Round 3, Groups 106 👉 110
vi. Round 3 - Group 106
1️⃣ Groumall - Bridge 👉 Return to Grace (4x14)
2️⃣ Cold Station 12 - Primary Junction 👉 The Augments (3) (4x06)
3️⃣ Shuttle 📽️ The Final Frontier
4️⃣ USS Sutherland - Bridge 👉 Redemption (4x26)

vii. Round 3 - Group 107
1️⃣ Pittsburgh - Big Creek Manufacturing & Sales Co. 👉 Carbon Creek (2x02)
2️⃣ Turbolift 📽️ The Motion Picture
3️⃣ Dilithium Crystals 👉 The Terratin Incident (1x11)
4️⃣ Starfleet Academy - Crusher's Quarters 👉 The First Duty (5x19)

viii. Round 3 - Group 108
1️⃣ USS Bellerophon - Briefing Room 👉 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges (7x16)
2️⃣ Ward Room 📺 Enterprise
3️⃣ The Phoenix #TT
📽️ First Contact
4️⃣ Starbase 1 - Lounge 📺 Strange New Worlds

ix. Round 3 - Group 109
1️⃣ USS Defiant - Sick Bay 📺 Deep Space Nine
2️⃣ Kemocite Production Facility - Core 👉 The Shipment (3x07)
3️⃣ Mordan IV - Tunnels 👉 Too Short a Season (1x16)
4️⃣ The Doctor's Daydreams - Art Class #HD
👉 Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy (6x04)

x. Round 3 - Group 110
1️⃣ Vulcan - Capital 👉 Kir'Shara (3) (4x09)
2️⃣ DS9 - Airlock 👉 Hear All, Trust Nothing (3x06)
3️⃣ Gymnasium 👉 The Price (3x08)
4️⃣ Ten Tribes Encampment 👉 Friday's Child (2x03)