Popular YouTube Influencer EONutrition Astonished at Number of Fellow Influencers Dropping Dead!
"It's 2024 and influencers are still dropping like flies. Three years on and we continue to see young and previously healthy people from all backgrounds dropping dead."
ALL vaccines are harmful, there is zero benefit. It is deadly scam! They seem to be targeting the youth and pregnant women. It is a deliberate mass murder operation. It is also designed to weaken the population, making it easier to propagandize and control. If you have the the clot shots, try to help your body with EDTA chelation and vitamin C. Best to do two hours before eating. I use oral EDTA, available on Amazon.com. Take with one to two grams of vit C. Ivermectin is available at virex.health
I had very bad experience with Virex health! They never sent the the ivermectin, and never refunded my money. They lied about the order, over and over, and kept saying they would refund my money. They threatened me, saying they were going to pursue the payment legally, and got very aggressive.
I had to jump through hoops with my credit card company, but finally won, and my money was reinstated into my account.
I still got threats from Virex even then, and finally told them I would go to law enforcement if they continued. That stopped the harassment.
I don't recommend anyone to deal with them. In my opinion, they are aggressive thieves.
Also, Virex is very expensive. Do some research...you can find ivermectin and mebendazole much cheaper than Virex wanted to charge me, and from more reputable compounding pharmacies.
oh wow thanks for the info
b hs c is c . xd
Thank-you for your response. I have been wondering where I could get it but safely-
Are you talking edta for prevention or symptoms? Thanks for info on edta. I think my fillings and years of toxins it may be a a good idea
The “truth” cannot and will not be told! This has become, IMO etched in stone. Nobody in high places will say anything. At best we can hope for are “Whistleblowers”!
There’s an all out assault on humanity! “Sterilization” has reportedly been a very real and seldom talked about issue. There’s a plethora of all sorts of intentional assaults, waged against humanity.
Dr Francis Boyle, wrote the 1979 Bioweapons Treaty. It was signed into law in 1985 by Senior President Bush and both houses of Congress. This treaty is still in place today.
The reason I’m mentioning this is because,Dr Boyle has said Covid / Covid injections are:
“Weapons of Mass Destruction”!
This is why the “Globalist Elites”-are hellbent on injecting kids and pregnant women. Also there’s no doubt depopulation is key. Understand that by sterilizing women and children, they’ll have better control over worldwide populations. More importantly, why?
If anyone is familiar with Yuval Hariri you’ll understand why. His long term goal, achieve a “humanoid” or “trans-human” populace. Within 30 years or roughly 3 generations, if these sick evil beast’s are successful, they’ll not only control all remaining world populaces, they will have “dumbed-down” the remaining people.
I believe their evil experiments will create “peasant humanoids” who will have an average IQ around 85. While believing their “Superior-Offsprings” will have “superior-intellect” which will allow the continued reign over a “transhumanist” society.
In July 2020 I watched the first video of Yuval Hariri saying:
“It’s not about the “God” in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft Cloud and the Google Cloud. We now have the ability to hack the human body”!
Yes Yuval Hariri, IMO a most dangerous and demonstrable mouth breathing formation of living cell tissue, I’ve ever seen! He’s literally, so detached from reality, so determined to play God, is there any reason not to believe these people?
Remember when Yuval’s superior and very maligned, grouping of “cell-membranes” known as Klaus Schwab said “I am God”! Thankfully, Klaus will be stepping down from his “High-Perch” at the WEF. Unfortunately his daughter I believe will take the helm.
“Klaus Martin Schwab is a German mechanical engineer, economist, and founder of the World Economic Forum. He has acted as the WEF's chairman since founding the organisation in 1971. In May 2024, WEF announced that Schwab will move from his role as Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees by January 2025”.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the Forum said that the organization is “transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.”
The last statement above, is quite disconcerting! Once again, we hear “Transforming” being used.
Barack Hussein Obama once said he wanted to:
“Fundamentally Transform America”.
Well I believe Obama’s kept his word based on what’s happening today in America and Klaus Schwab / Yuval Hariri will keep their word too! We must believe these people mean what they say
I believe we must work together and learn the truth. Learn what’s really going on. We must share our thoughts and understandings with others. There’s
“Power In Numbers” which is why it’s so important, the more people know, the better able we may be able to, at minimum,
“Stop this Madness”!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
I remember Bush Sr., talking about a One World Government. Didn't anyone question him back then what he meant by that?
Nope Dee! Nobody believed anything back then and unfortunately today as well!
I posted how we must take these people seriously! They’re going to kill off humanity! They’re already doing it! Thank you Dee for pointing this out. This ties into the “Bioweapon Treaty” signed by Senior Bush and Congress. Yes it’s still in place today.
Correct! I have seen videos of both George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton stating in speeches when they were in office, that they "would achieve a New World Order". Read the book by Dr. John Coleman, ONE WORLD ORDER:SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP.
Bush Sr and Bush Jr. Were are Are TRAITORS. democRATs in RED. They both jumped onto the democRAT band wagon. If it were up to me, I would dig up Bush Sr. just to hang him in front of his son right before hanging Jr. too. No CIA operative should be allowed anywhere near the Halls of Congress let alone into the Whitehouse. The democRAT playback is world domination backed by RINOs who again are democRATs in RED. In fact Jimmy Carter made such a mess that it took Reagan and Bush Sr. to clean up only to realize that Bush Sr. was a democRAT in the end who no doubt taught Bush Jr. the importance of “Keeping your Enemies Closer” which caused Bush Jr. to Ratify APEC which he should have and Could have delayed if not ended APEC by VETO but Shear GREED & CORRUPTION won. As a result, Dominion, Smartmatic and ES&S ushered in TRAITOR Bush Jr. Cousin NOBAMA who let the QUEERS out if the closet by allowing QUEER MARRIAGES. That FAG had the Rainbow lights all around the Whitehouse to rub his QUEERNESS in the faces of God Fearing Americans who wanted The USA to return to Founding Principles. Everything done by every president since Nixon has been in vane as no matter how much makeup traitors in the halls of Congress and the Whitehouse tried putting on the PIG it was still a PIG as the value of the Dollar continued it's slow devaluation. Today, Taxation of the masses has become mute intentionally as Even if Every Single Working American stopped paying income tax, it would have little or no impact on how American Givernment functions today. The Fear Tactics of hiring 87,000 IRS agents to collect worthless Dollars that are quite LITERALLY only worth $0.02 to $0.03 today as a means of control rather than collection. It's ALL THEY HAVE LEFT. Fear of Freedom already lost for most who are STUCK in whatever Dystopian nightmare each has created for themselves… #AvengeCrimesAgainstHumanity #FreedomIsNotFree
The WEF have adopted, as their 'depopulation' playbook a 1972 book written by Dennis Meadows titled, LIMITS TO GROWTH. The UN has a 'Population Division' under their "Department of Economic and Social Affairs" to which conferences on 'Replacement Migration' have been held since 1974. Bill Gates has been on vaccination campaigns across Africa and India since 2005 or around there. These 'vaccines' have been under the guise of warding off something but we're discovered later as sterilizing women and young girls some of whom died or were maimed (paralyzed). Harari is from a WEALTHY family so he knows not of any hardship much like Trudeau and Gates. Their agendas are directly related to transhumanism hence the increased high level supports for the 'trans' and 'gay' communities. The goals of the WEF are many, however their prudent ones are; to reduce the world's population to 100 billion and 'keep' only one specific ethnic culture as Schwab stated (paraphrasing) 'they have been indoctrinated to accept being regimented'; have AI in place to manage all facets of production; and have the world as their playground through the enslavement of others to meet THEIR needs. The movies Hunger Games and Elysium come to mind. We're dealing with people who are so inherently psychopathic it's beyond reason.
100 billion? I think you meant 100 million
Maybe. There's 800 billion of us on the planet now they want 700 billion gone.
You're off by two orders of magnitude; the world population is just over 8 billion. Where did you get this idea?
Well I've obviously missed the math on that. Thank you for the correction.
Good God Beth you’ve said exactly and precisely, what these “evil-monsters” have been doing and will continue to do until they reach their goals!
Absolutely pinpoint explanation Beth! So much so, your statement explanation should be on a “worldwide-billboard” scrolling 24X7 with bright flashing lights screaming “WARNING, WARNING”!
I am not exaggerating Beth! Very much on topic, nail on the head, dead center, you’ve nailed it!
Thank you very much for your reply Beth.
Thank you. I've made a calculation error in the population and stand corrected. 8 billion not 800.
If ever given the opportunity, I would be hard pressed NOT to strangle the Eugenicist manually.
33 nurses died, earlier this year.
and 32 Nurses died just this past week. The list of doctors and Athletes who passed from "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" is quite long and sad.
More like CRIMINAL than Sad yet sad nevertheless. #AvengeCrimesAgainstHumanityToSolve
I counted 16 infants in the US in Crispin Miller's recent compilation. Stillborn or having died.
Sads no doubt. democRATs will say anything but the truth in an effort to normalize the P for the Consonant Club. Retroactively of course in an effort to stay off of Death Row. Let's Cancel the Consonant Club permanently. Amen.
The truth cannot be told the murders continue.
But it's NOT the vax because it's NEVER the vax.
Doctors don't know why? Yea right.
Unfortunately my adult children would never watch anything like this if I send them, one of them listens to me but another just rolls her eyes. At least she and her partner are not getting any more shots but I am worried about what’s going on in their bodies.
I am reminded of what Judy Mikovits and Tenpenny, and other’s said at the very start of all this. They said back then, just wait, in the next 5 to 10 years we can expect many, many deaths from these injection’s. They were right then and they are right now and yet people are STILL waiting for the next ‘new generation’ of the death shot’s and are actually angry because they aren’t able to get them yet. Dear Lord, they are still going to be led to the slaughter and fear is what will drive them there to the slaughtering ‘pen’s’’. God help them to open their eyes to see what is about to come once again upon the people that are still blinded by the propaganda. Get ready to STAND UP and SAY NO once again..
And no one in the MSM, or unwashed masses, links all these deaths to the shots.They refuse to believe that VXs are bad for us! It's poison! We are being poisoned! I feel like I am wearing the glasses in They Live!
I've had that sinking feeling for half a century, which first peaked my interest in the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Unfortunately, life's events have only compounded my opinion, as I witnessed them, among other things, add a new persuasive organisation, namely, the WEF (yet another group of a euthanasiac mindset) to their ranks.
Unfortunately, they won't have long to wait for the next shots.
WHO and CDC are busy cranking up the fearmongering, ahead of the Birdbrain 'Flu shots, but, so far, in the US, only 10 million have been stockpile, so we have time yet to continue educating others.
Me, as with the c-19 shots, I tell folk what I see lying ahead of us, I warn them not to take the slow hotshots, then I leave it down to them - their life, their choice.
The last PLAN/SCAMdemic made me realise some just won't listen, so I resolved to extend the courtesy of at least trying, but accepted my energy and concern is better spent on others, rather than some of my own family and former friends, collegues and neighbours, who ridiculed and reviled me.
You've done what you can and experience has shown you that you cannot hold a gun to their head and force them to see reason.
They more you try the further they bloodymindly dig their heels in.
You talk of a decade, whereas I fail to see those who took the shots, particularly several doses of it last, beyond the five year mark.
Obviously, I sincerely hope I'm just a Cassandra, but my guts tell me, as they have, all along, that I'm hitting the target every time.
Those that view themselves as our overlords have set themselves a target to eradicate all but half a billion folk (naturally, they select the lucky remainder) from the planet over the next five years, hence Agenda 2030, which I, back in my somewhat naive past, assumed was the ultimate conspiracy theory, one that went a step too far beyond those theories I clung to, myself. We live in interesting and stressful times.
THAT is a great video - thanks for sharing !
God help us. Such treasures of Your Creation destroyed by their evil.
That's because they're influencers. When they die, they influence other people to die, too. It's science.
The younger ones have had a longer history of getting more interventions overall. Was this all part of the plan? Who would doubt that?
and they are all beautiful!
Here is a reason Trump keeps touting his operation warp speed: https://stopworldcontrol.com/warp/
Utter joke. Utter controlled opposition with a sprinkling of truth just to keep it ‘real’. No, I don’t think so thanks.. 👎
There is absolutely no doubt that Trump is an integral member of the Genocidal Nazi Globalists (GNGs) who are imposing their DEPOPULATION AGENDA upon the world during 2020 thru 2024.
The Genocidal Nazi Globalists' (GNGs') masterful REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY PROPAGANDA is so mind-fuckingly powerful that it thoroughly brainwashed the author, David Sorensen, to write such an essay in support of Trump that couldn't be further from the truth about Trump's true role in the "2020 GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic".
If Trump's heart truly had the best interest of his fellow American people at heart, as David Sorensen portrays in his essay, then Trump would have never played along with the Genocidal Nazi Globalists' (GNGs') "2020 GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic". Trump would have said, "NO, THANK YOU, I AM NOT SUBJECTING MY FELLOW AMERICAN PEOPLE TO THE Genocidal Nazi Globalists' (GNGs') '2020 GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic'," in the same manner that five African leaders refused to subject their fellow African people to the Genocidal Nazi Globalists' (GNGs') "2020 GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic" and who all five African leaders died shortly thereafter their refusal to play along to get along.
But instead of Trump standing strong for his fellow American people similarly like the five brave African leaders stood strong for their fellow African people by refusing to play along, Trump instead played his key role perfectly in carrying out the Genocidal Nazi Globalists' (GNGs') "2020 GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic" by ushering into America the "2020 GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic" and the DoD's "OPERATION WARP SPEED GENOCIDAL BOWEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" a.k.a. CV-19 SHOTS along with the "DEADLY CDC HOSPITAL REMDESIVIR PROTOCOLS" which in combination with each other have already injured and sterilized hundreds of millions and killed tens of millions and millions more who are subsequently dying with each new day of this New World Order's New Normal.
BE NOT BEGUILED/DECEIVED by the Genocidal Nazi Globalists' (GNGs') masterful REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY PROPAGANDA that deceitfully led many of us to unknowingly support the SNAKE that would deliver the POISON SNAKE BITE a.k.a. the POISON CV-19 SHOT.
Even Trump, himself, warned us of this foreshadowed fateful plight when Trump publicly recited the SNAKE POEM by saying, "America, you knew I was a SNAKE before you took me in."
And in the following image Trump is displaying his lying slithering-snake-tongue painted on his face with blood stains, affirming once again, "America, you knew I was a SNAKE before you took me in."
NASA's lying slithering-snake-tongue logo..
Hebraic definition of "NASA"...
נָשָׁא nâshâʼ, naw-shaw'; a primitive root; to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) to seduce:—beguile, deceive, × greatly, × utterly.
2024 0917
I swear to God the vaccines I got out of the hospital is fine but the ones I got in the hospital they injected me with sewage and tried to kill me. I tell you what I worked with the public 2 years during Covid outside of the hospital system no issue the week after I got a shot from the hospital I became so ill it’s no doubt a death sentence I’m very suspicious of what they did and beyond angry not only that the hospital was bizarre with a seemingly military commander from another country a man who smelled great and I liked the way he talked they called a Dr walking the floors but I couldn’t get out of my mind he is a military commander from another country it was just unreal no one in a whole hospital but him walking the floors concealed.I’m convinced they try to take my life I left told everyone it’s a terrorist attack others were attacked to I couldn’t believe it but it’s true and much more then just this. But after I left they followed me I swear they poisoned me somehow I got so sick I was in bed not moving two months went by I never felt so sick in my life like a ice so weird so sick I didn’t even move to say I’m not angry is an understatement because I know and I’m convinced it’s ISIS their thing their marc that no one is talking about vaccinated with something then giving a drink that will kill you I got so sick months went by I couldn’t even move I felt like ice and it’s probably why their destroying hospitals in other countries too it’s awful I’m a person who is in the best of health this is not survivable for anyone I have health like no one I know it’s very scary I haven’t felt good since and I really don’t believe any other thoughts to tell me what I wrote here is not the truth ,it was the most bizarre thing I ever seen in my life all of them I screamed at em in the hospital and I’m sure I’m not the only one they could care less their is no telling me that was not a military commander a whole hospital and see no one but him just woe and he’s a big guy . And I feel they keep approaching me in weird ways. I feel like I can’t talk about it as it’s so extreme they follow me but I think it’s to late it may already be a death of myself and others im very upset at a country unprotected very upset at many things I didn’t deserve that nor do others . I don’t feel safe I scream at people with inappropriate boundaries to create appropriate boundaries and why am I surrounded with people violating my boundaries and I feel they will probably take my life via poisoning from vaccine then give me the drink that drink that activates the illness in the vaccine or otherwise their like a cult it’s been around along time very scary abusive they torture people they know everything about me medically financially all information it’s so wrong not to mention they tried to take my life and others and we are silenced with violence they alter my pictures just many abusive abusive things I can’t escape them it’s awful their harming people and defineately using vaccines of harm and what’s even more scary is I feel they have been following me for my whole life from overseas it’s in the area and some are chosen from them as targets it makes sense their wholed up in their homes they don’t have open society so it makes sense they spend their time in military tactics surveillance and torture I can’t get help and we have this vaccine that’s like a poison waiting for their detonator it’s awful I’m depressed I know it’s truth they put me on a terrorist website and it’s like their she is the person we will destroy and have watched all these years it’s awful I can’t stand its torturing people distorting my pictures interfering in my finances my health just everything☹️it’s upsetting their making their society here using violence to get rid of us it’s an attack. They are isolating women I have a lot of anger towards our so called country they didn’t protect at all our country our institutions our news our information I’m furious and I know others are too . How does that happen a huge hospital and no one but him it’s extremism and it’s true and those illnesses two months passed and it felt like a minute I was so sick I couldn’t even get up dial a phone talk or anything I lost 20 pounds I felt like ice it’s awful they are also labor traffickers and I’m prevented from work they tell me we’re to work right now im pushing and pulling carts that weigh 700 yo 1000 pounds at the tune to over 150 times a day plus movement of carts that weigh inntgec250 to 500 of range I have no choice I have bruises on my hands I’m upset very it’s total mockery of our country and justice judgement it’s disgusting they won’t talk to you other then to mock you they don’t care about they harmed they laugh about it it’s gross it takes a lot for me to act right and look at my past ten years I can’t this is disgusting . They tried to make me get my sister to work. I feel it’s ISIS they lie about their heritage faith everything I’m not in a safe way at all and neither is anyone else they have their military tactics I’m not safe I’m a victim so are others . They outright harmed people are covering it up and lieing and spouting racism wtf I didn’t see any of that I saw Americans harmed I’ve called it a concentration camp noway are they hospitals anymore it’s unreal awful iam so sad devasted this is happening I screamed at em and I know others have too because it’s even more than what I say here and as an additional many I know citizens who went to school were outed from work their as was I they outright harmed me
This will keep on happening
Just as the good doctors had warned, and Trump would not listen. And he still won't. Both sides are accessories to this ongoing genocide and ought to face capital punishment. I will never vote for anyone who isn't helping to stop this pharma assault.
He's listening now, has Kennedy teaching him, that's why he has been added to the Trump team.
Daddy CLOT SHOT , is listening ?.......bs........you and I knew the shots were bad , but the father of 'the beautiful vaccine' didn't......come on , man.......UNIPARTY
Who wants to depopulate the World, Who wants pandemics, Who brought in the mandates ? https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n1244/rr-10
They were never at risk. Why were they made to take these dangerous covid vaxxes, to keep their jobs, to travel.?
Depopulation Agenda
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No fan of medications at all but i have to be honest and say people were in bad shape long before covid. lots of suicides , lots of despair , lots of folk on all sorts of nonsense medications . Covid was the icing on the cake here , overall.
De-pop Shots
Florida attorney general has just issued a Statewide warning for people not to get mRNA vaccines
So WHERE is a class action lawsuit we can all jump on right now?
I know dying was not worth the token bribes they were given. Now, let's get down to brass coffins... 70% of Americans were double jabbed. It may be impossible for them to live longer than 10 years and many will be gone in 5 years... even if I am off by 50% 35% of the USA is still 100 million people.
...and so goes the Democide
We live in World of greedy ungrounded, unprincipled and undisciplined airheads. Everyone thinks they know what they know, just because they believe it's true, but the truth is far different. We're bearing witness to human egos run amok and lots of destruction to show for it. Sad times, indeed.
Hmmm- where these some of the “influencers” receiving govie funds to promote the vax? Karma.
All those healthy big pharma drugs are working just fine. So, what's the problem?
Bless you. Honoring the dead and speading the word.
Good video - thank you for sharing it. It is a terrible thing that this keeps happening. It's also very frightening.
Big Pharma's PR agents. If such are refusing it doesn't look too good.