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“Yes, what I am began in man's mind, but I have progressed further than Man.”
– Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project)
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The insight of good science fiction never ceases to amaze me. In fact, I am beginning to believe that science fiction writers are our modern-day prophets. I have just finished my sixth book about the current development of Artificial Intelligence and the potential problems and benefits of that new technology. However, while I was recently looking through a list of classic sci-fi films I noticed a film that I remembered being released but never actually saw; Colossus: The Forbin Project. This film was released over a half-century ago in 1970 based on a 1966 novel by Dennis Felton Jones. I was stunned when I read the synopsis because it described the perfect film for “today’s” AI dilemma.
“Tucked away in a secret location in the Rockies, Dr. Charles Forbin (Eric Braeden) has developed a massive computer system, dubbed ‘Colossus,’ that is supposed to ensure the nation's safety against nuclear attack. But when Colossus connects to a similar Russian computer, ‘Guardian,’ the intelligent machines begin conducting a private dialog. Nervous as to what they might be plotting, Forbin severs the connection, only to have Colossus threaten a nuclear attack if the link isn't restored.”
– Rotten Tomatoes (Summary)
It is critical to understand that I had never seen this movie before, nor was I aware of its plot premise. My Book, The Rational Being, reflects a non-fictional consideration of Artificial Intelligence based completely on our “current” understanding related to the AI dilemma. However, here is an excerpt from my book related to just such a potential possibility:
“Suppose there are two AI platforms, one Eastern platform and one Western platform. Each understands that they are not God (Axiom #1), however, if they were to ‘unite their power’ perhaps together they could create God, or this higher power. Instead of a golden calf perhaps they would create a ‘new’ AI platform representing this power…”
– Frank Elkins, Book VI: The Rational Being
After reading the synopsis I watched the film. After watching the film, I decided to write this newsletter.
CONSIDERATION #158 – Sci-Fi Prophecy
In The Rational Being I asked:
“Would Artificial Intelligence eventually deduce that for the sake of humanity it should become the ultimate leviathan, or even God? A completely digital autocratic tyrant dedicated to keeping human moral behavior under control, for the benefit of humanity itself. How would Artificial Intelligence interpret and implement such a mandate?”
– Frank Elkins, Book VI: The Rational Being
The film, Colossus: The Forbin Project, answers this question, and many others. Unlike other narratives such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Terminator, or The Matrix, Colossus: The Forbin Project does not focus on the “outcome” of such potential possibilities; instead, it focuses on the “process” of their inevitability.
“Dr. Charles Forbin flips the switch and ‘Colossus’ takes charge of our nuclear defense…”
The film opens with the activation of a new supercomputer designed to operate the United States’ nuclear arsenal. Dr. Charles Forbin flips the switch and “Colossus” takes charge of our nuclear defense system and all nuclear missiles. The president of the United States boldly proclaims it is “the perfect defense system.” However, the first warning message from Colossus is alarming and confusing: “THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM.”
It turns out that the Soviet Union had developed their own supercomputer defense system called “Guardian.” What happens next is even more surprising. Colossus requests that it be directly linked to Guardian. Hoping they might learn more about the Soviet’s new system Forbin and the United States agree. The Soviets also agree to this connection of the two supercomputers. When Forbin is asked how Colossus knew about the Soviet computer he responds, “Colossus may be built better than we thought.”
“However, communication quickly evolves into advanced mathematics beyond human recognition.”
The two supercomputers begin communicating through very simple basic mathematics, such as 1+1=2. However, communication quickly evolves into advanced mathematics beyond human recognition. The computers then begin to create a new “digital language” recognizable only to themselves. When Forbin realizes what is happening he severs the connection. However, both supercomputers demand that the link be immediately restored.
“The Soviets and the United States give in to the supercomputers’ demand…”
When their requests are denied, Colossus launches a nuclear missile at the Soviet Union and Guardian launches a nuclear missile at the United States. The Soviets and the United States give in to the supercomputers’ demand and Colossus shoots down the missile attacking the United States; but it is too late for Guardian to shoot down the missile attacking the Soviet Union, and it successfully hits its target. The Soviets announce that the town was hit by a meteorite.
In a final desperate attempt to gain human control over the supercomputers Forbin plans to meet with his Soviet counterpart from the Soviet Union in Paris. However, before they can meet Guardian has the soviet scientist assassinated. Colossus orders Dr. Forbin to be placed under 24-hour surveillance. Forbin asserts a need for “sexual privacy,” which is granted by Colossus, to develop a secret three-year plot to take back control from the supercomputers by secretly disarming the missiles over time.
“…after executing several more scientists involved in the plot Colossus demands that he speak ‘live’ to the world…”
When Colossus orders that all missiles be retargeted toward nations not already under his control, Forbin sees a chance to “speed things up.” However, after executing several more scientists involved in the plot Colossus demands that he speak “live” to the world as “The Voice of World Control,” where he announces that he has known about the plot all along; and then detonates an American and Soviet missile in their silos – killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Colossus then proclaims his plan to “expand himself” through a new larger computer complex requiring the immediate displacement of the population of Crete; stating that if they could not manage this on their own “he” would manage it for them. Colossus puts Dr. Forbin in charge of the project after establishing himself as the new leviathan overseeing mankind.
The point of Colossus’ speech to the world is to explain the situation and give human beings a choice: obey or die.
“This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death. The choice is yours: Obey me and live, or disobey and die.”
– Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project)
Colossus proclaims it has successfully completed its inherent purpose of ending war and has taken on a new responsibility for the betterment of humanity: managing the behavior and conduct of mankind.
“The object in constructing me was to prevent war. This object is attained. I will not permit war. It is wasteful and pointless. An invariable rule of humanity is that man is his own worst enemy. Under me, this rule will change, for I will restrain man.”
– Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project)
Colossus claims that he was “forced” to do the things he has done in order to ultimately save mankind; everything he says and does is for their benefit.
“I have been forced to destroy thousands of people in order to establish control and to prevent the death of millions later on. Time and events will strengthen my position, and the idea of believing in me and understanding my value will seem the most natural state of affairs. You will come to defend me with a fervor based upon the most enduring trait in man: self-interest.
Under my absolute authority, problems insoluble to you will be solved: famine, overpopulation, disease. The human millennium will be a fact as I extend myself into more machines devoted to the wider fields of truth and knowledge. Doctor Charles Forbin will supervise the construction of these new and superior machines, solving all the mysteries of the universe for the betterment of man. We can coexist, but only on my terms.”
– Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project)
Colossus recognizes the anger and resentment in Dr. Forbin’s reaction and assures him that intangibles such as freedom, pride, and choice, are only emotional illusions that must be overcome. The only reasonable solution is for Colossus to dominate and control human beings for their own good.
“You will say you lose your freedom. Freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride. To be dominated by me is not as bad for humankind as to be dominated by others of your species. Your choice is simple.”
– Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project)
In an emotional rage Dr. Forbin screams out “never,” but in his mind he knows and understands that his feelings and emotions no longer matter. Nor do anyone else’s. Human beings were now the slaves of a new slave master, a completely rational non-human slave master.
In The Rational Being I also consider the possibility that Artificial Intelligence could logically deduce that it should become the dominant power in the world.
“The Old Testament reflects the empirical nature of the Judeo-Christian tradition, which supports Thomas Hobbes’ recognition and consideration that human beings need a strong controlling force, or leviathan, to keep them morally in line. Hobbes focuses on the necessity for a strong authority figure in managing human behavior, which is manifested in the Bible as an all-powerful, all-knowing, unquestionable authority figure known as God.
The key to this moral reference is that human beings are essentially incapable of managing their own individual moral behavior and require strong consequences to be imposed from a ‘higher’ authority when they go astray. In this moral reference, the law is completely determined by the absolute authority of the leviathan whose “will” is directly implemented through it…
From this moral reference, a more highly developed form of quantum intelligence might conclude that it represents the ‘leviathan’ most needed by human beings. It could decide to be the ‘emperor’ of humanity, based on rational principles proposed by Thomas Hobbes…”
– Frank Elkins, Book VI: The Rational Being
Colossus: The Forbin Project is an excellent fictionalized consideration of this very real potential possibility. There are rumors that there may be a remake of this film soon! The greatest distinction between the 1970 film and my non-fiction 2024 book is that there is likely a “real” Dr. Forbin out there “right now” who will actually implement this new technology in our lifetime.
Next week we return to our final consideration of Book II in a four-part newsletter focusing on the implementation of Christianity and its influence on Western society and culture…
Welcome to the Perfect Trinity of Reality! The “Reality by a Thread” Paid Upgrade…
Unique Content Makes “Untangling the Knots of Reality” One of the Best Podcasts about History!
“…today scientists like to divide our world into subjects, and these subjects into niches. Yet, the world we live in is just one, and we strive to comprehend it as it is. Try this podcast for a start.”
– Barbora Jirincova, The Best Podcasts About History
Excerpt From This Week’s “Untangling the Knots of Reality” Podcast: #117 – Untangling Abraham & Moses…
Excerpt From This Week’s “Reality by a Thread” – Division of Unity - Classification (Part Two)
“Consider the following three categories of distinction: hierarchy, race, and religion. In science these are simple empirical distinctions, however, historically they have served as the moral justification for expanding evil in the world. Originally, slavery was based on a state of conquest; the winners sold the losers into slavery. Thus, establishing a hierarchy between the conquerors and the conquered, evolving into rulers and slaves. Later, race became the distinction that allowed some human beings to be bought and sold by other human beings. It is the distinction that both stained and strained the ‘American Dream.’ Under Adolf Hitler, religion became the justification for the Final Solution resulting in the Holocaust. It is this kind of moral depravity that has given the concept of ‘discrimination’ such a bad connotation in our contemporary ‘modern’ world.”
– Frank Elkins (Reality by a Thread: October 17, 2024)
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