Chop Wood, Carry Ohio 10/17
Hey, Team Ohio!
For those of you located in the Cleveland or Columbus areas, here’s what you should do on Saturday:
Sen. Raphael Warnock and Rep. Shontel Brown are coming to Cleveland to support Sen. Sherrod Brown and generate some early voting enthusiasm. They’ll both be speaking at a rally this Saturday from 8am to noon. RSVP here!!
Sen. Warnock and Sen. Brown will be in Columbus for the same reason from 11am-2pm. After some Googling, I can confirm that Sen. Warnock’s turnaround time will be both physically possible and very impressive! Click here to RSVP.
OK, that’s mostly it. As always, write letters with Vote Forward! The deadline for sending these out is October 29, and they still have two letter writing campaigns in OH that need writers: one targeting Dem-leaning voters, and another encouraging young, underrepresented Ohioans to vote. We’re in the final stretch, so do what you can.
Thanks, all!