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Did you “play pretend” when you were a kid? Did you pretend to be a character from your favorite movie or story? Did you pretend your toys went on adventures or lived grown-up lives?
If you played pretend, you played a Role-Playing Game. Role-playing games usually have rules. They usually make you write down information about the person you are pretending to be in the game. They usually use dice to help decide if you succeed when you try to do something in the game. They usually involve a group of people.
Usually, but not always. The only constant in a Role-Playing Game is pretending. You pretend to a person in the world of the game. You pretend that they overcome challenges and interact with other people. You roll dice or draw cards to add a bit of random chance and feel a bit more grown-up.
Role-Playing Games are grown-up pretend, and they are just as fun as playing pretend when you were a kid.
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Tabletop Empires’s Intro to Tabletop Roleplaying Games: