which achieve nothing except inconvenience road users. The only sirens I infrequently hear are invariably the sound of ambulances taking women to hospital to give birth. Never seen a cop car rushing to uphold the law.
The "achievement" was that I had a nice time with my family
I am sorry I offended you by having fun and commenting on it.
I guess some people just want to be loads all the time.
“radical liberal,” in it’s rhetorical meaninglessness is only equaled by the term “cultural Marxist”. Both equate to the abysmal level of political discourse in mainstream politics.
First of all, I’m new to your podcast so I can’t say that I know your stance on everything. And while I’d rather not get into it because of the fact that I don’t want to spend the time right now to write a lengthy note, I agree with most if what you have to say with the exception that Donald Trump is someone who should be president of the United States. I agree that his analysis and pushback on things like the Iraq war is a good thing along with what some perceive to be his pushback in the deep state (however one might define that), but I think he’s unfit to be president. That’s not to say that I think Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are fit for the job. In my opinion their foreign policy demonstrates that they’re basically a disaster. BUT - But what you might be interested in is the “course” I’ve developed. It basically identifies the root of the problems you’re talking about. If you’re interested I can tell you more about it. (If we as a species had taken notice of what’s included in my course and followed its logic people like your son would still be alive and the world would be a much better place).
I'm not supporting Trump. I don't even vote. It's a sham. However, coming from the dem party and being betrayed by them so many times, I have e them more welcome
Ah - So we’re on the same page…
Beyond that those who rise to the upper echelons of power in our system tend to be selected narcissists. Some are overt malignant narcissists and others are covert narcissists. They might be sociopaths and/or psychopaths which make them even more dangerous, but regardless of whether they’re afflicted with those additional mental illnesses they are not the type of people who should be running the show. I outline this fact in one of the “classes” in my “course”. This particular class is made up of YouTube videos which talk about narcissism. The videos are of M. Scott Peck, Frank Yoemans, Brian Klaas and Jason Stanley. The class analyzes how these types of people tend to rise to power. (You’ve seen what types of results you get when you enlist the services of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc.). In another class I identify who we should be enlisting as our leaders and how we might go about doing that. The “course goes beyond that and talks about more species wide problems…
I actually think they are basically in charge but they’re overriding concerned is to stay in power. As a result of this they cater to those who help keep them in power. Haha. So I guess you’re right…
(I had a typo in my first note. I meant to say that The Donald is not fit to be president). But then neither is Biden or Kamala.
they aren't in charge anyway---obviously.
Love your creative name-play - right on Cindy -- The Chainies seem to explicitly personify the most vile, evil, vicious anti-life mentality - not even human, really...
We jump around like that trapped worm in the Mexican jumping bean with all these worthless anti-comedian comics in high and low office making their daily public defections and genuflections that we forget the other more powerful monsters of the Larry Chosen Finks of the world have already prepped our grandkiddos for night school.
Jobs jobs jobs to help bomb the all back to the stoneage.
Read the evidence of Israel nuking Lebanon and Gaza, among other fun facts:
It's Bound to Happen -- Sanders Pimping for Emoff-Harris and Ralph Just Pushing for Demon-crat voters
Okay, I will admit to be a little in the dark. Why are referring to Liz Cheney as Lizard 🦎 Cheney.
too insulting to lizards?