But we also want to make sure that there isn't a violation of people's rights with, you know, raids, for example, that are done in coordination with local law enforcement on people who are frankly holding down jobs and have been in this country for many, many years. We think that's improper.
And in Illinois, that's not something that we would condone. There's been some talk about using other states National Guard, Red State National Guards, to somehow come into a blue state and try and enforce these new Stephen Miller-inspired rules. And that's just not something we're going to accept.

Trump wants to use red state troops to invade blue states.

Looks like Orange Hitler is trying to start a civil war.

Governor Pritzker says he and other Democratic governors formed a coalition to resist Trump, if he tries to use red state National Guard troops to invade blue states to round up immigrants and put them in deportation camps.

‘Safeguarding democracy’: Governors across the country coalesce to combat Trump’s extremism.

Trump suggests he’ll use the military on ‘the enemy from within’ the U.S. if he’s reelected.


How Donald Trump could deploy a private deportation army to invade Arizona: The former president's immigration adviser described a version of the 1950s 'Operation Wetback' using red-state National Guard troops to enter blue states on massive immigration raids.

The Arizona Republic

Stephen Miller’s fantasy of red-state shock troops makes no sense.

Washington Post

Military officials reportedly discuss how to handle illegal orders from Trump.

The Guardian

Democratic governors vow to protect their states from Trump and his policies.

NBC News

Governors launch initiative to protect American democracy.


Governor Pritzker becomes co-chair of non-partisan 'Governors Safeguarding Democracy' coalition.

ABC News

Pritzker, Colorado governor launch coalition to fight 'threats of autocracy.'

Chicago Sun-Times

Trump says he will deport legal immigrants too.

Bad Choices Make Good Stories

Pritzker: “You come for my people, you come through me.”


CIA expert on civil wars says America has all the signs that we're headed towards another civil war.

WW3: Cyberwar

Winter is coming: We're witnessing the end of democracy.

Bad Choices Make Good Stories

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Discussion about this video

The dickhead Miller needs to lead the charge. Draft a MAGA citizen Army. Draft them. Put them on the front lines. You think blue states are helpless. You going to try and grab us by the pussy? Just grab yourselves. I would like to see all of New England and New York get together. The Revolution started here. It’s in our blood. Think about it. And until then shut the fuck up.

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There are plenty of people living in red states that will be allies.

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Oh, I’m sure of that. MAGAs are always talking about leaving Massachusetts and going to Florida. Funny thing. Whenever one leaves the collective I.Q. of the entire Commonwealth rises. I just think that our MAGAS and the red state patriots ought to arrange house swaps. We could advertise. There must be some people who want out of the Dakotas!

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Thank you Abrahamson ! 👍🏾

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Most of those Meal Team Six commandos would not last five minutes in a real battle. They are not even close to the Continental Army.

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I doubt the seals would follow illegal orders

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I’m not sure about that…remember that US Navy SEALs committed war crimes in Afghanistan, torturing prisoners, killing them, and urinating on the corpses. The Bloated Yam pardoned the leader of that merry band.

We hanged Japan’s General Yamashita for doing the same thing back in 1945, and he likely died an innocent man. The troops who committed the atrocities in Manila were not under his command, and he told the Admiral commanding them that he wanted to declare the Philippine capital an “Open City,” as MacArthur had done in 1941.

Given that history, and given Kent State and My Lai, I think that under the new administration, and the Bloated Yam telling cops “get rough” on people, I think our troops will shoot to kill. They know the Bloated Yam regards them as “losers” and “suckers,” but he will not jail them.

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Hey A-Hole, most counties in NY state and New England are RED counties and it’s the heavily populated cities that flip the vote to blue. If this issue ever moves to the taking up of Arms you Leftist Fux are going to find yourselves in the middle of a hornet’s nest, so feel free to F*ck around and FIND OUT.

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Let him try they will all die trying we wll not make the same mistakes the Germans made we will go down fighting besides they are all nothingbutcoeards

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We're waiting here in New York State...

& **WE'RE READY!!!**

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😃😂😂Sure. That’s happening!🤪🤮🤢🤣😂🤣😂🤣😆😝😜🤪😡😡😡😡

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Sure! That’s happening!!!!


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Unbelievable ?! No Words, Oliver, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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Thank you Governor

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How is 45 going to travel ?

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Please tell me that’s a joke or exaggeration…!🥺

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The Bloated Yam may get it, too.

All through modern history, left-wing guerrillas and partisans have fought back and hard against right-wing occupation and nations: Tito, Mao, Che, Castro, Shining Path, Ho Chi Minh.

Whether they can organize or not, supply themselves or not, stay in the field or not, I do not know.

Same with the possibility of them winning.

My personal feeling is that a Tito-style partisan army will not emerge, or be very successful, despite history. We have had harsh labor movements at the beginning of the last century: the Molly Maguires, West Virginia Mine Wars, and the Western Federation of Miners ("Imps of Darkness"), but they didn't do too well against the Pinkertons, Baldwin-Felts, and National Guardsmen.

Not sure how to read this one.

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I believe it..Biden last offical presidental act should be to have seal tewam 6 take out trump & company

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