“I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.” - Georgia O’Keeffe
Hello friends and happy Friday the 13th! I know it’s a lucky day because my sister was born on Friday the 13th and that is one of the greatest blessings of my life.
I am so far behind in processing photos, even though I haven’t taken that many! I hope I can catch up a bit this weekend. I still have plenty of choices for today though. Here are my favorites:
Sunrise, September 6th 2024, when there actually were a few clouds and waves.
How I often feel reading the news lately. That’s a head-scratcher! (ruby-throated hummingbird)
I’m delighted a few Baltimore orioles are still around!
The flocks of geese are growing in numbers.
I mean, Mr. Oriole deserves a second photo too, especially since he’s showing that amazing wing!
If that shadow looks like a fighter jet, it essentially is. Peregrine falcon, fastest bird, also known as the wanderer for the long distances they will travel. I wonder where this youngster might go?
I wonder if they sometimes wonder about me too. (chickadee)
The sun is starting to set early enough I can occasionally catch a sunset in my neighborhood. Especially when I notice my room starting to turn red! Sunset, September 2, 2024.
It seems like the vultures are always drawn to power, doesn’t it? (A few turkey vultures just handing out.)
There are no more large groups of barn swallows in the marina, but they haven’t really left until I finish posting their photos, right?
I sure do miss the swallow pre-school.
I hope all their practice serves them well in their long migration.
Even though it’s dry, the goldfinches are finding some nice seeds to feast on.
Hello friend cardinal!
The egrets are still favoriting the other side of the lake. Surely they will come see me eventually!
I’m sure this is a key. I thought “the key to my imagination”. My friend Susi had a better caption: “Shimmering stars coalesced as a key to the universe.”
May your weekend be full of unanticipated wonder.
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Karen, your words and images today struck a chord with me. As I read certain comments I could clearly hear your connection, your sense of community, with these birds! Old hat? Of course. No news for you and your followers. I have felt my own sense of a growing connection with Nature, especially birds. Do you suppose the Ruby throated hummingbird was ever told to put nothing smaller than his elbow in his ears? A perfect capture! As someone else said, “What a sunrise!” We lack the openness that you enjoy around your home and the lake. I hope your week end is joyous!
Karen, your words and images today struck a chord with me. As I read certain comments I could clearly hear your connection, your sense of community, with these birds! Old hat? Of course. No news for you and your followers. I have felt my own sense of a growing connection with Nature, especially birds. Do you suppose the Ruby throated hummingbird was ever told to put nothing smaller than his elbow in his ears? A perfect capture! As someone else said, “What a sunrise!” We lack the openness that you enjoy around your home and the lake. I hope your week end is joyous!
A Cardinal's Mohawk - two words we don't often see together ;-)