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I Hate the Word “Brand,” Too
"Brand" is a word I grapple with daily—a term I lean on to define my work yet constantly find myself defending and redefining. Ironic, isn’t it, for someone whose job is to build brands?
It’s such a loaded word, and I’m a little mad at it. It’s gotten so self-satisfied and complacent, so dog-eared and worn out.
It doesn’t help that "brand" originally referred to branding cattle. The image of searing ownership (ouch!) suggests imposed conformity rather than an authentic expression of purpose and values.
Brand should signal the driving force behind revenue, growth, and sustainability. Instead, it’s bloated with assumptions and half-formed ideas, obscuring the real work of building trust, loyalty, and long-term support.
For someone who builds brands for a living, I’m constantly wrestling it back into shape, redefining it to convey the full weight and purpose it’s meant to carry.
Why “Brand” Is Dead on Arrival
Vague to the Point of Uselessness
“Brand” has become so broad it could mean anything from a logo to a vibe. It’s so watered down that it’s lost its punch—and its relevance.
Always a Bridesmaid
Branding is often dismissed as a nice-to-have add-on, something to consider only after the “real work” is done. But branding is the core architecture of an organization, shaping every interaction and driving its purpose forward.
A Staircase to Nowhere
Real branding isn’t a cover-up; it’s rigorous alignment of values and actions. Treating it as a shortcut cheapens the true work of building credibility and trust.
Buzzword Territory
When branding relies on jargon, it undermines its own credibility, reducing what should be a purposeful strategy to organizational static.
Branding ≠ Marketing
Branding is the foundation of any strategic marketing plan. It’s not a slogan or a social media post. It’s the core framework that grounds every message in purpose and mission.
What Can We Say Instead? The Alternatives (and Why They’re Still a Miss)
Here are some words that often get tossed in as replacements. They’re well-meaning, but each misses the mark in its own way:
Identity – Sounds nice, but too small and too passive. “Identity” captures only a slice of what branding involves.
Essence – Feels woo-woo and vague, like something you’d encounter in a yoga studio.
Persona – Veers dangerously close to “fake it till you make it,” as if branding were about putting on a costume.
Positioning – Feels cold, calculated, and strategic in a way that can seem manipulative. Plus, people hate feeling “positioned.”
Story – Branding is part of your story, but it’s not the whole story. And not every story is a brand.
Every word comes up short because branding is a complex web of intention, action, and communication. It’s identity plus strategy plus personality, layered with purpose and wrapped up in what people experience when they encounter you.
Help Me Rename Branding!
Here’s where I need your help.
I’m tired of the word “brand,” too. I want something with more power, more meaning—something that does the job without the baggage.
I’m talking about the work that goes beyond logos and taglines, that art of taking the big, crazy idea and translating it into real-world impact.
This is work that drives revenue, reputation, and bottom-line engagement—especially for nonprofits that need to boost capacity but think branding is too “commercial.”
For me, branding is about making those ideas actionable and helping organizations show up so people feel why they matter.
But how do I say that in a way that clicks? I’m all ears—because there’s no word I’ve found that quite says what it really is.
Let’s take this beyond the feedback loop in my head. Tell me what branding means to you—the good, the bad, the cringe-worthy.
Because I want to know what I’m up against.
Jumpstart My Rethink
If you’re game to join me in this, here are a few questions to chew on:
What comes to mind when you hear the word “brand”?
Do you associate branding with authenticity or spin? Why?
If “brand” could be replaced, what word or phrase would capture its essence for you?
How do you think branding could support a mission-driven organization without feeling like a commercial add-on?
What part of branding feels most valuable (or most pointless) to you?
I need your help. Help the brander define “brand.”
Let’s start a new conversation together. The idea gal who gets paid to come up with ideas is stumped on this one, and I’m asking you to help me do what I help others do—break away from a pack of sameness and get to the heart of something fresh and real.
Drop your answers in the chat or email me at lyn@thebranddame.com. Answering any of the questions I’m asking would be huge.
To thank you, I’d love to offer something back.
How about a 15-minute brainstorm session where we tackle one of your ideas, or a quick email consult on your brand (or whatever we end up calling it)? Give me your insights, and let’s make this an exchange.
Because if we nail this together, I think we’re onto something worth more than just a new word.
The Brand Dame is a weekly newsletter by an award-winning media pro about buzz-generating, audience-engaging, money-raising, job-getting, stand-and-deliver,wall-sticking, brand-building ideas and strategies you won’t find anywhere else.
I’m not just another brand consultant.
I’m your creative partner in weaving your brand through a lens of authenticity and connection. My inspiring, fresh, inside-out approach ensures that your brand is more than just talk; it’s a deeply understood story of what you stand for, designed to drive revenue, boost your bottom line, increase capacity, and open doors to new funding and grant opportunities.