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Supporting the second and third trimesters of pregnancy
I wrote this for a French website, where it is in 2 parts.
J'ai écrit ce texte pour un site français, où il est en 2 parties, donc si vous voulez le lire en français voici les liens et j’ai un stage online ce vendredi
Heure: Vendredi le 18 octobre 19h00 CET
Réunion ID: 864 0403 9442
Mot de Passe: 964521
I am still working on the third part of my blog on how to support women during a pregnancy loss which I will send out in the next week or so. I wanted meanwhile to share this blog because I am giving 2 free online classes this Friday, one in French and one in English, on the second and third trimester. If you have any questions, join me there or send your questions before.
Online class Friday 18th October - how to support the second and third trimester of pregnancy
This session will explore:
What happens to mother’s and baby’s body and energies during these 2 trimesters
The importance of the Extraordinary Vessels
Relevant movements and touch
How to support the mother and baby connection
Preparing for birth and beyond, without being attached to outcomes
Explore different types of healing touch that are safe and effective
Engage in movements, acupressure and meditation to embody the theory
Have an open Q&A to answer your questions
If you can’t attend live, the class will be recorded and shared on my YouTube channel so you won’t miss out. If you have any particular questions and can’t attend you can email them to me before and I will try to answer them in the class.
I look forward to sharing this deep and insightful journey with you—whether you're a practitioner, a parent, or a TCM enthusiast.’
I have now started locking the room 15 minutes after start time, as it gets disruptive if people join late.
Time: Friday 18th October 2024, 7.15 pm-8.15pm UK (GMT) or 8.15pm CET
Meeting ID: 864 0403 9442
Passcode: 964521
Second trimester (12 to 28 weeks)– a golden time for the mother, a more settled baby
This trimester is generally the easiest for most women. The body has got used to the changes and the mother knows that the risk of miscarriage has decreased dramatically. Her hormonal system has settled and her organs have adapted so that they can support the baby getting bigger and laying down fat.
From as early as 14 – 16 weeks, a mother can begin to physically feel the movements of her baby and it can be a great time to support more conscious connections. The ancient Chinese knew that the baby is being “educated” in the womb. They are being prepared for life outside the womb and the nature of their relationship with their mother is a fundamental part of this. Through experiencing the world outside through the mother and her emotions, a baby explores different responses. These include anger and sadness as well as joy and excitement. Sometimes women feel guilty if they have doubts about whether they will be a “good mother”, how they will manage or if they have an argument with their partner. These are normal human emotions and, as long as a mother can communicate with her baby and love them in her own unique way, the baby can process them.
Touch is the most powerful way to communicate and that is why massage and shiatsu are so important. The mother, and her partner and other siblings, may want to start massaging the baby through the abdomen. Singing and talking to the baby are other ways, because even though hearing doesn’t develop till the end of this trimester, the baby experiences sound through vibration. Research now shows that babies sense what is being communicated, even though their brain hasn’t yet developed language, unconsciously they are aware in different ways of the world outside them.
Here is a visualisation I did on connecting with your baby
The baby starts producing urine and swallowing it in the amniotic fluid and a mother may feel her baby hiccup. Their eyes and ears develop, bones become ossified. From week 17 a baby is covered with oil (vernix caseosa) held in position by downy hair (lanugo) to protect their skin. Taste begins to develop from 13 weeks, responsiveness to odours from 26
At the end of this trimester the baby may be able to survive outside the womb: although in a neo natal unit with a lot of support. Their lungs are immature.
Since the baby increases enormously in weight and size, by the end of this trimester the mother may begin to experience issues. These may include heartburn, backache, varicose veins, pelvic instability, carpal tunnel syndrome. However I have found that working to support a good posture can minimise these issues, as well as helping preparing support the mother to prepare for birth.
Working to support good posture
The “typical” later pregnancy posture, is a hollowing of the lower back, caused by the weight of the baby and the placenta in the womb pulling forwards. The abdominal muscles can become “stretched” and the lower back weak. This can be accompanied by a “waddling “ gait, as the hips and pelvis spread and there can be muscular tension in the legs. The breasts can also become pulled forward as they increase in size and so the lungs can become affected and women may breathe more shallowly. The head can become pulled forward creating neck tensions.
(picture from my book “Pregnancy and childbirth: an holistic approach to massage and bodywork” - if you like my book, please leave a review on Amazon! Thanks
In Chinese medicine, poor posture is seen as affecting our energies. Our lower back is where our Essence is stored, and if it is hollowed, its energy is blocked. The weakening of the abdominal muscles weakens energies which help to nourish our Essence (Conception and Penetrating Vessel). Having good posture helps women have more energy and feel more aware of her baby.
Poor posture can easily be remedied by being aware of engaging the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles to give support to the lower back and reduce the hollow. It helps to lengthen the spine and allow the chest to open and breathing to become easier. This posture is the foundation of many Qi Gong movements. With this simple movement many of the tensions of pregnancy are eased. Back and pelvic pain, leg cramps, indigestion. Breathing more deeply can help with relaxation as well as supporting a connection with the baby.
There are many exercises which can be begun during the second trimester to support good posture which can be continued into the third trimester and even support the birth and postnatally.
Here is a video of some of my favourite exercises in pregnancy
Third trimester – both mother and baby prepare for birth and life outside the womb
As her baby gets heavier, a mother may start to want to slow down, but many women can still keep fairly active until the end of pregnancy. In most traditional cultures women would work up till birth, but they were in their village, supported by their communities and could rest when they needed. Many women today are working, often in quite demanding roles, away from their home, until 36/38 weeks, which is not only emotionally and physically tiring, but doesn’t give them time to prepare for birth and rest if they need. I often have to remind women, that if they continued doing the same as if they were not pregnant, they are in fact doing more, because their body is working really hard to nourish their baby, physically and emotionally. I wonder if a reason for many women having difficult births and taking time to adjust postnatally is simply that they are tired!
It is quite amazing how much the body CAN adapt. These can be among the best days of a woman’s life. They enjoy nourishing their growing baby, have lots of energy and feel vibrant and connected with the world. If a woman does appropriate exercise, which respects laxity in her tissue, supports core posture, strengthens weak muscles and releases tight ones, relieves pressure in her lower back and helps blood and lymph flow, she can feel well throughout her pregnancy.
“ I learnt so much by teaching my weekly ante and postnatal classes in Bristol for over a decade. Most of the women I worked with enjoyed their pregnancies, were in tune with their babies and for the most part had physiological births. In my work with teaching massage and shiatsu therapists and midwives I always emphasise the importance of teaching good posture and movement. It makes such a difference. “ (Suzanne)
However, if things go wrong, they can go seriously wrong. It is rare, in healthy women, but can happen. If there is an underlying health issue, especially with the heart or kidneys, then the body may not be able to meet all the additional challenges. However, I have found that often it is women who first become aware of an issue, before it has shown up on a test, if they are in tune with their body.
“One client had some mild abdominal cramps but felt there was something not quite right. She went straight to hospital and soon after she arrived started haemorrhaging. Her placenta had started detaching. If she had waited until she had started bleeding, both she and her baby might have died” (Suzanne)
Any issues due to poor posture tend to be aggravated as the baby continues to grow and mature. As the baby gets even heavier, forward leaning positions can help ease tension. These include being on all fours, either on hands and knees on the floor or leaning over a ball. Sitting on a ball is also comfortable and leaning forwards standing up and moving and rocking hips. These can be used to support birth. Postnatally, sitting on a ball and feeding can be relaxing for mother and baby.
I am writing separate blogs on preparing for birth and postnatally and will go into more detail there.
The power of life in the womb for the rest of our life.
If a mother is well supported during pregnancy, especially her first, she can step into a new aspect of herself and discover new strengths she never knew she had. For the baby, this powerful experience informs their relationship with their mother and indeed all other relationships. This is why I am so passionate about supporting mothers and babies at this time.
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Exploring the gifts and challenges of each phase of life, from conception to death, with the added perspective of the Extraordinary Vessels of TCM.