All right. Hello, everybody. How we doing? Well, we're here for another convening of the Renegade Sangha. That phrase, Renegade Sangha, is just some shit that came out of my mouth the other day. But I've actually been thinking about what do I mean by that? And I think it's two things.
One, this is a group that is open to everybody. no matter what your political views. I would say the common factor is that we're all committed to getting our shit together so that we can be as useful as possible, so that we can be nodes of sanity in an insane world.
To up our okayness quotient so we can up our utility quotient. As I've sometimes said, there's a geopolitical case for getting your shit together. And I think this In my view, this is a group of people who are interested in that. So it's enlightened self-interest. We improve our own minds and thereby improve the world.

Election sanity meditation (Thursday, Day 5)

Renegade sangha sesh

Thanks to the many of you who joined today. As always, if you missed it live, catch the meditation and Q&A here.

Tomorrow is our last election sanity meditation. I’ll also preview what’s ahead on danharris.com. Hope to see you there at 11A ET on the Substack app.

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