Hello, everybody. Good morning. I recognize that for some of you, this is not a good morning, but good morning nonetheless. I really enjoy thinking about us as a renegade sangha. I use that phrase. It just kind of came out of my mouth yesterday. For those of you who aren't familiar with the word sangha, it just means community.
I love that idea that we're a renegade sangha, that not to mean we're exclusive in any way. Everybody's welcome here, no matter how you're feeling about the election. Mostly that the common denominator among everybody in this group, from what I can tell or what I hope,
is that we're committed to being nodes of sanity in an insane world. Sorry, I lost my voice is cracking a little bit just because I'm recovering from an illness. So I'll say that again, we're committed to being nodes of sanity in an insane world. So hence this idea of a renegade Sangha,

Election sanity meditation (Wednesday, Day 4)

The morning after

If you missed today, you can watch the live 10-minute guided meditation followed by a Q&A right here. I’ll be doing it again tomorrow and Friday at 11:00AM ET. Hope to see you there.

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