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We don't need to be formal, but we also don't need to touch hands. Fine, good.
So you do this work actually here?

Canadian doctor Dr.Ellen Wiebe (family doctor in Vancouver, British Columbia) loves killing patients (a look at Canada's MAID doctors)

British actress Liz Carr interviewed a doctor who has assisted in the deaths of over 400 people for her BBC documentary. Canadian doctor Ellen Wiebe has previously reportedly said her work is "rewarding."



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July 6, 2024 - This doctor has helped more than 400 patients die. How many assisted deaths are too many?

At 72, Dr. Ellen Wiebe devotes half her practice to medical aid in dying. It's the last work she's prepared to give up

Author of the article: Sharon Kirkey

Published Jul 06, 2024  •  Last updated Jul 06, 2024  •  16 minute read

Dr. Ellen Wiebe

Dr. Ellen Wiebe has never shied away from speaking publicly about the act of ending someone’s life.

For Wiebe, medical assistance in dying (MAID) is “incredibly rewarding” work. She hasn’t faced nearly the same sort of stigma she once faced as an abortion provider and says that while she and her MAID colleagues “all work within the law,” she’s also not as “conservative” as some.

What she isn’t prepared to share publicly is how often she has administered a fatal substance upon a patient’s request.

“I know the exact number,” the Vancouver doctor said, “but I don’t want to do that, no. It’s become a weird thing, people talking about their numbers, or criticizing people who talk about their numbers.”

“Hundreds is good,” she said. About 430 as of May 2022 alone, as she then testified before a special parliamentary committee on medical assistance in dying, or MAID.

In addition to her MAID work, Wiebe runs a contraception and medical abortion clinic in Vancouver. She is one of the most prominent and prolific providers of assisted dying in Canada, the “pro-choice doctor providing peaceful deaths,” Canada’s “de facto ambassador” for the right to die. She wasn’t part of the activism that led to the decriminalization of doctor-assisted death but she was the first doctor outside of Quebec to perform a court-approved, patient-requested euthanasia, a term she dislikes. “In Canada we don’t use the word euthanasia,” she once told podcaster Mikhaila Peterson. “That’s what we use for our pets. Here, we call it assisted dying.”

It's hard to even be in the same room as somebody who's suffering so severely. But then... I get to end that suffering


Most recently, Wiebe was featured in the BBC documentary, Better off Dead?, an exploration of the assisted suicide debate by British actor and comedian Liz Carr, an international disability rights activist who doesn’t believe assisted suicide is safe for the likes of her or other disabled people. In a clip that made the rounds on social media, a camera pans over a black leather sofa in Wiebe’s office, a recliner so that people can “snuggle up with their loved ones if they want.” For some people, it’s a good place to die, Wiebe told Carr. Her face lights up as she describes MAID as the most fulfilling work she’s done since doctor-assisted death became legal in Canada in 2016. “People ask me why and I think, well, doctors like grateful patients, and nobody is more grateful than my patients now and their families,” she tells Carr, though that’s not always necessarily so. “We know that angry family members are our greatest risk,” she once told a Scottish pro-MAID group, because angry family members are more likely to bring formal complaints forward.

A board member and research director for the Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers, a member of the clinician’s advisory council for the MAID lobby group Dying with Dignity Canada and clinical professor in the department of family practice at the University of British Columbia, Wiebe has accused Canada’s politicians of being “wimpy” for waiting for the Supreme Court of Canada to sweep away the laws prohibiting doctor-assisted dying on constitutional grounds, and not through government-led legislation. She learned from Dutch colleagues which drugs to use, and in what order, how to avoid complications like prolonged time to death, and how to choreograph the procedure day. “So, who wants to sit on (the patient’s) right side, and who on her left … and the dog, where the dog goes,” she told National Post. “And then I try to get out of the way. I can do that if I’ve got an extension tube for my IV.”

She’s published numerous papers in the assisted dying space, mentoring other doctors and hosting MAID training webinars, but has also been accused of bullying and sneaking her way into faith-based facilities. She’s faced multiple complaints against her to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. but has always been found in compliance with the rules.

She identifies as disabled herself. Diagnosed with heart disease at age 40, she hasn’t been able to walk more than 10 metres since, and uses a wheelchair and electric scooter. “Now I’m aging (she’s 72) and doing even less,” she told National Post.

What she isn’t prepared to do less of is MAID. “It’s the last thing I’ll give up.” In many ways it’s akin to her abortion work, she said. “It’s about honouring people’s wishes, empowering people to have control over their own lives. It’s wonderful that I have the opportunity to do that.”

Wiebe can seem “oddly cheerful” when discussing MAID, viewers of the BBC documentary remarked. She grinned at peculiar moments during an interview with National Post, laughing as she described how, when getting final consent on the day of death, “I come in and say, ‘Are you sure this is what you want to do today?'”

Laughter can be a response to emotionally uncomfortable situations, like talking about death, said Helen Long, CEO of Dying with Dignity Canada. “You suddenly realize what you’re in the middle of discussing.”

“Laughing often is just part of my personality,” Wiebe told National Post.

“I love life.”

She also loves her job, and is “so glad, so glad” to live in a country where people aren’t condemned to unbearable suffering, telling Carr assisted dying is “the best work I’ve ever done.” In Canada, all but a handful of MAID deaths involve euthanasia, where the doctor pushes the syringe. With assisted suicide, the person swallows a lethal amount of drugs prescribed by the doctor.

“It’s hard to even be in the same room as somebody who’s suffering so severely,” Wiebe told the Post. “But then, of course, you know, I get to end that suffering, which is good.”

But others like Trudo Lemmens are troubled by the small number of providers dominating the practice and the “pseudo-spiritual language” some use to describe doctor-administered death.

“When MAID was legalized, it was framed as a practice that was exceptionally required to ease the dying process or give some control at the end of life,” Lemmens, a University of Toronto professor of law and ethics, wrote in an email.

“We have veered very far from that and now uncritically accept the most aggressive provision of MAID and see growing attempts to describe this as the most meaningful form of medical practice.”

In one study, MAID providers with between 12 and 113 assisted deaths each described the delivery of a medical death as “heartwarming,” “the most important medicine I do,” “an ultimate act of compassion,” “liberating” and “almost an adrenaline rush. I was surprised at how good I felt.”

Narratives like these make Lemmens concerned that MAID is being promoted as a medical therapy with a “quasi-religious zeal.” Others like Christopher Lyon, a Canadian social scientist at the University of York in the U.K. have remarked that pleasure from euthanasia is deeply disquieting, “because death is usually a deeply painful or difficult moment for the patients and their loved ones.”

Lyon’s 77-year-old father died by MAID in a Victoria hospital room in 2021, over the family’s objections. (Wiebe was not the provider.) His father had bouts of depression and suicidal thinking, but was approved for MAID nonetheless. Lyon wonders what draws some providers to MAID “and what happens to a person when killing becomes a daily or weekly event.”

“Some providers have counts in the hundreds — this isn’t normal, for any occupation,” he said. “Even members of the military at war do not typically kill that frequently. I think that’s a question that we’ve not really ever asked.”

Wiebe rejects the suggestion some providers seem overly enthusiastic. “My patients were all people who were suffering unbearably and chose this,” she said.

“Remember that we work in tragedy all the time, right? My whole career has been being with tragedies. When somebody gets the diagnosis of cancer, when somebody gets the diagnosis of a chronic illness like multiple sclerosis — I mean, it’s just one tragedy after another,” she said.

“Why do we want to be doctors? Why do we want to care for people who are suffering tragedies? Because we can help. Because we feel like we can help. And that’s why we get a good feeling about it.”

Canada has a strikingly high assisted death rate, reaching 4.1 per cent of all deaths in 2022. At 5.5 per cent of all deaths, B.C. had the second-highest percentage of MAID deaths, behind Quebec, outpacing assisted-suicide pioneers like Belgium and the Netherlands. Sporadic reports have emerged of people being driven to MAID because of poverty, debt, a lack of decent housing or food. Lyon and others are concerned with what they see as the looseness of the safeguards and eligibility criteria, and the way assessors are able to interpret them.

However, Ottawa palliative care and critical care specialist Dr. James Downar said the metaphors, the expressed feelings of “joy” and “love,” fit with the experiences of those working in all aspects of end-of-life care. “When someone says it’s highly rewarding, those are exactly the words that people use when they’re doing palliative care” or providing end-of-life care in the ICU, Downar said.

Dr. James Downar. (Errol McGihon/Postmedia/File)

It’s not death-glorifying, he said. “It’s absolutely not a celebration of the act of ending someone’s life. It’s a reflection of the intense emotional bond you form with families and patients.”

“Nothing in the data lines up with the story that there are doctors pushing this,” said Downar, a former MAID provider. Wiebe isn’t ashamed to be involved in MAID and she’s not afraid to talk about it publicly, he said. Most providers, and there were over 1,800 in 2022, tend not to advertise that they’re involved in MAID, given the stigmatization and temperature of the discussion, he said. “Ellen is not hiding anything. I have tremendous respect for that.”

She’s also “warm and funny,” blunt and straightforward, a straight-shooter with a determined streak, said Long from Dying With Dignity.

How many patients is too many patients? Wiebe specializes in MAID, Long said. “How many palliative care patients do palliative care clinicians have? How many times is palliative sedation (using drugs to render the dying patient unconscious) delivered?” MAID is a legal process, Long said. “If a smaller group of clinicians has opted to make this their full-time practice because of the need that they see, does that make it wrong? I don’t think it does.”

Why do we want to be doctors? Why do we want to care for people who are suffering tragedies? Because we can help


In the BBC documentary, Wiebe describes the option of MAID as an insurance policy, an escape hatch. “Liz, right now, you love life, and you want to live. But there’s lots of nasty illnesses you might get,” she says. “And if you got terminal cancer and you had to go through chemotherapy and radiation, wouldn’t you be thrilled that you had the choice to say, ‘I’ll go this far, and not further’?”

Wiebe has attended many non-MAID deaths. “I know what the ends are like, and I’m not interested in that,” she told National Post. MAID means people can “skip out when you’re still you,” she said.

She didn’t set out playing such a conspicuous role in doctor-assisted dying. Born into a Mennonite family in Abbotsford, one of four children, Wiebe wanted to be a doctor ever since she was a kid. “I know my Bible pretty well,” she told Maclean’s in a 2016 profile. “I could quote it, no problem.” Her parents — her mother, a homemaker, her father a teacher with CIDA, the Canadian International Development Agency — were “wonderful people who loved life,” and held deep Christian beliefs. But by 17, Wiebe had “lost all my religiosity,” she told Maclean’s. “It was just part of being in university, questioning and wondering and learning who you are.”

What she became was a family doctor, graduating from medical school in 1975 with the goal of being a “full-service, cradle-to-grave” doctor. She delivered babies (more than 1,000 over her career), attended house calls and took care of the dying. As she got older, she focused on women’s health, pioneering work on medical abortions and bringing trials of the abortion drug, mifepristone, to Canada.

As an abortion doctor she faced down death threats and attacks at her clinic, but it wasn’t until a colleague, fellow abortion provider Gary Romalis, survived two attempts on his life — one via a sniper’s bullet, the other a 15-centimetre knife — that Wiebe felt compelled into becoming an abortion rights crusader. The glued locks on the clinic she could ignore, she told The Province, “Until Gary was shot, and then I couldn’t ignore it.” Gary (Garson) Romalis died of pancreatitis in 2014, at age 76.

Even when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2015 that the Criminal Code provisions prohibiting medical assistance in dying would no longer be valid, giving Parliament one year to draft legislation, “I had no clue this was the way my life was going to be,” Wiebe told the medical journal The Lancet.

She assumed palliative care doctors would provide the assisted deaths, but in the beginning, national palliative care organizations wanted no part of medically administered death. “So, I called up a friend who was also an abortion provider and said, ‘Palliative care is not going to do the work. We better figure out how to get trained and get in there,’” she told National Post.

The pair travelled to the Netherlands in 2016, meeting with four providers to learn what they could about assisted dying. “Now it’s half my clinical work, and very, very important,” Wiebe said.

She sees similarities between MAID and abortion. Both are legal medical procedures that most Canadians believe people should have the right to access. “All the polls have said that, and yet, it still has some stigma and shame,” Wiebe said. Seventy-seven per cent of surveyed Canadians expressed support for the country’s current assisted death regime, a Leger poll found in February.

Most people who choose MAID have cancer, followed by cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological conditions. In 2021, the law was changed so that death need not be “reasonably foreseeable,” so-called Track 2 cases involving people with a chronic, but not terminal illness or disability, like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Such cases account for “a tiny percentage of assisted dying,” Wiebe said, about 3.5 per cent (463 people) of all MAID cases in 2022. Still, many MAID providers are profoundly uneasy with euthanizing the non-dying, though Wiebe isn’t among them. She told parliamentarians in 2022, “I also have a lot of experience with our new group of patients, who we call ‘Track 2.’”

When asked how she personally processes providing more than 400 assisted deaths, Wiebe said most involve “completed lives, (older) people who have had cancer for years. They tell me that they’ve lived a long, good life, and they’re ready to go.” Those tend not to involve severe grief, she said. More challenging to witness is the “raw grief” of a middle-aged or younger husband saying goodbye to his wife. “You feel it, you know? You feel that kind of deep grief.”

But MAID has also allowed for “fascinating talks” about how people want to die, she said. “We’re asking questions that I never asked before we had assisted dying: Where would you like to die? When would you like to die? Who are you going to invite to your death?”

Dr. Ellen Wiebe was the first doctor in Canada outside of Quebec to perform a court-approved, patient-requested assisted dying procedure. (Ethan Cairns for National Post)

Wiebe has described deathbed scenes featuring poetry, champagne, hors d’oeuvres and opera music. But families have also described the procedure day as surreal and unsettling. “It’s what my mother wanted, but it was kind of, like, ‘What just happened?’” one participant reported in a survey of 18 family caregivers of people who received an assisted death at two large urban hospitals in Toronto. Many described being alarmed by the number and size of pre-filled syringes. Others weren’t prepared for the speed of death, leaving them “overwhelmed and concerned about whether the patient was ready for such a sudden death,” the authors wrote.

“It’s hard for me to realize the fact that I have a bunch of syringes, as opposed to one, is scary for some people,” Wiebe said. “So, I might not think of that.” At the time of death, she likes to be “part of the wall,” she said. Inconspicuous. Out of the way.

There’s a rhythm to how things generally unfold she said. “When everybody is ready, I say, ‘Okay, ready to go to sleep?’” The first injection is a sedative, followed by general anesthetic that puts people into a deep coma, and finally a third injection that stops the breathing and the heart.

She warns the family they can expect the colour in their loved one’s face to change. “But, generally, (death is) very calm and peaceful.” She takes a neck pulse to determine when to call time of death. “But that is, of course not the actual time of death, because when people die, it’s a slow process,” Wiebe said. “Some cells die before others. So, the whole process for me, from the time I start injecting until I call that it’s done, is about five minutes.”

Failed IV’s can be a problem, she said, just getting the needle in, in the first place. “If you’re doing it at home, we don’t have a backup IV team to call in like we do at the hospital.” Doses have had to be adjusted as doctors gained more experience. “But, no, I wouldn’t say we’ve had bad reactions in our patients.”

“I just get so many thank yous and hugs.”

And pushback. Wiebe has had several complaints lodged against her, including her provision of death in the case of “Ms. S,” a 56-year-old woman with advanced multiple sclerosis who, in 2017, starved herself to meet eligibility criteria that her death was “reasonably foreseeable,” a case with eerie echoes to the 27-year-old autistic Calgary woman who stopped eating and drinking in May over a judge’s order blocking her access to MAID.

In 2017, Wiebe was accused of “borderline unethical” behaviour for entering Vancouver’s Louis Brier Home & Hospital, an Orthodox Jewish long-term care home, and providing MAID to 83-year-old cancer patient Barry Hyman, despite knowing the facility did not allow assisted deaths on its site. Hyman’s family had invited Wiebe in to honour his wish to die in his room. As Wiebe assembled her prepared syringes, “My heart was racing that someone would open the door,” Hyman’s daughter Lola told The Globe and Mail.

The same year, the chief medical officer and coroner with B.C.’s coroner’s service raised questions about Wiebe’s provision of MAID to a woman with dementia.

Wiebe was found not guilty of breaching college standards in all three cases. An inquiry committee found that Hyman had consented to MAID and that Wiebe had followed proper procedures. Complaints have “always resolved in my favour,” Wiebe said. “But still, that’s the kind of thing that the anti-MAID people have done to me, as opposed to threatening to shoot me, which is nice.”

She’s well-versed in the law, ticking off in interviews how the request must be voluntary, witnessed by an independent person, approved by two clinician assessors. In 2018, she told journalist and writer Peter Stockland she provides “what is right up to the edge of the law, and never beyond, of course. I’m working beyond where some providers would work … it varies on how risk-averse people are.”

“Some people are more conservative than I am,” Wiebe told National Post. “We all work within the law.”

In general, people who choose MAID are like her, she said: White, educated, wealthy, privileged. The vulnerable and most marginalized have less MAID, she said in an interview with Canadian Atheist. “When people talk about the slippery slope, (they say), ‘When you start offering it, people will start pushing those marginalized people to have assisted deaths, so we don’t have to pay for them anymore,’ but marginalized people don’t get much good anything, much less MAID.”

She has no religious beliefs, but understands the need some have for ceremonies, she told the Post. “I have been privileged to be present for Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Indigenous, Catholic, United Church, Pentecostal” and other ceremonies at the time of MAID. Her patients are referred through the MAID coordination centre and other doctors mostly. Her youngest was in her 20s, “one of those horrible, horrible cancers.

“The death itself was beautiful. She had a big party with her family and friends outdoors in the backyard. There was poetry, there were flowers, there was food. She didn’t eat it. It was an amazing event. Again, incredibly grief-stricken parents and spouse.”

She’s performed over 800 MAID assessments, more than half of them virtual and almost all patients from B.C., some of whom she found ineligible. Others died naturally “before they got around to setting a date.”

Wiebe has a supportive husband (together they have five sons and seven grandchildren) and supportive colleagues she can call up and say, “Oh, I just had a hard one,’ and I blurt it all out.

“Luckily, I’ve got people to debrief with.”

She fully anticipates that MAID will be extended to mature minors. “I’ve always been assuming for eight years that a 17-year-old with terminal cancer is going to say, ‘I have the right,’ and of course any judge in the country will say, ‘Yes, you do.’”

She also expects some form of advance requests for MAID in cases of dementia, which would allow a person to make a written request for euthanasia that could be honoured later, even if they lose their capacity to make medical decisions for themselves. Support for advance requests is strong, according to polls. But if someone is unable to express how they’re feeling, who decides if they are suffering unbearably — and what if they changed their minds? MAID doctors may be asked to “provide” for someone they have not met before, and with whom they will not be able to communicate, Wiebe said.

“That’s going to be hard for us as providers,” she said.

This will be a new challenge. And I’m up for challenges.”

National Post

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Discussion about this video

Why am I not surprised that an abortionist moved into this kind of work?

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Wiebe loves the sport of Murder. What a thrill for her to butcher a preborn/partially born child, I’m sure.

How will her Olympic type glory fare when she stands before the judgment seat of Christ, though?

Revelation 22:12

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”

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That’s all we need- another ‘Kavorkian doctor. I don’t think the Hypocratic Oath allows for the killing of patients. Besides that the Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill “. She’ll have answer for her deeds on judgement day. Doesn’t matter if she doesn’t believe in it.

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As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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They literally REJOICE and CELEBRATE their harms and murders. It is beyond sick, it's downright evil.

Did you hear this creatures laugher when she stated "you might get a horrible disease in the future" laughed her head off when she said it to the interviewer. She also said the best part of her career is killing people rather than attempting to heal people as a doctor. The reason: because of the gratitude! Because of what SHE gets FROM the person and family she has just killed. So, because she could not always heal her patients it was never as rewarding as when she simply administers the kill shots. This is beyond creepy! Thx for your post!

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Some killers turn out to be Satanists who love to kill because those blood 'sacrifices' to their 'god/s' brings them greater power...Rothschilds known to be Satanists as are others of the worlds richest and most powerful...I have learned more from a few victims of Satanic families and other whistleblowers whose stories of horrific unimaginable murder and abuse of babies, children etc all have elements in common which add to their credibility. This woman, like many of them, looks evil also.

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I agree!

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WE do if WE all stand together!

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Wouldn’t whoever we elect be able to change this? If they are pro-choice or pro-abortion however, he/she wouldn’t change it. Killing is killing, whether it is at the beginning of a person’s life or at the end.

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The mind control used convinces women it is not murder but just 'cells', blood etc. The killers own all systems of society so 'Womens Rights" hijacked ny them to include 'abortion on demand" etc.

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De- sensitization.

The human race has become insensitive to their own instincts.

I think we can thank most especially television, movies, Hollywood and then our own communities, friends and family. They all make efforts to keep us in line with any and all narratives except for trusting our own instincts.

Hollywood Casts spells, this is their art work and their craft.

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People do not accept that truth easily but those in power use many methods of Mind Control to ensure that most people do not question or realise. MSM, Social Media,medicine, education, governments and royals all complicit in the heinous lies and crimes often for centuries. After looting and genocide of the planet centuries, all the levers of power are owned by these trillion, billionaire psychopaths often linked to a few families such as Rothschilds ( who have sired a few UK royals ie royals were going bankrupt due to waging war ie looting so needed huge loans from their bankers the Rothschilds who in return...Some UK royals have looked like Rothschilds enough for people to comment about it...) Rockerfellers and others. We are expected to trust, look up to these types from a young age.

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Very disturbing how she is happy taking so many lives. We do not get to play God in this life yet the government has allowed this to happen. The government loves to depopulate and this woman would be favoured by them greatly. The government favours any doctors who make them money. No matter the procedure.

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I struggle with this one, even though I think you are right about why MaiD is killing people. Its disturbing to me that this seemingly evil person is so happy about ending the life of others. Coming from the evil, evil, evil abortion world I can see why she is so happy about taking life. But I'm challenged to my core about whether a person in sight of death, and suffering, cannot decide to end their life and make it pain free... that's really troubling me. I saw the VA use my sisters to kill my father with morphine. They were required to give him morphine orally at time intervals and nothing else. No food, no water, nothing. After 3-4 days a patient dies, which is what he did. And I KNOW it wasn't his choice. But what about people who can consciously make the choice? I am Catholic, I haven't delved into this question, but I do know that God gave each of us the unencumbered ability to make our choices.

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Make choices in dependency on God. Taking your own life is not in dependency on God. God says in His Word "Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?"

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Depopulation of billions of 'Useless Eaters" is the agenda of many governments currently whonwork for trillionaires, billionaires not the people of their respective countries

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She reminds me of a female Dracula. Glorying in death. A true Liberal. And does abortions as well. Christ said Whoever harms one of these little ones, it would be better for him if a millstone was hung around their neck and throw them into the sea. People like her have no belief in the afterlife. They think we are animals with no soul.

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Blood sacrifices by Satanists to get themselves more power.

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Oct 6Edited

This creepy woman is possessed. It clearly shows in her eyes, and her diabolical laugh. It probably happened during her abortion career. I remember a memoir I read about a man traveling in the remote area of Tierra del Fuego. He visited a sheep butchering station, and the workers told him that for fun on their days off, they would head to the local beach and kill herds of seals...just for the pleasure of killing. Surround yourself with death, and you come under the influence of demons...and seek out more ways to kill... and it becomes a lifestyle. One of the major ways the devil recruits his followers, is to convince to them they are doing "good". Discernment... discernment... discernment.

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I pray that God will have a special punishment in store for anyone who destroys His amazing creation, plant or animal.

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Devil or no devil it seens that human beings can become addicted to violence, murder etc and also can become emotionless regarding the victims.

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I look at her and watch her face and the only thought I have is that she is a psychopathic ghoul. Imagine deriving JOY from causing someone’s death. And her very last statement gives her psychopathic motive away: she gets off on people feeling GRATEFUL to her. Can you IMAGINE a more selfish and narcissistic reason for killing someone? Did you see the glee on her eyes when she said that. It made me shudder.

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And that evil laugh after commenting on the handicapped woman...

"And one day you may get sick...." [paraphrased].

I saw nothing but evil in everything about this woman.

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Disgusting serial murderer. She is not a doctor, just a really evil person who does not care who she murders and takes real pleasure in it. A short trial followed by a short drop hanging seems like a fitting punishment.

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Better yet, she gets the shots that she uses to murder, but let's say we make a few mistakes while we attempt the shots....just for some fun.

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Talk about evil!! 😈

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Repulsive. Her obvious enjoyment has a demonic quality.

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When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it only takes the good people of the World, then Justice can be Served. What happened to the "Hippocratic Oath" did it disappear like colds and influenza when lockdown happened ?

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Maybe that oath was always a lie

Good doctors exist it seems but training designed by Rockerfeller etc ie profit is the most inportant factor & many doctors would let a person due if not paid

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The revised Oath, states prevention rather than cure, is this the cause of the problem? The pharmaceutical industry, has been monopolized, due to amended laws which do not hold them accountable for any damage their products cause, or any cures which have been withheld, one wonders how and do they comply with the Nuremberg Code 1947 ? We are also well aware of the benefits of Natural Remedies, and the hymn, We plough the fields and scatter the Good Seeds on the Land and it is fed and watered by God's Almighty Hand. Who is changing God's seeds and Who is damaging the Land? India which has had to recover from damage of GM Crops, certain pesticides, and experimental jabs, uses the 2,500 year old Hippocratic Oath. There are also the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sins God dislikes the most.

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You first, Doctor Death.

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The laughing doctor death. Legalised murder will never be lawful murder.

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contraception - abortion - euthanasia : she has it all covered. how much is she paid for each life-taking?

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Excellent question.

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She clearly loves satan and all he stands for, like death.

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The state owning and dispersing death. The slope isn't slippery. It's a luge sport. Language molifies this 'right'. Consent forms can be executed by someone else...if you are unable.

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UK gov has tried a few times to make 'assisted suicide' legal and now seem about to succeed ie eugenics is about to win un der a government that works for the 'World Economic Forum' ('king' Charles a leader of it) Rockefellers, Gates etc - agenda is that billions of 'Useless Eaters' must be got rid of by many methods from designed poverty eg 'Austerity' to 'wars' weather 'disasters' (geo-engineering), poisons added to the skies, food, water, medicines (the 'shots') etc. These psychopaths openly talk about their agenda nowadays.

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There are so many natural healing modalities that can help ease suffering while helping the patient have a good quality of life. The medical community still, fortunately, has many doctors who truly care about their patients and are willing to walk along side their patients, and even those around them who aren't their patients, and be there for them in real ways-- with compassion and hope for a better, healthier and happier future (as exemplified by the author of this online forum). This woman is not a doctor or a healer. She's a sociopath who derives a temporary thrill from taking others lives.

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Just a few decades ago across the ocean this doctor herself would have been targeted for euthanasia because of her disability.

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She is massively scary - what the hell has happened to Canada?

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Why are these mentally unhinged physicians being given such powerful positions. She finds the whole idea of killing people hilarious and satisfying. She probably felt the same aborting babies. Every red flag I have is raised listening to this evil person.

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The world is run,owned by trillionaire, billionaire insatiably greedy Satanists, paedoohiles etc Last few years these psychopaths do not bother to hide their agenda of depopulation of billions and doctors like this put into power by them to carry out, 'popularise' their agenda.

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Going against the grain here, she is horrendous and shouldn't be around the dying. But...

the actual decision to end your own life should be yours. In certain circumstances and with at least 2 independent doctors assessment. Terrible pain is horrendous for the patient and their loved ones. Thousands take their own lives every year anyway and this won't change, why not have a "safe" clinical assisted death? You cannot judge for others nor force your religious judgments...

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I agree. Horrific pain calls for major drugs to dull the pain. Quality of life is diminished to the point where thinking of relief all day and night becomes a reality. Herbal meds and yoga will not take horrific chronic pain away. That is a reality.

Suicide is also a reality in our society. Should there not be an option and a choice. Who can be judgemental and rule out choices for incurable illnesses. What does the Bible say about judging. I think everyone knows.

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What the Bible says about judging others....

Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (KJV)

Contrary to your assertion that "everybody knows", everybody does not know. Most everyone, including myself for many years, have misinterpreted this commentary by Jesus. What is does not mean in general terms is to not judge others. It does mot mean this.

This is Jesus speaking in His Great Sermon on the Mount, He is saying that we will be judged by the same standard that we judge others by. And that we should not judge others by a standard by which we are not ourselves prepared to be judged by. He further goes on to question, how are we to help one with a speck in their eye when we can't see past the log in our own eye. Sure, it's great to help another with the speck in their eye but we must clear the lig from our own eye such that we are able to fully see.

In fact, the Bible tells is that we are to judge others (again, only by a standard by which we would accept being judged by). We must make judgements about others so that we can choose with whom and whom we will not associate ourselves. We recognize them by their fruits, whether good or bad.

Matthew 7:20 Context

17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Jesus instructed us to judge others, not to NOT judge others.

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This is your interpretation.

Bible thumpers throughout society want everyone to see it their way and all of you have different interpretations.. The subject is euthanasia. Free will and CHOICE. My believe holds that God does not want me to judge anyone. I am only mortal, not God.

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If you really take a close look at the ideas of 'judging' and 'judging other people' it's rather clear that the way we make our personal associations is by judging others. In fact, it is necessary that we do for our own personal safety and self-preservation. In the same Great Sermon, within previously quoted text spoken by Jesus, He tells us that we "will know them by their fruits." In other words those who are good, produce good and those who ate bad, only produce bad. Neither can produce the opposite. And so by one's actions we are able to make appropriate judgements about others. Just a hunch but I'm guessing you, in all liklihood, don't keep a secret cache of close friends who are all murderers, rapists, pedophiles or any combination of the three, right? Of course you don't. Because you, just as has the majority of society has, have deemed, or judged these criminals as being unworthy of your friendship. Hopefully, most, but certainly not all, are behind bars but the point is, you do in fact judge others, just as you should. We are told to judge others. We just must be willing to be judged equal to whst judgemental we impose upon others. I mean, for surviving's sake, we must judge others. So, you do judge others. How in the world could any come to the idea that God would be accepting of anyone taking the life that He gave them? And I totally get the unbearable pain part - my father is a heart/kidney/liver patient for whom I left work several years back to move in with and care for full-time 24/7, 365. I see the pain anytime, anyway. I do my dad's dialysis 5 days per week. I know it's unpleasant. I know the constant mental anguish of every single day not knowing if it's the day that my dad just doesn't wake up again. Yet none of it is greater than our love and gratitude to God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

For the record, I'm not a 'Bible thumper'. I will however cite the Bible frequently. There is no other source that discusses judging, judgements and judging others. I attempt to stay right on quotes and not interpret and what I have shared are direct from the words of Christ.


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Often 'Assisted Suicide' does not work apparently and the person lives for hours, days or more in pain or worse due to the medication not killing them. It is not an ideal solution and does make a lot of money for clinics eg in Switzerland. Recently I saw the case of a woman who entered a clinic to die and when her body was removed was found to have strangulation marks on her neck...Hopefully not the norm at such clinics but..And I guess no murder charges or even investigation if its a clinic for killing people. People who are depressed might easily agree that their life should end..Depression skews thinking to the negative so such people vulnerable to suggestion that death is better...

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"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. John Adams

Not condoning the murder of unborn babies by abortion and not condoning the act of euthanasia are not 'religious beliefs' . These are issues of morality. Sure, both murder and taking one's own life by suicide are addressed in the Bible and both are condemned by God. If you believe that minimizing abortion to just those very tiny few that are absolutely medically necessary to save the life of the mother (less than 1% annually) and those instances of rape, forcible penetration, incest, and trafficking (less than 3 or 4% annually) and banning the act of euthanasia are all 'imposing religious beliefs' upon the other 95% of abortion seekers who choose to have abortions fir matters of convenience and irresponsible life practices and whatever small percentage of those who would choose to commit suicide by euthanasia then you're going to be floored to learn that ALL of our laws are grounded in in Christian literature, specifically, the Bible. These issues of morality will be looked back upon by future generations and I have a very difficult tine believing that we will be looked upon favorably for murdering 65M unborn babies and supporting however many wish to kill themselves. It shocks me to no end to think that those who consider themselves to be progressive can't see why these are very regressive actions, there is nothing progressive about them.

And neither is there anything morally sound about them.

Of approximately 65M abortions to date, to imagine who and what was snuffed out that the world may well have benefitted from, perhaps even needed. Future doctors, scientists, scholars who may have been the key to discovering any numbervof cures to disease, numerous other medical technologies that are needed. But we will never know. Of course, there's no way to know thatcall 65M wouldn't have been lifelong, hardened criminals that wreaked havoc on society. We will never know that either. But at the least, therexwas a 50/50 that any of those 65M might have cured cancer or become the world's next most prolific serial killer.

As for euthanasia, the problem really lies in the fact that once an individual has ended their life, they have formally cut God short of delivering much needed miracles of healing and relief. God does not operate on our schedule. He operates on His own schedule. When it's done, it's done. We gave far too many medical technologies that can alleviate very bad, long term pain fir countless ailments. It seems to me that those who seek out euthanasia aren't seeking pain relief more than what they are an easy avenue by which to throw in the towel and call it quits. I wonder how many of these people gave up just hours before the much needed help that they need arrived?

When it comes to liberty and individual freedom, I am one to insist that freedom be completely unchecked. Let me say whatever, let me do whatever. I can hardly say speech or actions with very limited restrictions. But the truth is, no obd should or needs to yell fire in a fully packed theater; if soneone does, they should be held legally and criminally responsible fir any resulting injuries or deaths. Thatvis a limitation on free speech that is necessary. I believe that people should be able to do virtually anything they wish, but nit commit misunderstanding, or kill themselves. And these are extremely reasonable positions.

As a society, we decide what we will and will not accept. I would say, generally speaking, in the US, the majority of us do not support murder, suicide, pedophilia, or SRA (even if your religion supports any of them).

Only the future knows how we will be judged.

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Well, first up, your being disingenuous. I never mentioned abortion, as that is a very different matter. Secondly, you have just endorsed my point with your long reply. Not everyone believes in God, many (good & moral) people myself included. Your answer is dictated by your faith and to you it seems clear cut, but to me it is not an answer made through careful deliberation but through dogma.

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Nothing disingenuous in my response to your comment. I meant absolutely everything that I said in all sincerity. While you did not mention abortion, 'dr death' here in the video did and I chose to leverage that.

Do you truly believe that there is all that much of a difference between suicide and abortion? Both are done in the most selfish manner, giving no regsrd to any but oneself. Both are intentional, premeditated, first degree murder only in one instance the act is committed upon oneself whereas the other is a mother committing the act upon her own unborn child. In the matter of abortion, I am of course, not talking about those who are victims of rape, incest, force and trafficking but rather the 95% or greater who have abortions for convenience and failure to practice responsible sex. The only thing that stands between the legality of abortion in those states that allow for it , suicide by one's own wishes and first degree premeditated murder is a simple legal play on semantics. Religion or no religion, it requires neither to view these atrocities against self and unborn babies as wrong and immoral. Somehow I have failed to see how anything that I have said proves one thing in your comment.

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Word salad, literally.

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A cook at a restaurant I know had severe chronic pain from cancer and committed suicide. I can understand some just cannot see a way forward with their lives. My fear is the government will expand the program to offing people who don't want to die but are a burden on the medical system or at "doctor's choice".

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Why do I feel sick in my stomach reading this story?

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A death cult! Her delight in killing babies and the vulnerable, just literally makes me vomit.

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Just to be blunt.......

What a fucking DEMON!

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God will have the last say in this demons life! God always does🤷‍♂️. Non believers will be in for a very rude awakening and that gives me comfort! 🙏🙏

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So cold and soulless,chills me

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Physical pain can usually be relieved with an adequate opioid dosage rate. The war on pain medication has contributed to the demand for euthanasia.

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Money for murder. The love of money is indeed the root of all evil. Here's a novel idea. Why not try and heal or help rather than kill? The reason most of these people reach a point in their lives where they don't wish to remain in their corporeal body is because they have no hope left and suicide (in any form) appears to be their only way out. I heard of a farmer many years back who was in such constant pain that he took out a shotgun and blew his own head off. Most (not all) have at one point or other in their lives contemplated the idea of ending what can feel like a perpetual existence of continuous misery. A person without hope or help can feel like there is no reason to go on. Remember the fellow a couple of years back who was living in a one bedroom apartment and upon discovering that he was about to be homeless because he could no longer afford his rent went and applied for MAID. Laura Lynne Tyler Thompson's response: "Why doesn't somebody help him?" And therein lies the crux of the matter. Everybody wants somebody else to do what they themselves may be capable of doing. The fact of the matter is that it is more expedient to simply send someone to their death rather than come alongside and help them live. I'm sure if someone asked that demon of death why she does what she does her response would likely be: "Well if I don't do it someone else will." So instead of letting the politicians do their own dirty work people who had no skin the game step up and do it for them. The end result of it all. The governments instituting this evil save billions of dollars plus they get to keep for their masters everything that individual has paid out over the course of their lives in the form of indentured slavery and taxes. The problem has never been that there is not enough for everyone and hence some must die. The problem is this root cause of evil that continues to fund the assassins and those who do their bidding. Once you realize that a very tiny number of people (some say 13 families) control and perpetuate this evil with their untold trillions the next question then becomes: Why hasn't anyone removed them from this planet in the same manner as they have removed so many untold billions in their never ending quest for money and control. They would do well to remember that a person who has lost everything has nothing left to lose.

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Canada used to have a hangman. I don't think he worked for free.

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People don't remove them because most do not realise what is happening due to lies from every part of society fir so long.

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I'd be willing to bet that many people now want to die because of hopelessness, can't afford to live. This is the country out current govt has created. They want us dead.

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Depression xan be caused by war against the people by gov etc on num erous fronts for many years. Wanting to kill oneself is a,symptom of depression...I was very glad to see months ago on Social Media that a man who wanted to die in Canada due to homelessness, and was 'approved' for 'MAID' iwas helped by some who saw his story and changed his mind about wanting to die ..

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Media is working overtime to sell us the concept that choosing death is a selfless act of love.

In reality euthanasia is a back-door strategy to depopulate. MaiD is the next killing field, Pamela Wallin recently tabled a bill in Canada that includes “mature minors”, a term than can be widely applied as the bill does NOT specify any age limit. The bill also supports the concept of removing final consent. Euthanasia without consent. It's no longer about 'choice'. https://locallibertyletter.substack.com/p/maid-the-next-killing-fields

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OMG another former 'journalist' mixed in with the current evil cabal. It's beyond reason anymore how these people are seduced into creating brutal requisitions to lord over society. Clearly demonic.

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No one should take this much delight in their ability to kill people.

I would be very confident there are some psychological issues underlying her enthusiasm, in which case she should in no way have access to lethal drugs.

From one of several articles I read;

"Some providers have counts in the hundreds — this isn’t normal, for any occupation. Even members of the military at war do not typically kill that frequently".

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I’m baffled that this doctor is happy with killing people. Very disturbing. How wild that she would not shake the interviewers hand. That alone gave me a bad vibe. If anything, I would not want to touch the hand of a murderer.

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It's creepy, how she laughs so much about it...

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I have a family member who has dementia and I am terrified that they are going to change the laws to loop her in and offer her this and she has said a couple times that she would like to be euthanized and I keep on trying to reason with her.

I'm worried one day I won't be there and someone else might take her up on what she says or offer her something and she won't remember it 2 minutes after she agrees.

We must make sure that they cannot do this to people with dementia or diminished capacity.

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Her demeanor and her laughter are entirely appalling, literally horrifying.

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Firstly, thank you to Dr Makis for allowing this to be free to view!! I think this woman has got a rip in her marble bag or a complete Phsycopath. Her smiling, cackling face reminds me of smiling, cackling Kamala Harris. I was not surprised at Liz Carr's ability to not object but let her rant on so we can see the evil leach out the more she spoke. What patience for Liz. Likely if Liz was in a mother's womb, this smiling cackling killer would say 'abordt' and Liz knows it. Two similar women smiling cackling women Ellen and Kamala laugh at NO laughing matters. I watched the movie "VaxxedIII authorized to kill"....Via the Children's Health Defence. I don't have the link as it came on my phone and I am not savee enuf to figure out how to get it here but I have this https://txt.so/1cwFPH.... We need to know what went on to stop what will otherwise happen again.

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Well, you're savvy enough to paste a link that works! Thanks for that.

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This is what you get in the hypocritical world of woke. Sick people who virtue signal how much they care for others, all while making money. The indifference of the lefty’s is astounding and scary. Time for a true leader in Canada to step up and return some morals, common sense and human decency to society. Maybe getting people off zombie drugs, and helping those depressed like helping get jobs or do some exercise instead of killing them or putting them on big pharmacy drugs. Western civilization has fallen so far.

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Time ro stop trusting leaders and for people to be their own leaders - saving billions of dollars in the process and freeing most people from slavery of working to survive while politicians,royals, CEOs etc get multi millions a year for doing little.

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I can’t stand watching this sick bitch with that smirk on her despicable mug!

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I could hardly watch this. That Dr is scary right down to her evil laugh.

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One word, and I don't use it lightly.


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So they jab injure you to keep you safe, profit off your misery, then offer you euthanasia to help because they care! Incredible human beings!

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She/he is absolutely chilling in her manner. This is the first stop to hell

as we know the globalists

end game is to euthanise all of us who don’t want a vaccine.

That entity is the pinnacle of evil, listen to her chuckling like she is so excited about murder and abortion vile foul thing.

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We are the CO2 they want reduced! The jibbys are to keep you safe from living!

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Very disturbing. Can't even watch the video and look at her possessed face. What do Canadian docs get paid for a MAID murder?

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What a demon. There’s a special place in hell waiting for her.

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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness. Isaiah 5:20.

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Very disturbing!!

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why was this evil woman not given a psychiatric evaluation and removed from medical practise

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reminded me of a giddy little demon from an old cartoon worshipping satan and death , can hardly watch her .

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Disturbing. Demonic.

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If the roles were reversed, I bet these so called Doctor's that love killing would change their tune.

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Sheessh, can't she afford to fix that snaggle tooth?

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She's like a Nanny McPhee gone awry and completely off her rockers!

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OMG, when I saw her face and her creepy smiles about killing people, I felt repulsed by her. Very scary. I think she is possessed by demons, that is why she does not want to give this practice of killing people up. She delights in killing people.

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She is paid per murder

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Wow, this doctor is not a doctor. She is a gleeful murderer. God help us. She says it is a matter of people wanting to be in charge of their own death, but she seems all too happy to take someone's life.

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This woman enjoys killing people? How sick can a person be to enjoy such an awful ending of life! She spoke about a young lady that changed hr mind & did not want to die any more, instead of respecting this young lady, she murdered her to save the government money as she was laughing! God gives & takes life! How corrupt our culture has become to have no value for life at anu stage, this is sick & evil at its highest level, she should have worked for Hitler

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If MAID and Abortion seem the epitome of evil imagine what those behind the scenes are actually doing to other human beings for money and profit. WARNING!! Once you see it you can't un-see it. https://rumble.com/v5hd2il--this-video-contains-graphic-content-cabal-organ-harvesting-demons-behind-t.html

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Dear god, I wouldn’t let this nut near a rat in the alley, much less a human being. She appears to be unstable. Is this the person Canada medical board has chosen or allowed to take other people’s lives? If so Canadians either get rid of castro, or get the hell out of Canada.

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In my experience as a hospice chaplain, every nurse on our staff was repulsed by the idea of assisted suicide or euthanasia. Such is not our right or duty. That prerogative belongs to God alone. And, if Scripture is true about the afterlife (and it is), then this evil woman was sending many people to suffering far worse than what they were experiencing in this life. Beyond shameful.

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This is hardly surprising

BC has set itself up for a litany of medical and social horrors

The populace is myopic,stupid gullible ,naive and buys the mainstream media narrative like religious dogma

The so called “medical emergency was lifted in Aug 2024,the last region in the world to do so

The street drug disaster in downtown Vancouver etc,etc

Therefor it should come as no surprise that more dystopian satanism grows out of this culture its very own Dr Death

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Benson, in 1907, published a book called Lord of the World, which was set about 100 years in the future (his future), where he represented the End Times (from the point of view of Daniel, Matthew 24, and Revelation). One of the chief characteristics was the normalization of euthanasia. It's logic inherent in the system (of Enlightenment Philosophy)...the main thrust of the book concerned the rise of the antichrist; the really interesting thing about it was how he showed that almost everyone went along with the antichrist with great enthusiasm.

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What a 'fulfilling occupation'...happy clients...rotting in the grave...the GRATEFUL DEAD. Somehow I feel sickened listening to this 'angel of death'....who likes killing adults even more than killing babies. How wonderful a person she perceives herself to be...a view not shared by me. This "doctor" is a prime example of some one who is destined to burn in hell for eternity.

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She is clearly insane.

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(Continued from above)

Those who perform abortions, in my opinion, look sickly. They appear to be drained of everything that comes even remotely close to what most people would deem to be the goodness of life. They have dark eyes and I think we all are familiar with the phrase, "the eyes are the window to the soul." I deem abortion to be first degree premeditated murder carried out by cold, calculating individuals who have no soul. They must know that their days are few abd numbered. I'm quite sure there is a very special department in hell that anxiously awaits their arrival. I'm not perfect, I would never expect or even anticipate anything so much better as Heaven after this life. For all I know, I may end up in hell myself. And if I do, it most certainly will not be for having murdered or injured a single child.

The second line of work that I believe look exactly like the abortionists are sex workers and lifelong careers in the pornography business. Daily sex with multiple partners, doing any number of bizarre things, for years on end is not our purpose and not what our bodies were designed for. The idea of being a female or a gay man being violated by consensual penetration for work and pay destroys the soul and the body both. Very sad.

But of everything, it is abortion that gets me the absolute worst. These people can only be demons, occupied entirely by Satan. There is no way that one can gave the goodness of Christ within them and simultaneously be taking the lives of unborn babies whose mother's have become their number one enemy. And the babies being aborted by these monsters don't have anyone to advocate on their behalf. We do truly live in a sick world. This is Satan's world as we are told in the Bible (for those whovare Christians & believers). Satan is referred to as both a 'god' and the 'prince of the air'. It doesn't take a lot of looking around today to see that he is leaving his mark absolutely everywhere and we are having to wade through a sea of murk and waste, always mindful not to become caught up in one of the transaction that constantly welcome our fall If only we would choose to fail.

Very scary world, indeed.

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This woman is not who I would entrust in making a determination of 'unbearably suffering'. This is very subjective and I have no reason to believe, based on her behaviors, that she would be one to have an ounce of restraint in these matters. She appears to have a genuine excitement about another person's death. Otherwise, she's busy murdering unborn babies by abortion. This woman is not well at all.

In my opinion, there are two specific lines of 'work' in which the 'workers' look very unhealthy, unwell, overall just destroyed in any manner of speaking. One of those groups of people are abortionists.

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Does anyone really think it was coincidental that this 'MAID'program was rolled out just after the DIVOC slow kill injection assault on us? What is a maid called to do but clean up a mess? Are we to be grateful to the very ones who are killing us, killing our children? And I don't see the word 'mercy' in MAID or believe for a minute that these lizards even have a clue of what mercy means.

Before the insanity and evil of DIVOC, good medical doctors always had the skill and tools to exercise mercy for patients with terminal illnesses and to alleviate pain for suffering. This MAID program is made in Hell, it is part of the ruling lizard's genocidal program just as abortion is.

Thank and praise the Lord Jesus and His Father that Satan's time is near done:

"Therefore rejoice, O Heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.” Revelation 12:12!

Compare this with the words of the truly evil lizard Klaus Schwab, "Vee have a small vindow of opportunity..."

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Rule VI Thou Shalt Not Kill

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As someone who had a family member choose MAID under the original rules, I can attest that there were many checks in the procedure. That included an assessment for cognitive abilities and a review that death would be inevitable and imminent due to terminal illness. Witnesses unknown to the patient and family met with the patient and attested to the application. At the time of the event, prior to and after the needle inserted, the patient was asked if (s)he was sure (s)he wanted to proceed. My family member had a return of a very aggressive cancer that had spread throughout in a matter of weeks, and was in immense pain that drugs could not adequately suppress. It was difficult for us to watch. While we were pained by the decision, we understood the choice.

The "new" rules are a disgrace and belittle those who, like my family member, were/are suffering immensely.

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She lost me when she did not want to touch this person.

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All I could think was that her & Kamala Harris have that same insidious cackling laugh when speaking about there fellow human beings.

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Many in power gleefully cackle like this -

Duringv UK gov run by Boris Joh son and Matt Hancock, 40 thou elderly k. lled by them in care homes using poisonous 'Midazolam' drug and other methods & that number does not include the 'jabs' maiming k__ling millions. They laughed uncontrollably a lot.

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That’s a good one! 😂

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When Canadian Healthcare no longer allows proper treatment or affordable pain ( or other) medications, people suffer unbearably. But not because there is no other solution, rather, because our Healthcare does not offer these other solutions.

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Those who play god, by definition wage war on God. Those who wage war on God will always lose. The more a society drifts away from Him the more losers there will be.

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What a disturbing collection of responses. How many of you protest against Covid jabs because you believe in the right to bodily autonomy? Yet you would DENY bodily autonomy to another person suffering who chooses to exercise THEIR autonomy to end their suffering. SHAME ON YOU!

WHO are ANY of you to judge suffering in another person? WHO are any if you to decide that another person MUST continue to suffer because YOU say so or because you are afraid.

This decision to end one’s life is a personal decision and NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!

This is a courageous doctor helping people to end suffering. Exactly what a doctor is supposed to do!

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Can't read this story out of the hell in full, too much. And this just can't be real:

“Laughing often is just part of my personality,” Wiebe told National Post.

“I love life.”

Sorry Germans, maybe this DEATH 'angel' was born in Auschwitz???

Imagine a new entry in the 'new normal' dictionary: death by appointment.

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While I respect the fact that people who are suffering have their choice to end their life this doctor is way too enthusiastic about it.

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Canada is hitting a crucial point. When will a committee of these smiling cackling killers decide for us.......that is always the progression and end game when evil is introduced 'to hlep'.

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@ 9:30 mns and 18:05 mns.

Surely this doctor knows full well the ins and outs of this horrible procedure. MAID is NOT dying with dignity. Wonder if she would want MAID for herself.

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Get use to it

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Why is she still alive, with her mental condition, evil!

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I really struggle with this one. MaiD is killing people. Its disturbing to me that this seemingly evil person is so happy about ending the life of others. Coming from the evil, evil, evil abortion world I can see why she is so happy about taking life. But I'm challenged to my core about whether a person in sight of death, and suffering, cannot decide to end their life and make it pain free... that's really troubling me. I saw the VA use my sisters to kill my father with morphine. They were required to give him morphine orally at time intervals and nothing else. No food, no water, nothing. After 3-4 days a patient dies, which is what he did. And I KNOW it wasn't his choice. But what about people who can consciously make the choice? I am Catholic, I haven't delved into this question spiritually, but I do know that God gave each of us the unencumbered ability to make our choices.

If she has taken the life of anyone without their documented permission I hope she burns in hell for eternity. And since I know she has probably murdered 1000's of unborn precious human beings, I'd say she is bound for eternal damnation and has well earned it.

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She is vlearly a psychopat.

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Gads…this woman is mad.

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I am not a believer but in this case, somehow, I believe that eugenists and those who believe in euthanasia and overpopulation have now great chance to do what they always wanted do, lower the world’s population by killing themselves.

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“The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition urges authorities in BC to conduct an in-depth review of Dr Wiebe's euthanasia practice. If they are unwilling to provide the necessary oversight of the law then the RCMP must be brought in to review the questionable acts of euthanasia performed by Dr Wiebe.

Until an investigation is completed, Dr Wiebe's medical license should be temporarily suspended in order to protect her patients.”

Eg suspended until her license is stripped and she goes to trial for premeditated murder.


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Happened to read this on Halloween, who needs to watch a horror movie when we have Dr. Wiebe cackling about her killings.

Here's some good news though: BC Judge halts euthanasia death of Alberta woman scheduled with Dr Weibe Oct 26/24:


Justice Simon R. Coval signed an injunction on Saturday October 26 which prevented Dr Ellen Wiebe from killing an Alberta woman on Sunday October 27.

"...the woman had several Zoom meetings with the B.C. doctor and outspoken MAID advocate.

“At the end of the first meeting, Dr. Wiebe approved (the woman) for MAID.”

The claim, that was filed by her common law husband, states that the woman does not qualify for euthanasia, not even for a Track 2 approval. Track 2 approvals are based on a person who is not terminally ill but is suffering and living with an irremediable medical condition.

What was this woman suffering from? SHE WAS COMING OFF A HIGH DOSE OF Quetiapine, a drug prescribed for her bipolar disorder!!

- she sought MAID on the basis of “akathisia,” a condition that is associated with changing doses of psychotropic or antipsychotic medication.

- at an emergency consultation with a doctor in their home province 11 days before the medically assisted death was scheduled – were told that the condition is treatable and that the symptoms could resolve within months."

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Around 3mins 35 she winks ie one of a few Satanic symbols used by the evil ones.

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This is the plan - many world governments are actively killing as many 'Useless Eaters' as they can ie depopulation of billions of people going on for many years but new technology eg nanotech etc means billions can be sterilised, maimed, killed relatively easily in a short time & are being especially using the 'jabs'.. Additionally, many cures for cancer exist in nature eg certain plants, sound frequencies etc but those offering these cures often found dead and or hounded to despair by Big Pharma in law courts etc. No need for cancer to kill so many but Big Pharma makes trillions a year from illness not from health.

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Nothing demonic here!

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I was shocked when she said that she loved killing those who no longer wish to live more than the 1000 babies she delivered! Were I a doctor, I would much prefer bringing helping to bring babies into the world and in the mother’s arms than killing someone. (If someone can no longer suffer and has a terminal illness, no chance whatsoever of healing, doctors already let the patient Demerol, or whatever to deal with the pain. Toward the last few days, they even let the patient take some more often, even every 2 hours or so instead of every 4 hours.) It is never “necessary to kill someone.” (I know from experience that, if the pain comes from an illness from which you will heal, they don’t give you more than necessary, even if it’s painful. I am sure glad to be alive, even if it was a tough few weeks. One of my sisters and one of my brothers, who could no longer be treated for cancer and who suffered terribly, received shots of morphine even every 2 hours toward the end. It was NOT to kill them but to relieve their pain at the end of their life.)

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My God! Awful seeing her laughing 🤦🏻. Great job for a psicoppath

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This is an excellent book on euthanasia by Jack King a former British GP principal who was a doctor for over 40 years and everybody should read this book as this is something that will probably affect everyone nowadays and it should be studied especially by nurses and doctors and those involved in the "palliative care pathway", here is the link to book https://www.amazon.co.uk/They-Want-Kill-Us-Heres-ebook/dp/B0D16HP4JP?ref_=ast_author_mpb.

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I do understand the need to stop the extreme suffering and discomfort that chronic and/or acute situations may bring upon unfortunate people. But the giddiness this particular doctor exhibits is undignified and over the top. I sense no compassion vibes coming out of that particular medical shell of an individual and find it extremely sad for the souls she dispatches to the ether.

On the bright side, she's in BC and no doubt vaxxed to the gills. Looking forward to seeing her in one of those Canadian "Died Suddenly" doctor's compilations.

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This Dr. Ellen Wiebe laughs at the most inappropriate things... insanely, kind of like Kamala Harris. At some point in the interview her eyes have a strange appearance.... like there is something else there, a demonic presence. Can you imagine how much blood this woma.... entity has on her hands? Not enough to equal the grace found in the shed blood of Jesus, but enough that in the rejection of that grace she will find herself in the darkest deepest place in hell.

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Having lived with chronic pain most of my life i may understand someone wanting to end their life and how someone else can help.

Who wants to watch anyone suffering? But there is a limit. A limit with which i do not trust government.

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This is not a laughing matter. The amount of relish that this Dr. seems to take in her work is really disturbing and satanic. Watch her mouth and her facial expressions as she talks about this subject and then look at her teeth. She has the teeth of a wild, meat eating animal. When she make the statement that "doctors like grateful patients," now that is a power and control statement.

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Worldviews have consequences. If we are nothing more than an accident of time and chance, without ultimate meaning and purpose, then no foul. Moreover, the void of meaning and purpose with such a worldview will be filled with something, and in this case, with murder in the name of "compassion" and virtue. Yet, such is little different than Nazis justifying genocide in the name of purifying the gene pool, or eliminating the weak from a "love of humanity," according toe Nietzsche. Satan is having a field day, but God will have the last word and it will be horrific for those who presume to usurp His authority and prerogative.

And how is Wiebe so confident she is not sending people to a fate worse than earthly suffering? The mere possibility she could be wrong would terrify any normal human being.

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Looks like a man to me

Another satanic odd bod

The laughs are disconcerting to say the least #Demons

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1. She needs the money

2. She does not fully comprehend death from a patient’s point of view, that she as a doctor is doing it and the ever changing green light to do it comes from completely clueless politicians with Non-patient agenda ie balancing budgets and like Trudeau issuing “green grants to close friends and conflict of interest scenarios.

3. This doctor is a wholly unsatisfied thinker with near no empathy or insight. When I get a bad flu or have other catastrophic events in my life I always say “I want to die”. When I recover I’m so glad to be alive.

I’m a physician. This woman scares the hell out of me. If she comes within a mile of my family I’d her surveilled and stay clear.

Just like the rest of you fakes with your ineffective and not safe genetic injectables given to infants, children and perfectly healthy young males. Of course for a virus lab created and a prohibition against ivermectin use.

How soon when the green light includes political opponents? Would Biden, Larry Fink, Tadros, Klaus Schwab just love to euthanize Trump?

My gut feeling based on extremely limited information is you were never loved and you never loved anybody else. As a reaction you are angry and isolated. So you’ve decided to be a killer of the weakest, most vulnerable among us at their point of maximum need you abandon them the way you’ve been damaged in your horrible life. Drop the M.D. and call your self “politician sponsored killer. Life is precious. We have pain control methodologies. In the extreme rare intractable situations the rest are murder.

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I can't believe she pointed to a recliner sitting in her office under bright lights next to a cheap Home Depot stack of storage boxes. Really? My veterinarian has a better euthanasia room than that.

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The number one question I have in this is how does Weibe or anyone know what's actually taking place inside the body of those receiving these death IVs? Is the person, who's supposedly catatonic, actually drowning internally, do they feel anything? This is something that has been addressed in other articles I've read. The fact is WE DON'T and THEY DON'T KNOW! This is such a difficult subject because no one wants to see their loved ones suffer, or themselves for that matter and what further concerns me is that we've been lovingly euthanizing our beloved pets for decades, so how does this compare? My objection is the flippant attitude and almost gleeful behaviour of this woman, which calls into question her level of psychopathy. Anthony Fauci will go down in history as a serial killer, no doubt about it and his attitude and Weibe's attitude and behaviour is eerily similar. The fact remains these are unnatural deaths, similar to suicide. Therefore, for those who believe in the 'afterlife' it's a difficult albeit intensely personal subject to define; is it a genuine act of kindness by Weibe or those like her, or is there a sinister side lurking beneath the surface welcoming the opportunity to commit legalized homicide? Pay attention to what rules are altered by the government for easier access and 'eligibility' as that will be the deciding factor.

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"Doctor" Ellen Wiebe states that she practices medical aid in dying because it's "empowering people to have control over their own lives". This interview suggests that she's the one that enjoys the power and control over people's lives. Is it really hard to imagine that she'd love to increase her power over the life and death of everyone, if she only had the power?

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Not to mention that I have done very well financially by killing so many humans!

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I am ashamed to be Dutch. I already was, of course, but now even more.

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What are the odds of a career of killing life from the beginning and at the end? Of course she is up for the challenge of deciding, without consent of the person, that it is time for them to go. As sickness, death and cost of so-called medical care all rise, of course this is their solution. It all goes to the same end goal.

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Anyone who joins the army also signs up for a life of killing (and possibly to die on the field) but the people killed overseas did not all sign up to die.

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