Your link to the Friday podcast on Ricochet.
I’ve been very clear …
The Fox News Kamala interview reminds us of Trump’s single biggest accomplishment: Getting Fox News to talk about immigration.
This was Fox in 2015 —
Kausfiles: Fox Makes It Easy for Amnesty
… For this entire period [which was all about Republicans trying to block Obama’s executive amnesty by attaching restrictions to DHS funding], The Kelly File was basically ISIS and Terror… I would suggest that the near-exclusive obsession with Middle Eastern terror is difficult to justify by the inherent news value of the subject, let alone its value to Fox viewers. You’d think the network would want to take a break if only for variety’s sake.
My how things changed after Trump’s 2016 campaign! This allowed Brett Baier to begin the interview with a series of questions about Kamala’s brilliant handling of immigration, and it was beautiful.
Still, there are a few things I wish Fox News knew about immigration. Ignoring the issue for 20 years gave them a late start.
Kamala came out of the closet as an angry black woman, especially when talking about Trump, which she does a lot, and very whiny. But at least we know she’s being “very clear,” as she says over and over again, to fill time.
Also: DEI Math in the Biden-Harris administration. Never have so many crucial government figures had to be changed for the worse, so many times.
Dear Sweet Jesus, I think I have a brain meld with Ann Coulter. Finally, someone remarks on this insanely annoying tic - or is it the product of an outright memo - besetting every Biden mouthpiece: "We've been perfectly clear on this..." [an apparent effort to admonish a questioner with the suggestion that everyone else knows the answer to your silly question but, checks watch, smirks, because I'm a patient professional mouthpiece I'll announce our position - once again].
Or, "Let me be perfectly clear", which by now clearly denotes in the Cant of Geriatric cum Hebephrenic Angry Black Woman [Ya, I'm thinking both Kammie and KJP] yes, the batshit decision/policy/calumny/unfettered lie about which you inquire is one we proudly embrace - a tactic apparently conceived to dismantle any concerns about legitimacy. This one requires a filibuster or endless cackle to quash the followups that would otherwise eviscerate the argument.
So, yeah. Good catch on the "We've been clear" thing. Been riding under my saddle for years, now.
Denial. Intellectualization. Projection. Alinsky. And, oh yeah, statisticians willing to sell a soul. So many tools in the kit. So accurately foretold by one Eric Arthur Blair. God, I have such roiling contempt for them.
Fox News and everyone else [except all the MSM] is telling everyone who will listen [nobody] that Trump did not block that stupid immigration bill to have something to run on. MSM keeps on saying this and anything they want...to defeat Trump.